Wandering among Landscapes

For those of us that embrace travel, it might be safe to assume that many of us also enjoy capturing images of the various landscapes we visit. If I had to pick one genre of photography, I’d probably choose landscape photography.

Colorado National Monument Grand Junction Colorado
Colorado National Monument, Grand Junction, Colorado
Steamboat Lake Colorado
Steamboat Lake, Colorado

So many of the places that I’ve traveled to beg to be photographed. Sometimes the vision before me is jaw-dropping gorgeous or the lighting and colors seems surreal.

dreamy landscape photo
Copano Bay, Texas Gulf Coast

Whatever the reason, I love wandering around new places and capturing images of landscapes. Many times, my photographs fail in capturing the stunning sight before me, but the photograph will always prompt my memory and how I felt while making the image.

Jenny Lake Grand Tetons National Park Wyoming
Jenny Lake, Grand Tetons National Park, Wyoming

I feel very fortunate that I’ve had the opportunity to witness so many stunning landscapes. Narrowing down my hundred’s (more like thousands) of my landscape photographs for this post was no easy feat.

hot air balloons Cave Creek Regional Park Arizona
Cave Creek Regional Park, Phoenix, Arizona

The photographs I picked for today’s post were chosen not necessarily for the composition but rather for the memories each photograph elicits for me personally.

Summit Lake Mt. Evans Colorado
Summit Lake – Mt. Evans, Colorado

Wandering Wednesday – Landscapes

This weeks photo prompt theme is Landscapes. We’d love to see YOUR landscape photographs. So let’s share and connect … join in and share a link in the comments below or link back to this blog in your own post.

Canyonlands National Park
Canyonlands National Park, Utah

Will your favorite landscape photographs be for the composition, the memory behind the image, or both?

Mormon Barn Grand Tetons National Park Wyoming
Mormon Barn, Grand Tetons National Park, Wyoming

Wandering Wednesday – Ingrid’s Inspirations

Each Wednesday I post a different photo theme as a way for bloggers to share their love of photography and engage with other like-minded bloggers. Perhaps this prompt will serve as a little inspiration to pick up your camera in search of a composition or peruse your photo archives. Whether you shoot with your phone, a DSLR or something in-between, don’t be shy 🤗 share your photos anytime between now and next Wednesday when I’ll post a new prompt.

Crested Butte Colorado
Crested Butte, Colorado

Upcoming prompts – Garden, Birds, Black & White …. get out and shoot or peruse those archives!

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49 thoughts on “Wandering among Landscapes

  1. Amazing shots as always, Ingrid. Like you I am drawn to fantastic landscape scenes (and wildlife encounters), and it feels as if my camera just finds its way into my hands by magic. It is addictive to attempt capturing these amazing places for eternity. Of course, the photo rarely does reality justice.

    I don’t think I can ever visit a place without taking photos, because I enjoy the process of taking the photo, looking at it afterwards, and have it evoke memories. I have a bad memory, so my photos are all-important. All tens of thousands of them. 🙂


    1. Agree – I don’t think I could visit a new place without pulling out the camera to capture the view and the memory. My camera is an extension of my overall experience. I’m sure you’re taking plenty of images as you wander up to the PNW … enjoy!


  2. Great photos, all of them. I enjoy looking at your landscape photos and the places you visit, please keep it up! But if I had to choose the photos which I believe you are at your best, I’d pick your bird photos. You have the knack to capture the right image at the right time. However, keep taking photos and inspiring us all with you eye for beauty. Looks like your Wednesday was Wonderful, may it continue into the a wonderful weekend.


    1. Thank you Clay. We’re still on the fence about a Texas Gulf Coast excursion this winter, but I must admit, I’m missing the bird photography dearly. For now, I’ll have to peruse my archives for bird images!


    1. Your recent trip out west reminded me of our travels and was the impetus for me to search my archives for “Monument” images. It is such a photogenic and beautiful place!


  3. As you mentioned with this lifestyle, many of our photos are landscapes, as well. Your photos are beautiful and really make me miss the west. We are seeing a lot of trees right now. I can hardly wait get to the other side of the country. Love you photo choices:)


    1. Thanks Pam. We are fortunate to enjoy so many beautiful landscapes. There are times I miss the lush vegetation found east of the Rockies, but usually after a short visit back to Illinois, I’m ready to return west…. as I’m sure you are!


  4. Loving these captures so much! They invoke a sense of wonder and peace. Each so different but sharing similarities within their delivery. I really love the Wednesday prompts too I will have to get on it and join! Thanks for giving a space to grow community!


  5. Your compositions are outstanding Ingrid, through the years you really have honed on your talent as a photographer. Like you, because we travel a lot, most of my photos are landscape. And because of that, I am challenged which post to share. But as I go back to our whereabouts, the Iceland Parkway in the Canadian Rockies stood out and worth reminiscing.
    Here the link to it : https://lowestravels.com/2016/10/02/captivating-icefields-parkway-canadian-rockies/


  6. Too many pictures to choose from! This single image from our trip to Alaska last year was taken along the Richardson Hwy. I chose this one not because it was my favorite (I mean, really, how can you choose when you see so much beauty?) but because it reminds me of how intent I was to capture as much as I could of the magnificent views. I knelt on the couch in the RV, with the window wide open, camera tightly wrapped around my wrist, hanging out of the window to snap the landscape as it passed by! https://candyswhimsy.files.wordpress.com/2017/07/chugach-range-2.jpg

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beautiful image … thanks for sharing it with us. It is interesting which photos are some of my favorites and it’s usually the memory behind the photo and not the composition. Glad you hung on tight to that camera!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hubby and I just watched a mini-series titled “The Pillars of the Earth” and the story revolved around a cathedral being built. Between your Scotland posts and watching the mini-series, I really have a desire to visit some really old castles and churches! Hmm, a bucket list trip is in there somewhere 😆


  7. In the past, my pics were for memories, but since I have a wonderful new camera (thanks to your advice!) hoping I can work on composition! Your photos are something to aspire to!


    1. Awe, thank you Debbie. I really hope you enjoy the new camera. There’s so many bells, horns and whistles on that camera that it may take you a while to remember it all, but oh so fun in the process … enjoy and I look forward to seeing some of your photos.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. I can not pick a favorite out of your landscapes! They are all exceptional!

    I have to say I had a tough time with this post. I basically wanted to post each and every landscape…!! Yikes!

    Another Fun Wednesday my friend! Back to doing the laundry…


  9. I don’t consider myself a photographer–I just use my iPhone–but I love taking landscapes. My wife prefers close-ups of flowers and animals, so between the two of us we luck out and get some pretty good pictures. Have you been to the Canadian Rockies? Living in Colorado, I thought we had some of the best scenery in the world in our backyard, but we were blown away by our neighbor to the north. Like you said, the colors seemed surreal and the pictures don’t do it justice, but you still want to try to capture it. Here’s a recent post from our trip: https://jdhatter.wordpress.com/2018/07/15/the-best-place-on-earth-day-4/

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We have, but very, very briefly which doesn’t count in my book 🤣 Thus, a lengthy RV trip to the Canadian Rockies is on our list. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your trip and photos.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Same here – Landscape photography is more my thing. I like to experiment with stars and the moon, but those are really hard to do and get lighting right. Love all your photos – Canyonlands photo is my favorite of this post.


    1. Interesting how we’re all drawn to different images. I had a hard time narrowing down the photographs to post today, but it was fun reliving some of our adventures via the photos.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. I like to shoot landscapes for the memories, and to capture the beauty I can find. I do try to find a different angle sometimes, rather than what you see always. This is not always an easy thing to do. Lol. It took me three years to finally take a photo of the Moulton barn. Al kept telling me, you better get a photo, people love the barn. I finally relented, took a couple shots, and yes, people almost always want an image of the Moulton barn.
    Those high mountain lakes in Colorado look nice, someday we may explore that state.


    1. There are so many picturesque and stunning little lakes in Colorado that you really should visit. Add in mountain wildflowers and that camera won’t stop clicking lol.
      Yeah, as much as I didn’t want to shoot a photograph like I’ve seen dozens of times before, I felt no trip to the Tetons would be complete without a few photos of the Mormon barns, particularly the Moulton barn.


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