Reflections of Life

With summer coming to an end, I find myself in a reflective mood. Maybe its the overnight crisp cool air that’s reminding me that summer will soon be coming to an end. Perhaps I’m not relishing the change of season that has me feeling rather melancholy today. The summer seemed to have whizzed by, and now fall is just around the corner… sigh! Although, looking on the bright side, who doesn’t love fall colors? But clearly, I’m not ready for the change … just yet, anyway!

Reflections at Steamboat Lake Colorado
Steamboat Lake, Colorado

Perhaps it’s this nasty summer cold that I can’t seem to shake that has brought about my somber mood, or perhaps it’s a combination of a bunch of things happening in my life right now. I guess today, I’m feeling more like a Debbie Downer than an inspiring Ingrid, and for that, I apologize, but we all have our down days, don’t we?

See, I’ve told you before, this RVing gig isn’t all rainbows and unicorns! Nope, it’s still life with all its normal ups and downs.

Grand Tetons National Park
Grand Tetons National Park, Wyoming

And right now, life is a little on the down side for me. Quite frankly, I haven’t felt like myself all summer, and have barely touched my camera which is, of course, uncharacteristic of me. But life happens, things change, and we all get older. This too shall pass, and witnessing beautiful scenery always helps improve my mood.

Corpus Christi Texas
Corpus Christi, Texas

The month of August brought about some major changes in my life … some good and some not. My son got married (which was good, considering everyone couldn’t stop smiling the entire evening), I had a milestone birthday (which I prefer not to be reminded of considering I stopped having birthdays years ago 😁), and I lost a sweet RVing friend (loss is always sad). But the most difficult moment for me this month was loosing a beloved family member. I’m still processing that one!

San Diego California
San Diego, California

Although I’m feeling rather somber and down today, I can’t help but smile as I gaze upon these images. Each photograph evokes a fond memory and reminds me of some of the amazing places AND people that I’ve been blessed to have encountered, and that makes me happy. Beautiful photographs and memories always lift my spirits.

reflections at Watson Lake Prescott Arizona
Watson Lake, Prescott, Arizona

I love landscape images with water reflections. It’s probably one of my most favorite things to capture on film (rather on media card, but that just doesn’t sound right, does it?) Yep, there’s something about a calm body of water reflecting the landscape that captivates my attention, refreshes me, and reminds me that life is good!

reflections at Steamboat Lake Colorado
Steamboat Lake, Colorado

For this weeks photo prompt, I’ve chosen the theme “reflections“. Feel free to share a link in the comments below or link back to this page on your own post.

The word reflection pertains to more than a reflective image. It also means serious thought or consideration. Perhaps there’s a fond memory you’d like to share along with a reflective photograph. We all have our moments in life where we need to slow down, take a deep breath, and reflect on life … reflect on what’s important and what isn’t. I warned ya, I was in a reflective mood today 😏

Beach Living along the Gulf of Mexico
Fulton Beach, Texas

I’m sure as my head clears from this annoying cold, my state of mind will improve, and eventually, I might even share a photo or two of my son’s wedding which turned out beautifully by the way. Until next time … happy shooting!

Oh, and I promise to be in a better mood next week 😁 After all, next weeks photo theme is Sunrise. How could I not be in a good mood looking at inspiring photographs?


Wandering Wednesday – Ingrid’s Inspirations

Each Wednesday I post a different photo theme as a way for bloggers to share their love of photography and engage with other like minded bloggers. Maybe you just need a little inspiration to pick up the camera in search of a composition or a reason to go through your photo archives. Whether you shoot with your phone, a DSLR or something in-between, don’t be shy, share and connect! 🤗

Next weeks photo theme is Sunrise …. get out and shoot or peruse those archives!

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115 thoughts on “Reflections of Life

  1. These are beautiful pictures. I’m there with you as I was reading your post. I too have a cold that wont quit for a while now and have been unsually low as well. We take the bad with good. Part of getting old, as you say. Sad to hear that a close family member has passed. Loss is never easy to accept. I hope you get your spirits back up to normal soon. Take care.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I’m so sorry for your loss. Bereavement is so heavy and complex, I empathise.
    The photos you took are beautiful, I have a propensity for capturing reflections of the main scene via water/ glass etc too I don’t know why I find this so compelling. May you be blessed and heal well from your loss.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Hello Ingrid. I was partially browsing through posts here on WordPress when I came across this post from you. I want to tell you that you take beautiful photos. I enjoyed looking at the pictures you took. I am sorry to hear about the loss of your friend and family member. I sincerely hope you are doing better. I am so sorry to hear about it. May God grant them a place in his abode, Amen. God bless you. Have a blessed day 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you for your honesty. I myself often feel apologetic for not feeling grateful 100% of the time but the truth is, RV life is still life – and that comes with marriages and deaths and medical issues just like any other life. Also, as you know, some specific challenges (like say, being stuck because your batteries fail or your house starts leaking). I’m sorry this is a tough stretch for you and I wish things resolve themselves soon – but not because I want sunshine and rainbow stories! Take care, and give yourself permission to feel however you need to!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Yep, life is life regards of where or how we live and I fear it would be misleading to not share some of the negatives of this mobile lifestyle. Ah, thank goodness tomorrow is another day with brighter skies 😀

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  5. Some beautiful photos there Ingrid. I do hope you’re feeling better soon, both with your cold gone, and your grief healing. Perhaps you could ‘up wheels’ and head for a warmer winter.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you Chris – I’m finally starting to feel better. We’ll be heading to Phoenix Arizona on Oct 1 and spending the winter in the desert near our children. I’m looking forward to it!

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  6. Ingrid, please accept my condolences on the loss of two people who were dear to you, as well as my congratulations as you and your family celebrate the wonderfully happy occasion of your son’s wedding.

    Don’t you think that anytime our lives are impacted by a major emotional event it gives us pause and tends to lead us down a reflective path? Acknowledging our emotions and reflecting on them – whether happy (pride, joy, gratitude) or sad (anger, sadness, grief) – provides us the opportunity to work through some intense or difficult times and make peace with our emotional selves.

    When we adopted our daughter 18 years ago (YIKES, already?!), the adoption process was nothing less than a first class roller coaster ride. Good news one day, bad news the next. When the bad news came, I couldn’t even talk about it for a day or two because I needed that time to process it myself. I still find that to be true with almost any kind of difficult news I receive. For me, introspection allows me to regain a solid emotional footing and remain on an even keel. I imagine that might be true for others, as well.

    As far as actual reflections go, the photo that’s currently at the top of my blog is one of my favorites because of the reflection of the mountains on the lake. I enjoy watching reflections change with the movement of the water – sometimes they’re crystal clear when the water is as smooth as glass and sometimes they ripple with a breeze. Then, when a gust of wind comes along, they just . . . disappear! Which I hope is exactly what your cold is doing!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you Mary. Yes, sometimes we just need to sit back and reflect. Amazing how fast these kids of ours grow up. My cold is finally going away with the occasional lingering cough. Now if only my energy would return 😊 All in time!

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    1. Thank you LuAnn. I’m finally starting to shake this cold and little by little my energy is returning. I know how difficult sitting still is for a wanderer. Hope your finger is better and you’ll be traveling again soon.

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        1. Wow – what an ordeal this has been for you. I twisted my ankle at the beginning of summer and it’s finally feeling better with only the occasional twinge …. how to spoil our fun, huh! Glad to hear things are doing somewhat better.

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  7. Ingrid I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. Life definitely can’t always be rainbows and cupcakes. Sometimes we just have to be in the presence of the sadness to process it. Sending hugs across the miles.

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  8. I’m so sorry to hear that you lost your dad, Ingrid. And that you also lost a dear friend. It’s healing to share the painful moments in life as well as the joy—we’re all in this together. Your reflections are beautiful, and I’m glad they bring you moments of peace. Take good care.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Thank you Laurel, and as sad as I may feel, I also feel grateful. I know that may seem strange, but now that I’m finally getting some relief from this cold, I’m able to process and reflect on the positives.

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  9. I really like REAL people/bloggers. Your emotions are appropriate to the current situation. I like reflections because they allow me to look at what has been accomplished…and remind us of good times. Your Tetons reflection is outstanding!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I have such a wonderful following in this blog community, that I feel a need to share a little reality from time to time. After all, life is a roller coaster, and no one gets a smooth ride 😀

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  10. So sorry for your losses, reflecting on lives well lived helps us get through these tough times. Hope you’re feeling more yourself soon. Fall is going to be interesting as we travel for the next few months, from IA to NM to TX, hopefully we’ll find some color. Know you are in our thoughts.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Thank you! It’s been a bit tough lately with a few other things going on as well. Right now, we’re leaning on NOT visiting TX this January which I’m still torn about. Maybe we’ll change our minds at the last minute. Awe, the beauty of a home on wheels!

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  11. Reflections is the perfect theme for where you are right now and you picked some very inspiring shots. Sorry to hear about your losses, they are hard anytime of the year but seem especially hard as autumn nears and summer is coming to an end.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you Jim. Yeah, it’s tough right now and I don’t look forward to fall like I did in the Midwest. The landscape west of the Mississippi just doesn’t offer the stunning autumn colors that we find back east. How are you liking the new camera?

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    1. You are so right about highs and lows, Tim. It’s tough watching a parent age and depart. Thank goodness for my photography … it allows me to remember fond times.

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  12. Just as your photos show the change in seasons, we have the changing seasons in our life. We are sorry for your loss and your sorrow. As Fall comes upon us, I hope it brings the color back into your life.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you Candy and your image is beautiful. Unfortunately, the fall colors west of the Mississippi don’t even come close to those seen in the east so I don’t look forward to autumn like I used to. I’m thinking I’m overdue for a fall trip to the Midwest. Hmm, might start planning that one!

      Liked by 2 people

  13. So sorry to hear of your losses. I have the same melancholy feelings when Fall comes around. I always enjoy your photos. Looking forward to some more. Hopefully that darn cold will go away and the autumn sunshine will warm your spirits.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Thank you Debbie. I know your travels were derailed this summer due to a family emergency. So you are familiar with the emotional roller coaster. I’m hoping to capture some lovely fall colors next month 😊

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  14. We are never immune to some rains in our life. But knowing you, you will snap out of it in no time. You have done so many reflection photos and you have chosen some of your best, Ingrid.
    I have one post that has several reflection images for we start our day very early, which is always the best time to get reflection shots. This was about our hike to a receding glacier at Glacier National Park…

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Those are some stunning images taken at Glacier NP. Thank you for sharing. I know you understand the sadness associated with loosing a parent. I really thought my dad would be around a few more years 😥

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  15. Thanks, Ingrid, for taking your time to post these great pictures in spite of feeling down some. I hope you’ll get your spirits up again soon.
    Take care,

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you Pam. With the wedding and everything else going on, the family and I decided to celebrate my birthday next month. Hopefully my health will be 100% so I can enjoy some photography and hiking with my kids.

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  16. So sorry for both the loss of your friend and your family member. It’s understandable that your loss would put you in a reflective mood. I do hope next week finds you with a clear head and a spring in your foot again. As always Ingrid, I do enjoy your photographs greatly. This week’s choices were nothing short of breathtaking.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you Gayle. I do enjoy this kind of photography, and therefore, it brings a smile to my face. I’m all for this head of mine to clear up so I can get back to life. I seem to have more patience photographing birds than I have dealing with the cold 😏

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  17. Condolences on the loss of your family member and close RVing friend. We hope you feel better and shake that cold. It’s no fun to feel that way. Thank you for the beautiful photos. I would post a reflection photo on here if I could figure out how to do it. Let me try…Nope, didn’t work.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you Susan, and I wish I could give techie instruction on how to share photos here in the comments, but I’m clueless, unfortunately. Thanks for trying, and hope all is well with your mom.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I saw that MonaLiza posted a photo in your sunrise comments. I will have to ask her how she does that.

        Mom is doing as well as can be expected at 88-1/2. At least she is safe in assisted living. They monitor her medications and have her pain under control at the moment. Mom has very poor judgment and wants to start her rigorous exercise routine again. My sister said she is doing all the exercises she shouldn’t and may re-injure her back. I need to call the nurses and have them remind her not to do those exercises. Also, her short-term memory is terrible and she knows it. It really bothers her. Thanks for asking.

        Liked by 2 people

  18. Hi Ingrid.
    Your photos are magnificent ! Sorry for all your recent losses. Just know that we are thinking of you and wishing you the best ever HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
    Hugs and Kisses

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank Nancy. Hope you’re enjoying your travels this summer. You’ve been missed here at the RV Park. We’ve met some some folks here this summer (all in the process of having homes built) that I know you guys would’ve enjoyed meeting. But then again, travel is more fun than sitting stationary.

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  19. Great reflections. Those of us fortunate to grow older frequently experience friends and family who succumb to illness or mortality. Sadly we have that in common.

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  20. Hi Ingrid…beautiful photos! I totally relate to your comment about water “Yep, there’s something about a calm body of water reflecting the landscape that captivates my attention, refreshes me, and reminds me that life is good”.

    I have so many great memories that involve water…one of my favorites, that always brings me great peace is of sitting on the bow of our boat in a small cove in Glacier Bay Alaska, listening to the hundreds of small waterfalls trickle down into the cove. It was magical and I can conger up the image in my head and go to that calm, happy place …yes, life is good!

    Hoping your funk passes along with the cold, it will feel good to feel good again!



    Liked by 4 people

    1. Thank you Brenda. I’ve enjoyed following your boating adventures this summer and have come to rely on you for my water ‘fix’. I too have great memories from our canoeing/boating days and can relate to your Alaska small cove memory.

      Eventually, I’ll shake this nagging summer cold, which I know will improve my mood 😎

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  21. Life and Photography both need contrast, without it everything looks the same. Reflection is only good if it brings positive change. I always get disappointed in myself when I let Life steal the freedom I’ve found in full-timing. Great photos and thanks for sharing yourself.

    Liked by 4 people

  22. I am sorry for your recent and yours will be in my thoughts and prayers…Congrats on your son’s wedding..I am glad it was a wonderful time.

    Liked by 3 people

  23. No need for apologies, neighbor. Life is FULL of ups and downs. Human nature tends to focus on the downsides, but the true believers always know that the “Son” will rise again and for every valley, there is a peak. As some smart dude said once…..”this too shall pass”.

    As for your cold….I hear Frangelico does wonders!!!!! That and copious amounts of activities that you have shared with us that coincide with the couple of phrases you have shared with us this summer.

    Do you REALLY have to go? #bestneighborsever!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Love your little hashtag there at the end … best neighbors indeed! You two have really helped make our summer very enjoyable. Hopefully next summer we can get the same site and you’ll still be here.

      Frangelico chocolate cupcakes are known to do wonders … now if only I had the energy to make them. Guess I’ll have to settle for Frangelico in coffee for now 😘

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  24. I’m so sorry for your recent losses. Your reflections are beautiful as are all of your photos. Hopefully looking through them help get you through some of those bad days that are part of life.

    Liked by 4 people

  25. Oh sweet friend… Feel better and please do not apologize. We all have down days. And I am sending you our heartfelt condolences for you, your family and your friend’s family.

    Feel better with that darn cold and hugs!

    PS Your photography brightened my day!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Yeah, life is life and sometimes I like to get ‘real’ here on the blog. Anytime anyone says, “You’re living the dream”, I want to cringe 😆 So a little reality is good and good for me to voice it!

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      1. I’m back and have added into this week’s challenge. I just also wanted to comment here because I also think that I am “living the dream” but that doesn’t mean that I don’t have hard times as well. So, I do think you speaking honestly about the not great times is a good thing.

        Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you Crystal and thanks for stopping by. I just spent a little time on your site and excited to see you’ll be moving into a RV… hope to follow along and hope you enjoy FL.

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      1. Thank you! Please excuse the mess over on mine. I busy got my dot com a few weeks ago and I’m still working out the bugs (just realized today that my pictures aren’t showing up in my posts amd I hake no idea why). Looking forward to getting to know each other!

        Liked by 2 people

        1. I did notice your photos didn’t show up, but figured with things still being new for you, there are some kinks to work out. I think that’s why I won’t go .org and self-host. WordPress dot com makes it so much easier and I am no techie 😄

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          1. I wanted to be able to monetize was about the only reason I did. I figured it out this morning. It was a jetpack plug in issue. Now most of the photos are showing although I seem to have lost a few and some still need rebranding.

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  26. Your photography is inspiring! A definite happy spot. Don’t feel the need to apologize for these down days. We all have them. Sometimes it helps to just get it out there, express it. Here’s hoping you feel better physically, the mental will follow 😊

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you! It’s hard to feel inspirational while feeling under the weather, but I’m glad I shared these photographs. They are some of my favorite images of favorite spots and I can’t help but smile while viewing 😊

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  27. Beautiful pictures. Reflections of landscape is my favorite type of picture. Feel better and you are always welcome to come to LHC for a visit.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Thanks Jana, I’m so sorry we weren’t able to connect during your Prescott visit. Hope you enjoyed and if you meander back this way, we’ll be here until the end of September. We’ll be sure and let you know if we do a Lake Havasu City excursion.

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