Did We Make a Mistake?

Navigating through the twists and turns of life can feel like an interesting (or maybe not so interesting) mystery novel. Each chapter is filled with unexpected scenarios with some chapters more thrilling than others including an abundance of suspense, usually. I can honestly say, the past couple of years were filled with more suspense (more like stress) than I’d care to acknowledge. Thus, it was time to change the plot.

A view from my office.

Time for a new chapter

Even before the pandemic struck, Al and I were feeling unsettled. We’d lost the passion for travel and exploring. Perhaps the law of diminishing return had set in. There were things we loved about the RV lifestyle and there were things we disliked. Our teeter-totter was no longer balancing between love and hate. The negative aspects of RVing had started weighing on us, dragging us down. So, we bought a house, a real house, one without wheels in hopes of regaining some balance in life.

After spending the summer in northern Wisconsin, we returned to Arizona in mid-September. And here we are at the start of a new year settling into life in a real house. The first two months passed in a blur after box upon box was unloaded with intermittent painting projects thrown in in-between. I’m still perplexed as to how much stuff we hauled around in our RV, not to mention all the stuff we had in storage. Some days I’d ask myself, “Whatever were you thinking holding onto to this?” On the other hand, opening some boxes brought a huge smile to my face … “I’m so glad I kept this.” There were times it felt like Christmas morning unpackaging treasures large and small.

When we returned to Phoenix, the focus on our new to us house was liveability and preparing for a festive holiday season. Al and I promised each other that any major remodeling would be pushed down the road. We wanted to relax and enjoy the process and the holidays. Mission accomplished!

We hosted a Christmas brunch for family and friends. I went on a baking frenzy in preparation.

Friends, Family, and Fun

Family and friends are the main reason we chose the Phoenix area for our home base and that decision has not disappointed. November and December were filled with social engagements along with continued house projects. One of Al’s sisters lives less than two miles away, making for easy last-minute get-togethers. Our son and daughter live a mere 20-30 minutes away, which we’re loving. We hosted a Christmas morning brunch with family and friends and had a wonderful day shared with loved ones.

And then there’s the RV community; a community that has been part of our lives for the past ten years. There’s a bunch of former full-time RVers who have now settled in Arizona. With Phoenix being RV friendly and a host to numerous county parks, state parks, and private RV parks, there’s always an RV friend or two passing through this part of Arizona…. not to mention blog friends. Phoenix is a popular travel destination offering a variety of accommodations making it a great place for meeting fellow bloggers in person.

Friend-iversary! It’s hard to imagine that later this month, it’ll be ten years since I started this blog. I’ve made so many amazing friends via this platform as well as RVing. When both worlds meet, there’s a common interest that makes for a long and (hopefully) lasting friendship. MonaLiza and I met via our blogs back in early 2012 as she and her husband were starting their full-time RV journey. Comments flowed back and forth regularly on each other’s blogs and when an opportunity to meet in person presented itself …. well, let’s just say, we haven’t stopped talking or getting together since.

MonaLiza and Steve at our place in mid-December. Tea and crumpets on the patio.

Over the years, we’ve met up in various states and even shared holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas together. MonaLiza and Steve came off the road about a year before we did and now have a home base a mere one-hour drive away from our home base. As soon as Al and I were no longer tripping over boxes, we invited the couple over to our place and as usual, had a wonderful time catching up. MonaLiza reminded us that we met for the first time exactly nine years ago right here in the Phoenix valley. Wow! Where did the time go?

MonaLiza and Steve had a goal of visiting all 50 states which they accomplished during their full-time RV journey. On the other hand, Al and I had no such goal. Quite frankly, we never had a travel goal and traveled hither and yon based on whims. That just goes to prove that there’s no right or wrong way to RV. It’s all about freedom … and what a ride it has been.

F250 Truck and a Keystone fifth wheel camped near the shores of Lake Powell, Page, Arizona

Ah, the memories!

Not only have we had amazing adventures and experienced incredible scenery via our RVing journey, but the folks we met along the way also added a richness to the overall experience. MonaLiza and Steve just happened to be the first of many friendships to have been made via blogging and RVing. I’m fortunate to have met so many more wonderful people over the years (too many to list) and made long-lasting friendships for which I’m grateful.

As I continue to sort through our stuff and fine-tune our decor, I’m reminded of our journey over the past ten years. It wasn’t always rainbows and unicorns but it was most definitely memorable. An adventure I don’t regret, but as with all things in life, there’s a beginning and an end. Al and I reached that point where we were ready for that change.

Although it has only been four months of living stationery in a real house, we have absolutely no regrets about our decision. When we first purchased this house, we weren’t excited. It didn’t check all our boxes (it quite frankly, checked very few). It wasn’t anything that we thought we wanted other than we knew it was time to end our nomadic lifestyle and this house would work for now.

Much to our surprise, we’re liking our house more and more. Granted, the house isn’t new and we don’t have those picturesque vista views that spoiled us during our RVing years, but we do have a nice yard and a location that’s convenient. We’re back to city living and as much as we thought we didn’t want to return to this kind of lifestyle, it’s working perfectly.

My space, my room, my office. Needs just a little more fine-tuning.

So what’s next?

Our plans are a little blurry at this point but we do know we don’t have any major plans to travel anywhere in 2022. We may take the occasional 1-2 hour drive in any given direction for a change of scenery from time to time, but that’s it. This means we do plan on staying in Phoenix all summer. Considering we lived in Las Vegas, Nevada in the 90s, we know exactly what a summer in the desert feels like …. HOT!

We have house projects that we look forward to working on slowly and then there’s the wedding. Our daughter will be getting married later this year and wedding planning is in full swing. I love the fact that I have a great relationship with my daughter and she wants to include me in all aspects of the big event. We’ve already been dress shopping and attended a wedding event at the Phoenix convention center, but lots more to come.

As to my plans for this blog? Hmm, I’m still not sure. Since we won’t be RVing this year, I’m not sure what to write about or what photographs to share. I’m not sure what YOU, my readers, would be interested in. Should I join more photo challenges and share images from our past travels? Are stories from previous travels of interest to you? Does blogging still bring me joy? Does reading blogs still bring you joy? Has the blogosphere changed? These are all questions I need to ponder, and I’d love to hear your thoughts on the subject in the comments below.

So, now you know! We’re enjoying life in a sticks and bricks house … no regrets, no mistakes, and embracing this new chapter in life with hope and enthusiasm.

“It’s not an ending, it’s just the point in the story where you turn the page.”

Cheers to a Happy New Year!

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138 thoughts on “Did We Make a Mistake?

  1. I’m so happy that sticks and bricks life is suiting you at the moment! I think changing it up is usually a good thing, and if not you can always return to a certain place or living in an RV! We’ve been living in a house now for 16 months (minus short RV excursions) and are loving having a comfortable place with the option to do traveling… or not. I hope this new life continues to fulfill you and am looking forward to keeping up with you whether you’re RVing or not!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m the kind of person who bores easily and thus I enjoy change. We’ve been in the house a little over 4 months now and loving it. We just sold the 5th Wheel …. no regrets, and now we’ll start keeping our eyes open for a small nimble RV, maybe a truck camper, van, or even a small trailer for short trips. For now, I’m enjoying making the house our own. Today’s project is painting the master bath and replacing fixtures. It’s fun to work on things slowly and not have a timeline.😊

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  2. I’m glad to hear you are settled in and that it’s exceeding expectations! Life changes like this are scary – we will experience the same thing when we move to Oregon. You can’t stop blogging – there will be tons of opportunities to share your life in AZ. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m sure as your move to Oregon nears you’ll experience a range of emotions as did I with our transition. We’re settling in nicely and focusing on updating our 1970s house. Although I tease since the 70s are back in fashion, my house is totally up to date 🤣. I’m sure once I get caught up on projects I’ll return to blogging in some form.

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      1. The range is happening! Let’s see, 70’s 🤔🤔. Wall paper and interesting tile colors in the bathrooms? Maybe a yellow or green countertop in the kitchen? Am I getting my decades right? Lol. I bet your house is cool. 💕


        1. Spot on! Fortunately, the bathrooms just needed a little paint, new hardware, and light fixture. The kitchen on the other hand …. oh boy …. a green countertop and rust-colored wallpaper. I tackled that project immediately by removing the wallpaper and painting the walls and the countertop. We’ll do a complete kitchen remodel in a year or two. I’d like the supply chain issues to be nonexistent. A huge bonus to an older home is the mature landscape. I have 4 citrus trees producing an abundance of fruit that we’re loving and sharing.

          Liked by 1 person

  3. Hello Ingrid We emailed each other last year. I am a writer at RVtravel and park host at the white Tanks. We also bought a house in Arizona! In Sun city west. Not the view but will admit it is easier living. Time will tell off mistake or not. Nanci Dixon

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Congrats on the house Nanci. We’re enjoying life in the sticks and bricks. It’s a lot less stressful. Since we’re practically neighbors, we need to meet up. I’ll be in touch. 😀


  4. My blog is about running, but I’ve been dealing with injuries for the past 14 months!
    So, not a lot to write about. I ran a few virtual 5Ks and wrote a few posts about virtual running. But I find the races themselves kind of boring and that makes it difficult to write anything worth reading about those races!
    I understand the challenges of writing when your subject matter is no longer part of your life.
    I hope you get to keep using your RV for the occasional adventure.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sorry to hear about your injuries. What a bummer! Our plan is to continue RVing but on a much more part-time basis. For now, we’ll take a year off and regroup. Hope you’ll find your blogging voice again even if it’s not totally centered around running.😊


  5. So lovely to hear from you. I was thinking of you the other day and wondering how you two were. I was so glad to read this update. We’re thinking of driving Route 66 and checking out Missouri sometime this year, assuming the virus doesn’t put a wrinkle in our plans. Perhaps we’ll make a stop in Phoenix. Oh, and congratulations on your daughter’s wedding. Take care.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Linda. A Route 66 trip sounds like fun. Business is pretty much as usual here in AZ with masks being voluntary. Daughter and I went to the Phx convention center for a wedding event last weekend and maybe only a quarter of the folks wore masks. We’d love to have you over to our place should you find yourself passing through the valley. Hope you’re thick in the middle of trip planning.


      1. My daughter and I attended a wedding event at the small winery she chose as the venue for her wedding several years ago. We were able to book the venue, which catered and provided the wine and champagne, the meal, the baker for the cake, a string quartet, and the photographer all within a couple hours. I can’t imagine the choses available to you at a convention hall. Here in Pleasanton, California, masks are required inside everywhere and have been except for maybe four or five weeks when they lifted the requirement for vaccinated people. Of course, that meant the unvaccinated people didn’t wear them either. How would any one know? It’s not like we wear our “I’m vaccinated stickers” around town. Let’s hope and pray this is our last surge. Yet I fear we just need to learn to live with dang thing.


  6. Happy New Year Ingrid! I’m so glad that you wrote this post because you put words and feelings to a very personal decision that so many of us face – making a big change. And it sounds like the perfect decision for you and Al. I’m so happy for you. Like you, we’ve learned that being able to see family and friends on a regular basis – in person – is a real treat. So many of us with nomadic lifestyles have reached the conclusion that it’s the perfect time to put our feet on terra firma.
    Also like you, we recently passed our 10-year mark on our blog, and made big changes as the Pandemic raged. We decided to expand the scope of our blogging – and it’s been a great decision. As fond readers of your blog – we’d be interested in anything you’d like to share. Just have fun and we’ll follow along. Wishing you all the best in 2022! ~Terri & James

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    1. And a very Happy New Year to you as well. Yes, it seems the pandemic has made us all take pause and reevaluate life. This travel breather of ours was overdue and we’re enjoying our stationary life, but I’m sure it’ll be just a matter of time before that itch to explore returns.
      Thank you for the kind words regarding my blog. I have all kinds of post ideas swirling through my head so we’ll see what I actually share. Hope you have some fun adventures planned this year.

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  7. Happy 2022! Congrats on becoming home owners too. I say life is lived in chapters and within those chapters comes the adventures and the journeys and the memories – oh the memories! I cannot believe how long we have been in Florida now and still loving it. The house renovation continues but are now on to the bigger projects and hope to be done sooner than later. Wishing you guys the BEST – Happy Day – Enjoy 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Happy New Year to you too, Renee. It seems like just a couple of years ago you moved cross country. Glad to hear you’re still loving life in FL Since we bought an older house, I know our updates/renos will be an ongoing thing. Guess that’ll keep us busy if we aren’t traveling 😁


      1. Hopefully in the chaos of reno you can find the fun and making it feel like your cozy, comfy home. I think back on our first home and the 8, yes 8, paint colors throughout the first level. Boy what were we thinking – ha! I finally have one dream coming true with this house and it is one flooring throughout the house – love, love it. I have learned a neutral setting makes for those pops of metallics, colors, artwork, etc. Kick back, relax, settle in and just have some FUN 🙂


  8. Hi Ingrid… So good to hear that you and Al are settling in and enjoying the first few pages of this chapter of life. Love those citrus tree!

    After 5 years of full timing between the Boat and the RV, I sometimes get the urge to buy a house too and then I think, let’s just buy a bigger boat and live aboard – CONFLICTED!!! The planner in me wants to get everything figured out but my inner self says lets just take this a day at a time!

    Since we sold the boat this summer, we will truly be full time in the Coach and have a epic east coast/canada trip in the works. Well see how we do on the burn out factor.

    I have sure enjoyed your blog, meeting you and Al. I think your inner self will help you figure out if you still get joy from writing… maybe after all the moving/ wedding events? Your photography’s and blogs about wildlife have been amazing, so I selfishly hope you keep on blogging!!!


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    1. Boy, do I ever understand that word “conflicted”… my middle name the past couple of years 🤣 Since you’re off on an epic journey, did you get rid of your RV lot near Palm Springs? We thought an annual RV lot was our answer and it was for about a year, but the longer we sat still, the smaller the RV got. So it was either a larger RV or a house. Ah, decisions … no perfect answer!
      So glad we were able to meet up with you two. I look forward to following your journey up the east coast and potentially tackling the Great Lakes. Enjoy!


  9. The book of life has lots of chapters, and you just started a new one. I hope it is one of the best yet! As to blogging, well, that is personal, and I’m sure you’ll find the answer that meets your needs. I hope 2022 is wonderful for you both only to topped off with a wedding. Boy, do you have lots to look forward to!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, we do have a lot to look forward to and a lot to keep us busy. I think I’m up for some of these new adventures and eventually, I’m pretty sure I’ll find my writing voice again. Sometimes breaks are exactly what’s needed. 😊

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  10. I found it very interesting to read about how you’ve tackled this shift in lifestyle, and I’m pleased it’s working out so well 🙂 What you write about in the future is totally down to you, but personally I’d be very interested to read about your travels around the US. I’ve loved all our trips there and hope to do more in the future, so you will either inspire me with fresh ideas or bring back great memories!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, I’ve toyed with writing/rewriting about our earlier travels in hopes of putting a book together for the family. I wish my parents had done something along those lines when they traveled extensively. I always thought it would be fun to retrace their steps and see how various sites/places had changed over the years. Thank you for your thoughts. 😊


  11. Ingrid, you could write about taking out the trash and I’d still tune in. If you decide to continue blogging in any way, shape or form, I’ll be there. (Don’t forget to include some fabulous photos of the trash cans.) Follow your heart, my friend, and all will be well. Congratulations on your new home and all the wonderful projects that will follow! I loved hearing that you’re close to both of your kids. I have no doubt that your heart is happy about settling down for that reason alone. You and I are becoming mothers-in-law in the same year! Our son and his fiancee are getting married this summer. Life is good, isn’t it? And the adventure continues. Best wishes to you and Al for a year full of joy and contentment!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awe, Mary… how very kind. Congratulations on the impending nuptials. Seems our children have grown up and are starting new chapters of their own. I found your comment about photographing trash cans to be quite humorous. With that said, in our subdivision, our trash cans are below ground. Too hard to explain so I’ll definitely have to photograph as well as maybe even videotape the guy’s trash collecting. Thanks for that idea! Sure wish we could’ve met up in Iowa but our trip back to AZ was not a pleasant one. That’s another story. 😏


  12. Ingrid, glad to hear you are doing well and thriving. I miss your adventure photos and following your travels across the west, but I know you and Al are where you are supposed to be, stay safe and well. Peace.

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    1. Thank you Clay. While going through our many travel photos in search of images to print and hang on the wall, I was reminded of all the amazing sites and adventures we’ve enjoyed over our years of RVing. I’m hoping this isn’t the end, rather just a time-out.

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  13. Such a big change, Ingrid! I’m glad you have no regrets. I’ve been wondering in which area of Phoenix you and Al settled? And I’m sorry it didn’t work out to meet, even though it was on my mind a lot in December. The circumstances just didn’t allow it this time around.

    I’m fully familiar with travel burn-out, which was the worst after our eight years of sailing. The RV lifestyle is less challenging than being a nomad on the water, but still… I’m often exhausted and sick of all the problems we run into, from so many different angles. Who knows? Maybe we will find a little home without wheels one of these years as well.

    I’d say your blog is still as popular and enticing as ever, especially based on the comments. If you decide to keep going (your photography is always stunning), you might have to change the name of your blog, though. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, December was a crazy month for both of us, and I was sorry to hear Mark’s job didn’t work out as planned. I’m finding that nothing these days seems to be ‘normal’ and I’m grateful for this break in travel. I have thought about changing the word ‘RV’ in the blog name to ‘Us’, but I’m pretty invested in the current name and do hope to get back out there in some fashion; small pull behind, truck camper, or even a van. Time, health, and budget will be the deciding factors.

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  14. Indeed how time flies! I can’t believe its been nine years since our first meeting and now we are neighbors! I cherished our friendship and here’s to more years especially now that you are just down the road.
    Things, events and changes in the environment undoubtedly eased you in settling down. In no time you will be in the thick of wedding planning, house projects that you will not even feel the heat.
    Perhaps daily afternoon naps will now be a part of your daily life like we do 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha, I love your routine of daily naps. Al implemented that years ago 🤣. Since summer in the desert isn’t new to us, I’m sure we’ll find ways to deal with the extreme heat … we’ll start with a lot less clothing 🤭. I’m grateful for your friendship and look forward to more get-togethers.


  15. There is no doubt in my mind that you will love your new digs! We find it comfy and just the right size for you and AL and the big plus you are near everything! The upcoming heat will not be an issue you will be in the middle of wedding planning and house projects so much so that you will not feel the heat. As for us we have learned to take long naps in the middle of the day 🙂 so much so that even now in winter we are still doing it.
    How time flies indeed, and how we have continued to cherish our friendship nine years and still counting.
    Your followers will miss you if you stop blogging, for you are a gifted writer and great photographer, so keep it coming.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Awe, thank you for your kind words about my blog. You and I have both grown in our writings and photographs over the years. I’ve missed reading your tales but will suffice in face-to-face updates on life. And let’s not forget, these two birds of a feather need to go on a hunt with our cameras, as well as you’ll need to introduce me to the international markets around here.


  16. Hi Ingrid! We’ve almost duplicated your story, we also decided to stop full-timing and bought a house mid-September. 😃 When you wrote about opening boxes, I am having the same thoughts, why did I ever keep this, and I am so glad I still have that, it’s been like Christmas since September, lol. So happy to hear your new chapter in life is unfolding for the better by the week and you have no regrets. Ours is going the same way. 😊

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    1. On one hand, I’m surprised to hear you settled down already and on the other hand, I’m not. Unfortunately, the pandemic impacted the RV lifestyle negatively (well, I guess that’s true about all aspects of life right now). Did you write a post about the transition and I missed it? By all your beautiful bird images, I assume you’re back where you started. Have fun nesting!

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      1. Last April, we jumped on purchasing 2.3 acres of raw land in a Chesapeake Bay tributary waterfront community, figuring we’d build our dream home in a couple years. The past summer, the RV lifestyle really turned negative for us with the pandemic. That brought on missing family and our growing grandboys (4, 5, 10). Started dreaming heavily on our house footprint, decided to head back ‘home’ to Maryland in Sept. to figure out. Two days back, we put an offer in on a small just-listed rancher on one acre that is four miles from our property lot, moved into it two weeks later. We’ve hired an architect, and Rick’s been clearing the property this past fall. Rick will GC the house build, we hope to break ground this summer! On top of all this…..we thought we’d put our motorhome on the market end of October, because we didn’t see it being used much in next two years and Rick hated for it to sit AND maintain it. Good gosh, it sold immediately, we were shocked. It has been a whirlwind past couple months, AND the most important part is we are now having fun with life again! I wish you and Al the very same!!


        1. Wow! How exciting. Speaking from experience, new construction is so much easier (and fun) than remodeling an old house. Al and I are reminded of that every day. I wish you a fun and exciting New Year. It’s too bad we weren’t able to connect in person when you were out this way.

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  17. This was such an honest post and for that, I appreciate. I think as long as you have no regrets (and you clearly don’t) then it’s all part of a richer experience! I’m a relatively new blogger so I don’t know what the blogosphere was like a couple years ago but I feel there’s always something for everyone- as long as you group with like-minded writers.

    I, for one, would love to hear your stories on the road- interesting people you met that you will never forget, experiences you might want to forget, a round up of best places you’ve been to or places that surprised you. I love stories! 🙂 Thanks for sharing Ingrid!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow, I really appreciate your comment and I already jotted down your ideas/thoughts for future blog posts. Sometimes I feel at a loss as to what to share but I do have plenty of stories. I just need to dig into this old brain of mine 🤣 Thank you!

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  18. Good it’s all working out for y’all. So many of our RV friends have come off the road, thankfully some friends are just now getting out there. Looking forward to seeing you guys soon.

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    1. Truth be told, we were ready for a change a couple of years ago. We just weren’t sure of what direction to go. Some health issues finally made the decision for us. Look forward to seeing you guys soon.


  19. When you have some down time I’d love to come and see a real house. It’s been a long time since I’ve been in one.
    Or if you’re ever in the Mesa area we’d love to see you.

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    1. Nice to hear from you Cheryl. We’d love to have you over. Once January is over, we’re hoping things will be a little less hectic. We’ll be in touch!


  20. Best wishes Ingrid! Glad things are working out so great! Yes continue to blog. I’ll be happy catching up on whatever you are doing in your life, hiking, or even some old favorites too. Keep in touch!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for the thoughtful comment. I would really miss all this wonderful interaction if I totally gave up blogging. Hope you have some fun excursions planned for 2022.

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  21. I’m glad you’re liking your new place and decision more with each passing day. I know how hard big change is even when it’s change we’re ready for or want/need. We hope to be able to see your new digs in person this spring — at least meet up, of course! — and before you know it, you’ll have somewhere to visit to escape the brutal summer for a little bit ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You have an open invitation Joodie. As much as I have no interest in going anywhere this year, I know come mid-summer, I’ll be ready for a break from the heat and looking for an escape to a higher elevation. Hope to see you on your way back north.


  22. Hi Ingrid, thanks for the update. Like everyone else, I have wondered about you. It sounds like you will have a lot on your plate this year with house projects and a wedding. Both sound exciting to me.

    As far as blogging, I would love to hear about life in Arizona, nearby day trips that you might take, before and after photos of home improvement projects, hobbies, and of course your photography. I’ll look forward to hearing more from you.

    Happy New Year!

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Thanks for updating us on your new chapter in life. I do believe that the strongpoint of blogs like ours is the ability to share what life is like in our neck of the woods. Something that is even more valuable at present when we can no longer just ‘jump on a plane’. I for one would love to hear more about life in Arizona whenever you feel the urge. Take care and keep on loving life.

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    1. That’s a very good point, “share what life is like”. I know, I enjoy reading about your travels in Australia. Even though we’re on the other side of the world, there’s a commonality to the nomadic lifestyle and it’s fun to see the different camping options and scenery in another part of the world. Thanks for sharing your kind opinion and I always appreciate your comments.

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  24. I’ve loved reading your blog over the years. I was wondering where you went to. I wish you the best! Life is indeed full of chapters and you did yours. We have bought a motor home and are living in it for six months. We are returning to Virginia to buy a house! Anyway, your blog mattered.

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  25. So good to hear life in AZ is treating you well, Ingrid. Congrats on getting settled in and on the upcoming wedding! I always liked the quote “Only change is constant.” 🤣 Like you, I thrive when things change. So we are once again enjoying our PT rv life, at present in Tucson where I am sitting outside happy in the warm sun. We changed up our travel schedule this winter and left much earlier. It’s an experiment. We’re going to change it again in 2023. Haha. I also understand having a home base. We would have stayed on the road FT longer except for the pull of grandkids. That’s such an extremely important part of our life. But they understand we live in the rv part of the year too and know that’s normal for us. They love to camp with us in the summer. Hope we’ll be able to get together this winter. Text me if you are down this way. We will probably be in Phoenix once or twice. Will look forward to any blogs you feel inspired to write! It feels good to stay put once in awhile! Hugs.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Wow! Tucson for the winter? That’s awesome. Did you sell the Falcon house and move yet? My daughter’s wedding in mid-December ’22 will be in the southeast part of Tucson. If you find yourselves coming up to Phoenix for anything, do let me know. You’re invited to the house or I can meet you around IKEA. In the meantime, enjoy our wonderful weather. I do not miss driving in those Colorado winters.


      1. That’s cool that the wedding is in Tucson. We like the city. Enjoy! We are coming and going from CO in the truck this winter. But the rv stays here. That is working well. We haven’t moved yet. Not a whole lot available to buy! Taking our time. I’ll let you know if we get up your way. Thanks for the invitation. Let us know if you’re down here and have a little extra time to get together.


  26. Hi! So good to hear from you! I see oranges… which means mimosas! 😉
    I’m so happy you are settling in. Your office looks beautiful and spacious. How nice for you.
    I sure hope you continue to blog. Do what you feels right. But I do know we would love hearing from you… seeing your gorgeous photography, your amazing recipes, and a little of this and that with old and new memories intertwined.
    And you know you can always stop by if in the area… the door is always open. I would love to give you a hug!
    Happy Sunday!

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    1. We have four beautiful citrus trees; an orange tree, a grapefruit tree, and 2 navel orange trees. We’ve just started picking but our neighbor suggested we wait a couple more weeks as they’ll continue to sweeten. So far, we are super pleased with our house decision and I’m actually looking forward to not traveling at all in 2022… burnout is real. However, talk to me in July … I may be singing a different tune and eager to hit the road. 🥵🌵
      Thank you for the open invitation and I extend the same offer to you. We are only 10 minutes away from the Arrowhead Mall. So, if you find yourself on my side of the valley, let me know. As you can imagine, I’m still knee-deep in house projects and wedding planning. Once the dress is found and the photographer booked, I won’t be in demand anymore 🤣

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      1. I totally understand where you are… gosh, we traveled back and forth to the LakeHouse at Thanksgiving and then went to Seattle a week later. I was burned out from too much travel.
        And 4 months into your house and wedding planning… you are a busy gal!
        So… we shall wait a bit as you got lots on your plate. But…save me some oranges. Lol!


        1. Busy in a good way. I haven’t felt this relaxed in years and never realized just how stressful the full-time RV lifestyle had become and its impact on me. As much as I loved it, I needed the change.

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    1. Yeah, I’ve thought about renaming it … changing the ‘RV’ to ‘Us’ but I’m too invested in the name so it’ll just evolve I guess. You coming to Phx this winter?

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    1. Thanks John. Hope you’re staying warm and not enduring too much snow (unless you’re a snow lover). I use to love Colorado in the winter when I was younger. Not so much anymore.

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  27. Ingrid,
    Thanks much for sending us an update and sharing some pictures of your new home. It looks lovely and has an orange grove to boot…Helen would be jealous! There’s a time for everything, and it’s your time to settle in and enjoy your family. Congratulations. I couldn’t do full-time RVing, but the thought of giving up the six months we spend on the road makes me sad. Nevertheless, that day will come. Please blog when you can–we want wedding pictures for sure. As always, please stay in touch. Joe

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was never our intent to RV full-time this long. It was supposed to be only a year or two, but somehow we just kept on rolling. I think once some of the house projects are complete, I’ll return to the blogosphere a little more regularly perhaps with photo challenges or something.
      The citrus are getting closer to picking time…. perfect at the end of the month. You have an invitation to our place when you’re in Phx and Helen can pick a bag full. How does that sound?


  28. Tried to post and it wouldn’t accept it

    Lovely to read your post. I only “discovered “ your blog a few months ago. I love your writing and your story. My husband will be retiring June 1. I am retired/disabled. We are looking forward to traveling in our 4 season fifth wheel extensively starting after his retirement. We are a little limited because I have to return for treatment every 3-4 weeks. I would love to see photos of different areas of interest you’ve explored. I usually extensively do research on YouTube prior to any trip as well. But reading what you have to say and seeing your photos would be amazing! Especially, special restaurants and “off the beaten path” locations. Happy New Year! ❤️

    Sent from my iPad


    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment. We loved our RVing journey and even though we barely touched the surface of places we wanted to visit, we have no regrets. My husband has macular degeneration and requires treatment once a month which does present some travel challenges and destination priorities. You’ll find YOUR personal travel style when the time comes. My email address is located in the sidebar, so if you can’t find what you’re looking for here on the blog, you are always welcome to email me directly, and hopefully, I can point you in the right direction. However, one thing you won’t find on my blog is a lot of restaurants. We limit going out to eat due to my food sensitivities. There are some great YouTubers out there. A YouTube couple that provides great local info, as well as restaurants, are “Eat See RV”


  29. Dear Al and Ingrid: It was so great to see this post and catch up even though we only live a few miles apart, as I always say, “life gets in the way”. Sounds like you have been incredibly busy but would be nice to catch up with you. The house projects never end. I am finally retiring at the end of April and then we are gone for the summer. I agree that there should be no pressure or time line on your blogs, your photos and writing are such fun to see. Perhaps when you start touring around Arizona you can do stories on that. There is a lot to see in this State. Until we can finally get together, stay safe and healthy

    Kathy and Bob.

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    1. Nice to hear from you neighbor 😆. Yes, we’ve come to realize that the house projects will be ongoing. My big push is to just focus on replacing/repairing some of the old outdated things. The kitchen remodel will be pushed down the road especially since I’m enjoying this special time with my daughter and her wedding planning. Considering she has the venue (in Tucson), once we find the wedding dress and book the photographer, my services will no longer be needed 🤣 thus, freeing up my time. One of these days, the four of us will get together, especially once tax season is no longer a busy time for you.


  30. Hi Ingrid,
    it’s so good to hear/read from you again, and to know you’re doing fine an dandy, having finally settled in your permanent place. Congratulations! I think I can imagine how different it must feel for you not to be on the move frequently.
    Here, things are fine, even if limited a lot by Covid. Luckily, Mary and I have not contracted it (yet), and we’re doing our best not to get it, even if that means living like a recluse. We do travel some, though – mainly short vacations to nearby parks and/or the coast. In June last year we went on a longer tour, to California, to visit with Mary’s children. She was really longing to see them, which had not happened for nearly 2 years. We didn’t dare to fly, though, but drove there and back in our new truck. That was a good opportunity to break it in. We did the way up fast, in just 3 days, but took our time for sightseeing on the way back. We enjoyed it a LOT!
    The one thing that has handicapped us for the last few months and is still handicapping us: Mary has had Trigemina Neuralgia for some time, and the recurring pain grinds her down, and the medication makes her sluggish and listless. We sincerely hope something can be done. But we make the best of it.
    You asked about what we, your followers, would like for you to do with your blog? Well, I can only say: please continue. There will always be something to write about, and I can’t really imagine you will not have many photos to share, even if you’re not travelling constantly any more.
    I wish you and yours all the best for 2022, especially good health, and enjoy your daughter’s wedding,

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    1. Thank you Pit, and likewise, always nice to hear from you. Sorry to hear about Mary’s health issue. I can totally relate to travel and infirmities. Al and I are each dealing with issues that negatively impacted our nomadic lifestyle leading us to settle down. We intend to spend the next year focusing on health and hopefully start traveling a little bit in 2023. We might get a small travel trailer or maybe just a van. Right now, we’ll focus on house projects, a wedding, and getting in shape.


  31. Nice to see you back again, I check your blog regularly to see what and where you’ve landed and how you’re doing. I vote to continue the blog whenever you feel like reaching out! No pressure, no weekly blog, no “I wonder what I can write about”….we all like to stay in touch with people we ‘ve met through the years and a little blog here and there is a great way to keep everyone up on where you are and what you’re doing. Life is changing and so can the blogosphere!

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    1. Thanks Sue, and I think I’ll continue to blog in some form. I have missed life in the blogosphere but definitely needed the break. Do know, you have an open invitation to swing by anytime. FYI … my citrus trees are full and will be ready for picking at the end of the month…. bring a bag!


  32. Congratulations! We, too, loved our RV years but absolutely love our home in Colorado. Sounds like you’ve got a lot on your plate this year! And yet it is still less stressful than living on the road IMHO. I would enjoy you continuing your blog with house project updates!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Great to hear from you, Linda. I enjoy seeing your hiking posts on FB and can tell CO living is agreeing with you and Mike. AND I totally agree, stationary living is less stressful than a nomadic lifestyle. We were definitely burning out. The house we bought isn’t anything like what we thought we wanted but sometimes life takes you in a direction you weren’t aware you needed.😆 Next time you’re in Phx, give us a jingle.


  33. Ingrid, I was so happy when I saw your post this morning! I’m glad you are enjoying the new chapter in your life. Congratulations on your new home and being the mother of the bride! I would love to see you continue blogging. I have missed seeing your photos and hearing your stories. When we quit making RV trips I wasn’t sure what would happen to my blog. I just knew I didn’t want to quit blogging. I started doing the photo challenges which have really inspired me to keep up with my photography and help me to keep trying to improve. When I stop enjoying it I will quit.

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    1. Hi Beth and thank you! Unbeknownst to you, your blog has been an inspiration and given me an idea as to the direction I may want to go with my own blog. Right now, I’m still very busy with life but realize things will settle down. It already has with the holidays behind us and I know I’ll want to jump back into the blogosphere. I’ve missed the interaction and all my cyber friends 😉


  34. CONGRATULATIONS! What you and Al are doing reinforces the concept that there is no right way to do this. I have enjoyed your pictures over the years, and you have I advertantly challenged me to strive for better photos of my own. Happy landing!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Awe, thank you for the kind comment. It’s true, we all find our own style of travel which might even change the longer we live nomadically. I know we changed up our style over the years. Glad to see you’re enjoying life in FL.


  35. Way to go folks! As fellow full-timers, we can attest to the joyful, adventurous nature of your travels, especially including the see-saw battles along the way. We too are starting to look for a landing zone after over 9 years of full-timing ourselves. After having seen all lower 48 in our time on the road, as you know it can be quite the decision process to settle on a location. As far as your blog, the decision to continue with it is solely yours to make, heaven knows I can relate to the effort and time that is required to keep the blog up to date. For what it’s worth, I plan of retiring from the blog biz once we land. Jeanne & I congratulate you, salute you, and wish you well in your new chapter. I guess I should wish you “Happy (shorter) Trails!” two4trippin.com

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    1. Ah, nine years? Kudos to you! I’m not sure if it was covid or just time for us, but we were burning out on the full-time RV lifestyle. Any thoughts on where you might land? We almost bought in Lake Havasu City but glad we didn’t. Great place to visit though. I noticed you don’t allow comments on your blog. If you find yourselves passing through Phx, let me know if you’d like to meet up. Your recent post was entertaining (especially the CA stuff). I think we’d have fun talking. Thanks for stopping by and best of luck on your search for that place to land.


    1. Yes, the best part about living here is the friends and family. I’m sure once life settles down for us that I’ll return to blogging in some form. I’ll just need to do a little reinventing. 😀 Thank you!

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  36. An exciting new chapter for y’all, Ingrid. Congratulations! Your area and home look lovely! It’s icy and cold here in VA right now. Time to walk our new puppy, then sit by our delightful fire!

    Blue Rock Horses Frederick County, Virginia bluerockhorses.com

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    1. Hi Mitzy, Boy I sure don’t miss that ice and cold, and the Phoenix weather has spoiled us. We’ve had some nights dip into the high 30s, and with our reaction, you’d think it was minus 30 🤣 Enjoy that puppy and stay warm.

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  37. Congrats on your new home and new way of life. Fabulous that you recognise what you need and have the courage to follow it through. Any kind of change can be intimidating. If you feel like you want to blog, carry on. If you enjoy writing, I’m sure people will keep reading. Just see how it goes. Good luck!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! Yes, change can be intimidating. Fortunately, we’ve crossed that hurdle and are onto the settling-in stage. I think once I get caught up on house projects, I’ll settle into a routine of sorts and find my new blogging voice. Baby steps for now!


  38. Well I for one hope you continue to share something on the blog. As you began this blog well before I started mine, I know there are many past travels of yours that I’ve not read about… I was enjoying the old posts that you were rewriting and resharing, for example. I’d also enjoy photos from your more local outings around Phoenix and any future travels that arise. Glad to hear you are enjoying your new home!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your input. I did have a great time reposting older posts and going down memory lane in an attempt to make those posts into a book. I still haven’t gotten around to printing a book. I wasn’t happy with the previews on some of the platforms and may manually make something in Shutterfly. Need to finish my painting projects around the house first. Hope you’re staying warm and enjoying the snow.

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  39. Nice to hear that your Arizona home has become your happy place!
    Maybe we can get together at our Arizona home once we get there. We are ‘waiting on weather’ now so that we can drive from Alberta (the land border between Canada and the US finally opened.)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Margy, I would love to connect once you get to AZ. Since I’m on the far northwest side and you’re on the far east side, perhaps we should meet up at the botanical garden??? I haven’t been there in a couple of years now. Safe travels to you as you do the long journey. Keep me posted!


  40. It’s great to see you guys back, Ingrid! Keep on blogging, I enjoy your photos and comments on things. It must be a real shock to be in a sticks-and-bricks home again. I look forward to your next post!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi John. Surprisingly, we’ve settled in quite nicely. Guess, we were ready. Perhaps you and I can commiserate together this summer via our posts 🥵🥵🥵 I’ll miss my summer in northern WI but I won’t miss the 2,000-mile drive to and from.


  41. I’m amazed you lived the RV lifestyle as long as you did, It was probably your jetting about in planes all those years that kept you love of adventure alive. Most of the people I know who sell the house, buy and RV only last a year, if that. “There is no place like home” endures for a reason.

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    1. We lasted much longer than we thought or intended. We probably should’ve bought a place two years ago, but we just couldn’t decide where or what. Life kind of decided for us and we bought in an area that we would never have considered before. And you’re right, “There’s no place like home”.

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  42. I enjoyed your story; my wife and I spend months on the RV road and on distance treks each year and have thought about giving up our stick house. But…
    Have you considered writing a book? It has been a unexpectedly gratifying experience for me during my post-work years. Amazon KDP makes it accessible.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the comment. Yes, I have thought about writing a book. A few years ago, I managed to get five pages completed … and that’s as far as I’ve gotten 🤣
      I NEVER recommend going nomadic full-time. Our intention was to only do it for one or two years just until we found that home base. For us, we didn’t want to continue living in southern CO. Thus, we were on a quest to find a new home base. Guess it just took us longer than expected and adventures were had along the way.

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      1. I would like to try full-time RV life for awhile, but my wife is not keen. We are trying a four-month (or so) trip across the country this spring/summer.
        Best wishes for your new life in the Phoenix area.

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  43. Keep blogging! I love to hear about your sticks and bricks adventures, as well as some travel pictures thrown into the mix. You and Al are a joy and would love for you to continue with your updates. Most of my “blog” friends have been through your connections, and although many of them have changed direction, it is still fun to get updates. And what fun to be planning a wedding. The memories continue….

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for the kind words, Jana. I’m sure I’ll continue blogging in some form. I’ve made so many friendships via this platform that I’d be sad to lose touch with everyone. In 2023, we hope to get some small travel trailer or even a van for part-time travel. I just don’t see us happy sitting still in the long run, but for now, staying still is what we need. If you venture over my way, be sure and let me know. You have an open invite. We’re in the northwest part of the valley, west of the 101.


  44. Congratulations on your new home. I always enjoyed your photography so I hope you will continue even if it is a year from now. Take a break from blogging as long as you like you will figure it out later. Happy new year

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  45. I’m happy to hear from you Ingrid as you and Al embark on your “different” lifestyle. You did the right thing but lived the RV life to be able to share with the rest of us your incredible journeys through your photography. When we left Sacramento, we also left the delta-windsurf lifestyle, one that I never thought Hans would give up. But life changes and being with family is a motivator, especially as we age. As for the future of your blog (which works well with my Sunday Stills theme today), I’m sure you have tons of advice for traveling in an RV. And you still have “live” and “laugh” in your blog’s title, which I’m sure you are still doing, LOL! And yes, join some photo challenges! With your expertise, share your ideas and how-tos in photography. You have so many stories to tell, and I know I’ve missed you! Congrats on your beautiful home and the upcoming wedding! And always another reason for us to visit you, along with my step-daughter and my brother!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for the encouragement and ideas. You totally understand the change of lifestyle as you yourself have recently been through a major change. I think my blog focus will change and evolve. Right now, photography has taken a back seat to everything else going on in life. Next time you’re in AZ, be sure and let me know. In the meantime, stay warm and hope you don’t have to shovel too much.

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  46. Much like you, we have pondered whether to continue our blog now that we are not on the road FT and have a home. But we still do have adventures and I enjoy sharing them through our posts. Our blog also serves as somewhat of a diary for us as well reminding us of where we have been and what we have done.

    I say you should continue to blog, share your experiences and capture your memories. Congratulations on your new home, it sounds wonderful being surrounded with friends and family.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, Jim. It’s amazing how often I use my blog for reference; making me glad I wrote about our travels. I’m sure you’re happy you shared the whole process of the building, and as a reader, I enjoyed following. So, I’ll probably continue blogging but the focus might be all over the place 🤣 cause my mind is all over the place these days. Much to our surprise, we’re very happy with our home base.


    1. So far, we’re very pleased with our decision, but come summer, I’ll miss the water up north and the heat will get old. Lake Pleasant is less than 30 minutes away but it’s not picturesque in my opinion. But there’s no “perfect place” plus I’ll be busy spending time with my daughter as her special day nears. And we can’t forget about the ongoing house projects. This house was built in the 70s and needs a fair amount of attention. Fortunately, the bones are great so it’s mostly cosmetic.

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