Lens-Artists Challenge #302 – Artificial Intelligence

My morning walks in the park are more than exercise, it’s my way of communing with nature.

WordPress AI created

Each step is deliberate and purposeful. I take in the sights and sounds. This is my church.

WordPress AI created

The sun begins to rise, casting a warm glow upon the freshly watered grass.


I’m not alone. I never am. Even when there’s very few people around, which is the case shortly after sunrise, I can count on the birds to keep me company.

iPhone – Great Blue Heron
WordPress AI created

The morning air becomes my medicine, and I feel present and alive while exploring the quiet dawning of a new day.

iPhone – the early morning light along with an overcast sky, created interesting shadows.

And so, I walk … awake, aware, and ready to greet the day.

It’s over!

My outdoor walks have come to an end. Sigh! My communing with nature has come to an end, a temporary end. Sigh! It’s June in the desert southwest. It’s hot. There is no longer any lingering of crispness in the air, and morning walks are best done before sunrise. Yes, before sunrise!

I had already given up hiking on the trails in April due to the desert heating up which brings out our slithering creatures. In lieu of the rugged trails, I embraced a groomed park complete with paved walkways and no snakes, hopefully. And I was enjoying it, loving it, relishing it until the summer heat showed up and overnight temps no longer provided a reprieve.


I consider myself a morning person. However, I do draw a line at walks prior to sunrise which is around 5:15 a.m. right now, and with overnight low temperatures barely dropping below 80 degrees Fahrenheit (26C), my morning walks have unfortunately moved indoors. The treadmill and I will be well acquainted by the time fall rolls around.

While those in other places are enjoying the great outdoors this time of year, summer in the desert is when we remain indoors.

WordPress AI created – is there something strange about this photo? Like a weird hand and a random arm?

However, all is not lost. With the help of AirPods and motivating music, this old gal is embracing artists with names like Dua Lipa and Jelly Roll. While briskly walking on the treadmill with the music turned up, I can pretend to “Dance the Night Away” in a field of wildflowers. Hey, anything to make the treadmill less boring. Am I right?

As I put one foot in front of the other, my mind drifts. Sometimes I listen to the words in the song and other times all I hear is a rhythmic melody. The mind wanders …

A.I. generated.

Today is the tomorrow I worried about yesterday,
And today was such a lovely day,
That I wondered why I worried about today yesterday.
So, today I am not going to worry about tomorrow.
There may not be a tomorrow anyway.
So, today I am going to live as if there is no tomorrow,
And I am going to forget about yesterday.

The enlightenment shall continue!

For this week’s Lens-Artists photo Challenge #302, John asks us to share images of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Photography. I didn’t use A.I. to alter any of my own images but rather used the WordPress AI feature to generate complete photographs. I’ve played around with my own images with AI in the past with very mixed results. I find it time consuming and hit or miss. The iPhone photos are in response to John’s Cellpic Sunday photo challenge. Thus, this post includes my original cell phone photos along with artificially generated photographs. A.I. is definitely changing the world of photography. I’m not sure how I feel about it, but it’s here to stay so I might as well embrace it. A new reality!

WordPress AI generated

I’m also adding a link to Terri’s Sunday Still’s photo challenge. Her prompt this week is the Great Outdoors, and my morning walks at the park certainly seem to fit the subject matter. Hope the weather in your neck of the woods is perfect for getting outside and enjoying nature.


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85 thoughts on “Lens-Artists Challenge #302 – Artificial Intelligence

  1. If you’re creating surrealist, tech-inspired fiction or sci-fi as a writer, then AI generated images can add to the ambience and complement the piece. In this way it’s useful. We all have to be very aware of where this is going though, especially as AI is essentially unregulated right now.


    1. Agree … some of the AI generated images make for great book covers, etc. but I do wonder how it’ll be regulated so artists aren’t having their original works stolen. It’s a complex subject.


    1. Thank you. I did have fun playing around with the AI feature here on WP, but I don’t think I have a need for it. Thus, will stick to my own photos. 🌵


    1. Thank you, Sofia, and well said. I totally agree. There is usually something off about most AI generated images. Although, some might work well for book covers or other marketing purposes. Thus, I can see a level of usefulness, but AI still has a lot of improving to do.

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    1. I totally agree. Some of the pics look very real while others are obviously AI generated. It is an interesting subject causing much debate.


    1. Yes, most of the images definitely look unreal. We’re just at the beginning of AI so it’ll be interesting to see how it evolves over time.


  2. I like your photos better. I spent a teacher training day exploring AI and its implications to the classroom. The kids have already discovered it and using as a shortcut on their homework. For good or bad, we can’t use it and train them on it until they turn 13 which is two grade levels beyond me. Bummer about your walks, but I understand. In a few minutes, my dog and I are going to take a hike through a forewent preserve not far from here. Take care and stay well. Peace.


    1. Awe, thank you Clay. I was wondering about the impact AI would have in the classroom. I’m sure it’ll be an ongoing battle which is sad because it’ll impact the kids negatively in the long run. Enjoy that walk in the forest preserve … I’m jealous! 🙂


  3. Beautiful photos and I Love the quote at the end/ I haven’t really tried AI yet. i think it would be hard for me to be somewhere and it be just too hot to be outside. I suppose I’d just go somewhere cooler possibly for a few months.


    1. Thank you Kirstin. The A.I. was fun to play around with, but I don’t see using it much for my purposes.
      We do try little get aways north throughout the summer, but I’ll still take this over freezing temps, ice, and snow. I don’t have to shovel heat 🤣


  4. I’m with you on the morning walks. We were getting out by 5:30 a.m. to avoid the heat, but now I’m going to swim laps instead. We live by the McDowell Sonoran Preserve and quit the trails in April too because of snakes.


    1. Love McDowell. We moved to the other side of the valley, and I was hiking at either White Tanks or Thunderbird Conservation Park. Fortunately, we have a rec center nearby with workout facility and pool. So, it’s indoors for a while unless I swing up to Flagstaff for a change of scenery. 🌵 Stay cool!

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    1. I grew up in the Chicago burbs, so this staying indoors during the summer has taken some getting used to. At least I don’t have to shovel heat 🤣


  5. Ingrid, I agree that AI is fun to play with, especially on a hot day when shooting outside isn’t possible, but I’d likely have no use for it on my blog. A couple of your AI photos could have passed the real or fake test. I love how you integrated the challenges and came up with a beautiful ‘walk and ponder’ post that also highlights your creativity.


    1. Thank you Suzanne. Yes, we do have to find other activities when the heat keeps us indoors. I had the concept of this post swirling in my head, and it started coming together when John and Terri shared their photo challenge prompt. This turned out to be a fun post to put together.

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  6. What a fun post! I have not played around with any AI images. So it was fun to see yours.
    But… your actual photos are much, much better.
    Loved the poem at the end!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awe Nancy, I can always count on you to say something sweet. 🙏 I’ve tested a post title with the WP AI feature before but this was a first for photos. It was definitely entertaining but not something I’ll have much use for … especially since my blog is about sharing MY photos. 😁

      Liked by 2 people

  7. I found it very interesting to see those AI generated images. I have to say I’d have been able to distinguish between those and yours without any captions! Some are pretty and fit your theme (I like the blossom), while others seem overly stylised and the one with the extra arm just plain odd!


    1. I too like the blossom image which was the first photo WP AI generated for me. The rest were hit and miss and I ended up deleting a bunch. This new technology is interesting and fun to play around with but it still has a way to go. It won’t ever replace the joy I have creating my own photos with my camera.📷

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  8. Wow, some of those AI generated images looked so real, well, except for the one with the weird arm sticking out. 🙂 The American southwest sound a little too hot for my taste. I’m thankful to be in the intermountain west where there are higher elevation places that I can go to in the summer to get away from the heat.


    1. I agree, A.I. did a nice job with some of the images, but many I had to delete because they were wonky in one way or another. Although, it is hot where I live, a simple two hour drive north and the temps drop by more than 20 degrees F. Plus I have a brother who lives in Colorado. He’s about an eight hour drive away allowing me several get aways each summer to another beautiful location with more agreeable weather.🌵

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    1. The first one was WordPress A.I. It wouldn’t allow me to label it since it’s a featured image. I also have fun checking with the WP AI for post titles. I’ve always stuck with my own titles but it’s fun to see what it comes up with.

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    1. I totally agree, Mary…. morning’s golden hour is a favorite which is why I love my morning walks and A.I. can’t feel what I feel. 🙂


  9. I’m with you on walking in the heat and in our part of the world, the humidity is also very high which is why summer is my least favorite season of the year.


    1. I do not miss the humidity, but heat is heat. Funny how summer is a favorite time of year in many locations and not so much in others. 🙂


      1. You’re very welcome and yes, desert summers can be a challenge for us nature lovers. Somehow, we make it work. Early mornings and visiting cooler places are ideal. Thank you, Ingrid and take care.

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  10. You covered it all in this one Ingrid, and beautifully! Loved your images and your AI-generated images were fun an appropriate to your story. Really well done, loved the way you mixed it up! Stay cool 😊!


    1. Thank you, Tina. This was a fun and interesting challenge. Some of the A.I. images that were generated were a little wonky and made me chuckle.
      My goal is to stay so busy this summer that it’ll be fall with cooler temps before I know it … at least that’s the plan. 😏


  11. I know AI has arrived, Ingrid, and I worry about what it will do to creativity. I feel for writers and artists who are being ripped off. As for wandering in the woods, AI will have a hard time replicating that. When AI figures out a way to solve the horrendous challenges we are facing, however, I’ll climb on board. Heading up the Pacific Coast, a high temperature so far has been 80°. I’m not outside now, though. The wind is rocking our small trailer and the rain is pounding down.


    1. I would love some of that rain and cooler temps … not so much the wind though. It’s horrible when artists have their creative works stolen. I’ve had folks use my content and images and pass it off as their own and it feels violating, and this is just a simple blog providing me with entertainment. So, I can only imagine the negative impact AI is having. Stay safe out there and hopefully the storms won’t last long.


      1. Storms are over, Ingrid, and beautiful weather has returned. I occasionally have people to ask permission to use my photos. I always grant it. But it can be disconcerting when you see your work show up and nobody has asked. Again, if they have credited my blog or me I don’t care. The most surprising to me was a French art magazine that used one of my photos and gave credit.

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  12. If identified as such, I’m with AI. I liked how you used your photos and the AI images. Some AI is obviously AI, as you show, but others are disturbingly real. I say “disturbingly “ because the line between real and unreal is being blurred. Can that be fun? Sure. Can it be a problem? Yup.


    1. I too liked some of the A.I. generated images. Others looked off, but it’s still fun playing around with this new platform. Once I have a day with nothing to do, I’ll play around more with some of my own photos. 🙂


  13. Ingrid,

    We drove through that AZ (and Texas) heat and I don’t think I would want to walk in it at any time of the day. Enjoy the treadmill and the music–I LOVE Jelly Roll. I have only used Google AI once to create a picture of an English Bulldog in the mountains. It turned out ok, but was very time consuming. I really enjoyed your narrative for this post. Have a great week! Joe


    1. Our summer heat can be brutal. I’m not sure we ever get used to it as much as we learn how to navigate it. Yeah, Jelly Roll has put out some great tunes. I’m really into Country Music right now.🙂🌵📷


  14. I’m sorry the desert heat has returned, Ingrid, but I know you got the most out of the spring weather for your walks and photo ops. Our sunrise is 4:51am now and it was 45 F this morning. The heat is on its way here too, and wildfire season is just around the corner. Unless I walk at 8am, it will be too hot here too.

    Of course I love your outdoors images, and the AI-generated ones are quite interesting but look amazingly real. And you did this on WordPress! I used Microsoft Co-pilot and might fool around a bit more to post something more this week. Stay cool my friend and have a great week.


    1. Thank you, Terri. I think I’ll try Co-Pilot next and see what it generates. I’ve tried WP A.I. for blog titles (usually staying with my own) as well as content (again, not changing anything), but enjoyed some of the images it produced. It’s entertaining to see what it comes up with.

      Your morning lows sound refreshing but the thought of wildfires not so pleasant. We’ve had some fires around AZ already. Fingers crossed we all get plenty of moisture to temper any wildfires. Enjoy those mornings!

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  15. While our Florida weather is warming by the day, it definitely isn’t as hot as the desert. I can certainly see from your photos why you enjoy your outdoor walks as much as you do.


    1. Yes, FL can heat up as well. I always get a chuckle when folks say it’s a dry heat in AZ. Well, even an oven is a dry heat 🤣 I’ll still take our summers over a Midwestern winter any day. I don’t have to shovel heat!

      I will miss my morning walks in nature, but September will be here before we know it. Time seems to move more rapidly the older I get. 🌵

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  16. Excellent take on the challenge, Ingrid. I hear you well about the heat. I stopped my walks with friends sometime in April. Now, I stilll bike as long as the temperature stays below 92F (33C). The bike movement creates a bearable breeze which I don’t get when just walking.

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  17. I like that you got the GBH and a Cormorant on the same piece of concrete. AI images mostly look AI, but when AI uses real photos then they looks like photos, of course.


    1. During numerous morning walks, I regretted not bringing my camera. The iPhone can only do so much. I was glad I was able to get relatively close and digitally zoom to capture the birds on the concrete. But oh what I could’ve captured with the real camera.😏

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  18. The summer heat is why we leave Arizona about the end of April!

    My concern about AI is that it isn’t reality (and if a photo on your site is used by someone to help them identify a flower, say, then the AI photo might be wrong) – and AI is learning how to depict non-reality by plagiarizing the work of legitimate photographers.

    If you want to stop AI from using your site to train, then there is likely a setting that lets you do that. I did that for my wordpress.com site.


    1. Very interesting about A.I. using my site which doesn’t surprise me. Obviously, all the info has to come from somewhere. I stopped using Alt text on my images years ago which I’m hoping helps somewhat.
      Yes, the desert is heating up. I wish we had somewhere to escape to like we used to in Wisconsin, but that would mean not seeing my grandbabies for a few months, which for now, is worth tolerating the heat. I’ve been taking my two year old granddaughter to the local splash pad and loving my time with her. But the heat does get old quick.

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  19. You did such a nice job at balancing AI with your own photos and I love your morning walk. And I love the way you describe nature as your church. I feel the same. It does sound like it has heated up. I guess it is pool season in the desert. Fantastic contribution Ingrid. Others will feel inspired with this as well, and at the end of the day while it is fun to play, it is also fun to just.take.pictues.


    1. Well said, “just take pictures”. Love it. I was inspired by your post to see what kind of images WP AI would come up with. Then I played around with verbiage. That was entertaining. All in all, it was fun putting this post together.
      Yes, we’ve heated up. However, I’m enjoying taking the little one to the splash pad and have been helping out a bit more. Two under two is a handful. I love being ‘Mimi’ on my terms.😊

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  20. It’s too hot here too as you well know, Ingrid. I got the backyard spiffed up yesterday but in units, a bit at a time then dash into the cool house. I have rejected the use of AI on my blog and it says so in the sidebar. Only the Nikon and the iPhone 15 capture images for my humble blog! Stay frosty! 🥶

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yep, I knew you too were heating up. Although I like to play around with editing to enhance a photo to resemble the actual scene/subject, I dislike overedited images. I like to keep it real.
      Try to stay cool, and I’ll do the same. 🙂

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  21. Oh, I do not envy your having to move the daily walks indoors for the next many months! I do, however, look wistfully at the early-morning bird communing. I hear pickleball is popular 😜

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    1. When considering a location to settle down, we knew there were tradeoffs. We hope to visit my brother in Grand Junction, CO, a couple of times this summer just like we did last year which provided a nice reprieve. And taking the granddaughter to splash pads has been quite entertaining and refreshing. No pickleball for this gal 😁.


  22. Ingrid, what a beautiful post! I agree completely with your poem at the end. So sorry you have to end your outdoor walks but I understand why. I can’t take the heat any more. Have you considered water aerobics? I’ve been doing in year round for years and love it.

    WordPress AI did a good job generating your images. The ones you included go well with your post. They are not as good as your photos, though! I’ve been playing with it and getting some good laughs.

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    1. A.I. can be quite entertaining and it is fun to play around with when I have the time because it is a time suck … at least for me. I still like keeping my photos real and not overediting.
      Fortunately, we live in a community with numerous rec centers including indoor and outdoor pools. So, I have options. 😊

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  23. I enjoyed your (and AI’s) creations both. Some of the AI desert shots could be mistaken for photographs, but AI does have its issues with people’s appendages. >grin<

    It did a nice job on the second image, though. Fascinating.

    Keep cool!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, I was impressed with several of the AI generated photos especially landscapes and flowers. It seems to struggle with people. Some of the images generated looked like the women were possessed😁 This prompt provided a few laughs and entertainment as I played around with AI. 🙂

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