Happy Holidays and Cyber Friends

Can you believe 2019 is coming to an end? I don’t know about you, but this year really flew by. I’m actually sad to flip the calendar. We had a fantastic year shared with friends new and old and saw sights that were also new and old. Returning to some favorite stomping grounds in 2019 was definitely one of several highlights for me.

This past month, Al and I have been spending time with friends and family and loving every moment. As we get older, the holidays are a sharp reminder of those no longer across the table from us. And although their laughter is truly missed, the loving memories will remain forever in our hearts.

a burning candle surrounded by pine cones

However you celebrate the light in your life, I wish you the very brightest of holidays. Al and I raise a glass to you and yours and wish you another year filled with fun adventures, memory-making, and lots of time spent with family and friends. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Cyber friends I met in person in 2019

Gosh, I hope I haven’t missed anyone. The past couple of years, I’ve slacked off on my blog posts and don’t always share the amazing people we meet living this RV lifestyle. My goal for 2020 is to do better 😏. I’d also like to mention the fine folks out there that don’t blog yet have reached out to us via email. We are always grateful and humbled by complete strangers opening their homes to us.

I love my cyber community and every time I toy with the thought of ending my blog journey, I’m reminded by the amazing friendships that have been forged via this medium with bloggers and non-bloggers alike. Nope, I think I’ll keep writing and sharing my photos as long as you all continue to stop by.

Thank you for visiting and thank you for your friendship ❤

Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year!

three ladies share food on Thanksgiving
Joodie from ‘Chasing Dirt, Mona Liza from Lowes Travels, and me on Thanksgiving Day. A big thank you to Joodie and Mark for hosting!

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89 thoughts on “Happy Holidays and Cyber Friends

  1. A wonderful post, Ingrid, and reminder of the expansive joy our cyber friends bring. So many places I have gone to, remembering what I read or saw on a cyber friend’s blog, inspired by so many along the way. I hope sometime we meet in person, but until then, I hope you and Al have many more delightful adventures — thanks for always sharing them.


    1. Thank you Jet. All the wonderful people I’ve met via this blog has truly been the best and most unexpected by product of sharing my ramblings. If I ever make it to the San Fran area, I assure you, you’ll be the first to know (okay, maybe not the first, but you’ll be high on the list 🤣)

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Ingrid,
    So glad I found your blog and you this year…as we launch into our big rv trip next year your insights will be invaluable.
    I’m always a bit jealous of blogging friends who are able to meet up “in real life” … see that you have met Joe and Helen, lucky you!
    Here’s to a great 2020 to all!


    1. Thank you Nancy. We’ve had the pleasure of meeting a lot of great bloggers over the past eight years. Unfortunately, sometimes our paths may have only crossed once, but thankfully social media keeps us connected.
      Feel free to reach out anytime for recommendations or let’s see IF we happen to be crossing paths somewhat near during our travels. Have a great New Year!


  3. Hi, Ingrid,
    Just wanted to send you and Al a note on Christmas morning wishing you both the Merriest Christmas ever. Looking forward to more Livin’, Laughin’, and especially Rvin’, in 2020. Have a Blessed New Year. Joe


  4. How lucky you and Al are to have met visited with so many people this past year. I’m glad we are counted among them. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


    1. Thank you Linda. We enjoyed meeting you two. I wish the weather hadn’t been so warm during your visit. I would’ve loved doing a photo hike with you … next time 😀 Have a wonderful day!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. You are amazing Ingrid! And such a social butterfly too! Someday I hope to meet you as well, since I will be retiring in a year or so. Hope you have a meaningful and beloved Christmas!


  6. Wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday season, Ingrid! Love the photo of you, Mona Liza, and Joodie at Thanksgiving. I agree with you, blogging has been a wonderful (and unexpected!) way of meeting people, creating community, and making new friends. Here’s hoping your 2020 will be grand!


    1. Thank you Laurel. The best thing about this lifestyle and blogging is the friendships I’ve made. I love my little community. All the best to you and Eric and may the New Year be filled with more memory-making adventures 🥂


  7. You and Al have special places in our hearts, the very first ever blogger I met in person. We thank you for your friendship and hope to catch up and meet up again sometime in the future especially if we live in the same state!
    Have a wonderful Christmas with your family, Al, Ashton, Logan and wife!


    1. We feel the same about you guys. Somehow I have a feeling we’ll get to see more of each other in the coming years as we both settle. Thank you for your wishes and we too send you a very Merry Christmas. I know 2020 will be an exciting year for you … enjoy!


  8. 2019 was an amazing year for us, too, Ingrid! We are excited to see you and Al again in just a few short days. Like you, I’ve made so many new cyber friends, quite a few I have met IRL and hope to some day. As I write this, Hans and I are enjoying a rainy San Diego morning sitting in our cozy trailer camped in my daughter’s driveway. We are enjoying our family and looking forward to Christmas. Have a wonderful Christmas and see you soon!


    1. We hope the weather will improve by the time you get here. It’s suppose to be rainy all week, which is rather unusual for Phoenix. So hopefully we’ll get the bad weather out of the way before your arrival. Enjoy your Christmas with family and we’ll see you soon. 🎄

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Merry Christmas to you and Al!! I’m grateful you blogged, I still remember the day I saw you riding your bike thru Goose Island SP, then reaching out and our first meetup. Thankful for the friendship we’ve shared since then. Looking forward to seeing you in a few weeks.


    1. Thank you Faye. It’s always fun how we all connect with one another via our travels and blogs. Hope you enjoy your Christmas even though you’ll probably be on the road somewhere as you head west. Look forward to seeing you as we have a lot of catching up to do. 🌵


  10. It was great meeting you and Al in 2019, Ingrid, and in such an attractive state as well! I have to agree with your sentiment that making cyber friends (and then meeting them IRL) is one of the highlights of blogging and something I’d truly miss if I ever quit that journey. I think what we have to keep reminding ourselves is that there are no rules when it comes to our own blog – we can decide when and how frequently we post and choose the content as well.

    Happy Holidays to you and Al and have a fantastic New Year, filled with continued adventures, good health, and fun times at the RV Park and with family and friends.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We enjoyed meeting you two as well. I’m hoping to repeat that hike we did with you soon. That was a fun day!
      Everytime I think about putting an end to my blog, I’m reminded of all the joy and positives blogging has brought into my life. Since we’ve slowed our travels, I might need to rework my blogging focus.
      All the best to you, Mark, and Maya.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Blogging has been so crucial to our social life on the road, I don’t think I’d even consider not doing it. Crazy how that works. Anyway, hope you have a wonderful holiday season! Happy 2020!


    1. Whenever I take my blogging breaks, I really start missing it and am reminded how much I enjoy it. The blog has lead to meeting some amazing people and developing some very special friendships.
      Merry Christmas and cheers to new adventures in 2020 … on and off the road!


    1. Thank you for sharing another year of your wonderful adventures and gorgeous photos, Ingrid. The technology that allows us to form connections – both virtual and in real life – has been a blessing to many of us who choose to share our journeys and our love of the great outdoors through our blogs. Warm wishes to you and Al for a very merry Christmas and all of life’s best in the year ahead!


      1. You welcome Mary and thank you for all your kind comments. One day we’ll need to make an effort to finally meet in person. How about Michigan this summer … that seems like about half way 🤣 doesn’t it?


  12. We would have never met because of our blogs. So glad we did!

    Keep On keepin’ On … we love your posts!

    Merry Christmas to you and Al! 🎄


    1. Thank you Nancy. You are so right … without our little blogs, you and I would never have connected. We’ll get together after the holidays and toast the New Year 😘

      Liked by 1 person

  13. I will see you soon! Set to be in your area by January 3rd. Maybe we can do that hike we attempted earlier this year, that was interrupted by rain damage! Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!


    1. Awesome … we will definitely do that hike and hopefully you’ll join the photo club when you get here. Look forward to seeing you soon. Merry Christmas!


  14. Lovely post, Ingrid. So glad to hear you will keep on blogging and sharing your beautiful photos.

    Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and blessed New Year.🎄

    Blue Rock Horses Frederick County, Virginia bluerockhorses.com


  15. Hi, Ingrid,
    Sending warm wishes for a very Merry Christmas season. Helen and I had the pleasure of meeting you and Al at Lost Dutchman SP in March. Great time and hope we can get together again in the future. All the best in 2020.


    1. 🤦‍♀️I just knew I was forgetting someone. You’ve been added to the post. We loved meeting you and Helen at Lost Dutchman SP and hiking together. Hope 2020 is filled with some fun adventures in one or both of your rigs 😉


    1. Thank you Jana. Be sure and let me know if you’ll be in our part of AZ anytime this winter. I don’t think we’ll be heading to Havasu anytime soon.


    1. Thank you Beth. I do enjoy my blogging community and all the wonderful friends made. One day, I hope you and I will actually get to meet in person 🎄📷🥂


    1. Thank Jim. It was a pleasure meeting you and Diana as well. I look forward to hearing about your 2020 plans and know you’ll enjoy that slice of land in MI. Beautiful country!


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