Lens-Artists Challenge #302 – Artificial Intelligence

Lens-Artists Challenge #302 – Artificial Intelligence

My morning walks in the park are more than exercise, it’s my way of communing with nature.

WordPress AI created

Each step is deliberate and purposeful. I take in the sights and sounds. This is my church.

WordPress AI created

The sun begins to rise, casting a warm glow upon the freshly watered grass.


I’m not alone. I never am. Even when there’s very few people around, which is the case shortly after sunrise, I can count on the birds to keep me company.

iPhone – Great Blue Heron
WordPress AI created

The morning air becomes my medicine, and I feel present and alive while exploring the quiet dawning of a new day.

iPhone – the early morning light along with an overcast sky, created interesting shadows.

And so, I walk … awake, aware, and ready to greet the day.

It’s over!

My outdoor walks have come to an end. Sigh! My communing with nature has come to an end, a temporary end. Sigh! It’s June in the desert southwest. It’s hot. There is no longer any lingering of crispness in the air, and morning walks are best done before sunrise. Yes, before sunrise!

I had already given up hiking on the trails in April due to the desert heating up which brings out our slithering creatures. In lieu of the rugged trails, I embraced a groomed park complete with paved walkways and no snakes, hopefully. And I was enjoying it, loving it, relishing it until the summer heat showed up and overnight temps no longer provided a reprieve.


I consider myself a morning person. However, I do draw a line at walks prior to sunrise which is around 5:15 a.m. right now, and with overnight low temperatures barely dropping below 80 degrees Fahrenheit (26C), my morning walks have unfortunately moved indoors. The treadmill and I will be well acquainted by the time fall rolls around.

While those in other places are enjoying the great outdoors this time of year, summer in the desert is when we remain indoors.

WordPress AI created – is there something strange about this photo? Like a weird hand and a random arm?

However, all is not lost. With the help of AirPods and motivating music, this old gal is embracing artists with names like Dua Lipa and Jelly Roll. While briskly walking on the treadmill with the music turned up, I can pretend to “Dance the Night Away” in a field of wildflowers. Hey, anything to make the treadmill less boring. Am I right?

As I put one foot in front of the other, my mind drifts. Sometimes I listen to the words in the song and other times all I hear is a rhythmic melody. The mind wanders …

A.I. generated.

Today is the tomorrow I worried about yesterday,
And today was such a lovely day,
That I wondered why I worried about today yesterday.
So, today I am not going to worry about tomorrow.
There may not be a tomorrow anyway.
So, today I am going to live as if there is no tomorrow,
And I am going to forget about yesterday.

The enlightenment shall continue!

For this week’s Lens-Artists photo Challenge #302, John asks us to share images of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Photography. I didn’t use A.I. to alter any of my own images but rather used the WordPress AI feature to generate complete photographs. I’ve played around with my own images with AI in the past with very mixed results. I find it time consuming and hit or miss. The iPhone photos are in response to John’s Cellpic Sunday photo challenge. Thus, this post includes my original cell phone photos along with artificially generated photographs. A.I. is definitely changing the world of photography. I’m not sure how I feel about it, but it’s here to stay so I might as well embrace it. A new reality!

WordPress AI generated

I’m also adding a link to Terri’s Sunday Still’s photo challenge. Her prompt this week is the Great Outdoors, and my morning walks at the park certainly seem to fit the subject matter. Hope the weather in your neck of the woods is perfect for getting outside and enjoying nature.



The moment our eyes met, Bear and I knew we belonged together.

I find myself staring at the dark amber liquid that was just poured into a shot glass. I quizzically wonder, “Am I suppose to sip this or down it”? I decide to smell it first then take a small sip. As the liquid slides down my throat, I feel a slight burn but in a good way.

The burn seems to ease my sore throat. I still can’t believe I’ve come down with another cold. Quite frankly, I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired. 😛 However, I can’t be mad at the little germ carrier. My twenty-month-old granddaughter goes to daycare Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday and then comes to my home on Thursday’s. Therefore, all the cooties shared amongst the children at daycare are then shared with me on Thursday. Lucky me!

I love taking Lillian to the park every chance I get. I did the same when my children were young.

Ah, she’s so stinking cute. How could I possibly be upset? I down more of that amber liquid in hopes of killing those germs.

Memory Lane

Growing up, I remember my parents being in relatively good health, but at the earliest onset of a cold, they’d reach for the bottle of ‘medicinal’ Jägermeister. I figured if it worked for them, it should hopefully work for me. A little unconventional, but then again, there’s very little about me that’s conventional.

I pour myself a second glass and decide to write a blog post. Terri’s photo challenge prompt is all about “kids and pet’s”. Perfect! I haven’t gone through my photo albums in a while. So, let’s scan a few photos!

A new mom! Me with my first born, a son named Logan.
Logan with our first Brittany Spaniel, Dallas

I tried to take the kids on some kind of adventurous outing regularly wherever we lived.

Most rewarding accomplishment.

I didn’t have my son until I was in my late twenties. Actually, there was a time when I wasn’t even sure I wanted children. I was focused on my career and wanting to travel the world. My parents wanderlust gene was definitely passed down to me.

I don’t think my life would’ve felt complete had I not had children. It wasn’t always easy, especially since I had a husband who was away a lot, more than half the time due to work. Being a single parent is tough, but there’s nothing more rewarding than to know you raised two productive model citizens. Of course, I’ll share a little credit with my husband, a great dad, but just a little credit mind you …. remember, he was gone a lot when the children were young. 🤣

Bear and I shared a special bond and he helped me get through some very difficult times.

I realized early on that my attitude or beliefs toward parenting were somewhat different than my peers. I never felt it was my job to protect my children from the world as much as it was to prepare my children… prepare them for the harsh realities of life. I’m definitely a realist not an idealist and that spilled over into my parenting.

Ah, the stories I could tell, but I won’t. Needless to say, I’ve been thanked by my daughter numerous times for my unconventional mothering style. And my son says he plans on raising his girls the same way he was raised. I’d say there’s no better complement a parent can receive.

My daughter, Ashton, just hours old. Big brother clearly not interested.
Thirty-one years later, Ashton and I enjoy an epic road trip. Yes, we hiked from the valley floor up to Observation Point, Zion NP. The most strenuous hike I’ve ever done. Special times!

Over the years, Ashton and I have enjoyed some very memorable mother-daughter adventures together.

Robinhood and Maid Marian – I enjoyed making these costumes

Where has the time gone?

I look back at these photos and can’t help but wonder where the time has gone. On one hand, it seems like it was just yesterday that I was making Halloween costumes for my kids, and yet on the other hand, it feels like a lifetime ago or even another life. Now my kids are having kids!

My son with his daughter, Lillian. The next generation.

Being a mom and now a grandmom is the greatest joy in my life!

Thanks for stopping by and listening to my ramblings. No more Jägermeister for this gal. 🤗

Lots of laughs were had on this day as I ran back and forth to the camera to set the ten second timer on the camera. I’m wearing flip-flops, there was loose gravel, and a cliff ledge. 😮 Horsetooth Reservoir, Fort Collins, Colorado

“Ah, to be young again.” Lens Artist Challenge #298. Thank you, Tina for the perfect topic for the upcoming Mother’s Day.

Photo Composition

Photo Composition

Spring in the desert southwest is glorious. It’s a time to grab the camera and head out into nature. This past week, I was quick to join other members of our local camera club for a photography outing.

It felt great to be back out and about with camera in hand, and although, I didn’t capture any compelling images, it was just the impetus I needed to get the brain into a creative mode. This recent outing along with John’s photo challenge prompt sent the creative juices flowing, and me scouring my computer for photographs that might fit John’s challenge.

Tools of Composition – Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #289

Today’s challenge focuses on Shape, Form, Texture, and Light. The desert southwest is abundant with photo opportunities and perfect for today’s photo challenge.


The texture of petrified wood along with the thought of wood turning into stone had me scratching my head in wonder. For anyone traveling through northern Arizona, I highly recommend a stop at Petrified Forest National Park.

Me, perplexed by petrified wood – Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona
Us camped near the Arizona-Utah border


Throughout my life, I have been blessed with the opportunity to travel. I have traveled extensively, and during all these travels, I have never encountered more amazing skies than that found in the desert southwest.

Sunrise along the shores of Lake Powell at the Arizona/Utah border.

The light seen in this part of the country is more than just a photographers dream … it’s an experience and a joy to witness.


You’ll find some of the most remarkable scenery in this part of the United States along with all kinds of shapes and textures. The landscape is diverse, extraordinary, and stunning.

As many times as I have been exposed to Mother Nature’s unique creations, I continue to be awed by her artistry.


Of course, I can’t forget about wildlife and plants; two of my favorite photographic subjects.

In my opinion, this flower image seems to hit all the elements of the composition challenge; shape, form, texture, and light.

This flower reminds me that it’s the beginning of March and spring is in the air. It’s my favorite time of year, and I can’t wait for the desert to come alive. She has already started.

It’s a time for bird’s to mate and flower’s to bloom. New life and new beginnings!

Finding inspiration… After a rough four months physically, I am finally feeling better, better than I have in quite some time and am inspired to continue capturing the beauty found around me in my home state of Arizona.

I am currently on wildflower watch which is nearing with each new day, and therefore, I am keeping the camera batteries charged. 🌵 Who else is doing a happy dance? 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻

Till next time,

In Need of a Recharge

In Need of a Recharge

There comes a point in life when we could all use a bit of a break from the everyday… a recharge, so to speak. It doesn’t matter whether we’re retired, traveling for fun, working a nine-to-five, or any number of other scenarios, we can all benefit from a recharge. Isn’t that what vacations are all about?

Over the years, I have been asked many a time, “What are some of your favorite places that you have traveled to”? That’s such a subjective answer because most times it’s never just about the location. It’s about what’s going on in my personal life or about my personal experience.

I assure you, I could be in the most gorgeous place on earth, yet if Al and I are having a tiff, a differing of opinions, that place will not make my top ten list of favorite places … even if I capture the perfect image.😁

That said, one such place that does make my top ten list is the Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument.

It was the summer of 2016. A very busy and somewhat hectic summer for us. We started off the season by working camping at an RV park in Idaho. That in itself was an experience and anything but relaxing.

By mid-July, we meandered our way back to Colorado and in early August found a place to park the RV for a week while Al stayed with his sister in Denver and I caught a flight to Chicago so I could accompany my ninety-year-old father to my nephew’s wedding. It was a fun time spent with Dad, but by the end of the week, I was ready to return to my husband and RV life.

A special place that was perfect for a much-needed recharge.

It was time to bid farewell to Colorado and head south. What was supposed to be a few days in Santa Fe, New Mexico, turned into two weeks. Our summer had been a whirlwind of activity filled with lots of travel and stressful situations. We were in dire need of a break. We needed to recharge and New Mexico offered the perfect place to do just that.

We ended up splitting our time between stays in Santa Fe and the Cochiti Lake Campground. While staying at the Cochiti CG, we were a short drive away from the Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks, allowing me the opportunity to visit this special place numerous times.

The days spent hiking or chilling back at camp, were precisely what I needed to recharge and rejuvenate. Nature is my church!

If you’re interested in hearing more about my hikes at Kasha-Katuwe along with lots more photos, you can read this post, Take a Hike in New Mexico. My morning solitude hikes there did wonders for my soul, and thus, this park/monument will always hold a special place in my heart.

Great farmers market

Oh, I can’t forget to share the outstanding farmers market in Santa Fe. I’d say it’s one of the best we’ve ever been to and we scheduled our travels so we could visit three times. The fresh foods found at the farmers market fueled my body while the nature hikes fueled my soul. Talk about energizing and recharging!

August is pepper harvesting and roasting season and the tastes and smells at the market are divine. Even my husband, who is not normally a pepper eater, was sampling all kinds of roasted peppers.

“Where is my husband, and what have you done to him?” 🤣 Seriously, I could not believe the peppers he was eating AND raving about. Yep, August is a notable time to visit New Mexico.

Can you spot the trail below? Lower center, near the cluster of trees. I started down there.

Great food, great scenery, and great hiking equal RECHARGED. I was ready for the next adventure!

How do you recharge?

This week’s Lens-Artist photo challenge #267 is RECHARGE. Thank you, Egidio for the thought-provoking prompt.