Theme – Black and White Photography

I’ll admit, I’m usually not a fan of Black and White photography, but some images actually look better in monochrome. There’s something that changes about the mood of a photograph when colors don’t distract the eye.

Black and white photography

I personally feel Black and White images have a moodiness about them … sometimes a sadness or mystery. Perhaps it’s because I’m a huge fan of color … color in all facets of my life. I’ve always decorated our homes with a colorful palette, and there’s nothing I enjoy more than a beautiful field of wildflowers in varying colors. Yeah, you can’t give me too much color!

With that said, every now and then, it’s good to step out of our box, and I’m really stepping out of mine with this monochromatic post.

Black and White landscape photography

Going through my archives, I specifically looked for photographs that already seemed somewhat monotone to see how they’d look without any color saturation.

After a little peaking and tweaking, I think I found some photographs that might actually look better in black and white than they do in color … maybe!

Texas Gulf Coast
Texas Gulf Coast

What do you think of the images posted? Do you enjoy Black & White photography? I still have mixed emotions about these photographs. I haven’t decided if I like them better in color or monochrome.

For this weeks photo theme, let’s share Black & White images. Feel free to share a link in the comments below so we can see your photographs or link back to this page on your post.

Black and white photography

Wandering Wednesday – Ingrid’s Inspirations

Each Wednesday, I post a different photo theme as a way for bloggers to share their love of photography and engage with other like minded bloggers. Perhaps this prompt will serve as a little inspiration to pick up the camera in search of a composition or a reason to go through your archives. Whether you shoot with your phone, a DSLR or something in-between, don’t be shy 🤗 share and connect!

train tracks

Upcoming prompts – Reflections, Sunrise, Zoo …. get out and shoot or peruse those archives!

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Black & White Photography: The timeless art of monochrome in the post-digital age
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53 thoughts on “Theme – Black and White Photography

  1. Hi Ingrid!
    These pictures are beautiful and perfect for black and white! if you have a chance I would really appreciate it. If you could check out my Photography Editing Site.


  2. Great B&W photos, but I’ll always prefer color photos. I’ve got some old photos of my grandparents, all B&W.


  3. I love black and white! But some things just don’t show the mood in black and white such as a beautiful sunrise or sunset or the colors of hot air balloons. If your trying to represent vintage, black and white is fine…but it doesn’t work in all situations. Here is an example where it worked. Classic red car fin:,h:700,cg:true,m/cr=w:1200,h:700,a:cc

    I wanted to show a contrast of the Painted Desert in black and White and then in full color but I can’t figure out how to insert the black and white from my photo stream into the comments. 🤨 You’ll have to take my word, the black and white was unimpressive.,h:1000,cg:true,m/cr=w:1600,h:1000,a:cc


    1. The classic car fin image does indeed look great in B&W. I like the mood. Thanks for sharing. Wish we could’ve seen the monochrome image of the Painted Desert. When it comes to the unique southwest landscape colors, I definitely enjoy color images showcasing the different shades of reds and yellows.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I love the timelessness of black and white, and portraits can be better in black and white. Generally though I’m with you, colour. A landscape with red dirt, or green trees, or blue oceans, or yellow fields of canola, or red poppies – the more brilliant the colour the more I’m going to like it. I did love that one of the dead tree though – perhaps enhanced in black and white, but without seeing the colour comparison I’m not sure.


  5. Your black and white photos are fantastic, as are all your photos but I find monochrome pictures depressing. I have taken some which, like you, I think probably look better in black and white but they don’t draw me in. Probably the same reason I have never wanted to own lake front property in Kelowna when we lived here year round … the view out the windows in the winter is grey and depressing.


  6. Hi Ingrid, I love the leading lines in that first photograph – it takes your eye to infinity. Nice challenge.


  7. Like you Ingrid I am a lover of all things vibrant. I do see that in your images the detail shows up more vividly in black and white. Hope your summer is going well!


  8. Not every image converts well to B&W now (imagine though how things were when there was nothing else but!) but when it does it can be stunning. Your first two images work perfectly.


    1. I thought of you when I decided on this theme. I’ve always enjoyed your enlightening monochrome posts and they’ve helped me think outside of my comfort zone.


    1. So true! When we visited the Tetons, I did my best Snake River capture to emulate one of Adam’s well known images … I failed, but it was fun trying.


  9. I like the perspectives and lines to horizon in the first two, and with railroad tracks of course. I, too, like to silhouette trees against the sky.


  10. I like the water ones, Ingrid. Reflections are great in b&w. I love color too, but I did a lot of b&w film photography and dark room work when we lived in Houston 40 years ago and it really made me look at what I was photographing. Ansel Adams was my inspiration. I have some of my 8×10 prints still and they are really special to me because b&w shows the essence of a scene. Narrows it down to line and contrast.


    1. I believe Ansel Adams is an inspiration to many of us. Sounds like you’ve enjoyed photography for many years. You really should start a blog to share some of your images.


      1. Hi Ingrid. Just got back from a quick road trip to MN, sans trailer. Back to working on our landscaping since this sandy loam is trying to all go downhill when it rains! I will have to consider starting a blog this winter when we’re sitting still in the cold for 3 months and can’t plant anything. I do have many thousand photos! Enjoy your winter in AZ!


        1. A WordPress blog is a great way to share your photos. You are always welcome to email me for any help or suggestions. Good luck with the landscaping … a subject I have a love/hate relationship with 😅


  11. These black and white photos are wonderful, Ingrid. I especially love the one with the trees reflected in the water. I’m like you, I always love color, but some photos, like these, can be more dramatic in black and white. 🙂


  12. My post this week tackles the black and white question. I like black and white in certain landscape photos, I feel it brings out the essence of what your’re seeing. These photos are all great in black and white.


    1. Thank you Beth, and believe me, this post was a challenge for me, but isn’t that how we grow? Glad to see you rose to the challenge with your own wonderful images.

      Liked by 1 person

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