Monday afternoon stroll

After three days of hanging inside the RV due to the weather, once Monday rolled around Al and I couldn’t wait to hit the trails.  Here in Phoenix, Arizona, it started raining early Friday morning and didn’t let up until Sunday.  It appears it was a record breaking rainfall for Phoenix for the month of November.White tank

We managed to stay comfy, cozy, warm and dry at our RV site, but other parts of the park didn’t fare so well.  The park experienced some minor flooding that required a little clean up.  By the time I took this photo, much of the water had receded and mud clean up was in process.

the RV Park experiences some flooding – this is already much improved

Monday brought clear blue skies with 70 degree temperatures…..perfect for a hike.  On the far west side of Phoenix is White Tank Mountain Regional Park.  With all the previous rain this was the ideal time to hike the ‘Waterfall Trail’.  The trail map says best seen after a heavy rain…..score!waterfall trail

This is a super easy 2 mile round trip hike; more like a stroll.  It’s a gorgeous day and the warm sun feels wonderful.  Much to our dismay and unbeknownst to us, children have a break from school.  No school all week for the Thanksgiving holiday.  Since when do kids get a whole week off for Thanksgiving?  We never did. 😕 So we shared the trail with lots of folks young and old

Waterfall Trail, White Tank Mountains

The waterfall itself is…..hum…..a trickle of water in the desert.  There are still some deep puddles here and there and the trail steps are covered in moving water, making for its own little waterfall.

the trail steps are covered in water, making for some slippery climbing.

hiking Arizona

Could this be water and a sandy beach in the desert?  In another twenty-four hours, the thirsty desert will absorb most of the water seen here.

Along the way are some petroglyphs.  petroglyphs


Our leisurely stroll took us about an hour.  Before heading home, we check out the campground located at White Tank Regional Park.  The sites are well spaced with electric and water and range in length.  Some sites are only deep enough for a pop-up trailer while others can accommodate much longer rigs.

This campground is less improved and more on the rustic side than Maricopa County’s other regional parks; Cave Creek, McDowell, and Usery.  It’s also much more remote and less popular.

Yep, the fresh air and sunshine sure felt good.

hiking Arizona
This is the ‘waterfall’

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41 thoughts on “Monday afternoon stroll

  1. I remember fondly the White Tank Mountains. Can’t wait to get back out west but until then, your posts are a beautiful reminder. 🙂


    1. It was a very enjoyable stroll, but I’m still partial to Cave Creek or Superstitions. Al and I are definitely putting a list of faves together. We’re still not being pulled east….perhaps Pensacola next winter. However with Logan in AZ…..we’ll see 🙂


      1. We will be spending time this winter on the east coast and doing something similar to MonaLiza and Steve in the spring and summer on the eastern seaboard, then it’s back to the west for us, where we plan to remain. 🙂


    1. Yes, any amount of water in the desert is a pleasant surprise. With weather like this, it would be a shame not to enjoy. On that note, we’re hitting the trails again today 🙂


    1. Water in the desert is always exciting. The desert comes alive. We managed to stay cozy and the rain was surprisingly gentle thus not too noisy. 🙂


  2. We actually prefer the more remote less traveled campgrounds…Though sometimes we get a little carried away with the “remote” and have to drive 100 miles to find a WalMart..! You two have a wonderful Thanksgiving..Is Al cooking your turkey over the fire?..


    1. It’s that long drive to a grocery store that gets me with remote places. I’m always forgetting something. Al cooking is a joke let alone a turkey…..or did you say “he’s a turkey?” LOL Enjoy Thanksgiving with the family 🙂


  3. I can remember the storm that we had in Cave Creek, rain and more rain came our way. And I am jealous of your 70 deg weather, a great weather for strolling. The storm headed our way and we had rain, wind and cold and had been inside just like you. But we decided to be crazy and walk/stroll in the rain and had fun.
    Have a great thanksgiving with Al and son.


    1. Thank you, and I sent the storm your way. I didn’t want you feeling left out….it was a reminder of our time spent together at Cave Creek Reg Park….LOL. You guys are such diehards, nothing will keep you down long. Hope you have a very enjoyable Thanksgiving day 🙂


  4. Wonderful trail. Sometimes a stroll is better than a hike.

    We have been stuck inside for five days. Finally the sun is out today….YEA!!!!!


    1. Yes, this was a huge storm that started out west and hit just about everyone as it progressed east. I’m grateful it was rain and not snow here in Phoenix. It is a great trail, one I may have to hit again 🙂


  5. “much more remote and less popular” sounds good! Yes indeed, the schools are closed for the whole week nowadays…it sure is a drag for us retired folks! Our RV park is packed with families for the week. Sunday night it will calm down dramatically, can’t wait!


    1. Yes, by Monday all should be back to normal. We usually gravitate toward the less popular areas as well and I’m sure this is a campground that does not book up frequently. Have a great holiday weekend 🙂


  6. Three days of rain is a long time in that area. But the desert loves it. Glad you are finally out and the blue sky has returned. The rain has just moved out of our area of FL as I write. Cooler temps on tap but that is fine with me. The high 70’s with extreme humidity are not fun!

    Schools are closed all week here, also. As former teachers we don’t appreciate holiday vacations any longer! Haha! Keep them all caged up!!


    1. As we were passing all the kids, your posts from Zion last spring came to mind. As former teachers you’ve earned the right to say “cage’m up”….lol.
      It was very nice to get out and about and to see the desert happy soaking up the moisture. 🙂


    1. Yes, the sunshine and mild temps are nothing to complain about…..loving it and any water in the desert is to be admired even if only a trickle.


  7. How gorgeous! I do like the desert’s idea of a waterfall 😉 I can remember road tripping across the US with a then-boyfriend in a tent, and looking longingly at all the cosy people in RVs as we slowly grew mildew when it rained!


  8. You sure are seeing some different territory in your travels. It is all still very pretty in its own way. Very relaxing and I am enjoying your travels with you. Your pictures are great! By the time I get out there I will need your travel log your seeing so many places and all very interesting. Enjoy for us all.I will be working at least another year if not alittle more as business is great and I have to make what I can while I can. Take care and keep traveling for us all. Miss you !


    1. As much as I enjoy the desert, I’m looking forward to visiting the ocean in January. It’s been a very long time since I’ve been to the beach. Once you’re ready to hit the road, I’ll have all kinds of info for you. Perhaps this summer we can get in one of our “short” lunches 🙂


  9. Yep, much like the “waterfalls” in the Las Vegas area. 🙂 Still, the scenery sure is pretty, and you got out of the RV and into the sun. That’s a great day!


  10. Yep! Waterfalls and rivers mean something completely different in the desert. I am used to rivers being little reddish brown trickles carving a little trough through the dry land. When I saw my first ‘real’ river (bigger than a trickle), I was quite amazed. I still am. But waterfalls in the desert (even if they are a trickle) are still magnificent.


    1. I totally relate, even puddles of water are special in the desert. That’s why I was adamant about not postponing the hike….with each hour there would be less water. And the desert does seem to come alive after a heavy rainfall.


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