First Day as Full-Timers

Jefferson CountyAfter a pleasant two-hour drive north on Friday, we arrive at our destination; the Jefferson County Fairgrounds.  This was not my first or even second choice of campgrounds in the Denver area, but since we’ll be staying over the 4th of July holiday, it was the only place with a last-minute opening.

The location is very convenient for the activities we plan to do.  The amenities and RV sites?  Well, let’s just say it’s an ok place to crash in a pinch.

Jefferson County

We squeeze into one of the tight pull-thru sites and proceed to set up home.  I think the back-in sites are preferable (pictured above), but again due to the up coming holiday, we didn’t have too many choices.  Our pull-thru site shown below.Jefferson County

Our daughter swings by after work and we enjoy dinner together.  We discuss tomorrows plans which were scheduled before our house sold.  Yep, I’d say good timing on the closing.  Daughter had bought Colorado Rockies tickets as a Father’s Day gift for Al.  However….. surprise, surprise, surprise….she bought three tickets.  As I’m briefed on the third ticket, I tilt my head quizzically.  “YOU WANT ME TO DO WHAT?  WHY?”Coors Field

I’m not much of a sports fan.  I usually understand enough to get by.  Al and Ashton think it would be fun for the three of us to go to a professional baseball game together.  Really?  Hum, Saturday was my first day as a full-time RVer.  I figured as part of the adventure, I should try new things, even if I’m not exactly interested.  The word boring was probably the first thought that came to mind, “Maybe I’ll take a note pad and pen to write a blog post”.

Rockies Game
Ashton and Ingrid enjoying mimosas before the game

Daughter picks us up Saturday around 11:00 for a 2:00 game and we head into Denver.  We park across the street from Coors Field and next to Jackson’s Bar and Grille.  It’s time for a little lunch and a few drinks before the game.

Jackson’s Bar and Grille
Rockies Game
Ingrid & Al at Coors Field for a Rockies game

Well, low and behold – there’s that Gomer Pyle voice again…..surprise, surprise, surprise.  I had a great time and actually look forward to attending another Rockies Game.  I was not bored and did not use that note pad.  Also turns out, I was a cause of entertainment for my husband and daughter as my knowledge of the game was a little questionable.Rockies

As I was rooting for our team and yelling (in a reserved, lady like manner of course), “He’s out”….my hands were making the motion indicating he’s safe. 

The game entered the ninth inning tied.  I say to Al and Ashton, “If we go into overtime, I’ll buy ice cream served in one of those little baseball helmet cups”.  For those of you unfamiliar with the rules of baseball…..there is no overtime…’s extra innings until someone wins.  “Yeah, yeah….whatever….do you want ice cream or not?”  As we debate my lack of game knowledge, a young Rockies batter, in his second month as a pro, drove in the game winning run……the place goes wild……Rockies WIN !!!  Let’s celebrate with ice cream 🙂

Coors FieldIt was a great game;  Colorado Rockies vs. San Francisco Giants and Rockies win.  The weather was perfect with overcast skies and a light breeze.  We shared laughs, yelling, singing, and perhaps even a little dancing.  After the game, we walked around the area and Ashton pointed out some of her favorite establishments for hanging with friends.

Thanks Ashton for a great day!

FYI….in the post above; click on any words in blue and it’ll link to additional information.

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32 thoughts on “First Day as Full-Timers

  1. Oh how funny!! Yes, I can see you were wildly entertaining. I was entertained reading about it. 🙂 What a great gift for you all to enjoy. Family and baseball just go together. 🙂 Happy Trails!


  2. I’ve been known to get halfway through a Rockies game before I even consider figuring out who we’re playing. Oops. It can be a lot of fun even if you don’t care much about baseball. Overtime Shmovertime! I think we’d have a fun time together at a Rockies game. 😉


    1. At the sixth inning daughter and I strolled the shops looking at T-shirts and hats. There was no way I was able to sit there for ALL nine innings and possible “overtime”… No doubt, we’d have a fun time 🙂 Heading to the farmers market in Golden tomorrow morning. I have got to start eating healthier …. you are an inspiration.


    1. Al would like to be in Phoenix for Spring training and go to some of those games. As long as there’s plenty of shade, I’d be ok and give it a try. Season tickets to ANY sporting event? Pass….lol.


  3. That’s a great way to start your RV Adventure…doing something you’ve never done. It should (in my humble opinion) become your road mantra and keep you out of the RV “rut,” which is doing the exact same things you did at home somewhere else 🙂
    Congrats, you’re off to a good start.
    Box Canyon Mark


    1. You got that right, Mark. What’s the point in traveling if you’re not going to take advantage of the new sights and adventures. I’m really hoping to build up my hiking endurance to enjoy some of those long hikes you and other bloggers embark on. The scenery is too spectacular to miss 🙂


  4. Congratulations on your first day of full-timing. Tight campgrounds are a good incentive to get out and explore. This first year on the road, we went for nice campgrounds with lots of space … and have been finding it hard to leave the patio ;-)))


    1. A nice patio can be just what’s needed. We hung around our campsite a lot while at Cave Creek Reg Park in AZ last winter. I’m looking forward to a roomy campsite when we get over to James Robb State Park in Fruita (Grand Junction, CO) next week. Just hope the temps aren’t too hot.


    1. Thanks….and by the way, some-timers can be just as much fun as full-timers. That’s what our plan was all along; out and back. And then we were spending more time out than back, so it seemed silly to pay and care for a house we were barely using.


    1. Ah…very sweet of you to say. It’s always fun to spend time with our daughters, regardless of the activities, isn’t it?


  5. We are neither sports fan of anything and so we are boring. Well your first days of living on the road is not too shabby, mimosa and baseball game. How about that!
    Enjoy your fourth and we hope to see some fireworks too here in PA.


    1. You boring? Never….lol. We’re not big sports fans – I think the enjoyment came from the overall experience. Hope you had a great day and were able to see some fireworks.


  6. I’m no baseball fan either..But I can be coerced to attend a Chicago Cubs game if they take me to the Cubby Bar across the street. first..and I have to admit, Wrigley Field is beautiful…bricks and ivy. Now if it’s a Chicago Bears game, I can get really fired up for that!!Liquor or not!..Great pics of you and your daughter…you look like sisters…I love the one of Al and you also…perfect backdrop and you both look soooo happy as newbie fulltimers!


    1. I know what you mean about a beautiful stadium. Coors Field is pretty cool and I was extremely surprised I wasn’t bored to death. Maybe I’ll even give football a try. Sisters? I like that, especially since I’m thirty years older than her. Any trips with the fiver coming up for you guys?


  7. It probably helped that you had a little kick start to your game:) It truly helps if you gain some knowledge about what is happening. I was with you when it came to baseball. It was like watching paint dry. But after attending a few high school games and learning all that was going on on the field I took a liking to the game. Watching baseball on TV is definitely not the way to start liking it. I can just hear myself making those same calls…must a female thing! Glad your team won in “overtime!” Ice cream sounds like a perfect ending to your first full day of fulltiming with your daughter to boot!!


    1. The winter get away definitely made this transition a lot easier. We’ve fallen back into our RV routine nicely. No regrets or freaking out….lol. At the game there was enough other things going on that it was all entertaining. It was a fun way to kick start this journey 🙂


  8. I love a professional baseball game…the total excitement with music playing, etc. Wish we got to see our STL Cardinals before we left…oh wait there is still time :O) I’m so happy for you. I thought of you often today dissolving the clothes closets…and I have had weeks, you , not so much! CUTE picture of you and your daughter….HAPPY 4th!


    1. The music was great which lead to my enjoyment. If I had had to listen to some sports dude discussing the plays….well not good. Have a great holiday weekend with the family 🙂


  9. Oh this is so great… Ingrid, I just love it.. and your daughter could be your sister… she ain’t old, but you look younger.. hardly old enough to be her Mom… I am so excited about your becoming first timers… love it…


  10. Prepare yourself with mimosas. Yes, that’s the way to do it! BTW, we saw the Rockies in a spring training game in Scottsdale. I forget who they were playing and who won. Does that mean we have a baseball connection?


    1. LOL…..we have a connection…..just not sure what one would call it !!! I actually told hubby if we’re in AZ in March, I would go to a training game. I think he’s still passed out from that comment. Coors Field Stadium is pretty spectacular. So I’m sure that had a lot to do with the overall fun…..and a little alcohol didn’t hurt 😉


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