
The moment our eyes met, Bear and I knew we belonged together.

I find myself staring at the dark amber liquid that was just poured into a shot glass. I quizzically wonder, “Am I suppose to sip this or down it”? I decide to smell it first then take a small sip. As the liquid slides down my throat, I feel a slight burn but in a good way.

The burn seems to ease my sore throat. I still can’t believe I’ve come down with another cold. Quite frankly, I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired. 😛 However, I can’t be mad at the little germ carrier. My twenty-month-old granddaughter goes to daycare Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday and then comes to my home on Thursday’s. Therefore, all the cooties shared amongst the children at daycare are then shared with me on Thursday. Lucky me!

I love taking Lillian to the park every chance I get. I did the same when my children were young.

Ah, she’s so stinking cute. How could I possibly be upset? I down more of that amber liquid in hopes of killing those germs.

Memory Lane

Growing up, I remember my parents being in relatively good health, but at the earliest onset of a cold, they’d reach for the bottle of ‘medicinal’ Jägermeister. I figured if it worked for them, it should hopefully work for me. A little unconventional, but then again, there’s very little about me that’s conventional.

I pour myself a second glass and decide to write a blog post. Terri’s photo challenge prompt is all about “kids and pet’s”. Perfect! I haven’t gone through my photo albums in a while. So, let’s scan a few photos!

A new mom! Me with my first born, a son named Logan.
Logan with our first Brittany Spaniel, Dallas

I tried to take the kids on some kind of adventurous outing regularly wherever we lived.

Most rewarding accomplishment.

I didn’t have my son until I was in my late twenties. Actually, there was a time when I wasn’t even sure I wanted children. I was focused on my career and wanting to travel the world. My parents wanderlust gene was definitely passed down to me.

I don’t think my life would’ve felt complete had I not had children. It wasn’t always easy, especially since I had a husband who was away a lot, more than half the time due to work. Being a single parent is tough, but there’s nothing more rewarding than to know you raised two productive model citizens. Of course, I’ll share a little credit with my husband, a great dad, but just a little credit mind you …. remember, he was gone a lot when the children were young. 🤣

Bear and I shared a special bond and he helped me get through some very difficult times.

I realized early on that my attitude or beliefs toward parenting were somewhat different than my peers. I never felt it was my job to protect my children from the world as much as it was to prepare my children… prepare them for the harsh realities of life. I’m definitely a realist not an idealist and that spilled over into my parenting.

Ah, the stories I could tell, but I won’t. Needless to say, I’ve been thanked by my daughter numerous times for my unconventional mothering style. And my son says he plans on raising his girls the same way he was raised. I’d say there’s no better complement a parent can receive.

My daughter, Ashton, just hours old. Big brother clearly not interested.
Thirty-one years later, Ashton and I enjoy an epic road trip. Yes, we hiked from the valley floor up to Observation Point, Zion NP. The most strenuous hike I’ve ever done. Special times!

Over the years, Ashton and I have enjoyed some very memorable mother-daughter adventures together.

Robinhood and Maid Marian – I enjoyed making these costumes

Where has the time gone?

I look back at these photos and can’t help but wonder where the time has gone. On one hand, it seems like it was just yesterday that I was making Halloween costumes for my kids, and yet on the other hand, it feels like a lifetime ago or even another life. Now my kids are having kids!

My son with his daughter, Lillian. The next generation.

Being a mom and now a grandmom is the greatest joy in my life!

Thanks for stopping by and listening to my ramblings. No more Jägermeister for this gal. 🤗

Lots of laughs were had on this day as I ran back and forth to the camera to set the ten second timer on the camera. I’m wearing flip-flops, there was loose gravel, and a cliff ledge. 😮 Horsetooth Reservoir, Fort Collins, Colorado

“Ah, to be young again.” Lens Artist Challenge #298. Thank you, Tina for the perfect topic for the upcoming Mother’s Day.

64 thoughts on “Unconventional

  1. Ingrid, you made it so hard to pick a favorite here. These are amazing photos and wonderful memories to cherish forever. Although I liked all the photos, I kept going back to Logan and Dallas’ photo. What a gem!


  2. What pretty pups. I’m so sorry you had a cold…i’m a week late commenting so I hope it’s better by now. My naturapath makes a tincture for us to take and I always do vitamin C and zinc. oh and a couple Oregano capsules. I love this post about mothering. We did a great job with our girls, but there are things I look back on and think “I would have done that differently”..and I think it would have been less conventional.


    1. I am feeling much better thank you, Kirstin. I do take vitamin C and zinc but the oregano is new to me. I’ll definitely do some research on it. As parents, we did/do our best and I’m sure all of us feel we could’ve done something better. But life’s too short to dwell on the past. Watching my son raise his two girls is a delight.


  3. Oh my goodness Ali, I totally forgot about Mothers’ Day!! Thanks for the reminder with your beautiful stroll down memory lane. If I’d had children I’d have wanted to raise them exactly as you did, and the best compliment I can imagine is being told by my children that they want to raise their children as they were raised. A beautiful post – and I wish for a wonderful Mothers’ Day to you! Thanks so much for joining us this week.


    1. Thank you, Tina for such a lovely comment. I too forgot next week is Mother’s Day until someone made a comment about it or perhaps I would’ve scheduled this post for next week. Oh well. I’ll just have to come up with new content. 😁


  4. Beautiful post – she is pretty stinkin cute the grandbabe 🙂 Growing up we were a close family unit living within miles of each other. Funny as we have gotten older we now are spread out in 8 States (from the Midwest to Out West to South) and 3 Countries (U.S., Canada, & Germany). I find it a little challenging because the older generation is not so travel worthy willing as before. Then it is hard to get people to travel to them too due to time/traveling, costs, etc. Thank goodness for technology and getting some face time in between calls and texts. Happy Day – Enjoy!


    1. Thanks Renee. She is darn cute. Our family seems to have done the opposite. When we were younger, we were all spread out over a few states. Now, it’s awesome we have most of our family within 30 minutes of each other. We just had a bday party over the weekend for my husband that our daughter hosted and today he and his two sisters went out to lunch. We’re loving it and it makes it much easier to enjoy a non-nomadic lifestyle. Although, there are days where I do miss the RV life but that was then and this is now.🙂


  5. Omigosh, Ingrid! This was such a heartwarming post! LOVED all the photos! You and I share the same perspective on motherhood, and I cherish the time we spend with our kids. By the way, Alan went to all of the kids’ concerts, sports events and family nights when they were in school, but complained about how often he would get sick after them. I think any group of young children is basically a Petri dish. And you’re right – that little Lillian is so stinkin’ cute!


    1. Hi Mary, petri dishes … ain’t that the truth! 🤣 I seemed to have gotten over this cold a lot quicker than previous ones. Thus, I’m hoping that’s a good sign that I’m building immunity cause I know there’s lots more germ exposure in my future.😵‍💫 We “almost” went looking at an RV today. After some serious soul searching, I’m thinking that chapter may have ended and I’m actually ok with that. I love my time with my granddaughter(s). And, I’m in the process of rethinking my photography goals/subjects. Life is good!


  6. Great photos and memories. And, from my perspective, the best way to raise children: Outdoors as much as possible. Laughing about the climb up Zion. It’s a doozy. I backpacked up and over the edge once as well.


    1. Thanks Curt. That Zion hike was definitely a doozy and a special memory my daughter and I cherish. I’m already planning on introducing my granddaughter to hiking. Right now it’s park time.🌵


      1. I took both my daughter and my son on backpack treks, Ingrid. At least two of our grandchildren are eager to go with me. One has already been. Great fun. (All of our grandchildren are boys.) Which park?


        1. I take Lillian to a local park with ponds and playground equipment. She’s fascinated with birds right now, and I plan on fostering that and eventually turning her into a photographer 😁. Start’em young!


  7. Definitely down it. lol. The things our parents did. So funny in Spain the rub wine on he babies gums when teething. I just couldn’t. Anyway such a sweet and enjoyable post to read about what matters in your life, Ingrid.


    1. As children, we were offered Jägermeister when we were sick but I much preferred Dimetapp🤣 Surprisingly, I actually didn’t mind the taste now that I’m an adult. I’m sure you’re gearing up for your next big adventure. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Loved all the photos except the one high up on the rock; it put a lump on my throat! Beautiful view but I stand farther back (cluck cluck). I enjoyed so much hearing your prepare philosophy and the light in your eyes. I imagine that being a Mom and Grandmom are just full of joy, these chapters were colours in the rainbow you didn’t know existed. I see it in myself and my daughter the same; happy before and happier now but with an something to it! thank you as always for sharing – David


    1. Thank you, David for stopping by and commenting. I think as a parent I was so wrapped up in surviving and navigating the process that I didn’t always slow down to enjoy the ride. As a grandparent, it’s so different. There’s a level of confidence, less stress, and when I’ve had enough I get to hand her back to her parents 🤣 It’s all good!

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  9. Ingrid,

    Oh, go ahead and have another precautionary shot…cooties are everywhere. I used to get sick every time I was around my youngest granddaughter. High praises for your parenting. Raining children is an awesome responsibility, but if you screw that up, what else matters? I love my boys and they turned out so well. One more thing…you were a cute Mom! Have a wonderful week! Joe


    1. Awe, thanks Joe. It has been a loooong time since anyone called me cute 🤣🤣🤣 We went through all this sickness when our kids were little and figured we’d go through it again with the grandkids. This cold isn’t as bad as the ones I had in January and February. Thus, I’m hoping my immunity is strengthening. I have no doubt, you and Helen did a great job with your boys. 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Ingrid, I loved this post! I agree with your statement “Being a mom and now a grandmom is the greatest joy in my life!” I really enjoyed your old family photos. You haven’t changed a bit! Oh how I miss the days when my grandkids were little! Enjoy every moment with them because they grow up way to fast! My oldest grandchild is 20, the youngest almost 11.


    1. Thank you, Beth. So, kind of you to say I haven’t changed. There are days I look in the mirror and don’t recognize myself. 😛The years do go by fast and I’m treasuring these moments with the little ones while they still like to cuddle. (well, the youngest is only a month old). I already have tea parties, hikes, and picnics planned. 😊

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  11. What a fun way to meet the photo challenge. I hope the Jägermeister helped make you feel a little better and that your immunities get stronger so that you can enjoy your little one to the fullest.


  12. It seems my first comment went pfft!

    Anyhow, I love this post! Now I know why Al fell for you, you were so hot and beautiful then, even so now that you are a grandma! You are indeed adventurous and you did a great job raising both Logan and Ashton. Yup, they are your pride and they both turned out great adults.

    Funny, I was just going thru my pics of 2016 and I got stuck reminiscing the great hike we had at Observation Point. I showed it to Steve and we both agreed that was one of the best trail that we followed.


    1. ML, for some reason WP isn’t recognizing you which is why I needed to approve this comment.
      Awe, you are so sweet … ‘hot and beautiful’? I don’t see it but am glad Al does 🤣 Agree, the Observation Point trail is an epic one.


  13. I love this post except the part where you have colds again! Darn the adorable Lilian! I can see now why Al fell for you, you were just so beautiful and a hot mama then and now, too that you are a grandma.

    Funny I was going through my pictures and I showed Steve our pics at the top of the Observation Point. Yes great hike and yes wonderful memories!


    1. Fortunately, I’m on the mends. Next time you need to make a run to Costco, give me a call and we’ll do breakfast or lunch. We need to catch up. I promise to be 100% healthy so I don’t compromise anyone.😉


  14. It’s fun to look back when our kids are now adults. Mine are in their 40s and although my daughter doesn’t express gratitude for how they were raised we noticed she’s raising her boys the same. So I guess it works! The good news is the more you are around kid crud the better immunity you get. We don’t get sick as often anymore! Although this Januay in Tucson the gems didn’t seem to want to let go with all the cold rainy days!


    1. Yes, I’m hoping my immunity starts to improve as I continue to be exposed to the kiddo germs. We did have a rather cold and wet winter and I’m hopeful it helped our desert cacti especially our saguaros from the extreme heat of last year’s summer. Fingers crossed our nights aren’t as hot this year. It is fun watching this next generation of human’s being raised. 🌵


  15. There is much to marvel when it comes to a woman who can raise a family, be independent and creative, while maintaining her beauty.


  16. Sorry to hear you have another cold, but you seem to be making the best of your down time! Great memories of outdoor adventures and instilling a love of it in the kids. Like you, we’re also grateful to have done the traditional Observation Point trail while it was still passable before that tremendous rock slide a few years ago. Although you can still get to it the “back” way, the original trail was truly magical, especially with a favorite hiking buddy!


    1. Fortunately, I should be well enough to watch Lillian this upcoming week. I have a new experience to expose her to – a splash pad at the park.
      I was sad to hear the original Observation Point trail is unpassable. That was such an epic hike with a 2,000 ft. elevation gain. My daughter and I still talk about that trip.


  17. What lovely memories in all your beautiful photos! How we live our adventures with our children! You brought sweet recollections of my wonderful times with my kids. Thank you!
    P.S. You had a Bear, I had a Bailey. 🥰


    1. Oh and I too had a Bailey. It was because of Bailey that I met Bear (who was already named). I often referred to Bear as ‘my gift from God’. I’ll share more of the Bailey and Bear story over coffee.
      It was long overdue pulling out the photo albums. I eventually need to go through all my boxes of photos to get those organized. 😵‍💫

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  18. This is a beautiful post and a credit to your state of mind – two shots down and still productive! My husband was the ‘protective’ parent, while I was the adventurous one. Our daughter has a bit of both attitudes. It is nice that your children want to raise their children the way they were raised. Kudos to you, and your mostly absent husband :-). For a wayward generation we managed to get parenting right. Have a great week.


    1. I’d like to think we got the parenting right. At least we did our best, huh. My husband was always the more fun parent probably because he did travel a lot leaving the discipline up to me, but I did try to add in lots of fun.
      I think I’ve had enough alcohol that past few days to last me the rest of the year. 🤣 Seemed to work better than Nyquil/Dayquil or maybe it was just more fun.🤗


  19. Wow, this was wonderful to read, Ingrid, thank you for sharing these moments with your readers! ❤️🙏🏻 And, no more Jägermeister is a good decision. Bad memories from long ago… 😂


      1. Oh yes, there are so many wonderful memories of the 1980s!! I was wondering if any of the photos were from the area near Red Rock Canyon but I didn’t recognise any of the rock formations. Have a great new week, Ingrid. 😎❤️

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  20. Oh, this is another post I’ve read where tears clouded my vision as I try to type a comment, Ingrid. You are the kind of mom mine was–unconventional and adventurous. Your kids and grandkids are blessed and will continue your legacy of adventure and travel.

    Your images are fabulous and the opening shot of Bear is indescribable. What a cutie and the image is so gorgeous. Sorry to read you caught a cold but the whisky should help. I loved walking down memory lane with you and wish you countless more years with your family and pets!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awe, thank you so much Terri. I had such a special bond with Bear and I continue to miss him. Al and I have already been talking about taking Lillian on some travel adventures. Right now, she and I have fun at the local park, and I assure you, she’ll have a camera in hand soon.📷😊🌵

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