Trip Planning & Favorite Apps

reflections in a lake

What do you do when it’s 105 degrees Fahrenheit outside without a cloud in the sky? You stay hunkered down inside the RV with the air-conditioner blaring and do some serious trip planning. Yep, it is definitely time to head north in search of cooler weather. With this year’s Phoenix high temps arriving early and some days soaring well over ten degrees higher than normal, it’s beginning to make a Wisconsin forest infested with man-eating mosquitos look pretty darn inviting. I can hear the buzzing now!

Between COVID and the soaring temps, the interior of my RV is beginning to feel more like a rubber room with a crazy lady holed up inside instead of the free-wheeling vessel of months past. Ah, this too shall pass … soon I hope 🤪

So with a clear date in mind (well, kinda) to finally hit the road and point the RV in a northeasterly trajectory, Al and I pull up Google maps and start discussing the route and timeline for our 1,900-mile journey to the north woods of Wisconsin. This year, we won’t be doing any dilly-dallying along the way. Instead, we’ll focus on the destination and keep the wheels rolling and see if we’re up to some long driving days.

We always have several plans in mind with lots of flexibility built-in. Research is the key to any successful road trip whether it’s via RV or automobile. With a trusty pen and notepad in hand, ideas, mileage, and stops are quickly jotted down.

Favorite Apps for RV trip planning

I have a few apps that I really like that aid us in our trip planning. Some of which, I use more than others. The two apps that I find myself using most frequently, especially while on the road, are Allstays Camp & RV  ($9.99 one time fee) as well as GasBuddy (free).

My favorite feature about the Allstays Camp & RV app is their map. I can zoom in on any given location and find just about anything that’s relevant to my travel day including low bridges. Yeah, when the RV measures out to be 12’6″ tall, we obviously like to avoid bridges under 13′ high and the Allstays app notes those low bridges. Since we mostly stick to main roads and interstates, we’re usually going over and not under these low bridges, thus not too much of a concern. BUT it’s wise not to be surprised!

Gas Buddy AppI know a lot of RVers use a GPS specifically geared toward RVing and trucking. We don’t and only occasionally use our basic Garmin (an old GPS at that). I much prefer to navigate myself via a map. The GPS, named Hildi, has lead us astray more than once. So I don’t always trust her and like to back her up with a paper map and my iPhone.

I also enjoy all the other info noted right on the map including rest stops, Walmarts, Propane (LP), campgrounds, RV Parks, etc.

Although the Allstays app notes diesel gas stations (predominantly truck stops), I prefer using the app called GasBuddy when searching for filling options. Not only does the app list gas stations and addresses near your location, but also, up to date pricing.

We aren’t necessarily price based diesel shoppers, meaning we’re not always looking for the cheapest fuel, but it is nice to know what price to expect before pulling into any given gas station.

When it comes to diesel fuel, going the cheap route will almost always cost you more down the road via maintenance. Yep, been there, done that, bought the T-shirt … expensive lessons learned. I’d recommend talking to your favorite diesel mechanic about what to consider when fueling up.

Apps for finding camping options

When it comes to finding places to stay, I usually start with Allstays because I’m already on the app map, and then I jump over to Campendium (free). The Campendium website was developed over eight(?) years ago by a full-time RVing couple. So they live the RV life, are knowledgeable, and know how to serve the RV community.

I was actually one of their Beta Testers back in their infancy and used to post campground reviews on the site regularly, but since our style of RVing has changed over the past few years, I haven’t engaged on the platform for quite some time, but I still use it routinely for research and ideas.

Campendium is most helpful for finding boondocking/off-grid camping. I especially like the reviews written by fellow RVers and the links to blogs/vlogs providing additional information.

iOverlander (free) is another good app for boondocking/free camping.

The newest app that I just started playing around with is called The Dyrt. I’m still learning the ins and outs and looking into their trip planning feature ($29.99 a year). I’ll let you know what I think.

Saying goodbyes

So with our trip planning pretty much accomplished, we’re spending this Memorial Day Weekend hanging with family and saying our goodbyes. It’s always bittersweet for me. On one hand, I’m excited to get the wheels on the RV rolling, after all, that is why we live the RV lifestyle, and on the other hand, I’m sad to bid farewell to family and friends. But adventure awaits, and I remind myself, 4-5 months down the road, we’ll be returning to our home base back here at the RV Park in Phoenix, Arizona. But today … lake life is calling!

How are you spending your summer? Are you going anywhere exciting or opting for a staycation?

Life is about the moments. Don’t wait for them, create them! – Anthony Robbins

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84 thoughts on “Trip Planning & Favorite Apps

    1. We had some very long driving days, but in the end, it was worth the rush and not getting caught up in bad weather. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Ingrid, I am catching up with all of my reading and of course, I look forward to your posts. Good points on “planning” and “flexibility.” I had not thought about “low bridges.” Important! I will share with my husband about specific GPS for trucks and RV’s in case we go this route again. Great information! I always learn something new from you, Ingrid. Thank you!


    1. Glad I could offer some suggestions. The “Allstays” app map was my go to the entire trip considering we had a couple of detours due to construction. Even my husband found it fun to follow while I did the driving.

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  2. thanks for sharing. for the last summer.. me and my friends are camped in Everglades National Park, Florida. but we don’t have a RV. we struggled a lot.. this year, we are gonna plan to buy a RV. i think your suggestions helps me to drill down my location for camping… once again thanks for sharing.. can you suggests me any spot in south for my next trip?


  3. I’m excited to hear that you’ll be taking off soon! We’re still in Florida, and still uncertain about when we will leave…and when we do, where we will go. I’m tired of running circles in my head. 😦 I hope all goes well as you prepare for your journey. Safe travels, and I look forward to hearing about your summer by the lake! We’ve canceled our plans for Wisconsin and Michigan. 😢


  4. Safe travels to Wisconsin, Ingrid, your summer at the lake will be awesome! We’re getting ready to leave this weekend to head west, first long stop is Indiana for warranty work (ugh….), then on to other longer stays in IL, SD, MT, and CO. We’ll booked in Colorado Springs late Sept thru mid-October, to hopefully see those Aspens in all their glory somewhere nearby!


    1. We too are looking forward to finally hitting the road. You’ll enjoy hanging around CO Springs. There’s a couple of favorite things I’d be more than happy to share with you. Feel free to email me anytime. 😎

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  5. Thanks for the app suggestions, Ingrid. It’s good to know about a few extras in case I can’t find what I want on my go-to apps. I tried a gas app a few years back and deleted it because info on diesel was deficient. I’ve got gas buddy on my phone now and love their interface. Good luck on your planning and have a safe trip. It will be an interesting one for sure.


    1. Thank you Linda. One thing I did fail to mention in my post is our “Next Exit” book and I know there’s an app for that. It’s our go to for stops on the interstates and I usually use Next Exit before GasBuddy. We’ll be taking a new route this time and I’m hoping it shaves a few hours off the driving. I guess we’ll see. Hope you’re able to get out and do some local exploring this summer.

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      1. I like iExit. Probably similar to Next Exit but it’s free. There is also a trucker’s version which may be helpful for diesel users? No experience with that one – just throwing it out there


        1. Thanks for sharing. I think iExit is the app for the Next Exit book. I like using the book because I’m always writing notes in it since we frequently travel the same interstates. Plus, it’s sometimes easier for me to read than my phone. Even though we use diesel, we’re not so big that we need to stick to truck stops … as a matter of fact, we try to avoid.


    1. Thanks Larry. We’re actually fine up to about 90F, but then it gets annoying. We’re so ready to hit the road and have our fingers crossed that we won’t get detained again.


  6. Of course our planning of trips – us not being RV people – is different from yours. Normally we have a general idea where we could go, and sometimes it’s just me throwing out ideas. Then I usually plan a route using Google Maps. I normally revise this lots of times, and usually the trips get longer and longer, so that in the end I have to take destinations off. The next stage is for Mary to look at my suggestions, and – of course – that leads to furter alterations. Once we are agreed on the destinations, Mary is the one who plans the exact routes, using both an old-fashioned printed map and Google, and she writes the route down.
    On our trips the we usually navigate with the help of her notes, and use GPS [Google again] only for the “last mile”, to find our accommodation. And there, we often use Google again to find restaurants, places we want ti visit, etc.
    Happy planning to you, and stay healthy,


    1. I’m not sure your trip planning is all that different than the typical RVer. As a matter of fact, it sounds very similar. For us this summer, we’re just traveling to a destination we’re already familiar with. However, we are taking a new to us route. Hopefully, it’ll all work out for us.
      Hope you are finally able to get out and enjoy your local restaurants.

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      1. We’re not yet – and maybe not for quite a while – going out to local restaurants. There are way too many “Covidiots” here. With the influx of tourists over Memorial Day weekend you absolutely rarely see someone wearing a mask, and social distancing is not at all practised.
        Take care, and stay healthy,


  7. Samantha is the name of the demon who lives in our truck’s GPS. She and I don’t get along well because she spouts ridiculous advice, has contradicted me at many a turn and has an arrogant attitude. It’s sort of like riding with an old girlfriend of Alan’s. Armed with my map and trip notes, I keep a close eye on her, ready to do battle at a moment’s notice. If she keeps this nonsense up, she’s going to find herself in a truck stop dumpster. Good luck to Al – I hope there’s a quick resolution to his crown situation. When you do hit the road, travel safely and enjoy the journey!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahaha … love it – ‘demon’. I can so relate. My old fashioned trip planning has never let me down. Yeah, we’re hoping Al’s tooth doesn’t cause a delay in our departure. We’ll find out tomorrow. We are so ready to return to lake life and getting antsy to hit the road. Hope you have a great summer 😎


    1. Oh, and no, we will not be taking my little red truck. She goes into storage. We’ve been rolling that way for the past 4 years.


  8. Safe travels for you my friend! You will enjoy the North! We will be heading to the LakeHouse soon… and as you know we fly. We are ready to get out of this heat!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, the heat this week will be a little tough to tolerate. It keeps us holed up in our tiny home which gets smaller each day. We NEED to roll soon! 😉

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  9. These apps look super useful, Ingrid…I’ll be bookmarking this post for future reference! I’m sure you and Al are itching to get to Wisconsin and cooler temps. I would take mosquitoes over 105+ temps anyday! I love your signature logo, wherever did you find the photographer graphic?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I made the logo on Canva and the image was one of their free ones. I made about a dozen different ones with various images. All but this one are flowers. It’s all thanks to you that I started ending each post with my name. Yes, we are so looking forward to cooler temps and lake living. However, our trip may get delayed once again because Al lost a crown over the weekend. We’ll need to see when he can get into the dentist. With all this social distancing stuff, we’re afraid there may be a problem curtailing our travels ☹

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        1. Fingers crossed we won’t have to extend our stay here considering it’ll be over 105 most days this week 🥵 and won’t go much below 75 at night.

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    1. Thanks Cindy. Yes, we had a great time last year and are hoping for a repeat. There’s something about lake living that feels like ‘home’ to us.

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  10. Campendium is always my starting point for travel planning. I use their map to see what’s in the area and then drill down to what I am looking for. For any campgrounds that don’t have reviews, I’ll hop over to However, I find Campendium to be much more helpful – the reviews tend to focus on the things we care about, they are usually more recent, and there are always photos.

    Allstays has saved our bacon multiple times while on the road. Every time we’ve found ourselves in need of a quick place to stop, I fire that up and it has been incredibly helpful. It’s also great for finding free overnight camping – Walmarts, Cabelas, etc.

    Anyway, I hear ya on the heat thing. We are gonna stick things out for a couple more weeks here in Texas, but then we’re pointing the wheels north and hitting the gas.

    Drive safe!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. While traveling, we usually stay at Walmart, Cabela’s, etc, and therefore, Allstays is our major ‘go-to’ app. Like you, it has saved us more than once. We rarely make commitments as to how long we’ll drive on a travel day. We always go by how we feel. If after 3 hours we’ve had enough, we stop for the night. On the other hand, If we feel like driving 8 hours, we do. So having a bunch of different overnight options to stop at is a must. Of course, if we have a reservation or some commitment, then that too changes everything. Ah, they call it the nomadic life, but I think it’s more the ‘flexibility lifestyle’. I know you can relate.

      Yeah, the heat is starting to get old. We’re hoping Al’s current tooth issue doesn’t derail our plans, but if it does, we’ll recalculate and keep the A/C blaring 😄


  11. Hi, Ingrid,
    Thanks for the head’s up on Allstays Camp & RV. I have depended on RV Trip Wizard a lot, but I like the one-time fee better than the annual fee charged by Trip Wizard. We leave on June 13 for three months and I am just as fired up as you are. WY, MT,OR are the lengthy stays, but we also have a week reserved on Lake Louise in Banff. Obviously that will change if there is a quarantine. Bummer! Have a wonderful and safe trip. Tell Al to save a few fish for the rest of us!


    1. It sounds like you have a fun trip planned. I’ve wanted to visit Banff and Jasper for the longest time, but never seem to make the commitment. Due to the way we travel, I know Trip Wizard would not be worth it to me. Between Allstays and all the free apps available, I pretty much have what I need.

      Can’t guarantee Al and his brother-in-law will leave any fish for you 😆

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    1. Colorado Springs is not a bad place to be stuck for 3 months. We loved living there in the ’90s. Yeah, we’re hoping the winds won’t be too bad crossing via I-40. And we’re always nervous crossing the Great Plains regarding weather. We’re originally from the Midwest and have personally experienced those storms and twisters.


  12. No definitive plans for us this summer which is probably a good thing! Sounds like you have sourced some great apps for your traveling needs. I am so with you when it comes to have a good old fashioned paper map in the vehicle! We have found ourselves on more than one occasion, on a cow path in the middle of nowhere from GPS instructions so I always like to have a map so that at least I know I am headed in the right direction!😂

    Safe travels to you & Al💕


    1. Hahaha … a cow path! Yes, it is always wise to double-check the info a GPS provides. We’ve seen too many people get themselves into a pickle in western Colorado when their GPS decides that the old mining road (meant for mules and now ATV’s) is the shortest route to their destination. Hope you have a great and relaxing summer!

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  13. Like Tumbleweedstumbling, we continue to have numerous travel restrictions in place in British Columbia. Although our ferry service has opened up slightly, it still remains quite limited.
    So, this summer we will creatively do some travel up and down our own island. It will be a great excuse to see some of the more remote places on Vancouver Island that have been on our bucket list for awhile now.

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    1. You are one of the lucky ones who live in such a beautiful area making a staycation enjoyable. Before we moved away from Colorado Springs, CO, we pretended to be tourists (it is a tourist town) and had a great time doing and seeing things that had been in our backyard for years. We questioned ourselves as to why we hadn’t taken the time to really experience our own beautiful town. Guess, work, children, and priorities might be the answer. At least we dove in before moving away.

      I look forward to you sharing your summer explorations. 😎

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  14. Keep rollin’, rollin’, rollin’
    Though the streams are swollen
    Keep them dogies rollin’, rawhide
    Through rain and wind and weather
    Hell bent for leather

    LOL…I know exactly how those itchy, albeit hot feel are feeling. We couldn’t take 106 degrees either! Safe travels, hope you and AL have a great summer.


    1. Yep, I know you totally understand. We’re actually getting grumpy. Could it be a combo of the heat and Covid? Most likely! Our original plan was to hit the road in the middle of May but between the pandemic and a few other issues, we detained our departure. I don’t think we’ll do that next year!

      Like you, we are looking forward to summer out on the water!

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  15. Keep rollin’, rollin’, rollin’
    Though the streams are swollen
    Keep them dogies rollin’, rawhide
    Through rain and wind and weather
    Hell bent for leather

    I know exactly what those itchy, albeit hot feet feel like. 106 was too hot for us too…It will feel good to get those doggies rollin…Hope you and Al have a great summer in Michigan!


  16. Safe travels to cooler temps. We’re starting to get into the 80’s here, or it’s rainy and dreary. Hoping we open real soon, rumor has it we are. We use Gas Buddy all the time, and our truckers atlas, those with RV Trip Wizard are my planning tools.


    1. I can see how Trip Wizard would be a great tool for the way you guys travel. I don’t think I’d get my money’s worth, especially since we aren’t doing reservations or making commitments, and just traveling from point A to point B and finding a Walmart is more important to me than a campground.

      I hope things everywhere open soon. It’ll be an interesting summer. I tried making reservations at a favorite CG in MN for any time from mid-June to the end of August and it was booked.🙄 We might forgo any explorations this summer and just sit on private property. Hopefully, Al’s sister and brother-in-law don’t get sick of us and kick us off their property 🥴


  17. We cancelled our Memorial Day plans and some plane tickets back to Connecticut to visit family, so we’ll be just staying mostly in Colorado this summer. Fortunately there is a neverending list of things to do… as you know! Have a safe trip north, I look forward to vicariously exploring the midwest via your blog.


    1. At least you’re located in a beautiful state with so much to explore in your own backyard. Hopefully, we’ll all be back to normal travel next year. In the meantime, we’ll enjoy what we can.😊

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  18. We are new at the RV thing, although I have been following you for a while. We wanted to go back to Missouri from our home in San Tan Valley, AZ. With so many things shut down during this COVID-19 pandemic, we didn’t want to stay at hotels and eat at drive through and carry out restaurants, plus the use of public bathrooms. After a couple years about talking about RV’s and then deciding not to, my husband decided a small travel trailer would work to get us back without being exposed to the public. We have a 22 ft. No Boundaries that is perfect for just two of us. It is light enough that his new Hyundai Palisade could pull it with no trouble. We were fortunate to find RV parks taking reservations on our way, because they were also limited by social distancing. I will share these apps with my husband so we can look at future trips. Right now the trailer is parked at our Missouri home. We are hoping and praying the contract we got will go through and Arizona will be our only home!


    1. That TT sounds perfect for your needs, and once AZ is your year-round home, it’ll be perfect for summer getaways to the high country. We’re in the process of discussing some changes ourselves, but not sure what those changes will entail just yet. This pandemic sure has made one rethink things. Best wishes for your R/E transaction.

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  19. Canadian provinces are still in general lock down. That means if you come in over the border into Manitoba from another province you have to go into a fourteen day quarantine on arrival. The US border is still closed. We were planning a trip up north this summer since we didn’t travel this winter. We going to go north to the Yukon or maybe visit northern Manitoba, even take the train to Churchill but the roads north of the 53rd parallel are closed to tourists. There are some really lovely parks right near us we haven’t visited before. Our plan is to spend some time at one for each month of summer. The rules are you can go into the parks and campgrounds but there are no amenities so you have to bring your own toilet paper, soap and such. Not a problem for us but a deterrent to anyone tenting. We have to maintain social distancing with no one but your immediate family on the campsite. We are not supposed to go farther than our own medical services so that if we have an emergency we can go home to our own nearby hospital and doctor. My husband has a follow up CT in June so we’ll leave from there to a campground close by “our” hospital. For July we are going to visit another Lake Manitoba campground everyone says is lovely but we’ve never gotten around to visiting. We haven’t finalized an August trip yet but there’s a spot just south west of us that is also a place people take tourists visiting them to see we might take in. Riding Mountain National Park is only 40km away from us but it’s only just beginning to loosen up for day visits. The province wide rules were just loosened up again for gatherings. We do fifty at a time now if we are outdoors and maintain social distancing. Otherwise it’s 25 people with distancing. Our small town is planning some barbecue style get togethers. I can hardly wait. Good luck on your trip north.


    1. This new ‘normal’ can be a little challenging. Fortunately for you, you live in beautiful country with nearby parks to visit. I was really hoping to do a day trip into Thunder Bay (provided we were camped near Grand Portage) but I think that’ll be put on the back burner, yet again. Enjoy your summer!

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        1. Yeah, this summer is not a good year for travel anywhere. So we’ll probably just spend our time sitting on private property. Oh darn, more time on the boat fishing and photographing Loons 😁

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  20. I know what you mean by the GPS leading you astray. We used to have a diesel Jeep. You could tell the GPS to stick to main highways, but once you got onto a secondary road, all bets were off as far as it was concerned. It just wanted to head off on the next dirt road it could find. Like you, I carried a map.


    1. Oh, I hear ya on those dirt roads. I always caution folks not to use a GPS when visiting western Colorado. The GPS will take folks on old mining roads getting them into a real pickle of a situation. I’m sure you’re settling back into life in Canada nicely and enjoying some cooler temps. It’s getting hot again this week and we can’t wait to get the wheels rolling …. but my husband lost a crown yesterday. He’s hoping to get into the Dentist asap, but with social distancing, that may be an issue and thus derailing our departure date 😪

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  21. Hi Ingrid,
    We bailed on our Pioneer RV last March when the Covid situation started taking off and the Navajo reservation started closing their roads. Our little townhome in SW Colorado looked and turned out to be a whole lot safer.
    We blew back in late April to close up the Vilano for the summer and grab our small 20ft Lance camper.
    Now we are doing the planning for a whole lot of camping trips throughout Beautiful Colorado – a place we have lived for 3 summers but have barely begun to explore.
    Last weekend was spent up on a wonderfully deserted mountain forest road at 9500ft elevation. No traffic, lots of tall trees & social distance and exceedingly clear air. A wee bit chilly overnight but that’s part of the experience too.
    Today we are going campsite scouting in our area for a trip next week. The National Forests are calling and we must go.
    Safe travels and enjoy Wisconsin – my childhood home. See you at Pioneer in the fall.

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    1. Hi John, oh how I love Colorado. We called the Front Range home for over 20 years and then when we went full-time, we explored the western slope extensively. My brother lives in Grand Junction so regular joint camping ventures to Ridgway SP were enjoyed. Ah, and then there are the adventures of crossing Wolf Creek Pass … much prefer Monarch, and then won’t even mention the Million Dollar Hwy. Fun times!
      Last summer in northern WI felt like returning ‘home’ and we actually visited a campground where my family used to camp in a popup when I was a child. It was awesome traveling down memory lane.
      Be sure and stop by and say hi in the fall and if I hear of anyone looking for a beautiful 5th wheel, I’ll be sure and pass on the info.


    2. We had to give up traveling south this winter after my husband had a health crisis he is recovering from but prevented us from getting travel insurance. After I’ve years of full time we had purchased a small house in a rural community for the summer, mainly because the shoulder seasons meant we had to spend a month in a Manitoba winter each spring and fall. what a blessing that turned out to be for us personally in the midst of this whole COVID-19 mess. I am so glad we purchased our little house. It’s been our haven in crisis, ours and the big one.


      1. Timing is everything and sounds like you made a wise decision. I know of at least 4 full-time Canadian couples that won’t be traveling south of the border in the fall. It’s a very challenging time for nomadic life. We’re so glad we contracted for an annual RV lot giving us that much needed ‘home base’. I’d love to explore MN again this summer, but I’m thinking we’ll just sit on private property and not travel any more than we need to. We’ll see!

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  22. We’ll be going head first into the RV life in about 5 years, and the information you provide will be most helpful! I used to live in Kenosha, WI, so please say hello to Lake Michigan for me!


    1. Since I grew up in northern IL, I used to visit the outlet mall in Kenosha … one of the first of its kind in the country. Good luck on all the RV planning and when broken down into baby steps, it won’t be so overwhelming. Let me know if I can offer any suggestions. Thanks for stopping by! I’m so ready for some lake time.


      1. Between your blog and my sister and bro-in-law’s RV adventures, we will be more than ready to hit the road!

        I know of the outlet mall in Kenosha, but I used to love taking the Metra to Ogilvie Station in Chicago and shop the Miracle Mile and Navy Pier in the spring and summer… those were the days!


        1. Ah yes, the Miracle Mile, I know it well. Back in the day, I loved walking State Street in December and viewing all the unique holiday store window displays followed by lunch at the Walnut Room in Marshall Fields. Times have sure changed though. It was sad to see the Marshall Fields name go away.

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    1. Thanks Beth, I am so ready to hit the road. This heat is getting old, but we had things and life detaining our travels. We’ll be at the lake soon, I hope!

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  23. AllStays is our go to app. We use Gas Buddy but not has much as would could or should especially since we have the smaller camper now. When we had the big 5th wheel we tended to just go to truck stops as they are so accessible, but also so expensive!

    Have fun in Wisconsin!


    1. I’m with you and only use GasBuddy occasionally. Allstays usually gives me everything I need. We’re not fans of most truck stops, but sometimes necessary. And with our size 5th wheel, we can usually squeeze into regular gas stations, and thus pay a better price.
      We hear the fishing are biting in WI so Al is ready to go!


  24. Safe travels North. Curious if you have used Harvest Hosts at all? We are currently in Lower WI, heading to Lower MI before spending the summer camp hosting in the UP of MI. We have a handful of days that a quick overnight stop is all we want and are considering HH.


    1. No, we haven’t used Harvest Hosts, but almost pulled the trigger more than once several years ago. For the way we travel these days, I don’t think we’d use it. We’re in our 8th year of full-timing and have slowed our travels considerably. And this year, we’re merely traveling from point A to point B then back to point A. Walmart’s, Elks, Cabela’s, with the occasional campground thrown in, work for us right now.
      Where will you be hosting in the UP? I’d like to explore the UP this summer if it’ll work out. We tried last summer, but got caught up with house projects at my sister-in-laws place (where we stay).


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