Architecture as a Photographic Subject

Having grown up in the Chicago suburbs, I was well acquainted with the name Frank Lloyd Wright at an early age. I lovingly blame my father for my interest in design and architecture.

Mission San Xavier, Tucson, Arizona
Mission San Xavier, Tucson, Arizona

My dad worked in the trades in the city (Chicago) and it wasn’t uncommon for me to see blueprints scattered across our dining room table. Although it would take me years to develop his eye and talent, it was a goal I embraced wholeheartedly.

Grand Hotel Mackinac Island Michigan
Grand Hotel, Mackinac Island, Michigan

I was very fortunate to have worked in an industry that I was passionate about, and just because I no longer work in the housing industry does not mean that I’ve lost my interest in architecture … to the contrary.

Travel has only piqued my interest in architecture further, and I love seeking out unique structures.

Loretto Chapel Santa Fe New Mexico
Loretto Chapel and the miraculous staircase, Santa Fe, New Mexico

Photo challenge – theme – prompt

For this weeks photo challenge, let’s share images of architecture. Show us one of your favorite buildings or structures. Feel free to share a link in the comments below or link back to this page on your own post.

After going through all my photographs, I realized I don’t have any images of Prairie Style architecture. Although I’ve studied and toured prairie style homes and visited several Frank Lloyd Wright historical sites in the past, I don’t seem to have any photographs in my archives. Hmm, perhaps this winter, I should visit Taliesin West in Scottsdale, Arizona 😏

St. Louis Cathedral New Orleans Louisiana
St. Louis Cathedral, New Orleans, Louisiana

Wandering Wednesday – Ingrid’s Photo Inspirations

Each Wednesday I post a different photo prompt as a way for bloggers to share their love of photography and engage with other like-minded bloggers. Perhaps this will help inspire you to pick up the camera in search of a composition or a reason to go through your photo archives. Whether you shoot with your phone, a DSLR or something in-between, don’t be shy, share and connect!

San Xavier Mission Tucson Arizona

Next weeks photo prompt?

I’ll be taking a short break from these photo challenges for the next couple of weeks, but promise I’ll be back. In the meantime, I’ll be working on some photo prompt ideas and going through my external hard-drives for images. If you have any photo theme ideas, please let me know in the comments. I love brainstorming!

Chicago architecture
Ten years ago, I enjoyed taking my son on a walking tour of Chicago. The city offers a wonderful blend of old and new architecture . It was a great day exploring the big city.

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49 thoughts on “Architecture as a Photographic Subject

  1. A visit to Frank Lloyd Wright’s houses must be quite a marvelous experience that I hope I can have some day! I hope you get to post some photos of those houses once you visit them again, so that we can marvel at them from afar.
    I have recently created a blog where I’m sharing all my architecture photographs and my first post was actually a Frank Lloyd Wright building – the Guggenheim Museum (which absolutely blew me away!) –

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Awe, thank you Lu, and of course, I feel the same about your photography. I’m still eyeing new cameras, and curious how you’re liking your choice of cameras and the changing of lenses? Whatever I eventually decide to get, it will have a LED screen that flips around like the FZ-200 – love that feature and use frequently.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I am liking my camera but admit that it can be cumbersome at times to have to change out lenses. I am glad I stuck with a Panasonic mirrorless as it still has the flip LED screen like the FZ-200.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Ingrid it’s fascinating how our previous years brings a special interest to our explorations. I love the photo especially of Mission San Xavier which I think I recall from another post maybe a year ago or so. It really intrigued me at the time.


    1. Yes, I’ve posted images of San Xavier in the past, and I plan on sharing more in the future. Love that structure and even attended service there once. During my travels, my heart does seem to be drawn to special and unique places.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I really like the first photo and the second to last that doesn’t have a label. I guess I’m in a New Mexico kind of mood today. Your challenge worked well with photos of the Alhambra that I have been working on this week. So, I posted about that:
    Have a good few weeks off and I hope to see you soon.
    Cheers, Amy


    1. Thanks Amy. Both those images that you like were taken at San Xavier Mission in Tucson, AZ. For some reason, I’m drawn to these historical missions. I had a great time in Texas a few years ago exploring the missions there. Interesting architecture but even more fascinating were the tales.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. The tour we took at Taliesin West was extremely interesting! Our guide pointed out so many things we wouldn’t have known about if we had wandered through on our own (which they don’t let you do anyway.)


      1. I don’t remember which tour we took, but we learned a lot about how he used space and walls to maximum effect. In my home, I like to move furniture around and re-purpose rooms – then watch how family and friends use the room. FL Wright designed rooms, already knowing how they would work for people.


    1. If I decide to visit Taliesen West, I assure you there will be a blog post on it. The admittance fee is a little pricey, and therefore I’m wondering if it’s worth the price.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Wonderful to hear of your interest and background in architecture, Ingrid. And such gorgeous photos of exquisite designs. I found your photo of the Loretto Chapel especially stunning.


    1. We lucked out during our visit to the Loretto Chapel. Since it was in the middle of February and temps were near freezing, we didn’t need to share the sights with hoards of tourists. It’s a rare treat to be able to photograph the inside of the chapel without people in the image. I’m not sure I could manage a repeat even if I tried!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Good morning, Ingrid,
    What a coincidence! Just a few days ago I wrote in my blog [] about our guided walking-tour of Cincinnati, “Nati in a Nutshell”, and this post [] had quite a few pictures of that city’s architecture.
    And what about:
    – Helen/GA and it’s alpine-Bavarian architecture []
    – or Galveston’s [], [], [].
    Have a wonderful day,
    P.S.: your post here reminds me that I need to show just single pictures of beautiful buildings on my 2nd blog, “Pit’s Bilderbuch” []


  7. You chose some amazing photos of beautiful buildings for this challenge. I like this challenge and will try to meet it. We are on a short Rv trip now after a summer at home. I’ll put my thinking cap on for suggestions.


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