Aransas Wildlife Refuge continued

birds of preyAs I stand on the 40 foot high observation platform at the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, I’m mesmerized by the vultures.  I savor the quiet solitude as I stand against the rail.  I watch the vultures gracefully soar through the air while hunting for prey.

There’s a deer in the meadow below.  I see flocks of birds in the distance.  With eyes closed, I tilt my head to the sky breathing in the scent of the sea air while basking in the warmth of the sun.Rockport Texascranes

I’m totally lost in the moment. I’m in my own little word….that is until I’m abruptly snapped out of my trance by the shrieking tantrums of a three year old.  So much for my fifteen minutes of solitude.  Forty feet below me is the minivan whose occupants are clearly not happy.birding in Texaswildlife refuge

The disgruntled family can be heard across the marsh.  The deer move on.  Birds fly off including my vulture friends.  As I hear the wheels of a stroller clickety clacking over the slated decking with a crying occupant making it’s way up the platform ramp, I take that as my que to move on as well.birding

I scurry down the ramp passing the frazzled family.  We exchange smiles and “good mornings”.  I’m sure I was sporting a look of sympathy, although I’m not sure who I should feel sympathetic for; the kiddies who would prefer to see the likes of a Mickey or Minnie or the folks trying to expose the kiddies to some of natures beauty.  Ah, I remember those days fondly.

With the truck started, the intent is to make my way back via the same road…..nope, changed my mind and I take the 16 mile Auto Tour Loop inland.  This single lane, one way, paved road provides a leisurely ride through the ‘Texas savannah’.  Along the way one might see deer, hawks, javelina, bobcat, or the occasional snake crossing the road.  There are pull-outs every now and then, but since I’m the only one out here, I feel free to stop occasionally in the middle of the road. I jump out of the vehicle from time to time to photograph the landscape.  Yep, just the landscape as this gal did not encounter any other wildlife – well except for the wasp wanting to free load a ride.  Yeah, not the brightest thing I did that day leaving my car window open in front of this sign.birding

wildlife refuge

Loop completed, I stop once again at the ‘Heron Flats’ viewing area.  Earlier in the day I had this place to myself.  Now there are two other cars and a couple of cyclists.  I look off to the right in the first marsh….nothing.  I continue to the viewing platform…..very few birds.  On my return to the truck a woman asks me if I’ve seen the whoopers.  I respond, “I don’t think so.  What do they look like again?”……Light bulb!  “Oh, they were here earlier this morning”.  Now I know.  I’ve seen and photographed the endangered whooping crane without effort while folks from around the country are traveling to this area in hopes of their own personal glimpse.whooping crane

While having a pleasant conversation with this woman, her husband who had remained by the marsh near the beginning of the trail yells out to his wife, “alligator”.  She and I swiftly join him at his side as he points out the rather large gator in the distance.   There are no fences or barriers.  The alligator looks well fed and ready for a nap. I did not notice him earlier and am grateful the gator was pointed out to me.

Can you see him?



Happy with my wildlife sightings this morning, I decide it’s time to return home.  We won’t mention the growling stomach.  Next time I’ll bring snacks.pelicans

Would I recommend a visit to the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge?  I guess it depends on ones expectations.  I talked to some local wildlife photographers near my RV Park and they personally have never had much luck with their bird photo captures from land at the refuge.  I hear, via boat is the best way.whooping craneThe refuge is located 35 miles north of Rockport, Texas, out in the boonies.  I made the mistake of not packing a lunch.  I think it’s a great place to learn and experience.  However, I was disappointed several trails and viewing platforms were closed due to damage.  I enjoyed the day and would go back, but I would go early in the morning and prepare to spend the day.

That said, I have had better luck photographing birds off Fulton Beach Road and Lamar Beach Road……near Goose Island State Park, Texas.
Exploring the Great Texas Coastal Birding Trail: Highlights of a Birding Mecca (Exploring Series)
Birding Trails Texas Gulf Coast

Aransas National Wildlife Refuge

It’s quarter to eight on a Friday morning in early January.  I grab a full cup of coffee, camera gear, and hop in the truck.  Today’s destination is the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge.  I have the directions jotted down on a piece of paper….. in large print so I can read them without the aid of glasses.  No GPS for this gal.  Hildi stays home.Aransas Wildlife Refuge

It’s a longer drive than I thought it would be on rural farm roads.  I keep my eyes peeled for deer and am grateful I noticed them in time to stop for all to cross.  Somehow I don’t think hubby would be pleased with a deer mounted on the front of his truck.White Tail Deer

I arrive at the visitor center at 8:30 and am the first visitor of the day.  The refuge opens a half hour before sunrise but the visitor center doesn’t open until 8:30.  So I’m sure I’m not the first guest, just the first to the visitor center. There are bound to be other folks already running around the refuge.

The two women and one gentleman behind the counter are all volunteers and fellow RVer’s.  They get a free place to park in exchange for a little volunteer time.  All three volunteers were passionate and quick to share information about the refuge.

We’ve already established I am not a birder.  Many a time I’m unfamiliar with the name of a bird I’m photographing.  I’m ok with that.  I have enough stuff swirling through my head day in and day out without having to remember the names of birds. Half the time I forget what’s his faces name and call him hon or hubby so remembering a birds title is low on the totem pole (you can laugh, he is!  After thirty years of marriage, it’s all about the laughter).

One of the volunteers lights up and says, “Oh, I hear the whoopers were seen this morning off Heron Flats trail and the blah blah blahs were seen……. And the watcha ma call it’s can be seen….. ”   It was all Greek to me, but I pretended to know exactly what she was talking about, smiled and enthusiastically replied, “Oh, how exciting.  Thank you.  I better get going before they all fly off.”  I nod as if I understood all the information, wave goodbye, and am off to capture some birds on film media card.

With map in hand, I jump in the truck and drive up the road stopping at the various viewing areas.  For the time being I have the place to myself.  The first stop is to see if I can spot an alligator.  I know – alligators in Texas? – Who’d a thought!   No alligators, moving on.

I stop at the Heron Flats viewing area.  I do remember the volunteer highly recommending I stop here.  I cross a foot bridge looking into some swampy water for any signs of wildlife…..none.  I continue and walk onto the viewing platform.  There are two really big large white birds in the distance off to the right.  Hmm, wonder what they are.  (I know now that they are the endangered whooping crane) They are magnificent.  I look off to the left and see ton’s of birds.  There were all kinds of different birds, even some pink ones but they were all pretty far away.  None the less, I enjoyed being an observer.whooping cranes

wildlife refuge
wildlife refugevultures

I remembered there were a few cars that had pulled into the visitor center as I was leaving.  Enjoying the solitude and tranquility, I wanted to savor this place alone for awhile.  Thus, I continue down the road and only slowed at the next few viewing areas vowing to stop and explore on my return to the visitor center.  My goal was the 40 foot platform at the end of the road.

Upon my arrival, I’m excited.  Not another car in the parking lot.  But I wonder what all those black things on the railings are?  I know they’re a bird of some kind.  As I start climbing the platform walkway, I’m concerned these birds aren’t flying away.  Just how close will they allow me to get?  Should I continue?  Images of Tippi Hedrin of Hitchcocks “The Birds” come to mind.  Gosh, I’m out here all by myself.  No one would ever hear my screams.Alfred Hitchcock Tippi Hedrin

talonsI continue but in a rather slow non aggressive pace up the platform.  Bird one flies off….she wipes the sweat from her brow…..bird two flies off…..feeling more relaxed she continues.  Bird three….doesn’t move.  Ah, sh*t, why isn’t he flying off.  As is my custom, I talk to the animals.  “Hey, there handsome.  Let’s you and me make a deal.  I’ll walk past you slowly and I won’t pepper spray you if you don’t claw my eyes out with those talons.  Do we have a deal?”


vultureI press my back up against the railing and shuffle past this unique creature all the while making small talk.  I’m so close if I reached out I could touch him or her.  Apparently, we had a deal as my eyes are still intact. I continue up the platform with less concern and a new found fascination for what I assume is a vulture.

From the 40 foot high viewing platform one has a bird’s eye view of the refuge below.  To be continued…..wildlife viewing