Vacation Time….seriously!

desert sunsets

Since moving into the RV full-time, we’ve received a mix of opinions from loved ones and friends.  Everything from “You’re living the dream” to “You’re not serious”.  One comment we received recently from a dear friend was, “What do you do when you want to go on vacation?  Move back to town?”  Al and I chuckled because we both knew Rog was being a smart a*s, but it did get us to thinking.

desert sunsets
Nothing boring about sunsets like this!

Since we decided to park our rears at the RV Resort in Phoenix for three months, I wondered what happens if I get bored like I did while living in a sticks and bricks home?  The RV Resort is just that; like living in a subdivision, like any other community except everyone’s homes are all mobile in some form or another.  So its pretty much like living in a sticks and bricks neighborhood.  😕

RV Park
One street in the RV Resort. These are the larger, more permanent mobile homes

It appears I bore easily since it only took thirty days parked in this location and I was ready to move on.  Actually, I was ready to move on before we were fully set up….but that’s another story.  Due to commitments and financial reasons, moving on wasn’t an option BUT a short vacation was.  It also helps to be prompted by a friend.

Somehow I doubt when Nancy emailed me that they were all settled in to their winter camp host position in Lake Havasu that 5 days later we would pull in and become their neighbor.  We met Don and Nancy last year while camped at Cave Creek Regional Park located in Phoenix’ north end of town and we’ve stayed in touch ever since.

Arizona State Park
We snag a prime site at Cattail Cove State Park

Don and Nancy went full-time about a month before we did and this is their first workamping position. We were eager to check out this State Park along Lake Havasu in western Arizona as well as meet up with this lovely couple.

We’d heard about Cattail Cove State Park from fellow blogger Mona Liza.  We also met the Lowe’s last year at Cave Creek Regional Park just after their 2 week stay at Cattail Cove.  For our visit, I was quick to use Mona Liza’s blog as a reference for some great sight-seeing and hiking ideas in the area.Colorado River

Upon arriving at Cattail Cove State Park, we were warmly greeted by our friends and quick to get to the business of catching up.  Eating, drinking, campfires, and conversations had our stay flying by.  As a matter of fact, when we arrived on Sunday the original plan was to leave on Wednesday.  We extended our stay to Friday.  Even that proved to be not long enough.  Our stay ended way to quickly as do most vacations and Friday morning we begrudgingly packed up and returned to the “Resort” in Phoenix…sigh.

There is so much to see and do in the Lake Havasu area as well as plenty of unique, out of the way spots to just chill and watch the clouds move, or in this case…. watch the waves roll in!

Lake Havasu
Nancy and Ingrid chilling lakeside

On our first day at Cattail Cove State Park, Don and Nancy introduced us to Whyte’s Retreat Trail.  This 2-3 mile hike starts at the campground and meanders on a bluff along the lakeshore before turning inland and returning to camp.

Lake Havasu
trail starts out meandering along Lake Havasu – there’s plenty of ups and downs

Trail maps are available at the ranger station.  We were fortunate to have our own personal hiking guides…..thanks Don and Nancy 🙂  The hike took us about an hour and a half which allowed for plenty of stops to chat and admire the views.

Al and I did the hike again the next morning and completed it in about 50 minutes.  I’m sure the gale force winds that second day were instrumental in keeping us moving at a steady pace.  This was the perfect trail to get us warmed up for the next days hike; aptly named “Crack in the Mountain Trail” …..

Whyte’s Retreat Trail takes us around coves – trail upper right
hiking Havasu
Whyte’s Retreat Trail meanders along Lake Havasu – we’re careful to watch our footing

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64 thoughts on “Vacation Time….seriously!

  1. I would totally be an RV’er if I have the money, and if I ever learn how to drive big vans. 😀 I really envy RV’ers. You are so close to nature, so attached to the road.


    1. Getting close to nature is exactly why most of us do this. And the lifestyle does not take much $…..well that I guess depends. If I can drive this thing, no doubt you can 🙂


  2. Lake Havasu City is a beautiful area – I’m looking forward to exploring it more when we head that way again. I thought of you the other day while at the movies. We went to the earliest showing of the day and all the seats on the toilets were up (I assume due to being cleaned) and I panicked and rechecked the front of the door before taking a stall.


    1. LOL……glad you didn’t make my mistake. We really did enjoy our stay at Havasu and think next time we may even boondock…..just have to watch where all the active ATVer’s are hanging – don’t like that dust!


  3. We have not been to Lake Havasu together but I went there often in another life with our boat. This looks like a lovely park. Inquiring minds have to ask, is that first spectacular image as you viewed it or perhaps with a little enhancement? I don’t believe I have ever seen such a marbling effect in the sky. 🙂


    1. You forget….I’m a kindergartner in the editing dept….no special effects as I still have trouble coloring within the lines….lol.
      We really enjoy that area. Truth be told, if money were no object I would own a place in Grand Junction and another in Lake Havasu City and follow the weather. Ah, a gal can dream 🙂


      1. I may have to make another trip to Lake Havasu. I have some fond memories of it but am sure it has changed after all these years. On another subject, your photography rocks my friend! 🙂


          1. That would be wonderful. I’m sure you could teach me a thing or two about Lumix cameras. I have had little time to learn how to use mine but look forward to doing just that after this tour of duty. 🙂


  4. It ‘s so beautiful there.I have heard from a friend of mine about Lake Havasu but of course never been there. Definitely a place I would like to visit. Why can’t you stay longer? Do you have to go back to the RV Park. I mean that is nice too but like you say it reminds you of the neighborhood. I like the more natural places myself. Well have fun where ever you land. I am working toward that one day. It is still real busy up here so trying to get as much as I can. Be safe miss you but love the blogs!;)


    1. I think you would enjoy Lake Havasu…..there’s water involved! A few reasons we didn’t stay longer; first, we would’ve needed to move sites as there was a reservation on the one we were in; two, money….that always comes into play; three, we had weekend plans with Logan followed by other social plans during the week; four, the RV Park has its pluses regarding amenities and location.

      Perhaps next winter we’ll change it up a bit though. Miss our lunches and like your comments 🙂


  5. What fun to just pick up and go with the wind. The Lake Havasu area is just gorgeous. We haven’t been there since 2010 but are considering it for this January. No plans in “stone” as of yet.


    1. It can be cold there that time of year but all that hiking should warm you up nicely. I’m hoping for good weather in Rockport TX in Jan. I know there too can be hit and miss. Plans made in Jell-O or on a whim are so much fun!


  6. We discovered Cattail Cove State Park when traveling from San Diego to Las Vegas on our way home to the east coast several years ago. We loved it! Thanks for bringing back memories of our stay!


    1. We really enjoyed our stay at Cattail Cove and hope to return next year for an even longer stay. Seems to be a favorite for quite a few 🙂


    1. I would highly recommend a visit, at least for a week. The weather in spring and fall are perfect and there’s plenty to see and do 🙂


  7. Beautiful Lake Havasu. Brought back a lot of memories. During my 20’s and 30’s, I was a tent camper with a ski boat and spent many long weekends on the Colorado River with many of my river-loving friends. We loved going to Lake Havasu. Glad you enjoyed yourself. It looked great!


    1. Ah, I learn yet more about you. My sister-in-law too spent long weekends boating in the area during her 20’s/30’s. Fun times at any age 🙂


    1. When the kids were little I used to love taking them to Lake Mead. So I’m very comfortable and enjoy this area. Being mobile is so much fun 🙂


  8. We’re talking the same language. I get bored spitless after a few days in one place. Depending on the park I can usually make it a couple of weeks .. maybe. We loved Cattail State Park and Cave Creek. Have you checked out the other ones in the system at Lake Pleasant and north of Apache Junction … gorgeous!


    1. Oh yes, we use Lake Pleasant as a back up…boondocking in the spillway and Lost Dutchman SP near Apace Junction is a favorite. Seems we like many of the same places…thanks 🙂


  9. We stayed at Cattail Cove State Park in March of 2004…a great place for sure.. Another neat state park is Alamo Lake State the middle of nowhere. But they do have some nice bass in that lake and very nice sites!! It’s about a 35 mile drive to the nearest town from there, which is what we like…those stars in that dark Arizona sky are just gorgeous without any close lights!


    1. Yep can’t beat these Arizona skies. We’ve heard about Alamo Lake SP from a few different folks. Next winter “I’ll” make the plans 😉 and it won’t include a Park Model as a neighbor!


        1. You know, I keep asking you when you’re going to join us? There’s a chair with your name on it at the pool…..I know, that was mean 😆


  10. What a beautiful area, Ingrid. Sorry you had to leave it too soon. It must have been a big decision to live in the RV full-time. Do you think you’ll ever go back to a fixed home?


    1. As a former home-builder, I think it would be difficult NOT to go back to a fixed home at some point and time. I’m still always looking at Real Estate. I loved your posts on your FL kitchen remodel. First thing I do at a new location, is visit For now though, we are loving the freedom and there sure are a lot of beautiful places to visit 🙂


    1. Hey, that’s the perfect tag. I just might have to use that in the future. However, just because we live in a RV full-time does NOT mean we live a perpetual vacation. We still have chores, responsibilities, work, and finances to tend to….bummer eh!


  11. Wait, where are the Javelinas? Glad you enjoyed the hikes, the great sunsets and the park itself as much as we did. Did you hike up to the Lizard trail ? Lake Havasu is one place we will definitely go back to.


    1. Rub it in….lol. No Javelinas, not that I didn’t look, but I did see lots of Burros. Where’s your Burro photos? No, we did not do Lizard Trail this trip. Our time was way too short. I think we’ll spend more time in the area next winter. We really enjoyed it ….probably as much as you guys did.


    1. Yep, we sure do like your backyard….well, down the road anyway. I think we’ll spend more time in the area next winter. It definitely calls to me 🙂


  12. Ingrid – no school today, so i can read with abandon or so i think (or wish). My stick and brick place needs some organization – so, i’ll be working on that today – I love the photos – enjoy your vacation. It’ll be ready to move on before you know it! take care and keep on rollin’


    1. Yay, no school. Enjoy your day off and don’t work too much around the house. That’s one thing we do not miss about ‘home’ ownership!


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