Wordless Wednesday

I’m way behind on my blog posts, but when you see the scenery I’ve been living amongst, I think you’ll understand why the computer has spent more time off than on.Dillon Colorado photographyBiplane air show Colorado
Lake Dillon ColoradoThese photos were taken last weekend near Dillon, Colorado. We’ve since moved on and are comfortably parked for the next month in Westminster, Colorado, spending time with our daughter.  That said, we always have time to meet fellow bloggers for coffee or a margarita 🙂Dillon Frisco Colorado

Columbia Men’s Tamiami II Long Sleeve Shirt, Key West, Large

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63 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday

  1. Funny, we used to have a place in Breckenridge, and earlier today I was thinking about our mountain home – and next what do I see but photos of Dillon. Such a pretty place in summer. Enjoy your time with your daughter and say hi to Denver for us – we’ll be there in September.


  2. Wow! Those photos are beautiful! We were just in the Denver area last week visiting my niece, and my husband’s family. My niece lives in Castle Rock, and my husband’s family all live in and around Northglenn, Commerce City and Brighton – all spread out! We used to live there (over 30 years a go now) and when we did, we lived in the Westminster area. It’s a small world! 🙂
    Hope you enjoy your visit with your family – springtime/summer in the Rockies is very pretty. Much better than the winter months, that’s for sure! 🙂


    1. Small world indeed. Totally agree….spring, summer, fall are awesome times to visit the Colorado Rockies, winter not so much. Although my daughter may disagree. She’s trying to convince hubby, me, and son in Phoenix to visit for Christmas….not happening LOL. Images of a blizzard come to mind. Thanks for stopping by and commenting 🙂


      1. Yes! Those same images come to my mind as well – we had our fair share of blizzards that’s for sure. My brother lives in the Phoenix area, and his daughter is the one who lives in Castle Rock. She’s working on trying to convince her Dad to move to CO…don’t really see that happening either 🙂


  3. So you would rather look at those gorgeous views instead of your keyboard???? HA HA HA Me toooooooooooo!! Love that first shot but the chipmunk makes it even more special!


    1. No brainer putting down the computer, eh! I tried to get a chipmunk to sit up higher on one of those boulders but visiting tourists disturbed my work in progress and the little guy ran off. This was MY scenic overlook LOL.


  4. Wow – wow- wow. I wouldn’t be spending much time on the computer either. What jaw dropping gorgeousness!


    1. The views are stunning in all directions……a view I don’t think I would tire of. Ah, summertime in Colorado 🙂


      1. The rate I am going I will need at least 3 weeks if not longer to see it all or maybe just break it up and go multiple times 🙂 I have only seen the Denver Airport and want to see so much more of Colorado!


    1. Thanks Sylvia. Unbeknownst to us, that Saturday was a small air show that we thoroughly enjoyed. Hubby has been after me for years to purchase a biplane….. a little tough to pull behind the RV LOL.


  5. Hi
    Do you guys ever answer questions about driving.We are heading to Oregon in July thinking about driving across Colorado on hwy 50 my wife is a little afraid of mountains .Is it pretty safe .we have a 34ft class A with car being towed .thanks for any info.



  6. Really like the mountaintop reflection in your first short. We have spent many happy hours in gorgeous Summit County during our skiing days – our favorite place. I have a cousin living in Westminster.


    1. Small world……we’ve taken the kids skiing to Copper Mtn and Keystone during the winter. This was our first stay during the summer and we loved it. We’re hoping to make it a regular stop 🙂


  7. I know you are busy Ingrid, but don’t neglect your fans. I love your posts and your pictures! Just kidding (not about the posts and pics, I do love those!), your priorities are absolutely right on. Enjoy every moment of every day.


    1. We were making notes on camp sites that would accommodate a 40′ MH……not many. I think someone needs to get a smaller rig LOL.


    1. Yep, there were even a couple days the computer wasn’t even turned on…..it was actually forgotten. I guess that’s proof enough that I don’t have an addiction to WP, although hubby might disagree 🙂


  8. How wonderful to be parked close to your daughter — and in such a gorgeous place! And the perfect time of year to be there, too. You definitely have more important things to do than being at the computer (but it’s fun to see where you are). 🙂


    1. I love summers in Colorado and having daughter close by is icing on the cake. At the rate we’re going, we may never make it to the Pacific NW……it’s on the books for next summer, but one never knows. CO has a strong pull LOL.


  9. Lovely images…but then it appears it would be difficult NOT to get great photos from such a gorgeous area. Enjoy your time in Colorado and don’t worry about missing a day here and there of blogging.


    1. I agree….. can’t image anyone taking a ‘bad’ shot in CO. We do love it here and having daughter close by is the cherry on top 🙂


  10. Keep exploring, living and enjoying Ingrid. Blogging should be fun ,as some wise mentors have told me. Best advice ever. Fabulous photos as always.


    1. Thank you and thanks for the great advice. Yes, it should be fun and as long as it remains so, I will continue 🙂


  11. Ingrid – We are in Broomfield until mid July. Our kids live in Longmont and Westminster. If it works for you and Al, JoAnne and I would love to meet up for coffee – or a margarita.

    PS – great pics the wordless Wednesday.


  12. If I were in your shoes, blogging would be the last thing I would be thinking about. Keep enjoying the good life!


    1. Thanks and yes the lake is stocked with trout so plenty of fishermen around. We lucked out by stumbling upon a small air show. Hubby loves biplanes 🙂


    1. Thanks and Steve would have loved the air show. Al wants a biplane in the worst way. I keep telling him it won’t tow well behind the RV LOL.


  13. Beautiful images Ingrid. I am looking forward to seeing some of your lovely state later this fall. Enjoy your visit with your daughter. 🙂


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