Photo Challenge: Clean

This week Cee’s Travel Theme photo challenge is; CLEANphoto challenge cleanphotography challengephotography challenge

Cee posted some beautiful shots of flowers with raindrops that indeed exemplifies the word clean.






Hum…..after a little pondering, I remembered all the birds along the Texas Gulf Coast cleaning and drying their wings.




How about the Turkey Vultures? They not only have cleaned and are now drying their wings, but earlier they cleaned up the dead duck in the middle of the challenge
photo challenge clean

Gulf Coast birdsI had a great time visiting the Texas Gulf Coast.  Although the beaches were beautiful, I fell in love with all the birds.  I’m hoping our travels will include regular visits to the Gulf Coast.

I’m still in Canyonlands National Park in Utah and surprisingly I do have internet, but weak at that.  Cold weather and rain is rolling in and today’s photo outing was less than stellar. 

I guess I’ll just have to hang around until the weather is more agreeable.  I know, it’s a tough job, but I’m up for the challenge………
Moon Arches & Canyonlands National Parks (Moon Handbooks)






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43 thoughts on “Photo Challenge: Clean

  1. first time I saw a turkey vulture with wings spread, I didn’t know what I was looking at. I had to get home and google the photo. great pics!!


  2. I fell in love with that Gulf Coast the first time we were there…never made it to Galveston Bay yet, but I’m sure there are more birds that way too. My biggest thrill was the Great Horned Owl, and that’s one big boy I NEVER expected to see on the Gulf Coast…Cold and rain headed here too…big whoop, right?


    1. Those owls freak me out when they turn their heads…..Linda Blair in the Exorcist. I so enjoyed our stay at the Gulf even though the weather wasn’t the most agreeable and I hope to explore more of it going east to Galveston and over to Pensacola. We’ll see if I can budget it next year.
      Blue skies are on the horizon 🙂


  3. You are in one of our favorite areas right now. We are in Elkhart IN taking care of the remodel and getting things cleaned up again – lot of work, but good time to purge more junk that we no longer need.


    1. It’ll feel good to get the RV all fixed up. I have a few changes I’d like to make as well, one of which is a new couch. But new tires are needed first 😦 I look forward to your ‘after’ photos 🙂


  4. Great choices for the challenge Ingrid. Love the white pelican. I think I am almost as enamored with them as I am the roseate spoonbill. 🙂


    1. Thanks Lu. Those white pelicans were certainly easier to capture than the roseate spoonbills. The spoonbills unique coloring just doesn’t seem to capture on film. The pelicans make me smile 🙂


    1. I don’t know how you do it sometimes. I’ve tried commenting on other blogs only to be dropped…..grrr. So for now I have to pick and choose what to use the elusive internet for and hope it’ll work.


      1. Ingrid some of my greatest adventures have been searching for the internet in Europe. It is an exercise in patience and dedication….or perhaps stubbornness. I am often wandering the streets waving my tablet like a mad person. Really amazing I haven’t been arrested or hospitalized in a foreign country.


    1. Yep, that’s one of my favorite shots as well. I must have sat for 30 plus minutes watching a group of pelicans and had so much fun. Thank goodness hubby wasn’t along….need I say more lol.


  5. I know what you mean about falling in love with the birds. I am in the middle of an affair with birds, particularly pelicans and hawks. I can’t get enough of them…though you are having way more success in capturing the beauty of the winged creatures. Truly awesome shots…I’m jealous!


    1. Thanks, I think I just got lucky finding a spot where the pelicans like to hang out and preen themselves. That allowed me to sit, snap, and savor. Love affair indeed!


    1. Currently we’re at Dead Horse Point SP. We managed to squeeze into a site with the use of a little grease lol. We handed over our boondock spot north of Moab to Linda over at Bear Tracks blog and I told her to visit your site for ideas. I was hoping to follow some of your footprints myself… time through we will. My lungs are getting better…..finally 🙂


  6. Another excellent job! I think you are at your best when you have these challenges. No, I have changed my mind. I think you are at your best on every post. What an imagination you have Ingrid!


    1. Gosh Marsha, thank you for such a nice compliment. BTW, I’m enjoying your remodel. I’ve had trouble commenting due to weak internet but I’m following every step 🙂


  7. Birds do spend a lot of time cleaning and preening, don’t they? Sometimes it’s challenging to get a photo of one NOT preening! Beautiful white pelicans (always among my favorites) and very nice composition of the three turkey vultures. After 4 1/2 months in Florida, we’re going to miss the Gulf coast, too!


    1. I never realized those birds could be so addictive. And they are a challenge to capture on film. I guess it just takes practice. Thank goodness for digital photography and the delete key. As you say good-bye to the Gulf, you say hello to the daughter 🙂


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