Quacking Carolers

I think its obvious based on my last few posts that hubby and I enjoyed our month on Galveston Island immensely.  Hopefully I’ve done the island justice by sharing our discoveries and adventures.seagull

photographing birdsThe one thing left for me to share is where we stayed.  Galveston Island offers everything from high end accommodations like the San Luis Resort, to vacation home rentals, to a State Park, and everything in between.

Al and I knew we wanted to spend a month on the island therefore a RV Park would be our best option.  After a bit of research, we booked a reservation at the Jamaica Beach RV Resort located 10 miles south of the town of Galveston and only 3 miles from the state park.

Texas RV Parks
checking in at the Jamaica Beach RV Resort, Galveston Island, Texas

Jamaica Beach RV Resort

Once we arrived and were all hooked-up, I realized this was the first time in 6 months that we had full hook-ups.  Talk about luxury!  However, there are always tradeoffs.   I may not have had the need to worry about water usage, but I no longer had any fabulous views out my RV windows.  I will say the RV Park was lovely and the sites were nicely spaced in comparison to other RV parks.RV Parks in Texas

TurtlesThe Jamaica Beach RV Resort had plenty of amenities as well as an onsite Pirate themed mini golf course complete with Dora, the turtle.

Just across the road was the beach access. With its close proximity to the state park and the beach, this turned out to be a great place to call home for the month.  However, the wildlife was a problem…. wink, wink.

A problem instigated by moi, I might add.  It all started accidentally.  Al and I were reorganizing the basement and the corner of a small bag of bird seed tore spilling some seed onto the pavement.  Not interested in continuing to store this bag, I spread the rest of the bird seed into the grassy area.  Huey, Dewey, and Louie loved it and thought this would become a regular event.Serenade

From that day on, every morning I could hear them singing (in a rather quacky way) as they waddled down the street.  The serenade would continue at our door.  “Oh, how cute… Quacking Carolers”.

Donald Ducks nephewsHowever, I don’t think they were quacking “Deck the halls” as much as they were saying “Feed us more, Miss Ingrid“.

They looked under fed, don’t they?  Gosh, I could practically see their ribs.  That’s exactly what these three little beggars would have us think.

They do know how to endear themselves and made their rounds throughout the RV Park regularly.

Since we no longer have a dog, I found myself quickly bonding with Huey, Dewey, and Louie… they’re rather cute, I’d say.quacking ducks

I’ll admit, it was kind of nice being greeted by these three entertaining chaps upon our return from a day of explorations.  Numerous times, we found the green headed characters napping under our RV.  A regular washing down of the RV site quickly became a necessity 😉

Mallard Duck
The Duck whisperer…. How to train your duck!

photography birdingThe three Amigos did add some enjoyment to our stay at the RV Park and made up for any lack of views. I guess I’m easily entertained these days.

We would stay at the Jamaica Beach RV Resort again and feel comfortable recommending it.

With the state park just 5 minutes away, I did spend a fair amount of time strolling around that park.  I think if we were to camp at the Galveston Island State Park, we would stay at the campground on the bay side.  It seems a little more protected from the winds than the ocean side plus the birding is better.

bird photography
Will sing AND dance for food …. coochie, coochie!

We also checked out Dellanera RV Park and Tiki Tom’s.  Tiki Tom’s seems to be geared more towards anglers and kayakers while Dellanera RV Park is geared towards beach goers.

All and all, our month on Galveston Island was a great experience. We’d return 🙂

Jamaica Beach RV Resort
I’m outta here ….. That lady scares the crap out of me!




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60 thoughts on “Quacking Carolers

  1. Hi Ingrid! We usually like to plan a few days here and there at a full hook-up to do the cleaning etc. I bet a whole month felt like a luxury! We’ve been living in a house for 2 months now and we will have to learn how to ‘RV’ all over again. Wishing you and Al a Happy New Year!


    1. Full hook-ups do make RV living easier, but giving up views is difficult. Tomorrow we head back into full hook-ups for the month of January and after that it’ll be back to our gypsy ways. Happy New Year to you as well and I’ll shoot you an email soon 🙂


  2. Just stopping in for 10 seconds, to say “Merry Christmas,” Ingrid – I’m thinking about my WordPress friends and I think you’re the first of the bunch – I’ll call you “Numero Uno!” How’s that? I’ll come back to catch up soon. I hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas; hope Santa catches up with you, too (he will of course)!


  3. Heads up…birds overhead!! Or some arrive in fun like Huey, Dewey and Louie…too cute! Fun how it brings them in as carolers…so many super music pieces for the holiday!

    You two have a wonderful Christmas Eve, keep your eyes peeled as no telling what you might see.
    HO HO HO!


    1. Ducky indeed! Hanging at Mustang Island State Park and having blogging bud Mona Liza and Steve over for Christmas dinner. Enjoy your Christmas 🙂


  4. You have sold me on Galveston Island, and now I know where we can stay. 😊 Your Galveston posts have been wonderful, filled with good activities, scenic views, and wildlife. Great Photos, Ingrid. I want to wish you and Al a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year!!


    1. Thanks Holly. When you do decide to visit Galveston feel free to email me if you’d like any more info. Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas as well 🙂


  5. Thanks for the info on the park and looks like you really enjoyed your quacky friends. I’m sure one of our pups would go wild if they came to visit us.


    1. Thanks Sue. These guys were characters and it really made me happy to return to the RV and be greeted by them. Not as cuddly as my dog was but cute none the less 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I really enjoy reading your posts – and your photos are excellent! This place reminded me of a place we stayed a year or so ago – Frog City RV. Instead of ducks, they had cats. No idea why they were so big on frogs, but we got the T-shirts anyway. Blessings…


    1. Thank you. Cats? Sounds interesting. Bet there were no problems with mice there. I love finding interesting T-shirts. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Wishing you a joyful Christmas.


  7. I loved your posts. We’re likely going to be in Galvaston later this winter, though that may change. I enjoyed your posts a lot. Funny thing when you commented about how it was the first time in a long time since you had full hookups. yeah, we know what that is about! I have met some RVers that act like not having a full hookup is what “trash” does, but honestly our best views and best sights have generally been in the “not full hook up” places. Anyway thank you for wonderful information.


    1. Thanks. When we bought our RV we specifically made sure to keep our length to a size so we could fit in most places. We knew we would prefer state parks, national parks, etc. over RV parks, but every now and them the full hook-ups are nice. Allows us the opportunity to do some heavy cleaning and regrouping. Safe travels and have a wonderful Christmas 🙂


  8. I have this image of your three feathered friends following you and Al as you move to your next spot. Such a fun post. Great falling poop shot. Thanks for the laughs! Merry Christmas to you and Al!


    1. Thanks Karen. One day, I was walking to the laundry and the 3 Amigos followed me. Hysterical. And a very Merry Christmas to you and Greg 🙂


  9. Oh, this post made me smile! I can see why those ducks were good company, even though you had to wash down the patio. 🙂 We usually prefer state parks, too, but it’s definitely a treat to have full-hookups. That looks like a terrific RV park — I wonder if we could reserve the site with your ducks? 🙂 Wishing you the happiest of holidays!


    1. Thanks Laurel. Trust me…. put a little food out and they will find you. They make their rounds around the park. It was so entertaining. It is nice to have the full hook-ups to regroup and do some serious cleaning. Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas.


  10. Love your quacking carolers, thanks for the info on the nearby parks, working on our route east and may stop in Galveston for a few days when we leave Port A.


    1. Let me know if you have any questions on the area. The state park is nice for a few days but be sure and make a reservation if you’ll be there over a weekend. Weekends fill up. Merry Christmas!


  11. Love that last photo!! Great capture! I am sure the three amigos will greet each resident that occupies that site for quite awhile. Hope they are duck fans, too:) Thanks for the review!

    Merry Christmas!


    1. Thanks Pam. Those 3 guys manage to find someone to feed them. They certainly don’t look like they’ve missed too many meals. Thankfully I dodged the snowy egrets falling poop. And a very Merry Christmas to you as well.


  12. Reminds me of a park we once stayed at, in Napa Idaho. The Ducks came around every Morning and evening begging for food. We also Stayed at Port Aransas about 10 years ago. But did not have the sights to see that you have seen where you are. Guess we will have to Go there again someday.


    1. All the posts so far have been on Galveston. I’ve been having too much fun and running behind on my writings. Next posts will be on Port A. Have a wonderful holiday.


    1. I really think there is a little something for everyone in Galveston. The weather wasn’t always agreeable but that happens everywhere. Email me if you have any questions. Have a great Christmas 🙂


  13. I love the three Amigos! You captured their expressions, how adorable. I’ve got to go Galveston Island to see these birds. 🙂 Great photos, Ingrid! Merry Christmas to you!


    1. Thanks Amy. The ducks were quite entertaining. I’ve been in Port Aransas now for the past week and enjoying the birding here very much… more so than Galveston. I need to work on some posts. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas 🙂


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