Sad, But Happy!

An inviting dock leading out to a fog covered morning

I can’t believe it’s mid-August already. Has your summer flown by as quickly as mine has? I’m feeling a little sad because I can already feel the changing of seasons is near. Here in northern Wisconsin, there’s a crispness in the air letting us know Fall is just around the corner.

I’m not sure I’m quite ready for summer to end and fall to begin … no, I know I’m not ready.

a lone duck swimming on a lake slightly covered in fog

Changing my mindset!

So, as sad as it may be to bid farewell to summer, I have my happy memories; some very fond summer memories. Oh sure, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the elephant in the room … Covid-19 that nasty Coronavirus pandemic thingy that has plagued much of 2020 thus far. That has not been fun and was partly the cause of my summer starting out with me feeling very stressed, overwhelmed, and sad.

I think I was too caught up in the news and world happenings, that quite frankly, I have no control over which is a difficult situation for a control freak for someone who likes to be in control.

Somewhere along the line, I’d had enough … enough negativity … enough bad news. It was time for me to work on my mindset and not be influenced by all the noise. After all, I was sitting in a beautiful, secluded location surrounded by nature and people I love. It was time for me to control me. Ah, an epiphany!

Enlightened by canoeing!

It was a quiet and calm morning in early July when Al and I launched the canoe. Five minutes later, we were paddling through a patch of lily pads. It was so quiet and calm that other than the occasional call of a loon or croak of a frog, the only sounds we heard were the trickling of water dripping from our paddles and the movement of the canoe gliding through the floating flat leaves. It was a magical moment, a picturesque moment, but alas, I consciously left my camera behind. I wanted to live in the moment with no distractions.

As we continued canoeing, Al and I paddled in silence taking in our surroundings. Soon we exited the lily pads and rounded an island. We spotted a bald eagle sitting on a tree limb high above us. Moments later, we spotted another bald eagle on a much lower limb and smaller in stature. (Where’s my camera when I need it? 🥴) We determined that this must be a nesting pair of bald eagles as evidenced by the loud squawking sound heard nearby from a hungry eaglet. “Feed me, feed me!”

We sat in the canoe with our paddles idly resting across our legs while floating and being awed by our surroundings. My mind was quiet. I felt more at peace and relaxed than I had felt in months. I was happy! Perhaps, I would’ve been even happier had I brought my camera along to capture the exquisite morning. No, I was definitely happy despite being without a camera or even my iPhone. I was in my element and savoring every moment, sight, and sound.

A great summer!

So, even though my summer didn’t start out the best, it has turned into a very relaxing and enjoyable time filled with plenty of fond memories. Come early October, I’ll be sad to leave our little slice of perfection on family property in northern Wisconsin behind, but I’ll be happy to hit the road bound for Arizona in search of new adventures.

This life is yours. Take the power to choose what you want to do and do it well. Take the power to love what you want in life and love it honestly. Take the power to walk in the forest and be a part of nature. Take the power to control your own life. No one else can do it for you. Take the power to make your life happy.” ― Susan Polis Schutz

I leave you with a few more images showcasing my summer sights. To enlarge a photo in a gallery, simply click on any image.

How was your summer? Are you happy or sad to see it come to an end?

85 thoughts on “Sad, But Happy!

  1. First time on your site. Thanks for the views of the North Woods. It really can be a serene place. We used to have a summer home in Land O’Lakes. Really miss it

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    1. I used to vacation in this area when I was a child and it has felt like coming ‘home’ after living in the west for so many years. I can understand why you miss it. Thanks for stopping by 😊


    1. Thank you and there’s nothing more renewing than communing with nature. I’m already looking forward to photographing fall colors.


  2. How wonderful that you were able to escape the scorching Arizona summer heat in such a beautiful place! Being on the water makes all the difference…although we’re on the water here, too, and it’s still hot and humid as hell (although I do love our view of the bay, and I love the beach nearby). Let’s just say I’m looking forward to the fall. 🙂

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    1. The summer FL heat and humidity gets old real quick. So I can understand your desire for the fall season. I would not be a happy camper had we stayed in Phx all summer.
      Happy in northern WI – the 90 degree temps are rare this far north and the water makes it quite easy to deal with when it does get that hot. Thank goodness you have that bay view and beach to ease the discomfort.


  3. What a beautiful summer you had! Such a lovely place to be on the lake.

    Our summer has definitely been weird not only because of the pandemic but also because this is the first summer since we went nomad that we haven’t been working and house sitting. Also, it seems like we have been chasing the spring forever. Although it gets hot occasionally, summer in Montana is nothing like a steamy summer in Atlanta.

    So glad you found your moment in the canoe. Being on the water in nature can put it all into perspective.

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    1. I really needed that canoe time to get my mind in the right perspective. And we are very fortunate to have family with such a lovely property where we are able to just hang for the summer. I thought I’d miss our excursions, but I’m not and feeling rather content. I love Montana … enjoy!


  4. Absolutely beautiful photos and so many words of wisdom. Thank you-it definitely is about changing the mindset.


  5. I have to admit that crispness in the air sounds very enticing. At 8 o’clock in the evening in Colorado Springs tonight, it’s still 80 degrees and smoke from several wildfires hangs heavily in the air. An inkling of autumn would be very welcome.

    Unlike you, I would be happy with an extended spring and fall, and skip summer altogether, but when I look at your beautiful photos, I understand why you are a little sad to watch it pass.

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    1. I lived at the north end of Colorado Springs for several years prior to moving to Pueblo West and eventually into the RV. I remember those Front Range summers well. Let’s hope those temps start to cool off soon and the fire’s are a thing of the past.
      I’m looking forward to capturing fall images in northern Wisconsin … colors I’ve missed living out west. Fingers crossed it’ll be a good autumn in this neck of the woods.🍂

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      1. So you are very familiar with Colorado’s Front Range, that’s nice to know. Good for you for having decided to live in your RV, you get to move to your favorite destinations whenever and for however long you like.
        I look forward to experiencing Wisconsin’s autumn vicariously through your blog.
        Thank you for the good wishes, may they come true.

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    1. I haven’t been proactive with the camera this summer. So got lucky with the Eagle pic. We’re focused on finishing up projects and just enjoying life. Life is strange these days and yes, let’s hope traveling in 2021 will be more fun.

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    1. Agree … this IS the best place to be this summer. We’re enjoying some fantastic weather lately with daytime temps in the 70’s but nights are getting cold – 40’s. Is this mean of me to share knowing how hot it has been in your neck of the woods?😁


  6. Despite the sadness and negativity, your summer looks quite idyllic and I’m sure you are content with the area and change of scenery, Ingrid. Beautiful images and I’m so jealous of your canoe and kayak outings. It has gotten so hot here that I can’t even walk my dogs unless I go out at dawn. Nope. I really need my air conditioned gym, thanks Covid! Even too hot to go to the delta! Sigh. So we stay home and work on the house, which is Ok! Keep enjoying your time and let nature continue to feed your soul!

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    1. Let’s hope that western heat lets up soon. It’s only increasing life’s challenges these days. The canoeing, kayaking, and boating have definitely been needed for my sanity and will be sorely missed when I return to the desert southwest. Hope you can get back to the Delta soon.

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    1. Thank you Donna. It has been an interesting summer … parts I imagined and parts I never could’ve imagined, but I’m grateful that life is good for Al and me … right now.😊


    1. It’s super easy to fall into a funk these days. I know, I was there! I think you need to spend more time out on your pontoon boat 😀


  7. I too am sad about summer dwindling away… it’s been a nice summer for us by the lake. I too have some amazing summer memories. The lake really soothes my soul… as you have found out.

    Happy Canoeing!

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    1. Seems you and I have enjoyed similar summers this year, and agree, lake living is soothing. There’s also something special about a quiet paddle on the water that puts life into perspective. We don’t plan on heading back to AZ until sometime during the beginning of October … unless a serious cold front moves in, then those wheels will be rolling asap 😀

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      1. We will be there by then. Have to take care of stuff there… but we would have stayed until Oct. 1. So I’m savoring every moment…


    1. Drift away, indeed! Yeah, there’s nothing normal about 2020. So who knows what the weather will be like in the coming months. The air here is getting a little crisp and nights are cool. And I’ve already spotted a few red leaves 🤓


  8. Your photos make me want to escape to the lake – beautiful 🙂 I am going to declare Fall on 9/1 and until then it is Summer in my mind – ha! I have a few days off coming up at the end of the month and going to enjoy the time off. Happy Day – Enjoy 🙂 Be Safe and Take Care.

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    1. When I lived/grew up in the Midwest, I took this lush green landscape for granted and it never appeared special to me. After years of traveling and living in various states, I now appreciate the unique beauty in every location … perhaps my camera opened my eyes. I love the upper Midwest and feel a sense of home whenever we visit but come October, I’ll be ready to return west; my other ‘home’.
      Enjoy your time off and hope you’re able to do something fun. 😀


      1. I have to agree you appreciate it more once you move away and come back for a visit. Maybe it is the time of your life too – have more time to appreciate certain things in your 20’s versus your 40’s versus your 60’s. Like that saying – roots and wings . . .


  9. Glad you were able to find happiness this summer. I’ve spent a lot of time reading outside this summer, getting away from the TV. We’ve made some good friends here, a local couple who we connected with instantly. We’re thankful for the friends who stopped in this summer. With Curt and Glenda here it’s added fun and craziness despite the times. The temps are coming down just a bit, though it still gets humid and hot, our sunshade really helps. We should be here till the end of October, hint-stop by on your way south, we miss you guys. Continue to find the beauty in the moments.

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    1. We had some uncomfortably hot and humid days in June and July but they didn’t last too long. Once August rolled in, temps have been cooler and less humid with lots fewer bugs which we’re loving. Glad you guys have found a way to have fun and enjoy the summer. IL? Hmm, not sure Al and I can bring ourselves to set foot back in that state 🤣


  10. Sadly summer is in the twilight of its time this year. But there are up sides…. the fall colors, cooler temps and no mosquitoes! You are right, the world is a much more peaceful place without the over dramatization of the news!

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    1. Ain’t that the truth … dramatization! We’re lucky much of the hoopla has little impact on us in our isolated little world in the Northwoods. It’ll be interesting to see if we run into any problems traveling this October. We do plan on staying here long enough to see the colors change. I’ve missed seeing fall colors … a ‘real’ autumn 😉


    1. Yes, we are very fortunate to be returning to Phoenix in October and not being forced to endure a northern winter. I know I don’t have the skin for it anymore. Hope you guys find a place that’ll keep you warm and AZ will miss you.

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  11. Beautiful captured pics Ingrid. I know you’ll get some gorgeous fall color pics soon enough. It’s still summer for us in SoCal! Then on to AZ so it’ll be Nov before my summers over!

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    1. Thank you Debbie. I’m excited to stay here for fall colors. This year we have no obligation to get back to Phoenix like we did last year. Plus last year, it was still rather warm the beginning of October. So we’ll plan our travel schedule on a whim. Maybe we’ll get together for drinks in AZ?


  12. You are in such a beautiful spot to spend your summer enjoying the quiet, appreciate time with Al and family, and being one with nature. You would feel a little differently about having summer move on if you were back in Arizona. I am so through with summer. We know summers are very hot here in Nevada but our plan was only to be here for six weeks. Well, the virus certainly changed that for us. But we are having a wonderful time despite the heat. Of course, the pool is our saviour. So glad you have relaxed and found your inner quiet and calm. Your photos are so pretty. Being near or on water makes everything better.

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    1. Yes, we are fortunate to have this place to spend our summer. We love lake living (in the summer). I’m so glad we don’t have to stay in Phoenix enduring those record-breaking temps. At least you have your pool and a sticks and bricks house with A/C. However, I know come October the cool northern temps will have us rolling back to the desert southwest… hopefully before we see a snowflake.


  13. A beautiful and quite special summer for you and Al, indeed! This summer of Covid was very different than usual for us. No travels. No visit to my family and friends in Belgium. Quite isolated in one away, but since we are spending it in a room at my in-laws, there have been some social distanced interactions. We made them a special dinner yesterday.

    To avoid losing the entire year not doing what we love – exploring in our camper – we decided this summer was a good time to get work and projects done, and to make some money. So, all is not lost. Like you, we hope to pick up our lives again in the beginning of October. 🙂

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    1. I think we’ve all had to make some adjustments due to Covid, and we personally are glad we’re not traveling about. I saw your FB post with Mark working census … that’s awesome. Might as well catch up on maintenance, enjoy family, and make some bucks while waiting this thing out. We could be in for a rough winter once flu season hits. We’ll roll with the punches!


  14. Quiet summer at home. Due to COVID we couldn’t travel except within our province so we went camping at two campgrounds nearby we always meant to visit and finally did. We had a great time. Got the canoe out. Such a blessing my husband could even canoe at all after his stroke but he was great. He’s healed so well we canoed like the good old days. Every day has been marked by recovery and improvement. It’s been a great summer for me.

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    1. I am thrilled to hear you guys were able to canoe again. I can imagine your husband’s joy. There’s something therapeutic about a gentle canoe ride on pristine waters. Even though you haven’t been able to travel far, (there’s really no need) sounds like you’ve still had an amazing summer. Wonderful … keep on paddling!


    1. Haha … halfway through? Not up here! Labor Day marks the end of summer in the Northwoods. As it is, the tourist season is dwindling – always wains mid-August and after Labor Day resorts will temporarily close for a break before getting ready for snowmobile and cross-country ski season. We’re already seeing touches of fall show up in the leaves and overnight temps drop. Will this reptile make it for peak of fall colors? Ah, time will tell 🤣 The camera is standing by!

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    1. Thank you John. I haven’t been out shooting much this summer, but have still managed to get in a few nice images here and there. Paddling out on the water is always a special treat … well, maybe not so special if the winds kick up 😆

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  15. You’re in a beautiful neck of the woods, Ingrid. I agree with you, August has come very fast. But I wish autumn was just around the coener. We need less heat, and we desperately need rain.
    Have a great week,
    P.S.: Because of the still rampant Covid-19 we have postponed our planned RV-trips.

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    1. Ah, I feel for everyone still dealing with excessive heat. It has been a warm summer everywhere. Fall is definitely just around the corner though. Sorry you had to cancel your road trip, but I think it is for the best. Times are not normal and thus RVing is more challenging. Best to stay home and work on projects until the world returns to something more normal … whatever that may look like.

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    1. Thank you Katie. I too like all four seasons but am so out of practice with a “real” winter that I enjoy spending them in Phoenix without snow and ice. These days, I’ll stick to looking at pretty pics of snow 😄 but I am looking forward to taking lots of photos of fall colors come Sept/Oct.


  16. Come back to AZ Summers in full swing. We’re in Williams high 93 overnight 54. where we winter is 118 today 95 overnight. The summer was good got to spend more time with my mother in the pacific north west. Traveling has been hard with all the greed going on in our nation.

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    1. These are definitely challenging times to travel. We were going to do some out and back trips while here in northern WI, but … one, I had trouble finding vacancies, and two, the prices were crazy. So we decided to just stay put on family property, plus my SIL, who works for the health dept, felt more comfortable without us traveling about. When we aren’t able to drive the 1,900 miles from Phx to Hayward, we’ll probably stay in AZ and work with the elevation. In 2018, we never left the state and had a great time. Remind where you guys winter?

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  17. Canoeing in a lake is really fun. Easy to go out and come back to the same spot. Canoeing in the Rio Grande is a whole other thing. It’s best not to dwell on news and negativity. Too much of both in the world and none of it does us any good. Beautiful photos. Our eagles nest in a canyon about 12 miles north of us. But the pueblo close access to the canyon so I only see the eagles on occasion when they fly up and down the Rio Grande.

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    1. I am definitely limiting my time in regards to the news. I sure wish the Walter Cronkites were still around and just reported the facts. Ah, that’s a can of worms that doesn’t need opening 😄
      Agree, canoeing on a lake is wonderful but a river of any kind is another story. I feel foolish to admit but didn’t realize the Rio Grande is practically in your backyard. Guess I never looked beyond the Texas line and just realized Elephant Butte is part of the Rio Grande 🥴 Thanks to you, I learned something today!

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      1. If it wasn’t for the levee, our back yard would be part of the Rio Grande. Our property is 16 feet below the river bed last time I checked. We are only about 1000 feet from the river.

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  18. Great attitude! We are sad that we will lose a year of grandkids and international travel. At our age, we don’t have many left. However, we’re making the best of it hoping a successful vaccine arrives sooner rather than later. Safe travels.

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    1. Thanks and I know how challenging this summer has been for everyone. Let’s hope we can all get back to some level of normalcy sooner rather than later. Stay safe!

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    1. Thank you Kathryn. I felt Susan’s quote seemed to resonate with the tone of the post … and certainly with me. We’re loving our current temps. I just hope it doesn’t get too cold for this desert dweller so I can capture images of fall colors. 🤞


  19. Ingrid, when I read the title of the post I was afraid something terrible had happened. I was relieved to find that what makes you sad is seeing the end of summer and not something tragic! I can tell by your photos that you are in a beautiful place. It’s good to hear that some places are starting to cool off – not here!

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    1. Oh dear, no nothing tragic thank goodness. All four of us (Al, me, Al’s sister, and her husband) are all healthy and staying as isolated as possible and we are certainly in the perfect place to do just that. Yes, cooler temps are just around the corner. Our nights are getting into the low 50’s and I just spotted a tree yesterday showing a little red and gold. I’m really looking forward to capturing images of fall colors this year but concerned the cold weather will have me wimping out and hightailing it back to Phoenix.🤣

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    1. Thank you Joe and October will be here before we know it. I’m hoping to get back up to Bayfield in mid to late September for fall colors and apple picking. Will this desert dweller be able to handle the cold Northwoods air? Guess we’ll find out! The locals will probably still be wearing shorts while I wear a parka 🤣

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