Where’d She Go?

QuartzsiteWhere’s Waldo Ingrid.  So where have I been?  Why haven’t I posted in 3 weeks?  First, I’ve been running around the back country of the desert southwest where internet service can be a challenge.  Second, because of internet problems, I’ve been on a blogging time-out.

Hubby was concerned for the safety of our internet “jet pack” as my frustrations with its performance grew.  “Put the mouse down, step away from the computer, and no one will get hurt”.  I think you get the picture!

The break was needed and although our internet is still somewhat intermittent, I’m learning to work with it and accept its short comings.Quartzsite

When my day starts with a sky like this, what’s there to get upset about anyway?  So back to where am I?  I’ve been boondocking in the desert outside of Quartzsite, Arizona since January 14th.  Quartzsite

We came here with friends we met last year at Lost Dutchman State Park.   We’ve managed to stay in touch via internet, and with their encouragement we decide to experience Quartzsite first hand.  And yes, it is an experience.

QZ1 016Imagine a sleepy little town in the middle of the desert with a population of about 3,000 invaded by hundreds of thousands of RVer’s from around the world.  Seriously, this is not an exaggeration.  The last two weeks of January is the annual RV Tent Sale followed by the yearly Gem Show.

Vendors from around the country come to Quartzsite, AZ to set up their tents and sell whatever, and I mean “whatever”.

RVingAl and I do a little shopping, but more looking.  It’s an eclectic mix of County Fair meets Rummage/Garage Sale.  My neighbor for the past ten days, Cheryl of Life in a Canned Ham did an interesting post with some unique photos.  RV Blogging buddy Mona Liza of The Lowe’s RV Adventure did an informative post with plenty of photos showing the festive activities that bring folks back to Quartzsite year after year.  Great job ladies and it was a pleasure hanging out!RVing

RVingWe are members of the Escapees RV Club and members of the “Boomers”, a club within a club.  As members of the Boomers, we join fellow Boomers in a remote parcel of desert land to the southeast of Quartzsite, which quickly becomes Boomerville.  Al and I are one of the first to show up to the party and most likely one of the last to leave.

Over the ‘official’ two week Boomerang are various organized get togethers, discussions, activities, and general hanging out and visiting with like-minded folk.  There’s an easy-up tent canopy with postings of all the days activities and a book to sign in to track the number of visitors.  This year 129 RVer’s passed through Boomerville.  Some, like moi, stay the entire two weeks (then some) while others stay only a night or two.Escapees

RVingRVingIt’s been a fun and active filled two weeks.  We reconnected with old friends and made lots of new friends, and although we all follow different paths our common thread is love of this adventurous lifestyle.  We like to think of ourselves as modern-day Pioneers, but with all the comforts of modern-day.  Most of us can forgo a daily shower but NOT our internet.

With the exception of a group of mom’s with little one’s, this is the only group of people I know of that talk openly about bathroom and shower habits.  It’s almost like a competition of sorts.  Al comments, “We can go 8 days without going to the dump station”.   Joe says, “Hey we can go 2 weeks”.  Then Steve proudly pipes in, “I got ya all beat.  We’ve gone as long as 17 days”.  “Wow, 17 days and ya didn’t run out of water or fill up your holding tanks?  Quite impressive!”

I ponder……impressive???  Something smells fishy or rather stinky to me.  Being self-reliant / self-contained can be interesting.  On that note, it’s time to let the “jet pack” rest.RVing


29 thoughts on “Where’d She Go?

  1. I think we must have been the only RV’ers not in Quartzsite this year! Sorry to hear about your internet woes. Looking forward to meeting you both soon.


  2. Yep I can sure relate to the internet issues. Have you done any research on boosters / repeaters like Wilson? If so I would be quite interested in what you find and any performance feedback.
    Q is something I am really looking forward to.


    1. We’re looking into WiFi Ranger or the Wilson. Several of us were disappointed as neither had a booth at the big event here in QZ. I guess in previous years they did. I’ll keep ya posted 🙂


  3. I was worried I’d missed a post, but I checked and you were just not writing. I’m impressed you are able to keep up as much as you do being on the run….it is amazing how much we rely on technology today and yet there are others who don’t even go on the net or have a cell phone – who do just fine….for me I’m hooked on tech.. take care and stay well.


    1. Unfortunately I’ll admit to my addiction….rather addictionS….Coffee and tech. This moving around does present some challenges but we’ll purchase some new techie stuff that’ll hopefully improve the situation. 🙂


  4. Awwwwww I guess you didn’t get to meet my kin then 😦 Shucks! They’re Escapee members too! But at least I get to see some of the area and glad you had fun. That last sign is a hoot!


    1. Awe……still here and trying to put it on my hot n heavy social schedule. I have two more days to try and get over there. We tried the other day and couldn’t figure out the right road and then today I saw it….ta da.

      This whole place is a hoot!


  5. Hey! You’re here again! I kept checking your blog only to be disappointed. Great post, glad you’re back and may you have happy travels my friend.


  6. Ingred I must admit I thought it was something I said… or maybe I’d un-followed you, went and checked, no still there… then I wondered about where you were and NO Ingred has been looking at my posts… Glad to hear that you were much like us… in the desert where internet is delivered on a wing and a prayer…
    When we went to the Kalagadi we didn’t have any connections .. not even cell phone… do you know how I enjoyed that… it was lovely for a short while to be un reachable, just like the old days… we could have used the land lines but didn’t bother, we felt like where we were there was not an awful lot we could have done should something have gone wrong at home…
    Your trip sounds so wonderful and that statement “Like minded people” makes always for good company… I would love to see your desert as much as I would love you to see where I have just been… I think it is a place you and Hubby would just fall in love with… right up your street… lovely post…


    1. I could never UNfriend my S. African blogging buddy. AND yes I would love to experience Kalagadi. Hubby and I would fit right in. A little break from tech is always good and then I start missing all my blogging buds. Always love your comments 🙂


    1. You got it neighbor. What else does one do in the middle of the desert when it rains? Have fun geocaching…..do I see a kitten in your future?


  7. We will be in the same “no internet” boat in Yellowstone. I’m already preparing myself…ha ha :)!

    I applaud you…I’m not sure I could boondock for more than a day or two :). I sure did miss your posts!


    1. This lifestyle is not for everyone…. Baby wipes instead of a daily shower….a bucket of water for the hair and in town showers at the laundromat for $6 whenever you can’t stand yourself or people stand away from you…lol. I’ll be ready for civilization Feb 1 when we head back to Cave Creek. Be sure and let me know if you’re in the area!


    1. It’s been a great experience. I am in awe with the amount of couples who meet while traveling solo and are now traveling together….like minds. We had an enlightening group discussion on ageing gracefully held by a college professor. I was hoping it entailed Botox but thus it was about attitude. 🙂


  8. Hi Ingrid! I’ve missed your posts. But it sounds like you’ve had quite the busy schedule there in the big “Q”. :-D. Not sure it’s my cuppa tea. Maybe we’ll see you in CC in Feb!


  9. Thanks for the great info and pictures. We’ve had a curiosity about Quartzsite for some time, and your post helps us get a better understanding of it. I think maybe we’re just going to have to try it some year…..when we’ve honed our boondocking skills.


  10. Yep..I was wondering if you and Al got swallowed up by the legend of the Lost Dutchman…Glad to see you are back on track and having fun…that’s what it’s about….Now….try to keep all of us “in the loop”…We have a jet pack too, but Florida is waaaay different than the middle of Arizona…


    1. We just may do FL next winter. Doing game night tonight we two couples with lots of info on FL and the Keys. Glad you’re enjoying some nice weather.


  11. Yah, I did wonder where you have been all these days and not posting your whereabouts! I can relate to this intermittent connections, too bad our desired replacement was not sold at Q. Wow, 8 days without going? we need to learn from you how you do that.
    Rain and wind is keeping us in, in PSP 😦


    1. BUT have you taken any nice photos? Lots of rain here. Started last night and most of the day today. Starting to clear. So we’ll stay a few more days. Stay warm!


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