Sunrise – A New Day, a New View

With a strong cup of coffee in hand while watching the sunrise over the Gulf of Mexico … Ah, could there possibly be a better way to start a new day? I know it’s one of my favorites; a strong cup of coffee and a beautiful sunrise.

The dawning of a new day brings about a sense of hope, a sense of new beginnings, a fresh start. All the problems of yesterday are just that – yesterday’s problems.

Sunrise over the Gulf of Mexico

I love watching a beautiful sunrise, but I don’t always love jumping out of the RV so early in the morning in search of those wonderful views. Summer is particularly difficult for me to photograph sunrise considering the sun graces us with her presence so incredibly early in the morning.

It’s too tempting to stay snuggled up in the RV until a more reasonable hour. I guess that’s why I enjoy visiting the Texas Gulf Coast during the winter months. Sunrise is at a more sensible hour and I have no trouble loading up my travel mug with a steaming cup of strong black coffee, tossing the camera in the truck, and heading off in search of capturing an inspiring sunrise photograph. It’s not uncommon for me to be driving along the coast, sipping coffee, long before the sun makes her appearance.

Dock of the Bay

I find these early morning solo excursions to be refreshing. It’s the perfect way to start my day, and I always look forward to our visits to this special place in Texas. I was so looking forward to repeating our usual January – February Texas sojourn, but after much discussion and lots of hemming and hawing, Al and I have decided to stay in Phoenix, Arizona, the entire winter and forgo the Texas journey … this winter, anyway.

I’ll miss those Gulf Coast sunrises, but now I have the challenge of finding the perfect sunrise view in the desert southwest. Hmm, I think I’m up for the photo challenge! If anyone is interested in joining me on a photographic outing in Arizona this winter, please, do reach out … I love company and exploring new locations.

sunrise over the bay

I will miss those coastal views and shore birds, but I look forward to embracing new views, new photographic challenges, and meeting new friends. A new day, a new view, and a new adventure … bring it on!

For this weeks photo challenge, let’s share images of sunrise. Feel free to share a link in the comments below or link back to this page on your own post. I’d love to see your favorite sunrise location.

sunrise over the Gulf of Mexico

Wandering Wednesday –

Each Wednesday I post a different photo prompt / challenge as a way for bloggers to share their love of photography and engage with other like-minded bloggers. Whether you shoot with your phone, a DSLR or something in-between, don’t be shy, share and connect 🤗

Upcoming prompt –  Zoo …. get out and shoot or peruse those archives!

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73 thoughts on “Sunrise – A New Day, a New View

  1. Ingrid . . . I love the morning as well. You photos are beautiful. My camera is a a smaller Nikon and does ok for what I want it to. I joined Blogger University on WP—something I should have done when I started. Hopefully, I’ll learn something. Happy RVing!


  2. Bummer you’re not going to TX but I’ll enjoy the sunrises for you, plan on doing walks in the early morning this winter. If I could figure out how to add photos to the comments I’d find one of Dave’s sunrises. Text me how and I’ll add a photo next time.


    1. Yeah, it was a hard decision whether or not to visit TX this winter, but we have some things to focus on and staying in Phoenix would be best. I’ll need to ask ML how she adds a photo because I’m clueless 😄


  3. Beautiful sunrise shots Ingrid! I am certain you will be able to replicate those in Arizona, where stunning sunrises and sunsets abound. Have fun in the process!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. As you well know, Arizona offers some of the most beautiful skies. My problem is motivation to get out and about in search of those photogenic spots to do justice to those sunrises and sunsets. Therein lies my dilemma. Plus I find it more challenging in a city environment.

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  4. Early morning strong cup of coffee and camera in hand, we are two peas in a pod! Wish I could say I could meet up with you this winter……maybe some day down the road it will finally work. I still get my Port Aransas tourist emails….I keep vowing we will get down there some day!


    1. I will miss my Texas excursion, but have some fun things planned in Phoenix this winter. I’m sure, one day our travels will find you and me in a similar location. When you have time, you’ll need to shoot me an email and get me up to date and all your happenings …. RV travel in your future???

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I love your sunrises but I think I love even more that you take time for yourself at the beginning of the day. Your sunrise practice seems also meditative.


    1. Now that you mention it, my early morning solo excursions are indeed meditative. I’m hoping I can discover something similar in the desert this winter. I’ll miss those water views, but will embrace the challenge for new scenery.

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  6. Ugh, getting out of bed is such a chore 🙂 and I count only a few to get out there and capture the beginning a beautiful day. All your sunrises photos do promise a great day and I hope these photos are uplifting you as you browsed and posted them.
    But I remembered one, this was taken on our way to hike the wave!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Your beautiful photos almost make me want to get up extra early in the morning… almost. I think I’ll wait until the time change and then venture out. Fortunately, we are coming into the time of year when we get gorgeous sunsets off our deck… I don’t even have to drive.


    1. It’s wonderful when we can step our our door and witness beautiful scenery from our home … lucky you. I think that’s why we are still RVing – scenery. My goal this winter is to venture out and about before the sun rises at least once a week. We’ll see how that works out 😉


    1. Even though I’m a morning person, I like to linger while sipping coffee. So venturing out and about takes effort on my part. I think I need to tap into some incentives this winter to get me out of the RV 😀


  8. I’m most often up before sunrise, but that’s only to make a cuppa and take it back to my warm bed. Driving in search of a good spot to see a sunrise is completely alien to me, so I’ll just enjoy the results of your early morning excursions Ingrid.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I used to enjoy my first cup of coffee while propped in bed enjoying the view out of my RV window. I have since, moved to “my chair” for that first cup in hopes of providing motivation to jump out of the RV before sun rise … hasn’t work thus far 😅

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  9. These are incredible sunrise shots, Ingrid. I’m usually snuggled up in bed at that time still (except during those long sea voyages a few years ago), and, a bit like you, find watching and shooting sunset much, much easier and attractive. 🙂

    Enjoy the rest of your stay in Arizona. The weather should be as agreeable as in Texas, and you don’t have to make the drive. Think about all those diesel costs you avoid. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Liesbet. I’m sure you’ve seen some fabulous sunrises while on the boat. Yeah, we’ll be saving on fuel costs unless I find myself driving from one end of the Phoenix valley to the other regularly (which I have been known to do 😅)


  10. Stunning sunrise pictures Ingrid…being a bit of a late night owl, its tough for me to rally for sunrise. I am more motivated after seeing your pictures but yes, there must be loads of coffee.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh yes, coffee indeed … an absolute must for early morning excursions. I’m sure some of the sunrises seen from your boat were amazing (providing you were awake to see 😆).


  11. Good Morning! Such glorious sunrises you have witnessed and captured. That pier looks like you could just walk right into the sunrise!

    With ALL that said how about you and I setting our alarm clocks to O-DARK THIRTY one morning this winter to experience an “Unforgettable” sunrise!

    I just posted for your fun Wandering Wednesday theme! Thank you so much for having us dig into our archives! Here is mine. 😊


    1. I’m game and look forward to it. I already have some photography ideas swirling in my head and we may even include the guys. Look forward to getting together and doing a little brainstorming!

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    1. I noticed 😃 I’ll miss my visit to Texas, but looking forward to the challenge of finding some interesting photographic subjects … places and things that I already haven’t photographed around Phoenix.


  12. Gosh, Ingrid, we really must be kindred spirits! I just hit publish on today’s post about happy endings and new beginnings (with photos of sunrises and sunsets), headed over to my favorite blogs to catch up and what do I find? You, talking about sunrises and new beginnings! All gorgeous photos (as usual!), but I really love the colors in that second pic! Have an absolutely delightful day!


    1. Funny how that happens – like minds 😊 I’ll need to pop over to your blog to check out your images. Sun and water … doesn’t get much prettier!


  13. Oh how I miss that place! Just last night Norman and I were talking about how we miss sunsets over Copano Bay. I’m thankful we got to experience it at least once though. Hope you and Al enjoy your time in Phoenix. Maybe our paths will cross again one of these days.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So nice to hear from you Kim. This will be our 2nd winter in a row forgoing our visit to Texas which I’m a tad sad about, but excited to spend the winter with our children. Would love to hear what you guys have been up to!


        1. Yes, these mornings are a welcome reprieve from the hot humid summer we’ve had. Loved your post on Flagstaff … a reminder that I need to spend more time exploring that town. We tend to hang out closer to Williams.

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  14. I’m up early, but often working then, so I don’t often shoot at that time. My response is a photo I took in Tanzania. It’s a nice memory, if not a great photo. I included a sunset photo that falls into that category as well. I’ll be looking forward to your Phoenix in winter photos, as I think we might spend time there one of these winters, so I’ll be curious to see your take. As for the photos you have posted, they are lovely, the second and fourth ones being my two favorites. Have a great week.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s tough dragging myself out of the RV in search of photographic inspiration early in the morning. I’m hopeful I can find some interesting spots in Phoenix. I usually focus on sunset in the desert.

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    1. Thanks Beth. Yeah, it’s tough getting out and about so early in the morning. I’m really going to try and force myself this winter in Phoenix as I’ll need to drive further to interesting locations than I do when in TX. We’ll see how that goes 😏

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  15. Good morning, Ingrid,
    Now theses are gorgeous shots of sunrises at the coast. 🙂 I admire you, that you can get up early enough to take these pictures. I usually can’t. So I’ll have to go for the sunsets. 😉
    I hope you’ll enjoy your wintering in AZ, and I’m looking forward to your pictures from there.
    Have a wonderful day,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. As much as I’m looking forward to spending the winter near our children, there’s a part of me sad that we won’t be visiting Texas. Perhaps you’ll need to visit beautiful Port A for me and share some images 😊

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        1. Thank you for the link Pit. When my internet is slow, I have trouble getting things loaded and thus missed your post from you visit. So sad that that area of TX is still struggling from Harvey.

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