Ménage à Trois

It was a beautiful January day along the Texas Gulf Coast.  I was in the midst of a photo shoot with my model Rosie, a lovely Roseate Spoonbill.Roseate SpoonbillShe was quite the model.  Beautiful, talented, and very accommodating.birding along the Texas Gulf CoastShe tilted her head this wayTexas Gulf Coast birding trailAnd then that way.  One leg up.photographing birdsNow it was time for a break.  “Take five, Rosie”.  She heads off to the water for some refreshment.birding Port Aransas

This is Bill the spoonbill enjoying a morning snack

In the meantime, Mr. Spoonbill was minding his own business enjoying a mid morning snack when he just happened to glance up….. and there she was, in all her pink glory….. Rosie tilts her head in a coy demur manner all the while batting her eyes. wildlife photography“Like what you see, Big Boy?”  Bill’s mouth opens wide….”hubba, hubba”….. he drools. wildlife photographyThe vision of loveliness is irresistible.  He starts in her direction.photographing wildlifeHe quickens the pace. While approaching Rosie, he yells, “Hey babe, whatz happenin?”wildlife photography

Rosie is not impressed by his crude behavior and mutters, “I’m outta here” and quickly flies off.roseate spoonbillBill can’t figure out why she flew off and screams, “STEL…LAAAA”!birding in Port Aransasand goes for the chasePort Aransas TexasBut Bill, having a rather short attention span, was quickly distracted by the beautiful blue coloring of a Tri-colored Heron. wildlife photographyAs he lands near Hailey Heron, the tri-colored heron, Rosie is soon forgotten and a new quest ensues.birding in Port Aransas Texas“Hey, there Babe.  Is it true what they say….. once you go blue you never go back?”tri-colored heron“Say, What!”, says Hailey Heron in a frazzled tone.  Just then Bill has the best idea ever….. why pick between pink or blue? ….. Ménage à Trois!threesome

Here’s wishing you a very Happy Valentines Day with a happy ending Rockport Texas
Love You & Love You More Pillowcases: V-day Gift
Set of 20 Red LED Mini Valentine’s Day Heart Christmas Lights – White Wire

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86 thoughts on “Ménage à Trois

  1. How cute that was! My afternoon smile and I needed it! Hoping your Valentine’s Day was special! Thank You for the cute little story! Great photos!!


    1. Glad I could provide a much needed smile. We made it to Tucson today and back in connectivity after a few days at Patagonia State Park – a must! Loved our stay there 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Loved Hailey Heron….and then all that pink goodness!!! Perfect V day sentiments…happy belated! Ps…guess I’ll send our Happy Mardi Gras wishes!!!


    1. Hope you have a happy V day as well and have been getting in plenty of Mardi Gras celebrating. We made it to Tucson but not without photographing a bunch of birds along the way 🙂


  3. Well done Ingrid! You had me chuckling all the way with your clever prose and photos that matched perfectly. Hope you and Al had a wonderful Valentine’s Day. 🙂


    1. Thank you LuAnn. Don’t you love it when the birds hold still long enough to be photographed? I’m also enjoying my FZ-200 more and more now that I have it figured out. Are you doing Alaska this summer?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You have had far more subjects to practice on than I have with the FZ-200. Perhaps you can give me a lesson or two. 🙂 We are tentatively planning an Alaska trip for next summer. Have you and Al been or do you have any plans to venture that far in your RV?


        1. Yes, I have been doing lots of practicing AND deleting. No, I don’t think we’ll do an Alaska trip… certainly not with the fiver, but then again one never knows 😉

          Liked by 1 person

  4. Haha, very cute! Your photos are wonderful — love seeing the birds in action, and the Roseates are the perfect Valentine’s bird. You definitely have a gift of telling a story with your photos, Ingrid. 🙂


    1. Thanks Laurel and I seem to have taken an interest more and more in birds. We saw the elegant Trogon while at Patagonia SP – very exciting. We just arrived in Tucson and getting caught up after being without connection 🙂


      1. Oh yay, you saw the trogon!! We also saw him at Patagonia — isn’t he a beauty? Can’t wait to see your photos. You’re doing a lot better at staying caught up with your posts than I am. 🙂


  5. What beautiful photos … and a very cute Valentine’s story. Love it. We’ve considered Texas during the winter, but aren’t sure how good the weather is for the duration. Tell me about where you are if you don’t mind.


    1. Currently we’re at Whitewater Draw NWR and heading to Patagonia SP AZ tomorrow. After that we’ll be around Ajo then up to Phoenix. We’ve enjoyed Texas the last couple of winters but the weather does have it’s iffy moments.


  6. PERFECT birdbrained romance!…All you needed was the evil Snidely Whiplash Vulture to steal Rosie away….Great post, Ingrid!


    1. Oh dear, no vulture stealing my pink beauty, please. Thanks Donna and I know you’re very happy to be in FL and not IL enduring that winter 🙂


  7. Ingrid… may I add to the list of people who think your fowl photos are just the bomb… and of course your words are hilarious. Well done. Beautiful stuff. Thanks.


    1. Thanks Amy and you’ll be seeing those same roseate spoonbills very soon. I think it’s mating season for them (Feb or Mar – not 100% sure)


    1. Thanks Beth and I’m sure you’ll be able to visit those same birds in Port Aransas at the Leonabelle Turnbell Birding Center. It’s a must see 🙂


  8. I am glad things worked out for the Spoonbills, who knows what hideous creatures would be flying the skies if the heron would have won!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Very fun and lively encounter, Ingrid (especially for spoonbills)…and your photos, as always, are incredible. Hoping you and your husband are enjoying a sweet and happy Valentines Day. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Jet. I sure had fun photographing them and couldn’t believe how close the one allowed me to get. Wishing you and your partner a happy Valentines Day as well 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I love the spoonbills pink coloring. I was going to say how much I love the snowy egrets as well, but sounds like you’ve had enough use of the word snow 😉 Stay warm!


    1. Wishing you and Steve a lovely day as well. We’ll probably return to TX next winter again so we can bird hunt more 😉 Need to still capture those pink beauties in flight.


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