Two Cents Tuesday Challenge – Silly

Last week we met up with some folks in the beautiful town of Telluride, Colorado.  This famous ski town located in southwest Colorado is full of charm and character…. graced with stunning scenery, fun eateries, plenty of festivals, and frequented by Hollywood stars.

Telluride Colorado
The town of Telluride. Photo taken from the Gondola

Telluride has a low-key vibe and lack of pretentiousness that has Al and me coming back at every opportunity; not that we’ve had that many opportunities mind you.  As a matter of fact, last week will only make our third visit to this awesome mountain town.  The reason for the visit, even though we don’t really need a reason, was to meet up with fellow bloggers Barb and Maynard.

Elk in Colorado
As we approach the town of Telluride, we see a herd of Elk in the distance.
Elk in Colorado
I zoom in on this female Elk
Smuggler's Brew Pub
The main street in Telluride. Photo taken last summer.

Al and I always get a kick out of meeting folks from the blogosphere.  Sometimes we have a vague idea of what they look like, but many times we don’t….. especially if they don’t write a blog themselves.  Then we not only don’t know what they look like but also don’t know anything about them.   However, they sure have plenty of info on us from this blog.

That said, Maynard and I started communicating via email when he realized our travels would be taking us in similar directions at similar times.  He and I set up a date, time, and place to meet – Smuggler’s Brew Pub in Telluride.

Al and I entered the Pub and I was immediately greeted with a “INGRID” followed by a huge hug.  Ok….. I assumed this must be Maynard LOL. The four of us continued introductions and when we realized the Smuggler’s Brew Pub wouldn’t be ready for the lunch service for a while (can’t always believe what you read on the internet), I stepped up to the plate as tour guide.  This was Maynard and Barb’s first visit to Telluride.

I whisked hubby and my 2 blog followers toward the gondola for a bird’s-eye view of Telluride.  The gondola is viewed as public transportation and is free to the public.  (“Hey, Aspen – you might want to take note”.)  Little did I realize, Barb was none too fond of heights or gondolas.  Oops, perhaps I should’ve asked!  The three of us did manage to poke a little fun at her, and she was a good sport, but when I went to open the window…..she was quick to exuberantly exclaim “NO!”, thinking I was going to open the door.  It’s locked, silly 😉

Telluride Colorado
Me behind Barb….she had no idea what Maynard had gotten her into!

After that little sightseeing tour, it was back to the Smuggler’s Brew Pub where the guys imbibed in a brew called “Debauchery”.  Need I say more?  Drinks and lunch were delicious and we would definitely recommend the place.

Telluride Colorado
Maynard being silly

Following lunch, the tour guide reappeared for a side trip to Bridal Veil Falls.  Since this visit was still early in the season, the one lane gravel road up to the base of the falls was closed.  So a long distance view would need to suffice.  Maynard and I had our cameras out and there were lots of joking and silliness going on.  Turns out, hubby and I were Maynard and Barb’s FIRST blogger meet up.  Ta, da….. virgins no longer!

Bridal Veil Falls Telluride
Maynard and Barb on the left – Al and me on the right – Bridal Veil Falls in the background

Obviously, Al and I are working on our social skills; overcoming our shy, quiet, conservative, and introverted ways…….        I know – SILLY!

Two cents Tuesday Challenge – Silly
Of course – I know it’s Friday and I’m posting a “Tuesday” Challenge.  I’m still within rule #4. Perhaps I’ll post a Friday challenge on a Tuesday.  I do live on ‘RV’ time after all  🙂

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45 thoughts on “Two Cents Tuesday Challenge – Silly

  1. Shy, quiet, introverted-who was it we met that day then 🙂 looks like you’re thoroughly enjoying your time in CO.


  2. I’ve always wanted to visit there and never made it during our skiing days but hopefully will in the RV. It’s always nice to have an experienced tour guide for a first visit so they lucked out with you guys. I really like your last shot.with the falls in the background.


    1. Bridal Veil Falls is really pretty and the town of Telluride quite enjoyable. It has become even more of a summer destination over winter filled with some sort of festival almost every weekend from a beer fest to a blue fest or yoga fest and even a film festival.


    1. Hopefully you’ll allow me to be a bit of a tour guide, not that you need one but the guys will need our supervision as they imbibe in “debauchery” 🙂


    1. Definitely, you guys would love it. Very dog friendly town….the kids can even go on the gondola with you. I’d like to be there when they jump on LOL. We like to stay at Ridgway SP and take the one hour drive to Telluride as the CG’s closer are a little tight trying to fit into.


  3. there is nothing sill about connecting with friends – especially when you have time to do what you truly want – at least most of the time…. I always enjoy your photos and I would have been afraid of the gondola, too!


    1. I can’t figure out why so many folks don’t like gondolas? It is fun connecting with folks amongst beautiful country.


  4. It was wonderful to see Telluride through your eyes, as we haven’t visited in so many years. Always great to meet up with fellow bloggers, isn’t it? Hopefully we will catch up with the two of you again someday soon.


    1. We really enjoy Telluride even though it’s become rather commercial. Yes, always fun connecting with like minded folks.


  5. Cracking jokes at someone you just met personally for the first time… how real of a personality could you ask for! I know how awesome of a ski place Telluride is from other blogospheres. Just seeing your snowcapped mountains alone makes me happy. No wonder Maynard was being silly.


    1. One can’t help but smile and have a good time amongst such beauty. The town has a young vibe that I think you would really enjoy. Lots of festivals all summer long 🙂


  6. Hahaha, you’re doing a WONDERFUL job of “overcoming your shy, quiet, conservative, and introverted ways.” We’ll be delighted to give you more opportunities to practice your social skills when we meet up — hopefully in Texas this winter. And at least in Texas you can’t lure me into a gondola (I’m not fond of heights, either).


  7. We’ve not ever been to Telluride but we’ll definitely try to make that part of our visit to Colorado this summer. Beautiful! We love Colorado. My second novel, currently in progress, takes place in a fictional Colorado National Forest.


    1. I highly recommend a day trip to Telluride. Who knows, you may even come up with some ideas for that book. The old mining history and homes are interesting.


  8. What a great town!! How neat to meet up with Barb and Maynard:) Someday I hope to catch up with all four of you. Love your photos…you certainly were having fun.


  9. We had a wonderful day in Telluride until we decided to call it a day. It started to rain, and you guess it…mud slide. We couldn’t get down the mountain. So….we just had to go sit in that same brewery for a few hours until they gave us the thumbs up and the road was opened again.

    It sounds and looks like you four really hit it off. I am sure the gondola ride was marvelous, but I will pass.


    1. Last year they had a mudslide and the road didn’t open for 3 days….yikes. I wonder if that pub offers bunks 😉 I’m always up for a gondola or better yet a chair lift ride. Just don’t expect me to shoosh down the hill on skis. That’s one thing this flatlander never mastered.


  10. I’m “afraid” I am in the same boat with Barb on high places. Of course our travels always seem to end up at the highest spots as well. From Lookout Mountain (that was a knuckle nipper) in Georgia to the dance hall overhanging the valley in Jim Thorpe, PA. I also quickly learned what a “Pass” really means on a Colorado map on my first visit there!


    1. I try to warn folks all the time, just because it looks like a highway on the Colorado map doesn’t mean it’s an ‘easy’ drive. Always a fun time in Colorado 🙂


  11. Silly??? Scary more like it, tormenting that poor lady! LOL Great backdrop and oodles of fun I’m sure! TCT…interesting, I’ll be checking that out!


    1. Gotta get you out here and get you up into some high country. The Illinois gal in you will be speechless surrounded by such incredible beauty.


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