Aransas Wildlife Refuge continued

birds of preyAs I stand on the 40 foot high observation platform at the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, I’m mesmerized by the vultures.  I savor the quiet solitude as I stand against the rail.  I watch the vultures gracefully soar through the air while hunting for prey.

There’s a deer in the meadow below.  I see flocks of birds in the distance.  With eyes closed, I tilt my head to the sky breathing in the scent of the sea air while basking in the warmth of the sun.Rockport Texascranes

I’m totally lost in the moment. I’m in my own little word….that is until I’m abruptly snapped out of my trance by the shrieking tantrums of a three year old.  So much for my fifteen minutes of solitude.  Forty feet below me is the minivan whose occupants are clearly not happy.birding in Texaswildlife refuge

The disgruntled family can be heard across the marsh.  The deer move on.  Birds fly off including my vulture friends.  As I hear the wheels of a stroller clickety clacking over the slated decking with a crying occupant making it’s way up the platform ramp, I take that as my que to move on as well.birding

I scurry down the ramp passing the frazzled family.  We exchange smiles and “good mornings”.  I’m sure I was sporting a look of sympathy, although I’m not sure who I should feel sympathetic for; the kiddies who would prefer to see the likes of a Mickey or Minnie or the folks trying to expose the kiddies to some of natures beauty.  Ah, I remember those days fondly.

With the truck started, the intent is to make my way back via the same road…..nope, changed my mind and I take the 16 mile Auto Tour Loop inland.  This single lane, one way, paved road provides a leisurely ride through the ‘Texas savannah’.  Along the way one might see deer, hawks, javelina, bobcat, or the occasional snake crossing the road.  There are pull-outs every now and then, but since I’m the only one out here, I feel free to stop occasionally in the middle of the road. I jump out of the vehicle from time to time to photograph the landscape.  Yep, just the landscape as this gal did not encounter any other wildlife – well except for the wasp wanting to free load a ride.  Yeah, not the brightest thing I did that day leaving my car window open in front of this sign.birding

wildlife refuge

Loop completed, I stop once again at the ‘Heron Flats’ viewing area.  Earlier in the day I had this place to myself.  Now there are two other cars and a couple of cyclists.  I look off to the right in the first marsh….nothing.  I continue to the viewing platform…..very few birds.  On my return to the truck a woman asks me if I’ve seen the whoopers.  I respond, “I don’t think so.  What do they look like again?”……Light bulb!  “Oh, they were here earlier this morning”.  Now I know.  I’ve seen and photographed the endangered whooping crane without effort while folks from around the country are traveling to this area in hopes of their own personal glimpse.whooping crane

While having a pleasant conversation with this woman, her husband who had remained by the marsh near the beginning of the trail yells out to his wife, “alligator”.  She and I swiftly join him at his side as he points out the rather large gator in the distance.   There are no fences or barriers.  The alligator looks well fed and ready for a nap. I did not notice him earlier and am grateful the gator was pointed out to me.

Can you see him?



Happy with my wildlife sightings this morning, I decide it’s time to return home.  We won’t mention the growling stomach.  Next time I’ll bring snacks.pelicans

Would I recommend a visit to the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge?  I guess it depends on ones expectations.  I talked to some local wildlife photographers near my RV Park and they personally have never had much luck with their bird photo captures from land at the refuge.  I hear, via boat is the best way.whooping craneThe refuge is located 35 miles north of Rockport, Texas, out in the boonies.  I made the mistake of not packing a lunch.  I think it’s a great place to learn and experience.  However, I was disappointed several trails and viewing platforms were closed due to damage.  I enjoyed the day and would go back, but I would go early in the morning and prepare to spend the day.

That said, I have had better luck photographing birds off Fulton Beach Road and Lamar Beach Road……near Goose Island State Park, Texas.
Exploring the Great Texas Coastal Birding Trail: Highlights of a Birding Mecca (Exploring Series)
Birding Trails Texas Gulf Coast

The Big Easy

New OrleansNew Orleans is nicknamed The Big Easy and after spending a couple of evenings at the French Quarter I think I get it….it’s all about taking it easy, having a good time.  Hey man, life’s short.  Enjoy it while you can.

French Quarter
The spray painted guy is a “street performer”. He’ll pose for photos for a donation. He and the cop are conversing like buddies…..talking about a football game.

Well enjoy we did!  New Orleans is the largest city in Louisiana and the 46th largest city in the United States.  It’s a multi-cultural city with strong French and Spanish influences.  On average, the land sits at an elevation between two feet below sea level to 20 feet above sea level.  Most of New Orleans sits AT sea level.  The humid, subtropical climate can feel quite warm hot.

Bourbon Street
Bourbon Street….another ‘street performer’ on the left. This time spray painted silver. Plenty of opportunities for a horse and carriage ride.
Bourbon Street
I shall spare you the image of this MAN from the front!!!

The French Quarter is well-known for its notorious nightlife, festivals, Mardi Gras, and the birth place of jazz.  Car traffic down Bourbon Street is cut-off via barrier sometime around 6:00 p.m.  I’m convinced it’s to keep the wasted partying folks from getting hit by a car, or better yet, save the cars from potential damage from wild revelers.  As the night unfolds, so does the craziness.  Eclectic might be a good choice of words to describe the Quarter….everything from red light district activities to upscale Jazz halls.

This is our second evening strolling the Quarter.  We start with a delicious spiked Slurpee (i.e. frozen daiquiri) in hand….come on, it’s hot out.  We then return to the same restaurant where we ate last night …. Bourbon Heat.  The food was so good and we really enjoyed sitting in the courtyard.  Logan eats more alligator!

There are tons and tons of restaurant choices.  Many of the places have live entertainment and at some the music can be excessively loud.  The talent is obvious as music French Quarterwafts the air.  It’s easy to get caught up in this place.

Please note; with the completion of one frozen daiquiri and the start of a second, the music and overall experience was greatly enhanced and thus highly recommended.  In other words, the French Quarter is a lot more fun when one is buzzed, like everyone else.

We visited the Quarter on a Tuesday and Wednesday night and were back at the hotel by 9:00 p.m. (party poopers)   We saw plenty of craziness during these two week nights.  A sampling of some of Logan’s comments;  “You got to be kicking”.  “What the heck is that?” “Really?”  “WTF”  “OMG”. “Hum, lingerie night?”  “Peep show?”  “Did you see that”.

French Quarter
Logan experiencing the French Quarter
French Quarter
Street Performer. Bucket for tips!

We people watched, watched street performers, and stopped to listen to music.  In the photo to the left, is a ‘street performer’, I use the term lightly.  I guess his talent is climbing a free-standing ladder….a ladder to nowhere.  The ladder is NOT up against anything.  He just climbs and balances on the ladder.

Okay, moving on.  Later in the evening, down the street, we watched two guys street dance and they were pretty entertaining.  Michael Jackson would be proud of the unique moon walk.

Never once did we feel unsafe.  New Orleans finest were plentiful, patrolling by car, on motorcycle, and on foot.  These officers were regularly engaged in conversation with locals…..very friendly and civil.

There were times it was all Logan and I could do not to stare or open our mouth in shock.  We can’t fathom what it’s like on a weekend or let alone Mardi Gras.  Party Central is putting it mildly.  Everyone should experience New Orleans’ French Quarter, at least once.  I’m glad we did, even though my behavior, in comparison to others, could more easily be associated with a nun…..not so bad, considering this is Catholic country after all…..St. Louis Cathedral