Must be Tuesday

BrowniesAs I sit at the kitchen table sipping coffee, I stare out the window….. all I can say is, “really?”.  Yep, it must be Tuesday and time for another snowstorm.  Right on schedule.

I’ve lived in southern Colorado for eighteen years and I don’t recall an April with this much inclement weather.  Usually April is filled with the anticipation of new growth, the budding of trees, and flowers.  Sure, winter always has its last hurrah in April with a final dumping of white powder, but this has been happening once a week for the past six to eight weeks.  I mean….really?  Enough already!

Even Bear hasn’t started shedding his winter coat, not that I’m complaining about the lack of dog hair around here.

I’m sure the avid skiers in the high country are tickled pink.  This flatlander and snowbirder, not.  The only thing pink around here are my frozen cheeks.

So have I been in a bad mood?  Yep!  No happy camper here, thus nothing to blog about.  You know the saying, “if you can’t say something nice……”

So for now,  I’ll wait patiently for Mother Nature to decide when it’s time for some of Colorado’s beautiful weather and amazing blue skies to return.  Until then, happy trails!Headache

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45 thoughts on “Must be Tuesday

    1. Yes, crazy is right. It’s one thing for the high country to get snow at this time of year, but the Front Range? Well, hopefully the moisture will lessen the fire danger. I’m all for that!


  1. Can you believe we left the sunny blue skies of Phoenix (temps in the 90’s) to visit the Languedoc region of France where it is in the 50’s and raining? Next stop is to visit family in England where it is in the 50’s and raining! We’ve got the April showers. Bring on the May flowers! At least the wine is cheap and plentiful here. I will say a toast to you and the end of winter with a glass of red tonight.


    1. We’re wondering why we left the sunny blue skies of Phoenix when we did. Europe? Sounds fun, and the gardens should be spectacular come May. Every time I’ve visited Germany, it rained plenty but was beautifully green and lush. Hope the wine keeps flowing 🙂


  2. we are having the same thing here in Ohio, by this time last spring we had been in flip flops for several weeks. Couldn’t believe when I saw snow flurries today, think I’ll take two of those pills and curl up with some hot tea. Next week 70″s predicted but I’m not holding my breath. Kris


    1. Seems warmer weather is FINALLY on it’s way. Last March (Spring break time) we were camped at Lost Dutchman SP (Phoenix) and had snow flurries and my dad in northern Illinois was enjoying 80 degrees. So ya never know. Hope Ohio isn’t flooding like parts of Illinois…..thank goodness no floods in Colorado!


  3. I love these April snowstorms… I don’t even have to shovel my horrendous north-facing sidewalk! You’ll be happy this weekend. 😀


    1. Ah, I always thought San Diego had the perfect weather. Guess this weather is getting all of us…..time for brownies. Thanks for stopping by and commenting 🙂


    1. Yep, not fun for any of us. At least here, the sun comes back out pretty quick. Those days and sometimes weeks of gray skies in the Midwest, always depressed me. Here’s to blue skies and warm temps real soon!


  4. Thank you for posting Maxine……love her! The winter weather is hanging on in upstate NY too, was snowing there just 2-3 days ago. We are taking the bus there in just under 30 days so it better get finished……I hear ya! Hang in there, blue skies are on the way!!


    1. This weather appears to be a bit crazy everywhere. I think spring will elude us this year and we’ll go straight from winter to summer. Gotta love Maxine!


  5. Ingrid, it must stop soon! We will be in southern CO at the end of May, then Estes Park at the beginning of June. At this rate there will be too much snow to hike. Stay warm with all your snow!!


    1. Oh, by the end of May all will be fine. They’ll start plowing out the road through Rocky Mountain National Park in May and it’s usually open for Memorial weekend. Hiking? You’ll probably run into snow here and there. The town of Estes Park will be just fine. Mesa Verde shouldn’t be a problem and Great Sand Dunes will be warm. I promise, Colorado will NOT bore you 🙂


  6. I feel your pain, girlfriend…We had lakefront property in our basement with all the rain..But we are lucky compared to many who had it up into their first floor. I count our blessings, although it is hard at times….COME ON SPRING!!!!!


    1. Oh, so sorry to hear about the basement. And to think, the Mississippi River was closed to barges not to long ago due to drought conditions. Hope things dry out for all of us. I long for a field full of tulips 🙂


  7. Okay, I am taking the brownie cartoon to heart. So true! I wish you a plate-full to make up for the icky snow. Sorry. Hope spring finds you there in Colorado soon.


  8. Sending sympathies. Have been contemplating a trip back to old stomping grounds in Utah… but wondering about running into snow on the passes. Any suggestions?


    1. Not sure how Utah is doing. From the blogs I follow, it seems ok. Colorado incurs road closures as these storms blow through….next day open and no problem. Comes quick, leaves quick. Typical spring snowstorm. I’m pretty sure May will be nice. Wait too long, and we’ll be complaining about the heat….LOL. Keep me posted, I’ll be visiting my brother in Grand Junction some time in May.


      1. I think my problem could be I try to avoid the interstates. Planning to come along the Columbia Gorge. I-84 is a bit hard to miss and doesn’t offer much in the way of tempting alternatives, but the one that has me concerned is 93 south out of Twin Falls, so I can avoid the Big City stuff of SLC… coming in the back way to Lehi.
        I remember that all too short window between sub-frigid and oven-hot from our years in Utah, so been hoping to hit the road in the next week or two…. but really not wanting to tackle snow. Had enough of that back in the day. Perhaps I should ask Nina, I think she was just out in SLC.


        1. I think Nina is in Moab now unless they moved recently. I understand your concerns with the back roads. I’m sure you’ll be fine in a couple of weeks, BUT keep an eye on the forecast. I hate traveling through big cities, especially with the rig plus there’s rarely any photo ops. Wishing you safe and fun travels!


  9. Hey, that is really getting old ! On the plus side you are in your warm home and need not worry of being stuck with those white stuff and able to write a good story about it.
    For now we are enjoying cool mornings and humid afternoons and sunny in Greenville, SC. A few more days and I will be off to visit my mom.


    1. I look forward to photos from the homeland. Will you post from over there or take time off from blogging? Have a wonderful visit with your mom….safe travels! Hope Steve learns lots…..future mechanic? or at least RV handyman….lol.


  10. Hahaha! I need some of that!! I’ve had it with this crappy spring, if that’s what you can call it. ENOUGH! Gimme some of that Fukitol. I may need a larger dose. LOL!


    1. Hey, how about some “special” brownies to go along with that Fukitol? It’s legal in Colorado…. Here’s to wearing flip-flops real soon!


  11. I thought you had sense ad’s when Fukitol showed up…made me laugh, so Googled and found it’s more or less a joke (Oh, I get it now)! Thought maybe being in CO you were putting something in your brownies (kidding)…I’m just a little slow over East of you! Sunny skies are on the horizon…next year we can both stay in the hot desert as long as we want!!


    1. Yes, I assure you I will remain south next year a lot longer. You’re right, no trouble getting “special” brownies around Colorado. It took me a minute to catch the Fukitol joke as well, but if you say it real fast, it becomes obvious. Yes, I occasionally have a potty mouth….I’m a work in progress!


    1. I know the moisture is needed….but, really! I’ve attempted a hike in the state park 3 times this past week. 30 + mph sustainable winds, not fun. Then after spending the winter in AZ, I think my blood has thinned and I just can’t handle the cold like I used to. Oh, well – hopefully May will be better. No 14er for me this summer!


      1. I know what you mean, I had scheduled a bunch of hikes leading up to our first 14er over the 4th of July weekend but I am starting to think it may not happen given we can’t seem to get above 10k any time soon…..aaarrrggggg it makes me want to drink more.


        1. I’ll share in that drink…..haha. Well at least you and the hubby are still getting out there. Two years ago, hubby and I didn’t let weather deter us. Now we’re wimps but I’m working on changing that!


  12. I am so excited to find that you are a health food advocate for brownies!! I have been saying this for years and now I have found a kindred spirit. 🙂


    1. Some how chocolate and coffee make it all better…..until I step on the scale, but that’s another story. Here’s to brownie therapy!


  13. Winter has been quite clingy there this time ’round! Plus after spending a nice stretch of time in the southwest, you must be eager for good weather at home base! !
    Stay safe, friend! I just read about a bunch of car wrecks on the interstates in Kansas…that dang wintry mix weather can be dangerous! !


    1. Eager is putting in mildly. Yes, after spending the winter in Arizona, this is not what we were planning on. We returned from AZ when we did to do yard work and that hasn’t happened yet. I’m jealous of all the beautiful plants in your yard 🙂


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