The Desert Turns Green

Since moving to the desert southwest, the month of March has become a favorite time of year for me. I grew up in the Midwest and used to dread March. When March rolled around, I was ready for winter to be over, but Mother Nature still had lots more inclement weather to share. There would always be another snowstorm, gray skies, and a whipsaw of temperatures.

Not so in Phoenix, Arizona. March is awesome!

The Color Green

March is when our desert starts to come alive. As her plants come out of hibernation, the color green can be seen in all directions. There’s a feeling of rebirth and renewal. It’s a special time of year to experience the desert.

As a combination of yellow’s optimism and blue’s calmness, green is considered to be a positive color. It can even evoke feelings of balance, serenity, and joy.

It’s considered the most balanced color, most likely due to its association with nature. Green can improve mood and surrounding oneself with green elements aids in relaxation and depression. It can even bring about a feeling of peacefulness.

Green Heron spotted at a local pond
plant seen near the pond with the green heron

Feelings of Vitality and Peace

Spring has sprung here in Arizona and I couldn’t be happier. Is it the green landscape that has me feeling more energized? Could it be the wildflowers that are beginning to dot our landscape? It doesn’t really matter. What does matter is I’m in a good mood, and I intend to soak up every minute of our glorious spring weather and beautiful landscape because I know the extreme desert heat is just around the corner.

Now please excuse me while I grab my camera and head out in search of desert wildflowers ….

What does March look like in your neck of the woods?

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92 thoughts on “The Desert Turns Green

  1. February was better here than March but we had a little rain and the wildflowers have gone wild. This morning red sand blew in from the Sahara, covering everything with dust. Now we need rain to wash it all away again. Never a dull moment. Have a wonderful Spring!


    1. I do not enjoy those desert wind storms. Fortunately, we’ve had some nice rain storms knocking down the dust. And our wildflowers are in full bloom making the desert feel alive. I intend to enjoy every minute before the heat arrives.

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    1. I love spring in the desert. She comes alive with a beauty not found elsewhere. I went out to Bartlett Lake on Tuesday and the wildflowers were out in abundance. Stay tuned for Sunday’s post. 🙂

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  2. Ingrid. What is the town you’re in? Also if you have any nice campgrounds by you , please let me know. I willnot have a car but I do have an electric bike that I could cruise to your house. Otherwise you will have to come to me. I only stay a few days but cannot wait to catch up. I am planning on being there sometime in July . 2nd or 3 weekUsually I need to make reservations but slowly putting my summer travels together


  3. These photos are incredible, Ingrid!

    I love that you’ve captured the world and Mother Nature from various angles, including the flowers and geese up close!

    Seeing the various plants in their natural glory is a testament to nature’s hard work, and you captured her exuberant presence perfectly!

    Please feel free to visit my website anytime!

    Take care,

    Alex Smithson 🙂


  4. So happy I found your blog! The pictures are so gorgeous!

    I’m currently in Finland (not Finnish) and it snowed again last night. I was telling people the exact same thing all day today. That I’m so over the snow, because I always dread it in March (and April) . I’m French, but Chicago was one of the places we lived when I moved around as a kid, and I’m obsessed with Arizona, so gonna stick around, 😀


    1. I grew up in the Chicago suburbs and as much as it’s a fun city in the summer, I do not miss those winters. We are very happy living in Arizona. I’ll be sure and stop over at your blog. 🌵

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  5. You showcased our beautiful desert so well, Ingrid. On our weekend trek to California, the highways were lined with lupine. So pretty.

    I got out a little this morning and noticed the flowers are coming, but I agree with you, the green is so refreshing and welcome too. Love the heron.


    1. The desert is definitely at its finest right now. I hiked the Pipeline Canyon Trail at Lake Pleasant on Thursday and the poppies and lupines were in abundance. I hope to visit Boyce Thompson and Bartlett Lake next week 🤞

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  6. I always enjoy slowly scrolling through your photos. They are just so beautiful. That Green Heron is absolutely spectacular. Our area is coming alive, as well. It’s too bad the Mojava Desert is so dry. We don’t have the lush desert green the you are experiencing. 


    1. Thank you Pam. When we lived in Las Vegas, we would visit friends in Phoenix and noticed the difference between the deserts. I found the diversity fascinating. I am enjoying all the budding vegetation around here. I know it won’t stay green for long. 🌺🌵🌻


  7. Beautiful captures, Ingrid. The green heron is a super shot. Our illusive little green heron is never still long enough for me. He scolds me for disturbing him every time I try as he flies away.


    1. I’m doing my best to enjoy every minute of it. The wildflowers have started popping up around the valley and I’m trying to get out with the camera as much as possible. 🌻🌵🌻

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  8. Spring is such a beautiful time of year. I just love how the greens are so incredibly vibrant, the flowers popping up after a long winter nap. A time of rebirth everywhere you look❤️


  9. Ingrid,

    Great pictures…I love the Hummer, and you are very skilled to catch the wings. Our flowering trees (Weeping Cherries, Bradford Pears) are bursting forth right now, but a tad early for wildflowers. Please keep us in the loop as you spot wildflowers in your part of the world. Joe


    1. Hey Joe. That hummingbird shot was pure luck. I was coming off the trail and noticed it in a tree near the parking lot. I used my usual technique of ‘point & pray’. 😆 The wildflowers are starting here and there and next week they should be in full swing 🤞

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  10. Wow, your desert March looks really spectacular, no wonder you’ve come to love this month! The flowers are beautiful, the greens amazing, and I love the heron!


  11. Lovely to see all the signs of spring in Arizona! We still have bare tree branches here and the crocuses (croci?) are barely coming up. (Toronto, Canada).

    Fabulous shot of the green heron! I’ve never seen one before.


    1. I’ve seen a green heron along the Gulf Coast before but surprised to see one in Arizona. I love this time of year in the desert but much prefer your neck of the woods for summer and early fall. We used to vacation in western Ontario.

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    1. I’ve started hitting up some of the trails around the valley and although I’m finding wildflowers, it’s just not an abundance like last year. Maybe I’m just a tad early. I’ll keep looking 🤪
      I’ve decided to paint a wall in my office green!

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    1. I’ve been seeing photos from Tucson and the great showing of blooms. Things are either just starting here or it won’t be as good of a showing as last year. I’ll take even little patches. 🌺🌵🌺


  12. I’m so glad to see all your desert green, Ingrid! March is a beautiful time in the southwest. You guys got enough rain to bring out the wildflowers again and what a pleasure to see the birds as well. Gotta love the hummer and green heron!! And those mallards are truly smiling!

    My brother loves this time of year, too, and now they have made it a point to spend a month with us in August in Spokane to escape the heat. We spent January there so maybe this will be both sets of family’s new jam each year to avoid the temp extremes. I’m glad you are feeling better and can get out to share your wonderful photography!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, March is delightful in Phoenix and a true joy to explore the great outdoors. Sounds like you have a great plan with your brother. We do the same with my brother in Grand Junction, CO. Al and I were just talking today about heading there for a week in June and maybe again in August like we did last summer. I’m always up for a road trip. 🙂

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    1. Our weather has been near perfect lately and I’m trying to enjoy every minute. I’m not sure the wildflowers will be as plentiful as last year, but I’ll have fun looking.

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          1. Yes, let’s not have the city ravaged by flood waters again, that made a huge mess of the roads and much more, Ingrid. The power of Monsoon rain! This winter was much colder and wetter than normal which basically blows away the reason I stayed in Las Vegas after the divorce in 2016. Usually much better weather than back in Michigan. or Wisconsin!

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  13. Ingrid, I always enjoy seeing your desert images. They are perfect for the green challenge. The Green Heron is gorgeous. I had no idea they could be found in Arizona. Here in coastal Georgia the azaleas and other spring flowers are starting to bloom. This is St. Patrick’s Day week. There is green every where I go.

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    1. A week ago, I joined a few camera club members for an outing of birding. I’m so surprised at the variety of birds we saw. Unfortunately, I don’t have the right lens (just yet) and wasn’t able to capture any post worthy images. For now, I’m on the hunt for wildflowers. Oh how I miss azaleas!

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