Struggling with Motivation

Another week, another day! It’s Saturday as I sit in front of my computer staring at a blank screen. I usually put out a blog post every Sunday morning, and at four o’clock Saturday afternoon, I still didn’t have anything ready to post. Oh, I have lots of ideas floating around in my head and even have some blog post drafts with paragraphs already started, but I can’t seem to find the motivation to complete any of them.

Why I’m not motivated

I don’t know about you, but I’m about over it … over this new normal, new reality, new whatever we want to call it. I’m tired of cooking. I want to go out to a restaurant (carry-outs don’t count). I want to be able to go shopping and not just for groceries. I need a new purse. I’d like to visit friends face to face and not just via computer or Facetime. I think we’re all ready for this pandemic to be over especially our heroes on the frontline who are surely exhausted.

Last week my spell check and Grammarly crapped out on my computer and I put out a blog post with a typo in the title. Yep, a typo in the title! 🤦‍♀️ Thank goodness for loyal readers/friends who aren’t afraid to DM me and point out my faux pas. Oh, how embarrassing. I reelly am edumicated.🥴

One way shopping aisle – who would’ve imagined?

This whole new world order has me oscillating from being an efficient, organized, productive human being to a total blob on the couch who can’t remember when she last showered. Thank goodness Al’s allergies are bad and he can’t smell a thing 😆. However, I am living in a desert (Phoenix, Arizona) where water is a precious commodity and should be conserved for the greater good of mankind. Therefore, I’m doing my part to conserve water. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it!

Skylight finally getting replaced. The white duct tape worked wonders on the cracked skylight. Me removing screws.

What I have accomplished

In reality, the past couple of weeks, I’ve cranked out a few projects. So my time hasn’t been totally wasted binging things on TV or the computer. Al and I tackled some RV repairs on the roof. We replaced a skylight and two vents. Those projects were long overdue, but hey, that duct tape worked great until we could get around to replacing the broken items.  Next week, we’ll replace the final vent and get the RV closer to being ready for our summer journey to Wisconsin. That stay at home order better be lifted by June 1st or my RV and I may melt. This week temps in Phoenix will be in the 90’s (Fahrenheit) and by June they’ll be hitting the 100’s. But it’s a dry heat!

I also helped my sister-in-law paint two accent walls in her home. I can’t believe she’s never painted before, but after my excellent tutelage (LOL), she’s ready to tackle her next project; a bedroom. And since she and her husband just moved to Phoenix from Denver and were still waiting on the moving truck to arrive, I fixed them a couple of meals that they could just heat up … pulled pork and a lasagna.

Photo prompt – Mother Nature Earth

So, since my brain can’t seem to focus on writing, I thought I’d join a photo challenge. My friend, Terri, posts a “Sunday Still’s” photo prompt every weekend and this Sunday the theme is Mother Nature. Okay, I even read Terri’s prompt incorrectly. It should be Mother Earth and not Mother Nature. Yeah, my mind is total moosh lately. With that said, My first thoughts for the prompt were images of weather. As a full-time RVer and traveler, I’m well acquainted with Mother Nature’s diverse personality when it comes to weather, but lately, certain parts of the U.S. have experienced her wrath. Thus, I’ll turn my focus elsewhere.

desert image

Mother Nature can be defined as caring, nurturing, and life-giving and with that in mind, I’ve decided to share images of flowers which is perfect for the Mother Earth theme. After all, flowers need care, nurturing, and grow in the earth. Besides, they make me smile and we could all use a few extra smiles these days.

And be sure and check out my partner in crime, Teri over at Images by T. Dashfield. She takes amazing floral images and I’m counting on her to provide me with a tulip fix. Oh, how I adore tulips! Keep those photos coming, Teri aka Macro Queen 😀

How did your week go? (Grrr, my spell check still won’t work right. All I get is a red line indicating it’s wrong and no help to correct it. And trust me, I need all the help I can get.)

Every day you have a decision to make …Will you give up, give in, or give it your all?

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82 thoughts on “Struggling with Motivation

  1. Perhaps a good idea would be to read a book where you can hopefully get some ideas and inspiration from. Reading a book has always worked for me when I am short of writing ideas. As I see it, in this way, I can organize my mind and thoughts better.
    However, I sometimes find it difficult to open a book and start reading it. It’s just a decision I have to make and escape reality to enter the imaginary world of books. Once I am there, my mind can see things from a different perspective, which would not be possible otherwise.


  2. I can so relate! It seems like every other day I jump out of bed ready to tackle the world with an early hike, a afternoon of clearing out/packing up an area, a great home cooked meal than the next day the couch and I are one. So ready to be on the road exploring and excitedly waiting for the restrictions to ease.


    1. Seems many of us are feeling the same. And I too am getting antsy to get the wheels rolling again. Ah, this too shall pass and we’ll be off on our summer explorations before we know it … although it may not be totally ‘normal’, it’ll be close 🤞😎


  3. Beautiful images. Like you I’m also struggling with motivation and yep, I’m a bit over it too. Miss my friends, going out and well, everything. But I also count my blessings. We’ll get through this.


    1. Yes, we will get through this, but I’m still wondering what ‘normal’ will look like. Thanks for stopping by and commenting 😊


  4. Your photos are exceptionally stunning and Immediately brighten my day!

    Ingrid, I greatly appreciate when a blogger, a writer is not perfect or at least does not feel they have to present a perfect self. You are more relatable and yes, human. 💕

    You remind me how most of us are going through a roller coaster of emotions, despite counting our blessings. Very funny on conserving water. I do not smell a thing from here. I cannot imagine what it is like to live in extreme heat. I am hearing about Mother Nature’s wrath. Did you use a specific App on your last photo? Love it! Thanks for sharing. Many smiles in this post. Take care.


    1. Thank you Erica. I used to stress over my writings, but decided to just put myself out there, flaws and all, but a typo in a title? Now that was embarrassing.
      That last photo was taken and edited on my iPhone. I used “Painnt” for the editing. It’s kind of fun to play around with and I’ve just begun to dive into it.

      Living in extreme heat? It’s no different than living in extreme cold. You stay inside 😎

      Liked by 2 people

  5. I can understand why motivation is low during this time. I like to see this as an open window though. Finally get my head straight on things, what I want and need to do. Life is pretty chaotic and ever since this whole virus we people aren’t used to things calming down. I’m just trying to use it to my advantage

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Great idea to use this time to your advantage. I’m trying to as well, but have my good days and bad days. But hey, at least I am having some productive days. Hopefully, we’ll get back to normal soon … whatever that will look like in the future. Somehow, I don’t think we’ll see our past normal anytime soon.


  6. Crossing all my fingers and toes for you that you get to go on your RV vacation! I have a road-trip of the Australian outback planned in a few months time and I will be devastated if it doesn’t go ahead…
    Good luck maintaining your motivation, I think everyone is faltering a little at the moment but we have to just keep on keeping on ❤


    1. An Australian outback trip sounds amazing. Fingers crossed we can all enjoy our upcoming excursions. Thanks for stopping by and commenting 😊


  7. Ingrid, I can really relate to this post! Love your colorful flower photos. I am really having a hard time getting motivated and when I do start something I have trouble staying focused.


    1. Thanks Beth. I have a list of things I’d like to accomplish, but can’t seem to get motivated and when I do start something, like you, I’m having trouble maintaining focusing. These are definitely interesting times and even enlightening. It’ll be very interesting to see how the rest of 2020 unfolds.

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  8. Every day you have a decision to make …Will you give up, give in, or give it your all? I really try hard to not give up and shoot for giving it my all. However, in order to find some balance and motivation I give in a little bit too. I have found myself getting outside more for a good long walk. Loving your photos – made me smile and made my day – so needed this today 🙂 Happy Day – Be Safe and Take Care.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Long walks are needed more now than ever before. I go crazy on days I don’t take my stroll around the neighborhood. Unfortunately, my neighborhood walks don’t provide the kind of scenery I prefer for photography. Thus, can’t wait to hit the road and be inspired. 🤞😊🌸


  9. Ingrid,
    I finally threw caution to the wind and booked campsites in Montana for July. I may wear a mask all the way out there, but something’s gotta give soon. Just the thought of getting back on the road is great therapy. Looks as though you’ve been productive enough considering the circumstances. At least you’re willing to climb on a roof and use a drill. You look great up there! Stay safe!


    1. Yep, no problem climbing up on the roof. Al needs all the help and supervision he can handle 🤣 I’m sure hoping you can get in some traveling by July. Heaven knows we’re all ready. This summer should be a great time to visit some of our most popular parks … no competing with busloads of tourists. Hmm, I may need to convince my husband that we should do some detours. Although I know he has his heart set on lots of boating and fishing in WI. Last summer included his sister’s kitchen remodel which curtailed the fun. 😎

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  10. We have been over it for a couple of weeks. Even though our lives have not been drastically impacted we are sick and tired of turning on the news or opening facebook only to see the sky is falling. The biggest thing we are hoping for right now is the Canadian border to open up by June 1st so we can head north!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hmm, should be interesting if they let you across the border by June 1st. Wisconsin isn’t even lifting the ‘stay at home’ order until May 26th and they are getting fed up with all the folks with IL license plates visiting their vacation homes. This too shall pass and hopefully soon. Safe travels north!


  11. From watching the news, it looks like you are not alone in wanting to get back to the old normal life. Fortunately for me, I’m a homebody and have plenty of room to roam and projects to do around here.


    1. This is one time I’m really missing my home on an acre along with my small flower garden. Once we’re clear to travel, I won’t even give it another thought 😁 This pandemic has made us rethink our future housing plans though.


  12. Hope you get that roof work done before the temperature climbs any higher! We’re running around doing all the stuff that we’ve been saying we were going to do – and now we are only 10 days away from heading back to Canada. Should be quite an adventure!


    1. Yeah, we’re not looking forward to the soaring temps. We have one more rooftop vent to replace and then we’re done with the roof and will only have a couple of other things to complete at ground level. I’m glad we’re not waiting until the last minute to complete these projects before hitting the road. So the downtime has worked in our favor for now anyway. Safe travels north!

      Liked by 1 person

  13. I’m ready for the new normal to be over too. At this point I’ll be happy just to go about my regular business wearing a mask all the time. Sigh. Saw that the Department of Defense travel ban now extends through June, which may have implications for all.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My sister-in-law in Wisconsin works for the county health dept. and is up to date on the latest happenings in that state. We’ll wait for her to give us the green light before heading to her place. No meandering for us this year. It’ll be driving straight there with no interactions or fun along the way. And once there, we’ll sit on her property and go boating/fishing and generally hide out in the north woods all summer. I think that’s our best plan considering everything.🦌🐾🐿 Doesn’t sound like you guys will have any epic trip planned?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That sounds like a good plan! We had thought we would visit Arizona again when work permitted. Now who knows? I will be happy just to go to the beach again. You are allowed to “walk” on the beach, but all the parking is off limits, so it is still effectively closed. Hopefully in 2021 we can return to Iceland.


  14. I can relate to the struggle 🙂 I have a pending post about our time in Bali and I just can’t write my story. And now I am a bit busy with moving and getting excited about living in a house. So much going on!
    Beautiful flower photos, a tripod makes whole lot of difference.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You have a lot of changes happening in the next few months. Thus, I can understand why you aren’t motivated to finish up any posts from your cruise. I’m really excited for you guys and can’t wait to hear all the details. I really think you need to get a goat 🤣


  15. Hi Ingrid!

    I think you’re not alone in getting fed up by this “new reality”. One month is about all anyone can take of being confined and restricted. Especially us, RVers, we LOVE our freedom. It’s the main reason we chose this lifestyle!

    Thank you for the shout-out. I didn’t expect that! And, no reason to be embarrassed. I’m sure nobody else noticed, or they would have told you. 🙂

    Mark and I are now contained in a room in a house. It’s three times the size of Zesty. But no yard, nature, or lack of people. We are “refreshed” to sit out time in jail. I mean time inside a house. It’s like a second wave of being stuck, but this time in comfort and – hopefully – with enough time on my hands to write. If inspiration strikes that is, as my motivation seems to be lacking as well.


    1. I’m sure you’re enjoying all the extra space plus it must be reassuring to have a place to shelter during this challenging time for nomads. I know we’re all ready to get the wheels rolling again. I’m guessing this would be a wonderful summer to visit our popular parks due to the decrease in international travel. Thanks again for letting me know about the typo. I do typos and poor sentence structure all the time, and don’t give it a second thought but not in the title.🧐
      Enjoy the comfort of a house and I look forward to seeing where you guys explore this summer!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Donna. There was a time I engaged in photo prompts regularly and always enjoyed them. We’ll see how inspired I am to engage in them more 😏


  16. I was being bad and not showering every day or getting dressed. Figured that had to stop and it did. I haven’t been really motivated either but I did accomplish a few things. Getting warmer here, the electric bill will start going crazy, figured we’d head to IL where it’s cooler now and when it warms up we won’t have to pay the electric.


    1. This week we’ll start seeing 90s which I don’t mind. Just means we walk earlier or later and I don’t even turn the A/C on until it’s over 90 in the RV. We’ve turned into reptiles 🤣 Al’s sister and husband moved here from Denver and they were over for burgers last night. I couldn’t believe she put on her sweatshirt which was a good sign considering this’ll be their first summer in Phoenix. 🥵sizzle!
      Safe travels to IL and hope you enjoy your summer.


    1. We have managed to shorten our RV maintenance list, but now with the hot temps, we’re back to being blobs on the couch. Too hot to hike and aren’t motivated to do anything. Ah, this too shall pass 😄

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  17. I think we’ll have to take this just one day at a time, Ingrid. Here, I still have way enough project/subjects to blog about, and preparing these posts, that is sifting through the pictures and editing them, will keep me easly busy for a couple of months. And then, as the weather is becoming more and more “summery”, there’s the garden.
    Take care, and stay healthy,


  18. One day I am crazy motivated… stained a gate and touched up our outdoor walls cooked dinner and walked 3 miles.
    Today… I am a blob on the couch. And wondering if I am ever going to see my favorite lake this summer!
    It all stinks!


    1. I hear ya! I’m not sure if manic is the right word, but one day I’m crazy busy accomplishing all sorts of things and the next day, my brain won’t function and I’m glued to the couch. Such a weird time! I’m sure you’ll be on your way to the lake house in June and I’ll be on the road to Wisconsin. Sending cyber hugs 😘

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    1. Haha, love it … typos! It feels good to finally get some of these RV projects completed. A tree busted that skylight in 2015 and every year since we would patch the break with new duct tape. We actually preferred the tape as it lets in less light into the bedroom 😄 Alas, the plastic was getting brittle and removing and replacing the tape would no longer be a viable option. That new skylight sure is bright!


  19. Totally agree with the motivation theme. We fled Pioneer RV to our Lock & Leave condo in Colorado where there is more room to spread out. A much better table for the puzzles and a full kitchen. But enough is enough and we also miss the restaurants and shopping. Please try to hold the temps down – we need to return to button up our unit for the summer and grab our smaller tow behind unit from the storage yard. The evening temps are now above freezing so it’s time to really complete the move back.


    1. We actually don’t mind hanging around Phoenix through May. The saguaros are in bloom which is always a special treat and the weather is still workable for those of us that have turned into reptiles 🙋‍♀️
      I’m sorry we didn’t get a chance to meet. I literally lost all of February due to illness. Overall, six weeks of feeling under the weather and I still have a nagging cough. If I know of anyone looking for a lovely 5th wheel, I’ll pass on your info.😊


    2. When we had the spray-on rubber roof put on Beluga we told them to spray right over our bathroom skylight because it was so darn bright in the mornings! It was hard to sleep with the insanely lit bathroom and we tried many different “fixes” (never duct tape though….) without much success. Since we spend most of our time in sunny places, this permanent solution is perfect! A bonus benefit is that it’s much cooler back there!


      1. Haha Sue! I hear ya on the ‘too much light’. We’re missing the duct tape and may tape up the new skylight just for the light issue 😆 Actually, I’m loving all the crisp, clean new roof toppings. A few more RV projects to go and we’ll be ready to roll … not sure about the state of things though!


  20. I’m so glad you connected with Sunday Stills, Ingrid, mother nature, mother earth, whatever, lol! I think we can all identify with your feelings of glum. If it weren’t for our motivation to fix up the house, I would feel some depression. I do a little anyway, under the circumstances. Like you, I eagerly await the lifting of the stay-at-home orders so we can drive up to Spokane to show Hans the property and proceed with septic plans, among other things. Keeping fingers crossed for your journey north to cooler temps and family time. Love your pics and like the way your Painnt pic turned out!


    1. “Whatever” was exactly my thought 🤣 I’ve been toying with moving my main content posts to Wednesday’s and joining photo prompts on Sundays, but that sounds like too much work for my addled brain at the moment. Thanks for introducing me to Painnt. I’ve been having fun with it and I too like how that image turned out.

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  21. I love the header photo of the tiger lilies – beautiful! I can relate to your post. The uncertainty of not knowing when things will open up is difficult for full-timers. Right now I have plans through the end of May but after that not sure.


    1. Thank you Deb and it is a very challenging time to be a full-time RVer. Our annual rental lot was a life-saver for us allowing us a stress-free scenario during this time. But, we are talking about other alternatives. These shutdowns have been eye-opening on many levels.


  22. Glad I’m not the only one with a few one paragraph, no real interest in finishing it drafts taking up space in the “All posts” section. I can understand your need/desire to get out of the Phoenix summer heat. RV’s aren’t really designed for temps in the 90’s plus! Stay safe and healthy.


    1. You are definitely not alone in your writings! One day I feel extremely productive and the next not much. Yep, RVs are not designed for soaring temps in either direction. I’m confident we’ll be on our way north sometime in June 🤞


  23. Koodoos to fixing the skylight! I see courts in the background. I want to play pickleball again! Our release into the “wilds” will soon come, I hope. Stay safe! The beauty of spring awaits your camera.

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    1. Hi Jana, it sure feels good to finally get these RV projects completed. Pickleball is still going strong here every morning and evening. It’s pretty much the same group of people (no new guests in the park since mid-March) that have been playing together all winter. And small groups still get together for cards and socializing but at their rigs since common areas and bldgs are closed off. We don’t engage but do get in our walks and social distance.

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  24. I am totally with you on the motivation level. Not knowing when we can get back to regular life, or even if we will be able to spend the winter in Arizona this year is making me say, why bother? What’s the point?

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    1. It’ll be interesting to see how the year plays out. I’ve heard from a couple of full-time RVers from Canada who won’t be traveling south of the border next season. And many of my U.S. full-timer friends are looking for property … some want houses and some just raw land. I think this pandemic and shut-down has impacted every corner of the world and will have a lasting impact resulting in a lot of changes. 🤔


      1. People are just plain scared and also re-evaluating what is important . We do have the option of going to the west coast of Canada where the weather is warmer, but my husband will probably cry if that’s what we have to do


        1. I know of two full-time couples that’ll probably stay in BC all year. Definitely need to ponder what’s in the best interest for every scenario.


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