Historic Goliad

We ventured into downtown Goliad, Texas, and realized we timed our visit perfectly.  Market Days; this was the one Saturday of the month for the event and with Christmas fast approaching what better way than to stroll around looking for unique gifts.

market days
me strolling around Goliad courthouse square Market Days

Unfortunately, the vendors had a hard time holding our attention as our interests were quickly drawn to the plagues around courthouse square.  There were tributes to fallen soldiers, plaques describing historical events, but the plaque that intrigued us the most was that of the “hanging tree”hanging tree

Goliad Texas
The ‘hanging tree’ sits in front of the Goliad courthouse and today serves as a shade provider

Hard to say how many lynching’s took place here.  Today this beautiful oak tree serves as shade for those taking a break from an arduous day of shopping.missions in TexasThis quaint little town with a population of less than 2,000 is rife in history.  From the courthouse, to the hanging tree, to the historical buildings and missions, to sites of battlegrounds……. Goliad, Texas played an important role in American history.Presidio La Bahia

Our next stop was Presidio La Bahia, known as the Fort of the Bay.  This is the most fought over fort in Texas history having seen six National Revolutions.  The Presidio was built in the 1700’s by the Spaniards.  We were able to walk here from the campground.  As a matter of fact, the state park is so conveniently located, one could walk or ride a bike into town or any number of historical sites.Presidio La Bahia

forts and missions in TexasAs we arrived at the Presidio La Bahia, the first thing we noticed was the row of 9 flags.

Six flags represent the governing bodies over the years; Spain, France, Mexico, Republic of Texas, Confederate States of America, United States of America.

There is an additional 3 flags – Flags of Revolution.  You can read more about the flags here.missions and forts in TexasWe enjoyed strolling around this old fort and laying hands on history.missions in Texas

Our Lady of Loreto ChapelOur Lady of Loreto Chapel was built in a corner of the fort and was used by soldiers and Spanish settlers living in the area.  It is the oldest building in the compound and in continuous service since the 1700’s.

This centuries-old chapel was where Fannin’s men were held during part of their captivity before being massacred.  The Goliad massacre was a horrific event and a turning point in history.

Mass continues to be held here every Sunday.  As a matter of fact, Presidio La Bahia is owned and operated by the Catholic Church.

Catholic Diocese of VictoriaDid you know you can actually spend the night at Presidio La Bahia?  You can read about the rentable living quarters here.

quarters at Presidio La Bahia
the wood door is the private access to the living quarters

missions and forts in TexasHubby is the history buff in this family and even though I’m not very good at retaining historical events or information, I am fascinated by learning the how, where, when, and why of things.  I also have an appreciation for the finer things in life and I was particularly taken by the remains of the fine plates and bowls used so many years ago.  To think ….. these beautiful plates survived the crossing of the Atlantic ocean via ships during the 1700’s.missions in TexasEven though Presidio La Bahia is considered a military fort and not a mission, I’ve often wondered why Texas is home to so many historical missions.  During the 1700’s, Texas was populated by bands of native people who lived a nomadic lifestyle and made their living by hunting and gathering.  The Spanish hoped to transform these roving folks into Christians.  Thus the building of Missions; a European-type of settlement.Texas missionsThere is so much more history, important battles, and memorials to share …. more than I have the ability to write about.  Suffice it to say Goliad, Texas is worthy of a stop and that goes for history buffs and non-history buffs alike.

Next stop….. Galveston GalSP 390

Texas Rifles and Massacre at Goliad
The Missions of Texas (Spotlight on Texas)

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32 thoughts on “Historic Goliad

  1. Yes, Goliad is near the top of my historic favs..I have yet to get to the Custer battlefield, but that would be another…Touching those artifacts is what I call “channeling history”..and I LOVE to do that. I am very much a history lover, and if you love Texas history, read the book “Texas” by James Michener…All of his books are pretty thick, but don’t be scared..I really love his take on history…Thanks for the great pictures of one of my favorite US History places.


    1. Walking around the Prasidio gave me goose bumps at times. I know we’ll return to Goliad and we’d like to savor the little town some more without the Market Days going on. Thanks for telling me about this fascinating place…. so glad we stopped 🙂


  2. Your post brought back many memories but mostly reminded me of 7th grade social studies – the history of Texas and Texas geography – no other content besides Texas. That’s Texas in a nutshell. It’s a whole ‘nother country. I love that place and enjoy going back, but I’ve morphed into a Midwesterner and maybe, one day i’ll move back. Thank you for sharing your adventures.


    1. Thank you Cheryl. I was really pleased with my sunset shots that day. I know I’ll be sharing more of them. And a happy Turkey day to you!


  3. John is the history buff in our family and I know he would love this area. I enjoy certain aspects of history especially if someone tells me the story. Great job sharing this city. Not sure I would want to stay in the Prisidio La Bahia. Looks haunted to me:)

    Awesome sunset:)


    1. Strolling around the Prisidio was a little eerie at times. There’s no doubt in my mind it’s haunted. John would love the history around here. More important battles took place in Goliad, more so than the Alamo. Have a great Thanksgiving 🙂


    1. Thanks Amy….Ah, a place you haven’t visited LOL. Goliad’s a fun little town filled with tons of history. Great place for a weekend get away 🙂


  4. A wonderful historical tour Ingrid. So interesting about the lynching tree. Happy to live in an age where such trees are used for shade. A wonderful collection from your camera but your final photo is extraordinary.


  5. This is tye type of place that would hold my attention for days…. I love old battle sites and history of the battles…. maybe Al must do a blog seeing he’s the history buff….


    1. One blogger in the family seems to be plenty 🙂 The more we travel, the more interest I’ve developed for history, much to Al’s pleasure 🙂


  6. What a great stop — and you definitely timed it perfectly, with the historical reenactment at the State Park and the Market Days in town. Like you, I enjoy immersing myself in places rich in history, even though I might not remember all of the details afterward. (That’s why we have our blogs, right?) 🙂


    1. I’m always reaching for brochures and pamphlets to help jog my memory for writing a post. I just don’t retain all that history stuff like hubby does. On your next time through Texas you may want to add Goliad to your stops. I think you and Eric would enjoy it 🙂


  7. Ingrid! Nice story!!! A nice mix of history, tight shots, wide shots, signs, people… makes me want to experience it! And the sun ball at the end is terrific… shot at the end of that day?


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