Yep, that’s my photo


We point the rig toward Utah via Interstate 70 and head in a westerly direction for about thirty minutes before making the turn south.  Yes, our southern migration has started.  We pick up Utah’s scenic byway 128 which meanders along the Colorado River.

Scenic Byway 128, Utah
Scenic Byway 128, Utah… Fisher Tower and La Sal Mountains in background

The last time Al and I took this route was nearly twenty years ago.  I remember feeling very uncomfortable in this remote and desolate terrain.  It’s a far cry from the flat cornfields of Illinois or green forests of Wisconsin.  “We’re not in Kansas anymore, Toto”.

Colorado River
Scenic Byway 128, Utah. Road meanders along the Colorado River

The discomfort felt years ago has long since been replaced with excitement…..excitement to explore and experience new and unique lands.

The distance between Grand Junction, Colorado and Moab, Utah is around 100 miles.  It doesn’t take us long before Al and I find a picturesque place to call home for a few days located just south of the town of Moab, Utah.  We had debated whether to stay in a RV Park or dry camp in one of several campgrounds operated by BLM (Bureau of Land Management).  Since we’ll be staying in a RV Park for a few months this winter, we opt to rough it.  It’s all about the views and open space in this gorgeous slice of the United States.

Moab, Utah
Our new home just south of Moab….complete with waterfall in the background

Like many folks, we like the conveniences of full hook-ups but love to have views and trails out our front door.   Al and I have found what works for us.  A little dry camping, a little RV Park, back to dry camping, followed by a RV Park.  We all have to figure out our own way and what floats our boat in this RV lifestyle.  So for this leg of our journey, we dry camp and what a sweet spot we found….complete with a waterfall in the background.

Moab, Utah
Trailhead across from our campsite….trail leads along creek up to the waterfall…waterfall pictured in next photo up

Once home is set up, hubby and I set out to take in the landscape, and oh, what spectacular landscape it is.  Our first stop is Canyonlands National Park.

Well known Mesa Arch in Canyonlands
Canyonlands National Park
We were glad we wore our hiking boots. Trails to overlooks aren’t always easy or short.

Canyonlands National Park is located in Southeast Utah near the town of Moab and is the largest National Park in Utah.  The park is divided into three different sections.  We visit the northern section; Island in the Sky.  Aptly named since Island in the Sky is a mesa surrounded by sheer sandstone cliffs sitting over 1,000 feet above the terrain below.

Whiling driving through the park, we’re greeted with panoramic views at the various pull-outs and scenic overlooks.  We’re told one can see as far as 100 miles (161 km) away.  Each overlook offers a different and spectacular landscape.


This colorful landscape has been eroded into canyons, mesas, and buttes by the Colorado and Green Rivers.  These two rivers wind their way through the heart of Canyonlands.

Mesa Arch
Yep, this is MY photo!  Mesa Arch in Canyonlands National Park ……similar photo preloaded in  most computers desktop backgrounds

The highlight of my day was the visit to Mesa Arch.  I’m sure many of you may recognize this photo.  Most Computers have a similar preloaded photo option for your desktop background; found under desktop backgrounds – landscapes.  I’ve always been enamored with that preloaded photo.  To actually visit the place and snap my own photograph was sheer joy.

Mesa Arch
One of the rare times excessive winds made me smile….happy camper!

It was a super windy day whipping my hair around, but then again it is the wind that forms all these unique sculptures.  Visitors, myself included, are sure not to venture too close to the edge.  The gusts of wind play with one’s balance.  And it’s a long waaaay down!

“Hey, Ingrid….don’t get to close to that ledge. It’s a long waaay down”!

After our day exploring Canyonlands National Park, hubby and I realize we did not allow ourselves enough time in our travel schedule to stay in the Moab area.  Guess we were having way too much fun in Grand Junction.  We have a reservation in Phoenix starting October 1st.  Oh well, perhaps we’ll be a day late because I’m already dragging my feet with the thought of moving on.

My new backyard

Ah, the beauty of the RV lifestyle…..I get to come back in the spring when the heat of the Arizona desert pushes us north.  So as hubby says, “We don’t have to see it all today”.Canyonlands

Next stop Arches National Park.

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66 thoughts on “Yep, that’s my photo

  1. Grand fantastic! I heard so much about Utah. And in every post, it makes me wanna be there. WOW! Just on the road alone, the view is already arresting. Posts like this make me wish I’m back to the states and make travel plans like yours.


    1. Thanks! I can so relate. There’s several places out East I’d like to visit; Acadia being one, but I have so much I still need to explore in the west……ah, so many places, so little time. Yeah, might be awhile before we go east of Texas 😉


    1. Ahhh….you are too kind. I wasn’t sure how well any of my photos would turn out as the wind was moving me so much. Even the folks with tripods were have trouble keeping the tripods from blowing over. Quite comical.


    1. Thanks Renee. You could probably fit a little of Utah in a road trip to Colorado. Definitely worth a quick glance if you don’t have time for a longer stay 🙂


  2. What a stunningly beautiful place to visit… those views and heights are right up my street… and your photo of the “hole-in-the-wall” a true beauty… can’t wait for more…


    1. Very unique country. The first time I ever traveled through here I was so uncomfortable, I wouldn’t venture far from parking lots. Not any more. It’s all Al can do to keep me from getting myself into trouble…. 😆


    1. Thank you. It will be hard for us to venture East especially since we have such a love for the West, but we know there are some beautiful sights to behold east of the Rockies. 🙂


    1. Thanks, we should have planned more time in the area, but with the nights getting colder I’m ready to head your way. Your photo on camping in Monument Valley tempted me, but we have a reservation thus won’t linger.


  3. Ah you’re taking me back to the days when we explored that area while living in the north end of the state. It sure is some heavenly scenery. Your pictures almost make me want to go back to revisit.


    1. Hum, almost? You and Sissy might be ready for another road trip in the Spring…. summer is toooo hot around these red rocks. It’s special country!


  4. Canyonlands is one of my favorite national parks. I also loved Mesa Arch! I walked out on top of it and it’s probably one of my favorite photos ever now! Thanks for sharing your gorgeous photos!


    1. Thank you. There were one or two folks thinking about walking on top of Mesa Arch but with the extreme high winds, no one actually did. I bet your photo is awesome and I can see why it would be a favorite.


  5. Al is soooo right (this time)…You can always come back at a later date…Sure hope you are keeping some sort of journal. When we drove to Alaska (without camper), I kept a spiral notebook loaded with our adventures. When we got home I loaded it on the computer and turned it into a 62 page book. I gave each of our kids one. It was titled “Ice Down the Cooler and Get In the Truck!”..Our Road Trip to Alaska…


    1. What a great book idea for the kids. Love the title! Oh, I’ve always got something rolling around this head of mine. Contrary to popular belief, it is not a loose screw 😉 I’m typing up some stories to remember our journey.


  6. Ohhhhh, so beautiful!! I love your photos! Canyonlands NP is just amazing. By the way, how long will you be staying in Arizona? We’ll be in the Phoenix area for a couple of weeks mid-October.


    1. We’re staying at a RV Park/Resort for Oct, Nov, and Dec on the west side of Phoenix. This will be a new experience for us. I already have mixed emotions but they were running a special that we couldn’t pass up. We’ll be at Pueblo El Mirage RV Resort. Let me know when you’re in town and we’ll meet for lunch or dinner 🙂


  7. What a cutie you are… just when I thought it couldn’t get better, more beautiful surprises! We’re still standing bedside by the cornfields cheering on our patient…there is always next Spring for us too!


    1. One step at a time. These rock formations have been here a loooong time so I think they’ll wait for you till next spring. Sending warm wishes 🙂


  8. Beautiful pictures! We are still in northern CA, but have also started our trek toward the south for the winter. We wanted to visit the many sites in UT this year, but so many other new areas “got in our way”. Just as well, because it gives us something to look forward to in the future. Safe travels.


    1. So many places, so little time. Northern CA is on our list but we so enjoyed Colorado this summer that we plan on a repeat. Safe travels and hope you get away from the rain soon 🙂


  9. Great shots – you looking over the edge made my stomach do a little flip. We visited Canyonlands on 9/12 and my post is coming Tue. We have a near identical shot of the Green River.


    1. Isn’t this amazing country? I enjoyed your post on Arches and was on the lookout for that last rock formation shot and found it….lol. Look forward to your post on Canyonlands.


  10. And a fabulous photo it is too! I cannot believe we have not gotten to this NP yet. Can’t wait to explore it and see more of your adventures. 🙂


  11. It is so funny to look at photos that I also took and realize that I really am not there. It is all so familiar. I love the Mesa Arch as a frame for that beautiful view. Yes, I, too, have that same shot, as well as, the one with me in front of the arch. Too funny:)

    You really do need to do the Chesler Park hike in The Needles section of Canyonlands. It is a wonderful loop hike with lots of neat surprises. It is long but so worth it. Check our April blogs last spring for all our hikes and Jeep rides.

    April was the perfect time of year. Even with a month, we still have a ton we missed. And we were out there every day possible. Oh, what a fantastic place!!!

    Enjoy your short time and then return next spring for a L-O-N-G stay!!


    1. My internet connection hasn’t been the greatest so I never did get a chance to review your blog for ideas. Plus silly me didn’t schedule enough time among this amazing landscape. I totally agree “what a fantastic place” and I think we will return in April. I will be using your blog for hikes and Jeep ideas…thanks 🙂


  12. as always I am awed by your photos.. please don’t too close to that ledge 🙂 glad to read of your adventures and eagerly awaiting more… take care and stay well.


        1. It’s kind of a standing joke between me and hubby…..since I’m forever snapping away, in jests he about how much my hobby costs. Just bought two new media cards to replace the old ones…..very old ones 🙂


  13. I so love SE Utah! Can’t wait to spend some quality time there now that we are full time. Spring and fall are the best possible times…perhaps we will make it next spring. Glad you got a couple of days in such a beautiful spot!

    Metamorphosis Lisa


    1. I’m hoping to spend April meandering around Utah. I’ve always loved this state. I wouldn’t want to have to pick a favorite; Utah or Colorado 😉


  14. Stunning! So glad you got your own “arch” picture! One nice thing about following RVers around, is that I get to see places that I would not have considered part of my “go to” list and as a result of all of you guys blogging, my “go to ” list is expanding rapidly. 🙂


    1. It is fun that this blogosphere has enlightened many of us. My ‘must see’ list has grown considerably thanks to bloggers. Some places I’ll see in person and some I’ll only see from my laptop….which is ok too!


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