Life Around Camp

So what’s life like spending five weeks at the same campground?  What dooo we do?RVing

Well there’s plenty of time to rest, relax, or read that new book we just haven’t had the time to get around to.

Then there’s the great outdoors right out our front steps.  Nature awaits!

If hiking isn’t your thing, how about biking?  Horseback riding?  We share the trail you know!

Had enough physical activity?  How about a little socializing?

Five weeks in the same location gave us the pleasure of making new friends.  I met my first RV blogging buddy;  Mona Liza of the Lowe’s RV Adventures.  We ate, drank and laughed around a campfire. We played games.  We visited and exchanged travel tales.  We had new campground friends, Nancy and Larry of Montana join in the fun.

blogging buddies – Ingrid and Mona Liza

Not enough adventure?  Book a Hot Air Balloon ride.  I had so much fun photographing theses guys, I didn’t personally feel the need to go up.  Perhaps next time!Hot Air Balloon Hot Air Balloon

It’s hard for me to pick my favorite thing to do, but I will add watching the wildlife is a top contender.  These guys make me smile 🙂

It’s a New Year…

Initially it was not my intention to do a “New Year’s” type of post, but after perusing various blog postings I do a little reflection myself.  Internet connection or rather lack thereof, has put my postings way behind.  So I’ve decided to start the New Year off with a “get ya up to date” kind of posting.Hot Air Balloons

Hot Air BalloonHubby and I have been on the road almost 2 months now, living close in a mere 250 square feet.  I’ll admit the first two weeks were a bit rough.  Would we both survive?  We embarked on this adventure somewhat tired in early November.  Our departure was detained by two weeks, putting us closer into winter weather territory and thus derailing the itinerary.  Normally our schedule is super flexible, but when winter snow threatens we take heed.  Campgrounds in Colorado were closed for the season, necessitating longer than intended drives.  Tired, irritated, and concerned (severe weather) does not make for marital bliss in tight quarters.Phoenix

Balloonist out for a sunset ride

But sunrises, sunsets, unbelievable views, and solitude DO make for marital bliss.  All is right!  Come on, with views like these, how could it not be?  Our six-week road trip last February/March of 2012 had us on the go.  Let’s go here, let’s go there.  Gotta see this, gotta see that.  Although it was tons of fun and I would do it again in a heartbeat, it did not allow us the time to savor any one place,Hot Air Balloons

Al and I promised each other a slower pace this go around.  This time we stayed a week at the awe-inspiring shores of Lake Powell followed by a week in Cottonwood Arizona near the awe-inspiring red rocks of Sedona.  After a few days at Lake Pleasant, we settled into a lengthy stay at Cave Creek Regional Park just to the north of Phoenix, Arizona.  So to bring you up to date, we’ve been camped here at Cave Creek since early December savoring each day.

Our five-week stay at Cave Creek has been filled with rest, laughter, solitude, fun, and…..yes my favorite verbiage – awe-inspiring scenery.  Sometimes I’m just at a loss for

laughing with new friend Mona Liza

2012 was a mix of highs and lows for Al and me.  We’ve lost loved ones, but gained new friends.  Our children have grown and progressed and now it’s time for us to reassess and find a new direction.  At the moment I feel like a couple of lost puppies.  However, I do see the light!Travel

travelDo any of you remember those silly Beach Party Films of the sixties?  Did you ever notice no one ever had a job or responsibilities to worry about?  Guess they must have lived on love.  So what do Al and Ingrid have planned for 2013?  This Frankie Avalon and Annette Funicello are going to live on love in a van on the beach or rather a 5th wheel in the desert – we’ll do the beach next year ;-).  Either way living on love without a care in the world, sounds kind of fun to me.  We’ll worry about reality later.

So Happy New Year to everyone.  Thank you for following my adventure and thanks for sharing yours.  Here’s to fun times with no worries!  May 2013 be a lucky 13 for us all 🙂RainbowBartlett Lake