Dining – Western Style

Valentine’s Day; a time for flowers, chocolates, and dining out.  This seems like the perfect time to talk about a couple of eating establishments Al and I happen across during our travels.  Mind you, these are not your normal run of the mill type of places, but rather unique or shall I say uniquely western.

When Al and I started dating many, many years ago, we lived in the Chicago suburbs and loved going into the city.  Chicago’s Rush Street is a mecca of dining establishments and the food is amazing.  So we’d get all dressed up for an evening out.  I’d venture to say these evenings out were rather romantic.  Hubby did wine and dine me AND he still does…….BUT

I’d say my interests or what I find entertaining has changed somewhat over the years.  Don’t get me wrong, I still like to dress up and dine at a fine restaurant in a city, but been there, done that, bought the T-shirt so to speak.  I want different, unique, perhaps even a little crazy, and we found a couple of places that fit that description perfectly.

While boondocking in Quartzsite, we were introduced to The Desert Bar located just north of Parker, Arizona.  There were a few of us who caravaned to this unique and out-of-the-way establishment.  This was just one more time we appreciated driving a truck.The Desert Bar

The Desert Bar is located out in the boonies in the desert southwest.  Once we turn off Highway 95 we continue into the undeveloped desert on a dusty dirt road for about 5 miles.  Although driving a truck was a plus, I’d venture to say an ATV would be the perfect mode of transportation.

To view the photos in larger format, click on any photo.

This open air establishment is powered 100% on solar.  The live entertainment was excellent and the fresh grilled chicken and burgers were yummy.  We went on a Saturday afternoon and this place was buzzing with activity…..drinking, dining, dancing, and live entertainment.  The land surrounding the bar has an interesting “church” like metal structure.  There are antique cars, trucks, and tractors thoughtfully placed on the grounds as art.

If you’re ever in the Parker, AZ area, I would highly recommend a visit to The Desert Bar……fun and perhaps even romantic…… in a rustic way.Buffalo Chip

Then there’s the Buffalo Chip Saloon in Cave Creek, Arizona.  Al and I have been to this place several times and have introduced friends to this truely western establishment.  Our greeter is a Belgian draft horse named Cactus Jack.

Once inside…..well….. I’ll let the photos do the talking for me.

The all you can eat Friday night fish fry is a huge draw, especially for my midwestern hubby.  Hubby is a huge fan of the  Lake Perch, Walleye, and Catfish.  They also serve Cod.  Tummies full, we head out back.

In the rear lot are two open air bars, more dining, and an arena for LIVE Bull Riding and Mutton Busting.  Once again good food and we are duly entertained particularly by the Mutton Busting.  Unfortunately, I was too busy laughing and being entertained, that my photos did not turn out.  I’ve attached a video of Mutton Busting for those of you unfamiliar with this ‘sport’.  Perpare to smile or perhaps even laugh.


Happy Valentines Day…..hope you experience your own version of romance!

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38 thoughts on “Dining – Western Style

  1. reads like fun – love the pictures and the captions when you roll over them with a mouse! Is it a plug-in? got O in front of me for a ski break – munching on cheese fries for $4! Pink cheeks and a smile. W will follow and I’d better get grading, thanks for the diversion!


    1. The ‘photo galleries’ are through media upload in wordpress. If you click on a photo, it’ll enlarge and turn into a slide show. It’s a pretty cool way for me to share more photos for those interested. Stay warm!


  2. Happy Valentines from San Antonio! So that’s the Desert Bar we missed! Hmm…another reason to come back to AZ. Mutton busting is very entertaining, I would probably roll out and laugh.
    Had a quiet Vday at South Llano park no internet but the Cardinals were entertaining us, lots of them!


    1. Can I expect some bird photos? Re mutton busting…LuAnn and I were laughing and the sheep were moving so fast, photos were impossible. Enjoy San Antonio….looking forward to more Lowe’s Adventures 🙂


  3. Living 2 hrs away from CHItown…I understand your shout out for yummy food indeed! But my ear is yearning for your AZ eating :O) More for my Google gotta-go map! THX….from one foodie who can’t get enough pics of good eating LOL!


    1. Two hours away??? Hubby has family in Rockford. Ah…a winter in the desert southwest is definitely preferable to Chicagoland. You’ll be saddled up soon…haha!


  4. Great post, Ingrid! I didn’t watch your Youtube of mutton busting as I want to see it in person first! Next time we are in CC it’s on our must see list. Happy Valentine’s Day!javascript:the_new_window=window.open(‘http://fsymbols.com/bookmarklet/’,’the_window’,’height=460,width=700′);if%20(window.focus)%20{the_new_window.focus();}


      1. The mutton busting was so cute and funny….it made the evening. Definitely worth seeing in person. Glad I’m not the only one who has the occassional problem with links 🙂


  5. One day we’ll stay in Q and get to experience The Desert Bar. Looks like a great place!

    You were right about the Mutton Bustin’…how funny. The little kids are very brave.

    Happy Valentine’s Day!


    1. It shocked us to how fast those sheep come shooting out with a little kid on top…..quite entertaining. The Desert Bar is actually closer to Lake Havasu than Quartzsite…acutally not far from the Buckskin State Campground. Hope you’re having a great V Day!


    1. Oh, I couldn’t agree more. I know we were all surprised to see how fast those sheep shot out. Even with proper camera settings, I still don’t think I’d be able to capture. Safe travels, my friend 🙂


    1. I’d give the Stake House off 95 a try. We really liked it. Friends enjoy pizza at Silly Al’s. The Desert Bar is an hour drive from Q but fun for sure.


    1. Try the Stake House off 95 in Q. The Desert Bar is north of Parker so it’s a drive away. The Yacht Club was also ok and the story behind it was pretty entertaining. Enjoy!


  6. I had to Google The Desert Bar…….looks like our cup of tea for sure. Thanks for sharing and it’s on our “to do” list now!!! Keep ’em coming!


    1. One of the great things about this blogging community is sharing all the fun and out of the way places. I’ll share, if you share….lol


    1. Yep, Al and I rarely do the formal anymore. We got such a kick at the decor at the Buffalo Chip….photos could not really capture. Hubby couldn’t stop laughing at the neon sign about the ladies room…..”Fish Tacos”…..;-)


  7. We rarely eat out when RVing, but we stop at lots of places for an adult beverage and take carryouts back to the Hiker..I just gotta say that Al looks soooo much like his Dad…except Al’s hair is more silver than when I last saw Ken….;-)


    1. We don’t go out too much either, but do like exploring unique and out of the way places. I also get burned out on cooking all the time. So a break is nice from time to time. Ken’s hair never did gray as much as Al’s. Al started turning gray in his early thirties….right around the time he met me….hmmmm 😉


      1. That’s funny!! Den’s started about the time our daughters (15 months apart in age) became teenagers!! Have fun in the Wild West!!


    1. Have you gone to the Southwest Air website. Daughter found a great web fare from Denver to Phx. Weather is starting to get really nice around here and will only improve. A trip up to Lake Havasu from Q is a fun day. Sounds like you could use a change of scenery.


  8. My husband and I also met in Chicago suburbs (1998) and then after marrying in 2001 moved to Phoenix. I just returned from a trip back and had Lou Malnati’s Pizza twice. Now we are beginning to work toward our goal of full time RVing within maybe 5 years and follow your blog!


    1. Doesn’t Chicago have the best food? We go back every summer to visit family and stop at our favorite eateries. Thanks for visiting….we’ll be at Cave Creek Reg Park till the 19th if you’d like to stop by 🙂


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