Our Education Continues…

Oh, what shall we do today?  The Group (Escapees – Boomers) have a few different things planned for today.  Some folks will be hiking, some geocaching, and some attending a little class.  We decide we can never have enough information on Solar panels and batteries, and thus attend the get together and discussion on solar.  The couple leading the discussion have been full-timers for fourteen years and are a wealth of information.  We had an immediate connection with this couple from day one and know we’ll stay in touch and rendezvous with them back in Arizona in the fall.

The class/discussion on batteries, inverters, and solar panels continues for two plus hours.  I take notes, plenty of notes.  Some of the information is a repeat of info we’ve heard before but confirms our knowledge, basic knowledge that is.  We’re getting smarter and feel more confident of what and how to set up our Rig for future  trips.  Our biggest problem and thus our first purchase will be batteries.  I’m glad we didn’t make any changes to the Rig prior to this trip.  We most likely would have ended up needing to redo any changes.

We are learning so much and appreciate all the help and information from all the seasoned RVer’s we’ve met.  In a few months we will hopefully get’er all set up and properly outfitted for boondocking.  Speaking of “boondocking”.  After lunch, we had another little get together to discuss boondocking.  Topics included; how to conserve water, finding boondocking sites, dealing with gray water and black water, and an exchange of personal ideas and tips.

In the evening, I choose to have a little solitude and cuddle up with Bear while enjoying a glass of wine and reading a couple of magazines.  Al, the social butterfly, joins the group around the campfire.  All is well !  Tomorrow we’ll be heading out.  We have a reservation at a RV Park in Goodyear.  Thursday we plan to attend the Good Sam Rally and start heading home on Friday.

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