A Calm Morning

I had one of the most amazing mornings yesterday.  For some reason, I woke up earlier than normal. I jumped out of bed energetic, and was ready to tackle a new day.  By 6:30 a.m. I was already on my second cup of coffee.calm

Sunrise wouldn’t be for another forty-five minutes and I contemplated hopping in the truck to capture a few sunrise photos along the Texas Gulf Coast.  The RV was dripping with dew and the windows were coated with moisture rich humidity blocking any potential view.  I needed to open the RV door to check the sky for cloud coverage.black and white photography

The past couple of weeks have been a total bust for sunrise photography.  The sky was either totally cloudless (boring) or covered in a thick layer … blocking any notice of a sunrise.  The mornings when the skies did cooperate, my body didn’t, and my sluggish exit out of bed found me missing the opportunity to capture those perfect skies.foggy morning

Yesterday morning when I stuck my head out the RV door, I was greeted with nothingness.  I could barely make out the shape of the tree just ten feet away.  Fog … a thick layer of fog engulfed the landscape.  The assault of humidity had its way with my natural curly hair.  Nothing a baseball cap couldn’t fix.  The moist sea air upon my face made my skin feel ten years younger.  Frizzy hair and dewy skin … oh well 😏  Texas Gulf Coast

Wow …. I had to get out there, even if the lighting wasn’t good for photography.  The atmosphere was amazing.  I threw on some clothes, topped off my coffee, and jumped in the truck.  I wasn’t sure if I’d find anything worth photographing, but I didn’t care.  I reveled in the quiet.  In the solitude.  In the peacefulness.  Aaah, how wonderfully calming, yet eerie and mysterious!calm

By 7:30 the sun had been up fifteen minutes, yet I saw no signs of her presence.  I didn’t mind.  I was enjoying a glorious morning by myself.  And although I may have been alone, I was not alone.

I was bushwhacking strolling through damp grasses and weeds amongst a grove of oak trees that serve as the roosting grounds for Great Blue Herons and Egrets.  I could hear their rustling, grunts, and squawks in the trees above me.  When one of the birds would take flight, I could even hear their wing movement.  I know …. how cool was that!peace, calmAnd then there were the ducks and Coot swimming in the pond.  Rumor has it there’s even an alligator that calls this place home.  Such company I can do without.  Birds yes, gators no!

What a wonderful morning it was, and although I didn’t photograph the kind of images I originally set out to capture, I was pleased with the photographs I did make.  By 10:00 a.m. the fog had burned off, my stomach was growling, and it was time to return to the RV … feeling refreshed, renewed, and happy.solitude

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90 thoughts on “A Calm Morning

  1. Wow, what stunning images! I poked my head outside the RV this morning and got rain for my view :-/
    I’m hoping to purchase my first proper camera this week and I can only hope to produce some images like these in time. Great work. And in Texas too – I wouldn’t have imagined it – we are hoping to be there next month before the real heat kicks in.
    Can’t wait for some more photos!


  2. Agree…that morning heavy fog is very reminiscent of the poem beginning, “The fog comes in on little cat feet”..mysterious, silent and magical..I am sooo missing that Texas coastline..i love the water fowl there…Keep the photos coming!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The diverse variety of waterfowl this year seems to be better than ever according to locals. It’s been a good season this year along the coast. Hopefully you’ll make it down next winter!


    1. Wish you could’ve joined me. It’s been a very enjoyable time around here with an abundance of photographic opportunities. Lots of birds and agreeable weather – most of the time. I’m rooting for next year … pencil it in 😉

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  3. And that is the advantage of living in a camper instead of a sailboat. How nice to just be able to get out and explore without too much hassle, either by foot or by truck. :-). Great post for the WordPress photography topic, Ingrid.


    1. I had just taken these photos the day before, and thought the photo challenge prompt was a perfect fit. I’ve been enjoying my options of transportation – bike, hike, or drive! It’s been a good season for me this year and to think we ‘almost’ canceled. But come the end of the month, I’ll be ready to head back to the desert to dry out 😊


  4. Absolutely gorgeous photos! I feel peaceful just looking at them. Thanks for getting up and out the door to capture the magic for us. 🙂


    1. Thank you Laurel. Since we spend most of our time in an arid climate, I rarely get the opportunity to capture images like these. It was a joy!


    1. I’m pretty pleased with these shots. I sure couldn’t capture images like these in the southwest. Yeah, find me a foggy morning in AZ 😆 but then again, those desert sunsets are spectacular.


  5. Your photography skills have risen to a new level! These pictures are amazing and worthy to hang in an art gallery! Calm indeed and peaceful!


  6. I love your early morning fog pictures. I agree, hearing the sound of the wings is very cool. So glad you decided venture out that morning and share your pictures with us.


    1. It’s a rare treat to be so close to these birds to be able to hear the air rush over their wings. I could’ve sat there for hours (if I’d had a chair). Great morning!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Yep, gotta have that morning coffee. I agree with you, my two favorite photos are the first and last which is why I placed them in the post where I did. Like minds 😊

      Liked by 1 person

    1. A blessing indeed! This RV lifestyle has allowed me to enjoy some amazing experiences and hopefully I’ve managed to capture the moments adequately.


  7. These misty mornings have provided a magical mood and a lot of m words it appears. But seriously these are lovely photos. Sometimes it pays to get up and at it. 🙂


    1. Now if only I’d get ‘up and at it’ every morning 😆 These photos have hopefully inspired me to do just that. It was certainly worth taking that second cup of coffee for a drive.


    1. Thank you and yes, it was a great way to start the day. I was almost sad when the fog lifted, but when clear blue skies emerged, the sadness disappeared along with the fog.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Your title should read…PEACE. That is how I felt after reading and looking at the gorgeous photos.


  9. Love the serenity of the morning fog in your photos, Ingrid. You really know how to make the best of less than ideal conditions. It takes a special person to not just stay inside with a third, and fourth, cup of coffee.
    We are enjoying dry, sunny AZ after all that goofy TX weather. Feels good to warm up the bones a bit.


    1. Yeah, even though I’m a morning person, I do have a tendency to not leave the RV until cup #2 is gone and thus miss out on capturing some amazing skies. Need to work on taking that cup with me!
      By the end of our Texas stay, I’m usually ready to head back to the desert to dry out. Eventually, the humidity starts to irritate me and my frizzy hair 😆

      Liked by 1 person

  10. I love the effect the fog has on your images…and I too enjoy the peaceful silence in the wee hours…all by myself.


    1. I’m a morning person (well, as long as it’s not too early 😆) and love watching a new day dawn while enjoying my coffee. The fog provided an eerie ambiance that was perfect.


  11. It’s like waking up in the early morning when I am backpacking, just watching the world wake up. Being wrapped in the fog increases your isolation, but opens your senses to the sounds and feelings of the woods.


    1. You are so right … I was extremely attuned to the sounds above and around me. I felt like a guest in someone’s home; home to these amazing birds. What a treat!


  12. Great foggy morning shots with much more character than the normal sunrise photos that most of us take. Add that to a quiet, peaceful morning – what more could you ask for? Life is good!!


    1. I couldn’t agree more. It turned into a delightful morning. Now if only I’d get myself out of the RV like this every morning, imagine the array of photos I could capture!


  13. Beautiful shots! If you guys are looking for a bird paradise boondocking place, check this spot that’s on Bolivar Island, check this spot:

    I stayed there one night last winter, and if you walk back as far as possible to the Intercoastal Waterway, you’ll see that there’s a hide-away place for a big rig to camp.


    1. A couple of years ago, we spent a month in Galveston and I had every intention of visiting Bolivar Island but the weather had other plans 😏 Thanks for the info. I’ll keep it in mind for the next time we head east. Birds AND boondocking always attracts my attention.


    1. There was an eeriness and mystery that captivated me. I was almost sad when the fog eventually burned off. Now I’m checking the weather forecast for another potential fog filled morning!


  14. I have always loved foggy mornings. They bring an ethereal hush to the world not unlike a snowfall. These are beautiful photos – I especially love the last one of the tree with its twisted branches!


    1. Ooooh …. yes, like the stillness of an early morning snowfall. Wonderful comparison. I was rather pleased with that last photo. So many times I fail to capture the image in my head, leaving me disappointed. Not this time ☺

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