In Need of a Recharge

There comes a point in life when we could all use a bit of a break from the everyday… a recharge, so to speak. It doesn’t matter whether we’re retired, traveling for fun, working a nine-to-five, or any number of other scenarios, we can all benefit from a recharge. Isn’t that what vacations are all about?

Over the years, I have been asked many a time, “What are some of your favorite places that you have traveled to”? That’s such a subjective answer because most times it’s never just about the location. It’s about what’s going on in my personal life or about my personal experience.

I assure you, I could be in the most gorgeous place on earth, yet if Al and I are having a tiff, a differing of opinions, that place will not make my top ten list of favorite places … even if I capture the perfect image.😁

That said, one such place that does make my top ten list is the Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument.

It was the summer of 2016. A very busy and somewhat hectic summer for us. We started off the season by working camping at an RV park in Idaho. That in itself was an experience and anything but relaxing.

By mid-July, we meandered our way back to Colorado and in early August found a place to park the RV for a week while Al stayed with his sister in Denver and I caught a flight to Chicago so I could accompany my ninety-year-old father to my nephew’s wedding. It was a fun time spent with Dad, but by the end of the week, I was ready to return to my husband and RV life.

A special place that was perfect for a much-needed recharge.

It was time to bid farewell to Colorado and head south. What was supposed to be a few days in Santa Fe, New Mexico, turned into two weeks. Our summer had been a whirlwind of activity filled with lots of travel and stressful situations. We were in dire need of a break. We needed to recharge and New Mexico offered the perfect place to do just that.

We ended up splitting our time between stays in Santa Fe and the Cochiti Lake Campground. While staying at the Cochiti CG, we were a short drive away from the Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks, allowing me the opportunity to visit this special place numerous times.

The days spent hiking or chilling back at camp, were precisely what I needed to recharge and rejuvenate. Nature is my church!

If you’re interested in hearing more about my hikes at Kasha-Katuwe along with lots more photos, you can read this post, Take a Hike in New Mexico. My morning solitude hikes there did wonders for my soul, and thus, this park/monument will always hold a special place in my heart.

Great farmers market

Oh, I can’t forget to share the outstanding farmers market in Santa Fe. I’d say it’s one of the best we’ve ever been to and we scheduled our travels so we could visit three times. The fresh foods found at the farmers market fueled my body while the nature hikes fueled my soul. Talk about energizing and recharging!

August is pepper harvesting and roasting season and the tastes and smells at the market are divine. Even my husband, who is not normally a pepper eater, was sampling all kinds of roasted peppers.

“Where is my husband, and what have you done to him?” 🤣 Seriously, I could not believe the peppers he was eating AND raving about. Yep, August is a notable time to visit New Mexico.

Can you spot the trail below? Lower center, near the cluster of trees. I started down there.

Great food, great scenery, and great hiking equal RECHARGED. I was ready for the next adventure!

How do you recharge?

This week’s Lens-Artist photo challenge #267 is RECHARGE. Thank you, Egidio for the thought-provoking prompt.

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81 thoughts on “In Need of a Recharge

        1. My husband and I have had some medical stuff going on, thus I may not be available until January. So, hopefully we’ll have a big group show up then.


  1. Looks like I need a hike in Arizona for a recharge. Normally I hit one of our local forest preserves, but this weekend (9/30-10/1) headed to Phoenix to watch to baseball games in my 30th MLB venue and 28th city! Going t be an amazing weekend. Sent a message yesterday via Instagram… have a great day and once again, fabulous photos.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Unfortunately, it’ll still be on the hot side here in Phoenix. I haven’t hiked since May 😐 I sent you my # via email. Hopefully, we can connect. Have a great time at the game!


  2. Oh my, what a lovely place, Ingrid! I can see how you can recharge here and in other places in nature. I’m a mountain girl, so a day in the pines is always my go to place. Incredible photos! I’m so sorry we couldn’t see each other today. Hopefully we will come back this winter in January and spend a few weeks. Take good care, we’re here a couple more days with Hans’ daughter before we head back Monday. Say hi to Al!❤️


    1. Now that you have another reason to travel to my neck of the woods, hopefully you’ll be able to include some side trips and see some of the incredible sights along the way.
      I felt so badly that I missed the get together and look forward to making the next one, and then of course, when you return to the valley. Safe travels!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. It is definitely worth visiting. Unfortunately, Tent Rocks has been closed the past few years, and I’m not sure if and when they’ll reopen. Just visit the website from time to time. Bandelier is also worth a visit.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. You are taking me back to one of my fave in NM and your pics recharged me !
    We all need a recharge especially for us living in a summer oven. For us just a few days up in the mountains in AZ is enough to get us recharged then back to the oven.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This summer we managed to get in two visits to my brother in Grand Junction which was wonderful, but the recharge didn’t last long in this oven. I’m sooo over summer. 😁 Fortunately, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel.


  4. People ask us that same question all the time. We usually respond with Alaska or Zion. Although both a beautiful, you are right, it is the experience you have there that really makes someplace truly special.

    Jim and Barb


    1. I feel so fortunate that we’ve seen so many beautiful places. That said, the northern Midwest will always be special but that’s definitely due to personal reasons. Travel is definitely an individual sport.


  5. Gorgeous scenery, Ingrid! I had never heard of this area. New Mexico needs to be further up on my list of places to visit.Your photos are great!


  6. Wow, I can’t believe we missed Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks when touring New Mexico a few years ago – it looks amazing! What a wonderful place to recharge 🙂


    1. Unfortunately, the Tent Rocks has been closed to the public since the pandemic. I’m not sure if they’ll ever reopen it which is a sad thought. It is a magical place.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Beautiful photos – makes me want to escape to the great outdoors 🙂 It has been hot here in Florida and so ready for a cool down to get back outside and back on the water kayaking again (the heat makes the water like a hot tub and not refreshing). We had Idalia come through and with it brought some wild flamingos to our area – pretty cool sight! I recharge in getting out in nature. I also like to recharge by trying new places to explore, eat, and drink. Happy Exploring, Happy Recharging – ENJOY!


    1. How cool to have a bunch of flamingos fly-in. I would’ve loved seeing them. I too am so ready for this heat to go away. I’ve been housebound way to much and can’t wait to get back outside for some hiking. Fingers crossed it won’t be much longer.


    1. Yes, a change of scenery always does wonders for my soul. Without an RV, I find getaways much more challenging and I’m having to think about shorter trips. Fortunately, we’re in a part of the country where beauty is a short drive away in any given direction.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Bandelier National Monument is another interesting place in NM. I don’t think I ever wrote a post about our visit there because our day hike got cut short due to a Thunderstorm. I’d love to return.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Awesome photos! I’ve been wanting to visit this place but it’s been closed for like 3 years now. Hopefully it reopens soon, but I’m the meantime, thanks for the virtual tour!


    1. When I wanted to attach the link, I visited the website and noticed it has been closed for a while. I have concerns it won’t reopen. I’ve seen this happening more and more on native land. Too many ignorant and disrespectful tourists… sigh. Keep checking though because it really is lovely.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Beautiful pics! We’ve been there and it is amazing! And Santa Fe is the best! We were visiting for a meteor shower and it didn’t disappoint either!


  10. Ingrid,
    Thanks for sharing. We’re planning an extended trip to the west next year and we always stay in Albuquerque on one leg of our trip. I’ve kept the name of the campground, and would love to visit this park. I have my recharge place in the Cherokee National Forest–everyone needs a break once in a while. Have a good week! Joe


    1. We love the Cochiti CG and had plans to try out the Albiquiu CG but never made it there. When planning, be sure and visit the Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks website. It has been closed to the public for that past couple of years. Once you start planning, let me know if I can offer any other suggestions of places worth seeing and places to camp.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Ingrid, you have shown in beautiful photos why New Mexico is known as land of enchantment. Great photos and stories you shared. Thanks for letting us know how you recharge.


    1. During our RVing years, we never had the opportunity to explore NM as much as I would have liked, but I’m glad we saw and experienced what we did. Perhaps one day I’ll make it back over there.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Saving this for when we will FINALLY get out that way! It’s continuing to allude us.
    We can identify with your premise! Usually when asked, “where is your favorite place?” My answer is almost always, “ right here!” Wherever we are! But near the end of our nearly 7 years we hade to say it must be Myrtle Beach because that was where we visited the most….and now that’s where we live!


    1. In the end, it doesn’t matter how far or near our travels took us. It matters that we got out there and lived, explored, and experienced so much of God’s beauty. I never thought we’d settle in Phoenix, but this is where family is and it’s all about family. We love our community. Thus, it worked out the way it was suppose to.


  13. Terrific response to the challenge Ingrid. I’d never heard of this place but it reminded me very much of the hoodoos in Bryce Canyon. The beauty there was breathtaking as I’m sure this one was for you. Your images are amazing, you brought the place to life for us!


    1. Visiting granddaughters certainly is at the top of the travel list. 😀 There are a lot of beautiful and unique places to see in New Mexico. Perhaps one day you’ll make it there.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. I’ve always thought New Mexico’s slogan, The Land of Enchantment, is spot on. We looked hard at making it our permanent home. Like you, we recharge in similar fashion — unplugged and outdoors!


    1. New Mexico is filled with hidden gems. If you’re ever looking for a place to explore without the masses, keep this state in mind. We barely touched the surface.


    1. NM is filled with hidden gems. I always wanted to return to your neck of the woods to explore more, but time got in the way We spent a few ours at Bandelier before a thunderstorm forced us off the trails. Perhaps one day we’ll finally get back over there and dive into the landscape again.

      Liked by 3 people

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