A visit to an adult store?

I don’t know about you, but I can’t believe it’s almost the end of July.  This summer is whizzing by.  Although we haven’t had any eventful excursions while hanging around the Denver, Colorado area this year, we have enjoyed our stay immensely.

Denver camping
Cherry Creek State Park – we’re in site #38

We found ourselves staying at three different and equally beautiful campgrounds this summer.  Our first stop was Chatfield State Park which I wrote about in my last post.  We then moved a little north to Bear Creek Lake Park.  I discovered this park last summer when my daughter took me stand up paddle boarding for my birthday.  You can read about the SUP experience along with a few other places we explored in and around Denver by clicking here.

camping in Denver
Bear Creek Lake Park Campground in Lakewood, Colorado

The campground at Bear Creek Lake Park is small, sits in an open meadow, and offers electric only hook-ups.

camping near Denver
Bear Creek Lake Park campground. We’re in site #47

This campground is the perfect place to stay while taking in a concert at the fabulous Red Rocks Amphitheater.  Don’t have concert tickets?  That’s ok because Red Rocks is an awesome place to hike and get in a serious workout.  It’s always open and free to the public, that is when a concert isn’t in session.  We never pass up an opportunity to hike at Red Rocks or get together with fellow bloggers’s.   Thanks ML for your photo contributions.

Bear Creek Lake Park has three small lakes to enjoy.  Bear Creek Lake itself is perfect for kayaking, canoeing, and fishing.  Soda Lake offers a beach along with the ability to rent stand up paddle boards and kayaks.  There’s a third small pond lake for rental water skiing.  The hiking/biking trails throughout the park are wonderful and there’s also an equestrian center offering trail rides.  Bear Creek Lake Park was a great spot to call ‘home’ for a week.

Now before we move onto our third campground, allow me to share a fun little stop.  Between our stay at Chatfield State Park and Bear Creek Lake Park, hubby and I found ourselves traveling SH-470 routinely (a highway on the far southwest suburbs of Denver).  As we’d pass this architecturally interesting and large building with huge neon lettering saying Tipsy’s, I knew we had to stop and check it out.  And check it out we did.Tipsy's liquor worldlarge liquor store in Denver





Upon entertaining this ‘adult store’ (seriously, did you think I meant some other kind of adult store?), hubby and I immediately went in different directions.  I went to the champagne aisle while Al checked out all the beer.  I don’t think I’ve ever been in a liquor store that had a piano, a chess set, putting green, and huge fireplace.

A little strolling around Tipsy’s Liquor World and a few purchases later, our liquor cabinet in the RV has been restocked…. and then some.  With that accomplished it was time to move camp.

camping in Denver
Cherry Creek Reservoir

Our next stop was Cherry Creek State Park.  This park is a favorite with many and I can see why.  The reservoir is a serious draw for both boaters and anglers along with a marina for watercraft rentals.  Then there’s the extensive trail system, a wetlands area for birding, a model plan airfield, and a clay target shooting range.  And finally, a great location convenient to everything including downtown Denver and the airport.

The campground is large and offers full hook-ups for RV’s as well as non hook-ups for tents.  Most of the campsites are shaded with large, mature trees and the grounds are beautifully maintained.

Denver wildlife
wild turkey’s at Cherry Creek State Park
camping in Denver
the swim beach at Cherry Creek State Park, Denver, Colorado

Of course, my favorite is always the wildlife.  We had deer, turkey’s, and geese stroll through the campground regularly.  Near the marina, I spotted cormorants, egrets, pelicans and sea gulls.  On the opposite side of the lake is the swim beach where I stumbled upon some napping geese.

wild turkey
Miss Turkey decided to run for cover from the crazy lady with the camera.

We enjoyed our stay at Cherry Creek State Park so much that we already booked a two-week stay here in September.  Tonight we’ll join our daughter for dinner and in the morning we hit the road.  Where to next?  Here’s a clue about where we’re heading……corn on the cobb

Evecase Large Canvas Messenger DSLR Digital Camera Bag with Rain cover and Removal laptop and camera insert – Brown
Havana Golf Sun Hat (Medium (21-23″ circumference head))


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59 thoughts on “A visit to an adult store?

  1. My niece lives just outside of Denver and spends a lot of time in Cherry Creek. I’ve envied her all their great walking trails!

    My hubby would have LOVED that “adult store” – he’s quite a beer snob. 🙂


    1. The variety of Beer at Tipsey’s was unbelievable. Hubby enjoyed strolling down the loooong aisle and coolers. Cherry Creek SP is really nice and a great place to enjoy trails and water. We’ll return in the fall 🙂


  2. I know what you mean about the air in that region. We lived in Minnesota and the humid summers were beautiful but tough on the lungs. Green, lush and beautiful lakes too.


    1. We used to vacation in No. MN and loved it, but that was before we knew any better 😆 Already looking forward to heading back west!


  3. I did wonder about the “adult store” but I’ve seen other blogs where people have actually visited history of erotica museums and other such things so I thought perhaps you’d done something similar! Anyway, it looks like you are having a load of fun on your travels which is great to see. Interesting story and pics as always. 🙂


    1. Thank you. We haven’t done anything really exciting this summer, so I was stretching to post something eye catching. Erotica museum??? I must be traveling to the wrong places 😆

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I am so disappointed Ingrid! I was very much looking forward to reading about you visit to the ‘adult’ store and then it turned out to be a liquor store only…. 🙂


    1. Ah, sorry to disappoint and have it be only a liquor store. I’ll work on finding something exciting to share. Hmm, challenging dilemma…. LOL.


  5. Ha ha, and I thought you did stumble to an adult store…clever title, Ingrid! I think the Beverages and More out west pales in comparison with Tipsys. I too was intrigue with that store when I saw it from the highway.


    1. You should have stopped at Tipsy’s. It’s quite the store and I agree, the Total Wine and More in Phoenix is equally as big, just doesn’t have the piano, putting green, etc.
      We made it to IL today. I waved at you as we drove through Iowa 🙂


    1. We just arrived in Starved Rock SP, Illinois. The air is so thick with humidity and my natural curly hair is going haywire…. help! I’m already planning the return trip west in early September 🙂


    1. We just made it to Illinois today and we can’t wait to get back to Colorado LOL. Through my camera lens, I will find the beauty in the Midwest, but this thick air will take some getting used to.


      1. Yeah — I can hear your pain.
        Where are you staying. Anywhere within striking distance. We are in De Soto till Wednesday, and then we’ll be 30 miles from Eau Claire for a week.


        1. We’re in Starved Rock SP and heading to the Elgin IL area tomorrow. We don’t head up into WI until the 17th. The humidity and bugs are taking some getting used to.

          Liked by 1 person

  6. HaHaHa, you certainly got a lot of attention with the title of this post! So glad to see you are having such a great summer in such beautiful places. Love the cover photo!


  7. You were literally down the street from where I live at Cherry Creek State Park, maybe when your back in September we can meet up for a walk! I have always wanted to go into Tipsy’s, thanks for sharing! Safe Travels!


    1. We have a res Sept 13-27 at Cherry Creek SP and I would love to meet up and get in a hike. Thanks for reaching out….. I’ve missed your posts.


  8. Hmmmm, I’ve been looking for a cool looking camera bag – hate the 2 carry around backpacks that I’ve got. Was thinking about Think Tank or a Kelly bag. This one looks like a competitor!


  9. Thanks for this post. I’m going to be in Denver soon & was wondering how Cherry Creek SP ranked. Looks great!


    1. We enjoyed Cherry Creek and Chatfield State Parks very much. They do book up on the weekends though. Last summer we spent a lot of time exploring the Denver area and you can always check my archives for things to see and do. Let me know if I can be of any help 🙂


  10. Tipsy’s looks like it has something for every taste — from champagne to beer! Glad you were able to restock your wagon for the journey east. Safe travels! 😉 (p.s. your photo of the corn is so appealing — I’m going to see if I can find some for dinner!)


    1. Thanks Laurel. The corn was REALLY good and since I’m heading into serious corn country, I’m sure we’ll be devouring lots…. and home grown tomatoes 🙂


  11. Too funny Ingrid, I must admit, the title intrigued me! LOL…

    That liquor store is crazy, like an adult candy store! As usual, great shots of your wonderful travels:)


    1. For me as well….. camping near water is always a goal of mine. I really enjoy camping right at the shore but that’s more challenging to find in the west 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Great photos, Ingrid. So many birds everywhere and what lovely campgrounds. The liquor store sounds fascinating. I’m wondering what exactly Piehole Pecan Pie is. Looking at the corn, tells me that your next stop may be Illinois. 🙂 Happy weekend to you.


    1. Yes, the campgrounds were all really nice an provided a little something different at each one. I couldn’t tell what the Piehole liquor was all about. And spot on Sylvia. Time to visit my 88 year old dad 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Who knew turkeys of the feathered kind hung out at the res? Great photos!
    We’re heading to Golden Gate State Park tomorrow night. Have you been? It’s pretty close to Denver.


    1. I know, I was so surprised to see the turkey behind my RV. Last summer we spent 4 months living in Westminster, and we did get in a bunch of exploring including Golden Gate SP. Always open to suggestions…. love Colorado. We’ll be back in Sept for fall colors 🙂


    1. You were hoping for a Magic Mike type of an adventure? Hmm, that could make for fun blog material, but alas, this was merely a liquor store visit, but I did get your attention 😆

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Those all look like great campgrounds. What a lovely area. And the store, oh yes, that would have been a must see.


    1. I was enamored with the overall architecture of the building while Al was enamored with the huge selection of beer. All three campgrounds are really nice and we didn’t feel like we were staying in a large metropolitan area.

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Ingrid, your photos are stunning. And you obviously have mastered the challenge of food photography. Nice presentation! Also, I love your quotes on the right. Have those always been there? Or am I seeing them because I’m reading your update on my big computer, rather than my iPhone? Safe travels to your next destination! -Linda


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