May flowers or May snowstorms!

My how time flies when you’re having fun!  After a month long stay in Grand Junction, we find ourselves back in Moab, Utah.  And much to my surprise and pleasure, the land is covered in blooms.  Flowers, sun, and balmy eighty degree temperatures are a far cry from what I experienced a week ago in Denver, Colorado.Moab wildflowersLast Sunday was Mother’s Day and I traveled from Grand Junction, Colorado to Denver to spend the weekend with my daughter.  I always love spending time with my daughter, Ashton.  She surprised me by taking me out to breakfast followed by side by side manicures and pedicures.  What a special treat it was.mommy timeBut the biggest surprise was the weather.  I’ve called Colorado home for nearly twenty years and know Mother Nature can’t allow spring to spring without one last hurrah. Usually it’s in April when we’re graced with one last serious dumping of snow.  This year that dumping occurred on May 11th – Mother’s Day.

spring snowstorm
Ashton’s place north of Denver – May 11, 2014
spring snowstorms
Ashton and I clear our vehicles of snow

The snow didn’t let up all day and by the end of the day we had a fresh coating of snow totaling more than seven inches.  Some areas received even more precipitation causing snow skiers to flock to Arapahoe Basin (one of Colorado’s last ski resorts to close for the season) to catch a few more runs before the snow disappears.  Although the snow was sticking and building on the grass, I was very grateful it did not accumulate on the pavement.  Thus, driving wasn’t impacted too much at least not around the city.  The roads in the high country?  That was another story.

mani pedi
snow continues… running around in flip flops after my mani pedi

Running around in flip flops in this kind of weather was not exactly ideal, but after a fresh pedicure there was no way I was putting on shoes and socks.

After a very enjoyable weekend with my daughter, it was time to return to Al and the RV on the other side of the Continental Divide but all that snow was cause for me to delay that return for a day due to poor road conditions at the higher elevations.  Another day with my daughter?  No complaints here!  Ashton and her roommate did issue a codicil; with smiles and chuckles I was informed I could stay another night only if I made my pulled pork.

So while I was slaving away in my daughter’s kitchen, Al was back in Grand Junction slaving away on some of the needed repairs on the RV.  He too was not complaining as his “supervisor” wasn’t around to micro manage.   Better yet, since we were camped in my brother’s driveway hubby was well fed in my absence as well as any thirst was quickly quenched with an adult beverage.  I suspect between hubby and brother there may even have been some Tim Allen male grunting going on with all the tools necessary for the work at hand.

RV water lines
Al replaces the water lines, installs new insulation and thermapan – all damaged from the blown tire

I was thrilled the repairs were getting done and with a set of new tires we’d be able to go about our travels with confidence.on the road again

Today we’re sitting in a boondock spot north of the town of Moab where friends and fellow bloggers Mike and Linda saved us a spot.  The last two months have found our travels criss-crossing several times.  Tomorrow they move on and we most likely won’t run into them again until next winter in the Phoenix area.  Always a fun time sharing tales over an open fire!dry campingWith a holiday weekend approaching and no reservations, Al and I have decided to stay in Moab through the Memorial Day weekend.  Anyone else in the area looking for a spot to camp, let me know……we have plenty of room.  Come on down!  Who could say no to a view like this?boondocking dry camping



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69 thoughts on “May flowers or May snowstorms!

  1. How I wish! How I wish. I have duty the day before the holiday. Pfft. Snow in May!? How unexpected. Did any other states get it? The balloon even adds whoa to that view.


    1. Moab is fantastic. You MUST visit someday but opt for April or Oct. It was already getting to hot for us around 90 degrees. And then there’s snow in CO. What’s a gal gotta do to find those perfect temps? LOL


        1. Colorado YES, Utah some parts. Moab in the 90’s-100’s in August. We just hiked near CO Maroon Bells….gorgeous….Google it. You can always email me for more info and questions. Always love sharing. Email address – found in my side bar with the rose 🙂


  2. Oh what I’d give to change places with you! This holiday weekend could prove to be the “stick that broke the camel’s back!” When we had to hand wash the pool fence with only a bucket and rag…that was the real kicker. And there is always one who is the “one upper!” We need to be back in the woods as we fit in better than with the million dollar rigs! Not saying a word of course, until ….. So in closing, scream off the highest mountain for me! HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY weekend to you two!!!! P.S. Had to whine to someone :O)


    1. Oh dear! You know we all have to find our way in this lifestyle. I’m unhappy in the RV Parks and prefer to be in State Parks, COE, or boondocking. I think I’ll shoot you an email 🙂


  3. You hardly look like Mother and Daughter… maybe older sister???
    As for running around with flippies in the snow… those toes could have turned black… I do love your posts…


    1. Aw, thank you Bulldog. Yep, don’t recommend running around the snow in flip flops but couldn’t ruin my pretty pink toes 🙂


  4. Ingrid, your posts never fail to leave me with a smile. I’m glad you had wonderful, snowy Mother’s Day memory. Your photographs are beautiful!


  5. Love the photo of you in flips in the SNOW! Looks like you and daughter had a wonderful Mother’s Day! Have fun in Moab!


    1. Thanks Sheila. Hope your plants survived that snowstorm. Fortunately it didn’t stick to the roads. We’re back in CO….Basalt. The winds in Moab were driving me crazy – sandblasting!


      1. Ingrid, what a nice place to be – Basalt. We haven’t been there in a long time and I would guess it has changed. Lots of fun hiking around the area! Have fun!


  6. That snowstorm caused us to have to change our flights on our vacation at the very last minute. No way was I going to run the risk of getting stuck in snow in Denver to strand us from getting to Hawaii! 🙂 That was just unreal! Your place in Utah is lovely!


    1. Oh no! One would think the month of May would be free of snowstorm fear….not in Colorado LOL. Hope you had an awesome time in Hawaii 🙂


  7. Manis and Pedis and daughter fun …OH MY! So glad you had a wonderful time with your daughter… even if it snowed!


  8. Snow in May! Many years ago, it snowed in June when we were in Boulder. That picture of you and your daughter is like two sisters, I’m serious! I want to know what you eat 🙂


    1. In Colorado snow can occur at any time of year crazy as that may sound and seems like you’ve experienced that first hand. And you are too kind…..sisters? I guess I need to thank my mom for her good genes 🙂


  9. We had a snow dusting here Mother’s Day Weekend too. Now dealing with a 100+ acre wildfire. Love, love, love the firefighters who are fighting the fire and getting it under control and contained – saw 3 fire trucks this morning and just wanted to pull over and thank them – so I thanked them as they drove past me instead 🙂 Happy Week!


    1. Gosh Renee, I’m so sorry to hear the wildfires are in your area. It’s always a very scary thing. A couple of summers ago we had ash from a forest fire falling on our house in Colorado and the skies were thick with smoke. I sure hope CA gets some much needed rainfall soon!


      1. Need the Moisture in Northern NV/CA. Thunderstorms predicted the next couple of days, which is good minus the lightening of course. Air thick with smoke, had ash on the vehicle this morning and it is about 5 miles out from where we live and work too – SCARY!


  10. You took that snowy weather in Denver way better than I did. We grumbled and kept our fingers crossed that our new plants would survive!


    1. I remember all too well after a lovely weekend of planting being concerned because of one of Mother Natures last freezes. Hope all your plants made it through the snowstorm unscathed.


  11. What a sweet Mother’s Day you had. Your daughter is so thoughtful, and yes, you two do look like beautiful sisters! And now you’re in a gorgeous boondocking spot near Moab — with wildflowers. Life is good, eh? If we didn’t need to be in Ashland mid-June, we’d join you there.


    1. Yes, daughter and I did have a great day, thank you. I knew your plans were taking you in a westerly direction or I for sure would have emailed you about joining us in our boondock spot. We’ve heard this showing of wildflowers is especially nice due to the recent moisture. Right place, right time 🙂


  12. I love seeing the blooms! It’s sort of just brown, barren and windy here in Rawlins, WY so it’s nice to see a little color in the desert where you are. Sorry to hear about your blow out. We had one just outside Atlanta on a Friday at 5 p.m. Yikes, scary stuff! Beautiful pic of you and your daughter, you look like sisters! 🙂


    1. Thank you…..and yes those tire blow outs are always scary. The red dirt is flying pretty steady these days in Moab. Escaping the winds is almost impossible especially since it’s because of these winds that all these unique spires, buttes, and arches are formed. Hopefully while in WY you’ll have the time to take in some of the beautiful spots.


  13. I wish we could join you in Moab too! Our time there was too short. We are heading towards Wyoming in a couple of days – hoping to beat some of the summer crowds in Grand Tetons and Yellowstone. We got 8 inches of snow too at our side in Palisade State Park in Utah – crazy!


    1. Moab is a place I know we’ll return to again and again. We love meandering around. I’m sure you’ll be seeing more snow in the near future from the sounds of your travel direction. I’ve always wanted to visit the Tetons so I look forward to plenty of your beautiful photos to hold me over until I can visit myself some day.


  14. Cute daughter! There sure is a resemblance to her mama, and I loved hearing about your Mother’s Day – and yes, the snow – that WAS a little outrageous! Daughter time is one of my absolute all-time favorite things to look forward to, as well. (Mine’s in Brooklyn these days – time for a trip!)


    1. Thank you. Isn’t it a bummer to have our girls far away? I didn’t mind so much when she was a 2 or 3 hour drive away but the long distance bothers me. So it was great spending the weekend with her and in June we’ll be staying in the Denver area for a couple of weeks with even more daughter time…..can’t wait. Hope you book that visit to NY soon 🙂


      1. Awww , thanks Ingrid. I agree that a 2 or 3 hour drive is about perfect. Mine lived in Chicago in 2012 and that worked! But she’s a real wanderer. But she loves to come home, too, and my spouse and I always love to follow her around on her adventures when we can (she’s a girl with “baggage” – us !) so we do get together. Reading about your Mother’s Day “hang-out” with Ashton warmed my heart. Go girls!


  15. The sisters are lovely as ever ! We will be there in spirit with you Ingrid, for you have such a stunning view.
    I think Linda should watch out with your brownies or both of you have to hike everyday.


    1. You know I like you even more when you talk like that….sisters! We’ve moved on from brownies to pies with plenty of hiking to work off those calories 🙂


  16. I love the desert in bloom. The first photo with the hot-air balloon is awesome.

    In spite of the weather, Ashton made your Mother’s Day a memorable one. So much fun having daughter-mother time. I cherish each time I get together with one of our daughters.


    1. You and me both…..I adore wildflowers. Mother/daughter time is always fun and I too cherish it. The weather just added another fun element to laugh about.


  17. I would love to join you in Moab – but alas, we must stay here in the land of family until fall approaches – then we are heading west again. Where will you guys be this winter? Are you planning to attend the Escapade in Tucson in March 2015?


    1. Hmm, I don’t always pay attention to Rally or Escapade info as I usually have no interest in heading back east, but you got my attention with Tucson. We will definitely be looking into that. January we will be birding in Texas again and other than that we should be floating around Arizona. You guys would love this boondock spot in Moab 🙂


    1. Aw, thank you Lisa….you are too kind. There was no way I was going to ruin a beautiful pedicure by putting on shoes, but I’ll admit my feet were freezing and felt like ice cubes. Later that evening I finally had to break down and put on heavy socks.


  18. Sitting here in 90 degree South Carolina last week, it was hard to believe the snow event happening so late, but looks like you’ve made it to more pleasant weather. I’d like to see the blooming desert in spring and hope to at some point.


    1. Snow in Colorado can happen just about anytime and in the high country like Breckenridge or Vail, they even get dustings of snow in July – doesn’t stick though. Any environment in bloom is special to me. What gal doesn’t love flowers?


  19. I am so envious! Wish we could join the two of you. Glad to hear your RV repairs are behind you and you are able to hit the road again. I had heard about the snowstorm in Denver…surreal! 🙂


    1. That snowstorm was silly crazy. By Tuesday morning hardly a sign it occurred. Yep, we’re loving our little slice of paradise surrounded by red rock and wildflowers. Next spring, for sure 🙂


  20. I drove from Vegas to Grand Junction last year and was so impressed with what I saw of Utah. It was towards the beginning of my road trip and I was still in hurry-up-and-get-there mode, so I didn’t drop south to Moab. Your pictures are gorgeous, I’ll definitely be stopping there next time!


    1. Thank you and if you ever need any info on places to stop or recommendations, feel free to shoot me an email. My email address is posted in my side bar by the photo of the rose. Good luck with all your impending changes…..deep breathes and one step at a time 🙂


    1. This spot has “Nina” written all over it….right up your alley. The only downside is the ATV’s but other than that – perfect! I know we’ll return regularly 🙂


  21. wonderful photos, as always. I am glad you had a great Mother’s Day and had to ‘pull’ your weight! Pulled pork, it must be delicious to have such a request! I am sure they would have let you stay…


    1. Thanks Clay and I really should share that pulled pork recipe. I will probably do that when I don’t have such beautiful scenery to share.


    1. Thanks Sue. Ok, 7 out of 10 days??? Not fun! By Tuesday morning there wasn’t any signs around the city of the silly Sunday snowstorm and temps were back to springtime weather.


      1. Yes it was more than 10 years ago and it was a massive front. Definitely disappointing. Glad to hear the weather quickly improved. Flip flops just don’t cut it. 🙂


  22. Mother’s Day with our daughters sure was special this year for both of us. Love the flip flops in the snow:)

    You photos are great with that hot air balloon on the background. Hope it isn’t too hot for you in Moab!! Enjoy!


    1. Sounds like we’re equally as lucky to have such special relationships with our daughters. Always a special time.

      I expect you and John to be returning to Utah next spring, eh? Oh, and yes it’s almost too warm to hike in the afternoons. So we keep our excursions to mornings. April seems to be the perfect month around here.


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