5 Inspiring Tips for Traveling More in Your 50s

Grand Teton National Park, tips for traveling more in your 50s

Life begins at … life begins whenever you want it to. That’s why more and more people over 50 are seeking new travel adventures, new destinations, and jumping into RVs. After all, you’re kid-free, hopefully, financially stable and slowing down when it comes to work. You are in a prime position to travel extensively. Here are some inspiring tips to help you on your journey.

Relax and rejuvenate

According to a recent AARP survey, 50 plus-year-olds will take 4 to 5 trips a year. They take their trips for a range of reasons. Top of their list is simply to relax and feel rejuvenated. It makes sense. After years of working 40 plus hours a week at a job and being caregivers to loved ones 24/7, there’s definitely a sense that it’s time to make your needs a priority. It’s time for a break. Time to relax, rejuvenate, and rediscover yourself.

waterfall at the Japanese Tea Garden

Climb every mountain

Perhaps that’s a step too far but, as the song says, why not set yourself challenges and goals? There’s no point making a travel bucket list if it only remains a list. A recent Saga survey found that a third of over 50s felt far more adventurous than they did in their 40s. So, while your kids might raise their eyebrows at your plan to move into an RV full-time or trek the Great Wall of China, or simply learn a new skill, why shouldn’t you? Don’t allow other people to hold you back or second guess your dreams.

Being looked after

If adventure and RVing aren’t quite your thing, that’s OK. Perhaps, after years of looking after everyone else, it’s your turn to think about yourself and do something strictly for yourself? Cruises offer all-inclusive luxury and require very little planning effort. Your needs will be the priority. From entertainment to cuisine to port stops in places you dreamed of visiting, your every requirement is taken care of for you.

Prefer solid ground? There are lots of adult-only focused resorts. Companies have wised up to the fact that many 50+ do not necessarily wish to spend their vacations with screaming kids around. These places offer you a chance to unwind and meet like-minded people. You’ll feel pampered at one of these all-inclusive resorts.

Chicago skyline

Culture enthusiasts

It seems that the over 50s like more than just resorts and beaches. This age group cares about the impact of travel. They like to immerse themselves in the history and culture of a place. We bump into lots of fellow RVers who enjoy visiting cities for all the culture, museums, and activities found in a large metropolitan area.

If you’re about to join the roving 50s, then do some research before you go. If you plan on traveling abroad, learn a few words in the local language. Go on social media and find local groups that post events and information. I find a lot of my travel inspiration from fellow bloggers.

Plan a gap year

tips for traveling more in your 50s, photo of retired couple, inspirationGap years were not in fashion when the over 50s were students. It was all about getting qualified and starting work. Perhaps you deserve your gap year now? Before Al and I moved into our RV full-time, we tested the waters. One year we went on a 6-week road trip and loved it so much that the following year we went on a 4-month road trip.

So, don’t hesitate to ask your boss for a sabbatical or ask about working part-time location independently. Many employers won’t want to lose your years of experience and might be willing to be flexible. Look at your rainy day savings and think about investing in you. Travel remains a priority for many with 30% of workers saying they would accept lower salaries in exchange for more business trips.

Gone are the days when age was a barrier to work. Taking a year out is simply that. When you return, you’ll be refreshed and reinvigorated. Perhaps, your travels will inspire you to make further changes to your lifestyle.

Then your adventures have only just begun.

#travel inspiration #5 tips to travel more #travel more in your 50s

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41 thoughts on “5 Inspiring Tips for Traveling More in Your 50s

  1. Great post, though I disagree with the gap year idea. Many employers would love to hire someone new and fresh to replace the older and higher payroll person. If doing a sabbatical, I’d want my return to work guaranteed in writing.


  2. A blogger recently commented that she didn’t travel because she could sit and watch travel videos at home. She has no idea what she is missing in life and I given up trying to convince her otherwise.


  3. M’lady and I met when I was 50 and we’ve been together for 23 years buticanttellyouhowoldiam. We’ve traveled a lot. Love it. Not done yet. (Paonia wine country in a week!)


    1. You’re lucky I’m bad at math 🤣. A friend and I were recently talking about how beautiful the drive is during the fall from Crested Butte to Paonia over Kebler Pass. Have fun on your trip!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Like you, Ingrid, I pick up travel ideas from fellow bloggers. So thank you for all of the gorgeous photos and informative posts you publish. In the back of my mind, I’m always thinking, “If not now, when?” Life can change in an instant, and Alan and I want to see and do as much as possible while we’re still young enough and healthy enough. We know there will come a time when we won’t want to or won’t be able to. So, for now, it’s full speed ahead.
    This was a very thought provoking post. And that pic of you and Al is an exceptionally sweet one!


    1. Glad you enjoyed the post and thanks for the compliment. And I totally agree about life can change in an instate. Best to get out and enjoy while we can.


        1. On the road again! In Colorado right now and completed the arduous task of going thru our storage units. We should be in SD Black Hills on Monday.


    1. Hopefully, you’ll be ready to get out and travel this summer and you’ll enjoy your gap year. When you’re ready, I look forward to hearing about what you’ve been working on.


  5. Hi, Ingrid,
    I RV because I can!
    My stepdad, who is now in a nursing home, looked at me when I retired and said “Get out and travel before you’re dragging a leg behind you!” I took him up on it and never looked back. Great advice. Great post, too.


    1. My mom was the one who encouraged us to get out and travel while we were still young (a relative term 😆) and healthy. I’m so glad we took her advice. Glad you enjoyed the post!


  6. Great advice. A gap year wasn’t heard of all down here in N.Z. I think it is more of an American “thing”.

    I started travelling when I was 17 due to not at all liking the prospect of settling down with children, unlike my peers.

    My husband and I were fortunate to be able to retire early, which has worked out brilliantly. Why? Because now our time together has been shortened due to my husband having bone marrow cancer.

    The moral of that story is if you can, and you want to do something, please don’t leave it to late to start activating those travel plans.


    1. Thank you and I’m so sorry to hear about your husband’s health. One never knows! My mom was the one who recommended we get out and travel while we had our health. Great advice!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. So much solid and realistic advice for living the leisure lifestyle, Ingrid. You and Al are great role models for this being able to retire early and travel. Hans and I probably travel 4-5 times a year, mostly visiting family in Southern California and Pacific northwest. Of course you know we really loved our winter Arizona trip, and now that my brother just moved to Las Vegas area, we might head back to the Phoenix area after Christmas. Even if we dont make it to the big attractions, we would enjoy your company again! We also have other friends in that area to visit as well. And we love taking our dogs and they travel well. One of these days when we officially retire, we intend to be on the road a lot! You are a great inspiration and your posts are always chock full of great info and advice.


    1. Thank you Terri. Well, we aren’t 100% retired, but are able to still travel. We’ll be back at Pioneer in Phoenix this winter. So, let me know if you’ll give AZ another chance. Would love to share more sights with you. Your last visit was way too short.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Great Post! Makes you look at your life to think about that balance between work and play. My parents have decided to get off the road and no longer be full time RVers. I am looking forward to seeing what they do on this next adventure/chapter in their lives. They are here in a great 55+ community meeting new people, exploring and adventuring, relaxing a bit more, etc. We are happy in the decision we made a few years back to move South. We are healthier and happier beings 🙂 That is what matters! Happy Day – Enjoy


    1. There are times in our lives for various chapters. We just spent 3 days going through our storage units in Colorado. What a reminder of our personal journey. The key to aging gracefully is staying active and social (imho). Sounds like you and your folks have made great decisions for your specific chapters. 😊


  9. We definitely fall into the “Climb Every Mountain” category as we are much more adventurous now then we were in our 40’s and we don’t plan on stopping anytime soon!


    1. I can relate! I am definitely more adventurous now than I was in my 40s. I would never have embraced driving some of those mountain backroads when I was younger. Fun times!


  10. Such great points you make here Ingrid! I have travelled more in my 50’s than any other time in my life, I hope to squeeze many more destinations in whole I still have good physical health❤️


    1. Keeping our physical health is key. I still have so many more places I hope to travel to. Seems the more I travel, the longer my bucket list gets 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. How true it is. Your health is everything which reminds me of the words of Paulo Coelho
        “One Day, You will wake up and there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted. DO IT NOW.” We are in our 80’s and still going strong, only slower.


  11. Great advice! You can include those of us who are in our 60’s in this post. We were in our 50’s and already retired when we started RV’ing 13 years ago. Our first trip was for two months. Now we are RV’ing less but still enjoying travel.


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