Mother’s Day Reflections

On this Mother’s Day, let us celebrate the women who shape(d) our lives. Whether celebrating our own mother, a maternal figure, or the collective spirit of motherhood, this occasion invites us to express gratitude and celebrate a special bond.

Even when they depart, mothers linger. Their laughter echoes in our minds, and their advice whispers in our ears.

Sometimes, words fail. Yet, a mother understands. She deciphers silence and interprets sighs. Her touch says, “I’m here.” In her embrace, answers are found without questions.

Mothers sacrifice sleep, dreams, and personal aspirations for the well-being of her children. They navigate sleepless nights and juggle responsibilities.

Not a day goes by that I don’t miss my mother. I am who I am because of her.

She taught me that I was capable of doing and being anything I wanted. She taught me not to allow fear to hold me back yet to always use my head; common sense and logic should always rule.

Her advice and lessons continue to resonate with me long after her passing.

She and I shared a love for travel, an interest in birds, plus so much more. I’m truly blessed to have had such a strong and worldly mother.

A mother’s love is a special bond that transcends time.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Today’s Sunday Stills photo challenge prompt is “cobalt blue“. Wishing you all a wonderful day, and thank you for stopping by for a visit. 🙂


The moment our eyes met, Bear and I knew we belonged together.

I find myself staring at the dark amber liquid that was just poured into a shot glass. I quizzically wonder, “Am I suppose to sip this or down it”? I decide to smell it first then take a small sip. As the liquid slides down my throat, I feel a slight burn but in a good way.

The burn seems to ease my sore throat. I still can’t believe I’ve come down with another cold. Quite frankly, I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired. 😛 However, I can’t be mad at the little germ carrier. My twenty-month-old granddaughter goes to daycare Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday and then comes to my home on Thursday’s. Therefore, all the cooties shared amongst the children at daycare are then shared with me on Thursday. Lucky me!

I love taking Lillian to the park every chance I get. I did the same when my children were young.

Ah, she’s so stinking cute. How could I possibly be upset? I down more of that amber liquid in hopes of killing those germs.

Memory Lane

Growing up, I remember my parents being in relatively good health, but at the earliest onset of a cold, they’d reach for the bottle of ‘medicinal’ Jägermeister. I figured if it worked for them, it should hopefully work for me. A little unconventional, but then again, there’s very little about me that’s conventional.

I pour myself a second glass and decide to write a blog post. Terri’s photo challenge prompt is all about “kids and pet’s”. Perfect! I haven’t gone through my photo albums in a while. So, let’s scan a few photos!

A new mom! Me with my first born, a son named Logan.
Logan with our first Brittany Spaniel, Dallas

I tried to take the kids on some kind of adventurous outing regularly wherever we lived.

Most rewarding accomplishment.

I didn’t have my son until I was in my late twenties. Actually, there was a time when I wasn’t even sure I wanted children. I was focused on my career and wanting to travel the world. My parents wanderlust gene was definitely passed down to me.

I don’t think my life would’ve felt complete had I not had children. It wasn’t always easy, especially since I had a husband who was away a lot, more than half the time due to work. Being a single parent is tough, but there’s nothing more rewarding than to know you raised two productive model citizens. Of course, I’ll share a little credit with my husband, a great dad, but just a little credit mind you …. remember, he was gone a lot when the children were young. 🤣

Bear and I shared a special bond and he helped me get through some very difficult times.

I realized early on that my attitude or beliefs toward parenting were somewhat different than my peers. I never felt it was my job to protect my children from the world as much as it was to prepare my children… prepare them for the harsh realities of life. I’m definitely a realist not an idealist and that spilled over into my parenting.

Ah, the stories I could tell, but I won’t. Needless to say, I’ve been thanked by my daughter numerous times for my unconventional mothering style. And my son says he plans on raising his girls the same way he was raised. I’d say there’s no better complement a parent can receive.

My daughter, Ashton, just hours old. Big brother clearly not interested.
Thirty-one years later, Ashton and I enjoy an epic road trip. Yes, we hiked from the valley floor up to Observation Point, Zion NP. The most strenuous hike I’ve ever done. Special times!

Over the years, Ashton and I have enjoyed some very memorable mother-daughter adventures together.

Robinhood and Maid Marian – I enjoyed making these costumes

Where has the time gone?

I look back at these photos and can’t help but wonder where the time has gone. On one hand, it seems like it was just yesterday that I was making Halloween costumes for my kids, and yet on the other hand, it feels like a lifetime ago or even another life. Now my kids are having kids!

My son with his daughter, Lillian. The next generation.

Being a mom and now a grandmom is the greatest joy in my life!

Thanks for stopping by and listening to my ramblings. No more Jägermeister for this gal. 🤗

Lots of laughs were had on this day as I ran back and forth to the camera to set the ten second timer on the camera. I’m wearing flip-flops, there was loose gravel, and a cliff ledge. 😮 Horsetooth Reservoir, Fort Collins, Colorado

“Ah, to be young again.” Lens Artist Challenge #298. Thank you, Tina for the perfect topic for the upcoming Mother’s Day.

Something To Do

Something To Do

After a tumultuous 2023 fourth quarter, I couldn’t wait to change out the calendar in hopes of a fresh start and better things to come. Obviously, this was merely a mental game I was playing with myself. For some illogical reason, I hoped the flipping of a calendar would somehow make a difference and all would be right in my world.

Me perplexed at the unique landscape!

What happened fourth quarter?

Oh gosh, where do I begin? Let’s start at the beginning of October when I underwent a scheduled surgery. Knowing I’d have to take it easy for two to three months to recover, I figured that would be a great time to schedule cataract surgery. I had everything perfectly scheduled and planned. Little did I know that the universe would have other plans.

I was less than three weeks post-op from my major surgery, and had not driven a vehicle during that time, when I found myself unexpectedly behind the steering wheel rushing Al, my husband, to the nearest emergency room. After a bunch of tests, he was admitted to the hospital and later underwent gallbladder surgery His surgery was a success and he was home three days later, but unfortunately, that’s not the simple ending to his story. That surgery shed light on some other issues. Sigh!

Due to circumstances, my cataract surgeries were rescheduled, and eventually, I had both eyes completed; one in November and the other in December. To make a long story short, I encountered a few additional visits to my eye specialist due to a posterior vitreous detachment before and after surgery as well as posterior capsular opacification. Thus, additional laser eye surgery is in my future as well as I continue to deal with annoying floaters and flashes of light.

And just to add a little more drama into my life, let’s add in a couple of colds, flu, holidays, and a computer crash.😔

Life can look equally baffling as this landscape.

Not feeling sorry for myself!

With all the required downtime following surgery or illness, it’s easy to start feeling sorry for oneself. At one point, I realized I was nearing that pity party point and needed to do something. Initially, I turned to my first love; photography, and pulled out the external hard drives, but that was short-lived.

Amid all the medical drama, my expensive laptop which was dedicated exclusively to photography decided to crap out. What timing! My old everyday laptop isn’t powerful enough to run Adobe Lightroom which left me unable to download and edit photographs until a fix was found.

What’s a gal to do? Now I really was feeling sorry for myself and ended up going down the YouTube rabbit hole in search of self-help videos. We all know YouTube is where you find expert advice on any given subject (she says sarcastically).

A rabbit hole, indeed! From Andrew Huberman to makeup tutorials to anti-aging videos to various diets, travel, exercise, and then onto baking channels. Baking channels and SUGAR … sugar being the root of all evil. The bad stuff! I needed the comfort of a little evil white stuff in my life. 🤣 A diversion for sure.

During my recovery in October, I binge-watched The Great British Baking Show on Netflix and then moved on to binge-watching baking channels including ones on YouTube. Recipes were printed. Notes were taken. So, when I needed to find something to do with my funky vision after cataract surgery and avoid screen time, I stepped into the kitchen and started baking, baking like I had never baked before.

I had some flops but mostly successes. Even the flops tasted good though. As the piles of cookies accumulated, neighbors and friends were gifted a plate of holiday cheer.

Now that it’s January and a new photography laptop was purchased, I’ve stepped away from the evil sugar … wink, wink, and am more focused on fixing healthier options and returning to my love of photography. It’s time to pull out those hard drives and venture down memory lane. I still enjoy baking but am trying to limit that hobby considering its impact on my waistline.

Once I bought the new laptop, I had so much fun going down memory lane via photos.

A favorite!

Except for the cookie image, all photos in this post were taken near Page, Arizona, back in 2018. We’ve been asked many a time, what are some of our favorite travel destinations? Al and I agree that the five weeks we spent along the Arizona-Utah border will always rank in our top five favorites. We have the fondest of memories of exploring such a unique and mystifying landscape.

Sifting through thousands of images from our travels, served as something entertaining to do during my downtime. But I’d be remiss if I didn’t add the therapeutic effect baking offered. Baking allowed me to be creative yet kept me away from the computer screen giving my healing eyes a much-needed break.

Let’s hope there aren’t any new stones thrown our way!

‘If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.’ – Jim Rohn

Chin Up!

Well, the hits keep on coming. A week ago, I was sitting at a packed Urgent Care waiting for my name to be called. Ninety minutes later, I walked out with a prescription and recommendation for additional over-the-counter medications to use. It had been years since I last had a sinus infection, and I seriously did not need the reminder of how unpleasant they are.

Alas, today I am feeling better. Although, not yet 100%. The sinus infection seems to be gone. I’m fully recovered from the October major surgery. I’m adjusting to my funky vision with high hopes of improvement with time and YAG laser eye surgery. Al has a plan for his ongoing health issues. So yeah, the flipping of a couple of more calendar pages, and we’ll be on our way back to some form of normalcy around here. 🤞

Normal may not look like it did six years ago, but we’ll adjust to a new normal.

Whether I’m out and about with my camera or remain home in the kitchen, photography and baking will always keep me busy and offer me something to do.

Till next time,

Terri over at Second Wind Leisure Perspectives has asked us to showcase images of something to do for today’s Sunday Still’s photo challenge. Check out her post and others to view more images depicting the challenge.

Monday’s at Mimi’s

Monday’s at Mimi’s

Did you know I became a grandmother last year? Yep, I know, I know, I don’t look nearly old enough 🤣🤪🤣 Ok, we can stop laughing now. Alas, the passing of several decades puts me in the category of being plenty old to bear the new title, “Mimi”. and I wear it proudly.

3-month-old Lillian and myself at my daughter’s wedding last year

Every Monday I’m caregiver to little Lillian, my yummy little Cupcake. She was born the day before my birthday last August and has been the light of my life ever since. But, I’ll tell you, she’s exhausting and I’m convinced that’s the reason women go into menopause in their 40s LOL. There’s a certain age when we aren’t designed to raise children full-time anymore. I admire the older mom’s out there or the grandparents raising their grandchildren. I don’t know how they do it without dropping from sheer exhaustion.

Yep, spending one day a week with my special little Cupcake is perfect and I look forward to it every Monday. Right now she’s almost 8 months old and crawling everywhere. Each week I see a steady progression in her development, and she’s now pulling herself up, trying to walk and climb, not to mention, learning to eat. That’s always a fun time with pureed food ending up in places it doesn’t belong.

Don’t you love her cactus-covered outfit? Appropriate for an Arizona gal.

Lillian is merely one of several reasons why I’ve come to embrace our stationary lifestyle. We were in town for her birth and the moment she was placed in my arms, only hours old, I was smitten. The love I feel for this tiny human is hard to describe but those of you who are already grandparents understand.

And as much as I adore spending Mondays with my special Cupcake, come 4:00 in the afternoon, I count down the minutes to the five o’clock hour when her dad (my son) comes to pick her up. By 5:00 I’m beat and spend the rest of my evening in front of the television in a somewhat vegetated haze watching baking competition shows (The Great British Baking Show) or some sort of reality TV. Do I dare admit that I watch ridiculous shows like The Bachelor and Bachelorette? 🥴 Sure I will. That little human keeps me busy all day exhausting me more than any long hike on the trails ever does and by the end of the day, there’s not much left in me. But I love every minute!

So, now you know how I spend my Mondays. What do your Mondays look like?

When Life Happens

Our one week vacation over the Christmas holiday went by way too soon, and now we were back to the realities of life. We were in the thick of winter in Colorado. Fortunately, the climate in Pueblo West is much milder than in other parts of the state. It’s actually located in what’s nicknamed the banana belt of Colorado. But regardless, it’s still colder, and of course, snowier than Phoenix, Arizona.

By the afternoon, the sun usually melts most of the snow on the road,

Winter 2011 – Our RV was nestled on the side of our new home. We began to enjoy living in this newly built house and finally understood why our customers loved the floorplan. After selling our large custom home, we decided to build our “bread and butter” floorplan for ourselves. Sure, I had spent plenty of time in this floorplan at the model home, but I had not personally lived in it.

Our poor RV covered in snow. She wants to go to south.

As well as selling our custom home in 2010, we also sold the model home. We were still in the throws of surviving the Great Recession, and although we managed to keep building homes here and there, it was a scary time financially. Building one home at a time was a far cry from juggling the usual six at a time.

In our small community, we were considered a mid-sized volume builder. There were no national builders for us to compete against. I loved my job and quite often worked seven days a week, but that all changed when the economy changed. Nonetheless, we were one of the lucky ones still able to hang on with a couple of new custom home builds contracted for the year. A lot of home builders had closed shop along with many of the subcontractors. It was a challenging time to work in the construction industry.

The phone call we all dread

April 2011 – The phone rang. It was my sister. Mom had been in and out of the hospital the past year, but this time my sister wasn’t sure how much time mom had left. Her COPD was winning! After the recent hospital stay, mom was admitted to a rehab center, and her survival was questionable. I immediately booked a flight from Denver to Chicago for a ten-day visit.

My brother arrived a few days earlier than me allowing him a little one on one time with mom, and then he left before me so I too could have some one on one time with her. Dad was doing as well as could be expected and was grateful to have his three children nearby to help him through this difficult time.

My mom and dad, aka Oma and Opa, in their early 80s.

A week after my return to Colorado, my mom passed away. Those precious conversations are forever etched in my memories. I’ll always miss her!

I feel so grateful to have had ten days to sit with mom and just talk. Not everyone is as fortunate. Mom repeatedly encouraged me (and Al) to “Hop in that RV and LIVE … enjoy life while young and healthy … life is short. Who needs a house when you have an RV … a house on wheels. Go live, explore, have fun.”

She absolutely loved the RV lifestyle and when they had to call RVing quits due to health reasons, she was pissed. “Damn cigarettes!” she’d say.

Life goes on

With the arrival of spring and the snow long gone, our new home was in dire need of landscaping. And I was in dire need of a project to keep my mind and hands occupied as I worked through my grief.

There are very few subjects that Al and I have difficulty working through together. We’re a pretty good team and have worked together from the moment we met during our airline careers as Pilot and Flight Attendant. Then years later, we ran a home-building business together. We rarely fight with the exception of backing up an RV or doing yard work. Then, all bets are off!

Al having fun with the Bobcat. So this is what it took for him to enjoy yard work? Boys and their toys!
While Al dumps the gravel with the Bobcat, I rake it out. Team work!

Unfortunately, Al’s dad put a bitter taste in his mouth when it comes to yard work. His dad didn’t just want Al to mow the yard but also wanted it done a certain way including alternating directions from one week to another. I’m sure that’s the short version of the story, and we’ll leave it at that. I guess, we all carry around negative experiences from our childhood, and when it comes to landscaping and general yard maintenance, Al prefers to hire it out. End of subject.

But with our finances in less than stellar circumstances and my go-to landscaper out of business, what’s a gal to do? I know, bribe the husband with a Bobcat rental. A week later, we had just enough landscaping around the house completed to make it look presentable until I could come up with a plan for the rest of the property, and the bonus was a husband who didn’t complain once about landscaping the yard ourselves. That’s a win in my book!

Ah, but what about that neglected RV on the side of the house? We really should plan a trip, but that’ll have to wait until work allows us to sneak away. I’m just glad we’re still working!

Our crew swinging trusses at one of our job sites.

First Real RV Trip

With the RV shakedown under our belt, warranty repair on the landing jacks complete, and our long to-do list checked off one by one, it was time to take the RV on a real road trip. Plans were made for a Christmas getaway. The date: December 2010.

Our son had moved to Phoenix, Arizona, immediately after graduating from the University of Colorado Boulder and our daughter was currently attending Colorado State University in Fort Collins. We coordinated dates with our daughter, Ashton, on her winter break, and when we had the perfect winter weather window, we hit the road bound for Phoenix.

The three of us along with our dog, Bear, spent our first night at the Sandia Casino in Albuquerque, New Mexico. We arrived just before dark, and once comfortably parked at the far end of the parking lot, we entered the casino and enjoyed burgers and drinks at one of the restaurants. The next morning, we were rolling before the sun came up.

Spending the night in the Sandia Casino parking lot, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Sandia Mountains in the background. It was a cold night!

Two days and 800 miles later, we arrived at our destination; Desert’s Edge RV Park located on the far north side of Phoenix, a convenient location to enjoy visits with our son, Logan. Upon check-in, I asked the gal behind the counter for an easy site to get into because we were newbies and my husband still wasn’t great at maneuvering the RV. She responded, “This site should be relatively easy, but if your husband has any problems, just ask my husband for help. We’re in the site across the street from you.” This was also the first time I’d heard the term Workamper.

Sure enough, Al struggled to back into the site. The guy across the street (husband to the gal in the office) had been entertained by our struggles and eventually walked over to see if Al could use some help. In the end, the neighbor parked the RV for us, and Al and I were no longer on speaking terms, at least for the next couple of hours. Apparently, Al didn’t understand my hand signals, and I didn’t understand what he was trying to do. Thank goodness, our daughter had taken the dog for a walk and didn’t witness our little spousal episode. Ah, this RVing thing isn’t as easy as it looks.

The happy couple! Al and Ingrid with Bear. Note to self, pay attention to the background when taking a photograph. Poinsettia head?

Celebrating Christmas in Phoenix, Arizona, for the first time.

With the parking situation quickly forgotten, we set about enjoying the beautiful winter weather and indulging in the abundance of citrus trees covered with ripening fruit located throughout the park. We were loving it! This RV park fit our needs and was the perfect place to spend a week over the Christmas holiday. It was super dog friendly and conveniently located to our son’s apartment. During our stay, Ashton chose to sleep at Logan’s place which offered her more room to spread out than the RV did and allowed for some sibling bonding.

On Christmas day, our family of four exchanged gifts, stuffed our tummies with delicious food, and generally enjoyed a relaxing day. Holiday phone calls were made to family members several states away. Well wishes all around.

Al and Ingrid in the background, Logan in the foreground, and Ashton on the far right
Ashton and Logan playing mini-golf in Scottsdale on Christmas Eve

I guess I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention, I too joined the kids in playing mini-golf. Golf of any kind is not my forte. Actually, I’m really bad and provided a great deal of entertainment that day. I also learned a valuable lesson that day, a lesson that at my tender years, I should have learned long ago. “Be careful of what you say.”

As Logan and Ashton each took their turn at the Par 1 hole, I mocked what a wasted obstacle this was. “Seriously, how easy is this?” Each kid made it on the first try. So of course, I assumed I too would make a hole-in-one. NOT! My ball did not drop into the hole until the eighth attempt and by then Ashton and Logan were laughing so hard that we garnered the attention of other players. Oh well, it was a fun and memorable day filled with lots of laughter.

I’m so embarrassed! Eight attempts to sink the ball.

Trouble strikes again

Our week was going well, and we were loving this RV lifestyle. We learned the ins and outs of “Workamping”. The term and spelling is actually a trademarked company that helps RVers find temporary work in exchange for a free place to camp, or in some situations, provides income in addition to a campsite. We also ran into quite a few couples and families that lived in their RV’s full-time. What an interesting concept! I’m sure I had heard about full-time RVing from my parents, who were part-time RVers, but the thought never really sunk in until now.

Anyway, all was going fine until the toilet stopped working. Seriously? We had only two more days to savor before returning home to Colorado. Al fiddled with the toilet to no avail. He walked across the street and asked his new buddy, the seasoned RVer who parked the RV for us, to look at our toilet. After looking at it, he suggested we talk to the RV Dealership just down the road.

I’m not sure if it was the panicked tone in my voice or the begging on my knees (just kidding), but the extremely booked service department at Little Dealer Little Prices agreed to look at our toilet first thing in the morning. Awesome … well not really. That would require these RV newbies to quickly hitch up and pull out bright and early and maneuver around a jam-packed dealership lot. Not something Al was looking forward to doing.

The following day, after a three-hour dealership visit, we returned to the RV park repaired – complete with a new under warranty toilet. Although replacing the toilet didn’t require three hours, the service department did their best to fit our fix in in-between other service orders. We were grateful and also learned our RV Vin number was associated with a travel trailer and not a 5th Wheel. That would make it interesting when ordering parts in the future.

Fortunately, I had made arrangements for a pull-thru site upon our return from service. Thus, no need to back-in and no spousal discord. (snicker) It was perfect for our last night in Phoenix.

A nice easy pull-thru site at Desert’s Edge RV Park. No hand signals required.

Ingrid takes the wheel

We hated saying good-bye to Logan, but Al and I needed to return to work and Ashton needed to return to college. Our little vacation had come to an end … sadly. All things considered, it was a great first trip, plus we learned a lot.

Before we knew it, the sun was rising and we were on the road heading north toward Flagstaff then east via Interstate 40. Over eight hours and 475 miles later, we once again pulled into the Sandia Casino parking lot in Albequerque where we enjoyed burgers, drinks, and a good, but cold, night’s sleep.

The following morning, I decided it was time to take my place behind the wheel. No time like the present time to learn how to handle the truck and RV. Al and Ashton stood side by side in the casino parking lot and with praying hands, they looked skyward …. “Dear Lord yadda yadda yadda Amen”. They ended their verbiage by making the Catholic sign of the cross. A few jabs and laughs later, I had an hour of truck-RV driving under my belt.

A = Pueblo West, Colorado B = Sandia Resort & Casino, Albuquerque C = Desert’s Edge RV Park, Phoenix

I successfully navigated in and out of a gas station and continued driving all morning. There were a couple of white knuckle moments for me along Interstate 25. First was going up and over Raton Pass at the Colorado-New Mexico border. With an elevation of less than 8,000 feet, this is a pretty mild and easy pass in comparison to other mountain passes in Colorado, but it’s still up and down with turns. The second was major construction on the Interstate through the town of Trinidad … single lane with concrete barriers on both sides. There didn’t appear to be a lot of room between the barriers and certainly no room for error, but one of us had to drive this stretch. Why not me?

That day, I drove the entire five-hour drive home, and not only impressed Al and Ashton, but myself. I’m not sure why any of us felt impressed. I’ve always had the opinion that if a man can do it, a woman can too. After all, I was a licensed General Contractor working in a predominantly male-oriented position. I guess it boiled down to the fact that this was something new, a new experience, and new equipment that I’d need to get comfortable driving. There’s always a learning curve when doing something you’ve never done before.

And there would be many more learning curves in our future …

Logan graduates from the University of Colorado then moves to Phoenix. Thus, our regular RV jaunts to Arizona begin. Left to right – Ingrid, Logan, Ashton, Al

Celebrations & Catching the Big One

Celebrations & Catching the Big One

Some weeks are more eventful than others, and this past week was one for the books. First, three out of the four of us celebrated a birthday. So of course, there had to be festivities.

And what’s a birthday celebration without plenty of tasty food and fine spirits to toast to another year?

Fine food and drinks

I’m not sure where the time has gone, but all four of us fall into that “senior” category and considered to be in the last quarter of our lives. Eek! That sounds eerie, doesn’t it? So when ya put it into that light, we might as well live it up and throw any thought of diet or restrictions out the window. Right? Bring it on!


Despite all the negative happenings centered around 2020, Al and I have been enjoying a fantastic summer staying on family property, and having a ‘real’ house at our disposal.

mist on a lake with lily pads in the foregroundA real kitchen, a real shower, and a big-screen TV with cable have been huge bonuses.

I’ve been able to watch the Food Network to my heart’s desire which has led to lots of experiments in the kitchen … in both the RV and the sister’s house.

Some recipes have turned out better than others, but there hasn’t been any out and out fails.

There’s something about watching one of my favorite personalities cook (or bake) that inspires me to get in my own kitchen. Believe me, I need all the motivation I can get!

Oh, and I’ve been banned from watching HGTV after trying to talk my husband into doing a complete remodel on the RV … back to that inspiration thing. 🥴 Little does he know, there’s still Pinterest and Instagram that keep those remodeling ideas alive in my head. Shh, that’ll be our secret!

With new-found cooking inspiration, for Steve’s big day (Al’s sister’s husband), I made filet mignon cooked to perfection in a cast-iron skillet, a Ceasar salad made with homemade dressing, and a side of my version of focaccia bread. Dessert consisted of my favorite chocolate cupcakes drizzled with chocolate liqueur and whip cream. Yum!

While I made a fantastic meal and dessert for my brother-in-law’s birthday, we went out to brunch to celebrate my own birthday. Over the river creek and through the woods, we arrived at the Garmisch Inn located along the shores of Lake Namekagon. Good food, great view, wonderful company … a gal can’t ask for much more!

The fun didn’t end with brunch. The weather was perfect for a boat ride. So when we returned home, we hopped on the pontoon boat for a spin around the lakes and a little fresh air and sunshine. Later in the day, I made my favorite Sloppy Joe’s and Margarita’s, followed by more Margarita’s around a campfire.  #LifeisGood

The third birthday occurred at the end of the week. The festivities continued as we celebrated Al’s sister’s birthday. We started off the day with a big breakfast of bacon, eggs, cinnamon toast, and Bloody Mary’s followed by a boat ride. For an early dinner, I made Chicken Marsala, Buttered Egg Noodles, Ceasar Salad (by request), and herb topped dinner rolls. Al popped the cork on some sparkling Prosecco as we toasted to another year and another great summer spent hanging out together.

The day was topped off around a toasty campfire while indulging in my homemade apple crisp and spiked hot cocoa. We are definitely into fall weather. So the hot chocolate was the perfect way to end a great day.

Catching the Big One

Birthday cheers … eating, drinking, boating, and campfires weren’t the only events of the week. Although Al and Steve get out on Teal Lake fishing regularly and do routinely catch fish, they recently enjoyed a very special and rare fishing outing.

My husband had a once in a lifetime experience earlier in the week during an evening of fishing. He caught his biggest fish ever; a 42 inch, 24 pound, Musky. Al is still beaming. According to fishing guide Steve, aka brother-in-law, this Musky was trophy size (especially for this small Hayward lake) and many an angler spends a lifetime trying to catch such a Musky. For the serious and tournament anglers, they choose to try their Musky luck on Wisconsin’s third-largest lake located a mere fifteen minutes away from the family property; Lake Chippewa Flowage.

Al catches a trophy size Musky

And this was Al’s first-time Musky fishing. Beginners luck! Al usually focuses on fishing for Bass, Walleye, or Crappie… the good eating fish. He has never been one to trophy fish.

Happy Birthday to me and congratulations to Al.

So what does one do when they catch such a fish as a Musky? You snap lots of photos, take measurements, and do so quickly. Then you gently lower this freshwater shark back into the water and massage/revive the fish.

Once he starts fighting and you know he’s fine, you let him loose. “Be safe Mr. Musky and go make more Musky’s”.

These days, you never ever keep the fish. First, Musky doesn’t taste good, and second, for those wanting the wall hanger, you provide a taxidermist with the measurements and photos and a plastic replica is made.

If an angler did show up at a taxidermist with the real fish, the angler would be thoroughly chastised for his selfish stupidity. “Not cool, dude. It’s catch and release“. BTW – there won’t be any wall hanger in this RV, and that’s okay. Al is quite content with his Musky photo screen saver.

The summer is wrapping up!

With the cool air blowing in and the leaves beginning to change color, it’s time for Al and me to think about our migration south. But not so fast! I have my camera batteries charged and waiting at the ready for fall colors. I have a few day trips planned to capture that beautiful autumn foliage … fingers crossed! 🤞

For my birthday, I received more cooking inspiration. These are affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you for your support❤.

Valerie’s Home Cooking: More than 100 Delicious Recipes to Share with Friends and Family
The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Dinnertime – Comfort Classics
Porcelain Tea Pot – Loose Leaf Teapot

Sad, But Happy!

Sad, But Happy!

I can’t believe it’s mid-August already. Has your summer flown by as quickly as mine has? I’m feeling a little sad because I can already feel the changing of seasons is near. Here in northern Wisconsin, there’s a crispness in the air letting us know Fall is just around the corner.

I’m not sure I’m quite ready for summer to end and fall to begin … no, I know I’m not ready.

a lone duck swimming on a lake slightly covered in fog

Changing my mindset!

So, as sad as it may be to bid farewell to summer, I have my happy memories; some very fond summer memories. Oh sure, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the elephant in the room … Covid-19 that nasty Coronavirus pandemic thingy that has plagued much of 2020 thus far. That has not been fun and was partly the cause of my summer starting out with me feeling very stressed, overwhelmed, and sad.

I think I was too caught up in the news and world happenings, that quite frankly, I have no control over which is a difficult situation for a control freak for someone who likes to be in control.

Somewhere along the line, I’d had enough … enough negativity … enough bad news. It was time for me to work on my mindset and not be influenced by all the noise. After all, I was sitting in a beautiful, secluded location surrounded by nature and people I love. It was time for me to control me. Ah, an epiphany!

Enlightened by canoeing!

It was a quiet and calm morning in early July when Al and I launched the canoe. Five minutes later, we were paddling through a patch of lily pads. It was so quiet and calm that other than the occasional call of a loon or croak of a frog, the only sounds we heard were the trickling of water dripping from our paddles and the movement of the canoe gliding through the floating flat leaves. It was a magical moment, a picturesque moment, but alas, I consciously left my camera behind. I wanted to live in the moment with no distractions.

As we continued canoeing, Al and I paddled in silence taking in our surroundings. Soon we exited the lily pads and rounded an island. We spotted a bald eagle sitting on a tree limb high above us. Moments later, we spotted another bald eagle on a much lower limb and smaller in stature. (Where’s my camera when I need it? 🥴) We determined that this must be a nesting pair of bald eagles as evidenced by the loud squawking sound heard nearby from a hungry eaglet. “Feed me, feed me!”

We sat in the canoe with our paddles idly resting across our legs while floating and being awed by our surroundings. My mind was quiet. I felt more at peace and relaxed than I had felt in months. I was happy! Perhaps, I would’ve been even happier had I brought my camera along to capture the exquisite morning. No, I was definitely happy despite being without a camera or even my iPhone. I was in my element and savoring every moment, sight, and sound.

A great summer!

So, even though my summer didn’t start out the best, it has turned into a very relaxing and enjoyable time filled with plenty of fond memories. Come early October, I’ll be sad to leave our little slice of perfection on family property in northern Wisconsin behind, but I’ll be happy to hit the road bound for Arizona in search of new adventures.

This life is yours. Take the power to choose what you want to do and do it well. Take the power to love what you want in life and love it honestly. Take the power to walk in the forest and be a part of nature. Take the power to control your own life. No one else can do it for you. Take the power to make your life happy.” ― Susan Polis Schutz

I leave you with a few more images showcasing my summer sights. To enlarge a photo in a gallery, simply click on any image.

How was your summer? Are you happy or sad to see it come to an end?

On The Road Again!

On The Road Again!

Willie Nelson is currently on replay.

On the road again
I just can’t wait to get on the road again
The life I love is makin’ music with my friends
And I can’t wait to get on the road again

As I type this post, I’m currently sitting in Tucumcari, New Mexico. Yesterday (Saturday) was a very long day on the road. We left Phoenix, Arizona at 5:45 in the morning and arrived in Tucumcari about 12 hours later … 615 miles (990 km). Whew! That was a very long day.

Fortunately, Al and I took several breaks and switched drivers a few times. What also helped was my focus on fueling us properly. Al thinks about the truck and I think about our bodies. The day before departure, I did some serious meal prep knowing we intended to put in some long driving days.

Yesterday, we started off our day with a rare treat … while driving, we had our coffee accompanied by coffee cake. Ok, a sugary breakfast is not necessarily the best fuel, but it’s always a fun (and rare) splurge to start our travels in a festive mood.

Lunch consisted of Turkey club sandwiches on fresh sourdough bread with a side of crisp red grapes. For dinner, we enjoyed salmon patties (that I had prepped the day before) accompanied by homemade potato salad (also made the day before) – dinner prepared and eaten while parked at a rest area. One of the things that was super important to me when we purchased our RV was the functionality of it while the slides are pulled in. I was able to fry the patties and serve dinner and dine at our dinette all while the slides were left in.

Oh, and did I mention the homemade brownies we had for dessert? Yeah, I’d say I fueled us up just fine for the 12 hour travel day. And then the day ended with one of my famous margaritas and a good night’s sleep.

I love RV travel. Because we were able to enjoy meals at our own table, meals I had made, and use our own restroom whenever the urge struck, it enabled us to arrive at our destination with energy to spare … not much energy, but we weren’t exhausted. Staying hydrated, being well-fed, and making regular stops allowed us to crank out some serious mileage.

Today, we plan on putting in another long day of driving, but not as long as yesterday. We’ll be on two-lane roads most of the day today (Sunday) as we angle up toward Kansas City from New Mexico into corners of Oklahoma and Texas and then into the state of Kansas. Unfortunately, we expect to encounter more wind today. Yeah, yesterday as we headed in an easterly direction, we encountered winds from the south ranging from 15-25 mph. Fun times trying to stay in our lane along with the semis swaying from the gusts.

Time to hit the road. I’ll catch ya later!

Remembering Mom

Remembering Mom

Staring at the pink diamond earrings laying in the palm of my hand seemed to open a flood gate of memories. I remember the day as if it were yesterday when I became the proud owner of these pretty little gems.

I was seven years old and our family of five had taken a trip to Germany. My parents hadn’t been back to their homeland in several years and this was a trip to help alleviate mom’s homesickness and/or to see if they wanted to move back to Germany.

As children, we were oblivious to any ulterior motives our parents may have had and simply embraced the adventure of travel.

I thought the gems were pink tourmaline, but when I had the level clasps replaced, the jeweler said they were rare pink diamonds.

Part of that adventure for me personally was getting my ears pierced. Back in the ’60s, it was rare to see little girls with their ears pierced in America but rather common in Germany.

Being a girly-girl (no Tomboy here), I was already into fashion, dresses, and jewelry at a young age and when I noticed young girls sporting beautiful dangly earrings, I wanted in … I wanted pierced ears and hanging earrings.

Ah, my poor mother! Off we headed to the local jewelry store to pick out a pair of earrings. I was given a few choices, but immediately knew which pair I wanted.

Easy peasy, so far! I sat in a tall chair while the jeweler, an old intimidating type of man, marked my earlobes with a pen for mom’s approval. Mom held my hand while the jeweler held a strange device up to my ear. A second later a hole was punched in my earlobe. It hurt much more than I was told it would, and then it began bleeding. Blood started running down my neck and I burst out hysterically crying.

It took what seemed like an hour before I calmed down. Everyone kept trying to convince me to have the other ear pierced. Yep, dad, big brother, and three-year-old little sister were all there dealing with my antics. My mother was exhausted, exasperated, and out of patience, and clearly, the jeweler couldn’t wait for us to leave. Mom had had enough of my drama and with a firm stern voice, she ordered me to get back up on that chair, stop crying, and sit still and then ordered the jeweler, “Do it, NOW”.

Five minutes later, I was skipping down the sidewalk tilting my head from side to side to feel the hanging earrings swing. I loved those earrings (and still do) and wore them every day for years. Today I retrieved them from my jewelry case and am proudly wearing them. Somehow, it makes mom feel just a little closer.

“For everything I am today, my mother’s love showed me the way”

Happy Mother’s Day

It has been several years since my mom’s passing and not a day goes by that I don’t miss her. But I feel blessed that she lived 83 years providing my children with lovely memories of their Oma. Our family is truly fortunate to have had such an amazing woman in our lives.

I can only hope that my own children think of me and my mothering skills with equal fondness.

Wishing you all a wonderful day.

(These are affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you for your support❤)

Belgium Chocolates
Mama Bear T Shirt
Instant Pot Lux Mini 3 Quart