Unlikely Bonding

Go ahead and putt….I’ll hold the flag.

Sometimes spending the day hanging around a campsite and communing with nature is exactly what the mind and body needs to rejuvenate.

The James Robb State Park in Fruita, Colorado has proven to be the perfect home for Al and me to recuperate from the arduous move.

James Robb State Park

Al and I have been enjoying morning strolls around the State Park which happens to border the Colorado River.  The Colorado National Monument acts as a beautiful backdrop while lounging outside the RV watching the grass grow.

I’ll never make the Olympics if I keep falling off this beam.

We also watch in silence as creatures large and small go about their days.  One day in particular, I found myself enamored with the oodles of dragonflies around the park.

This is my best side….go ahead and shoot!  Isn’t my orange coloring pretty?

Not one to have any interest in entomology, I find myself drawn to these unique little guys.  It started the other morning, when we went on our stroll relatively early in an attempt to beat the heat.  I left my camera behind in a bit of a lazy, still half a sleep moment.  Part way into our walk and near the river, we came upon some vegetation a buzz with dragonflies.  One dragonfly in particular appeared to be posing.

Why won’t the one with the pretty wings talk to me?
With a little more work at the barre, I’ll be ready for the Bolshoi

The next morning, I was raring to go with camera in hand.   Nope, won’t be leaving my camera behind in the future.  My pace was rather quick as I was aiming toward a particular patch of vegetation along the Colorado River.  Bingo!  Even more dragonflies than the previous morning.

The dragonflies character and personalities didn’t resonate with me until I zoomed in on them.  Could it be I was having a bonding moment with an insect?

Just look at their faces…..rather cute, I’d say.  And this coming from someone who has no problem using a fly swatter or a shoe to squash…..

After more clicks on the camera than I can count, Al and I resume our stroll.  Back at the campsite, we settle into our lounge chairs and watch the few tuffs of clouds pass overhead.  The tall grasses and bushes around our campsite are a bevy of activity…..cute little cotton tail bunnies, yellow bellied birds (my name for them), AND dragonflies.  I spend the next hour communing with dragonflies while Al sits back watching my interaction and conversation with the dragonflies in total amusement.  “That’s it…now let me get just a little closer….hold still.  Can you turn to the side?  Nope, lightings not good.  Can you move to that bush?”……Dragonfly

Yes, I’d say we’re relaxing……..

If I don’t respond to your comments, it’s because of poor internet service.  We’re at Ridgway State Park just north of Ouray, Colorado in site #18.  We return to Grand Junction on the 31st.

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37 thoughts on “Unlikely Bonding

  1. Ingrid, you have captured some beautiful Dragonfly images! So many different species; I don’t believe I have seen half of these!! Thanking for pointing me to your post!! Stay dry, it is pouring as I write this.


  2. These pictures are exquisite. I haven’t been to Colorado yet, but it’s on my bucket list – hopefully in the next few years. You make it look irresistible. I’ve lived in Florida my whole life, so I’m not used to being surrounded by the lovely mountains. They are breathtaking.


    1. Colorado is a pretty awesome place. So very, very different than Florida. The lushness of FL offers it’s own beauty. When my daughter and I went to Disney World she was in awe of all the plants and vegetation.


    1. Thanks. I was surprised how close I was able to get and then my 24x zoom did the rest. I probably could have gotten a lot more photos if I had used a tripod. So many photos were blurred…..delete. Don’t ya just love digital?


  3. Well aren’t you lucky that the dragonflies were vain enough to return and pose for you! Your bug shots are beautiful. It’s almost guaranteed that I’ll miss something amazing when I don’t have my camera to hand. (Or even when I do and the battery is dead! lol) And if you can talk to bugs then it should be ok that I talk to (and name) my plants. Himself thinks I’m a nutter.
    Happy trails to you!


    1. Thanks. You can tell in the shots, they’re looking right at me. It was a fun moment for sure. Name away….I won’t tell 🙂


  4. I’m fascinated with dragonflies, too … we had tons of them at a few campgrounds, and I was able to watch and photograph them to my heart’s content. I think it’s the combination of colors and delicate wings that attract me.


    1. I totally agree about the colors and wings….each was unique. You’re up close photos are beautiful. I’d like to focus/practice more on flowers. These dragonflies sure started something!


  5. Glad to see you relaxing…I love the dragonflies too…They almost seem mythological, ethereal, magical…Then you get to the EYES..YIKES! Hence the term bugs???


    1. It was amazing how close they allowed me to get and yet it was obvious they were watching me. The adjectives you used are spot on! It was fun chasing’m down with the camera 🙂


  6. Great shots, Ingrid. I feel in love with these flying little jewels when I learned they ate mosquitoes! Sounds like you’re enjoying your slide into the nomad life. Good for you!


    1. Thanks. Actually adjusting to the nomad life quite easily and yes those dragonflies are not only unique but great that they eat mosquitoes.


  7. great up close photos – my hat is off to you… keep enjoying the time out of doors and the beautiful scenery, even if it is up close to insects 🙂


  8. I was listening to Public Radio the other day and they said that Dragonflies have the best sight of any insect. They can see and home in on flying prey over 30 feet away! I’m glad I’m not their size ‘cuz they’re way more maneuverable that I am!

    A retired Photographer looks at life
    Life Unscripted


    1. Wow….interesting facts. I know these guys were watching me as I was shooting them. It was definitely an interesting experience. I was surprised most were not easily startled.


    1. Thanks. I have two cameras both are Panasonic Lumix. Little one is a DMC-ZS19….takes great photos and is in my purse at all times. These dragonfly photos were taken with a DMC-FZ47. I like this camera especially in bright sun light because it has a view finder. Love both these cameras!


  9. Beautiful! So glad you are getting some much needed rest. We road our bikes through Ridgway and thought it a lovely state park.

    Metamorphosis Lisa


    1. My brother road the Enchanted Trail and Cookie Tree trail at Ridgway SP and loved it. I managed to get in a few short hikes. We’ll be going back for Labor Day as one week just was not enough!


  10. I love Mona Lisa’s new nickname for you…The Dragonfly Lady! I had to laugh when you were talking to the dragonflies. That is so me! I talk to all the creatures. My family calls me Dr. Doolittle. It just seems so natural to me to chat with my subjects!

    Great job capturing the beauty in the dragonflies:)


  11. Although I am not an insect fan by any means, I love macros of these interesting creatures. You have captured some real beauties here Ingrid. So glad to see that you and Al are getting some much needed rest.


    1. Now if only Al’s moving injury would heal, we’d be out there on the trails. Love, love, love the Ridgway area. If you and Terry have never been to that part of Colorado, I highly recommend. The hiking possibilities are endless and the scenery spectacular.


    1. A bonus indeed. I’m for anything that will lighten the population of mosquitoes. We used to go to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area each summer and my husband would joke that the mosquitoes were so large they had numbers painted on their sides like airplanes!


  12. I love the pure enjoyment and relaxation mood of your post… and the dragon flies are a bargain…I have a lady friend that spends hours taking photos of dragon flies, she has a book out on them… but she can look at them and say what the damn things name is in Latin as well… (show off)… but your photos are as good if not better than hers… beautiful… you do sound as though life is good… wonderful…


    1. Wow, thank you. That is quite the compliment. I was surprised how different each one looked especially once I zoomed in on them. We are definitely relaxing. Now if only hubby’s back would heal, we could get out on the trails exploring more.


  13. Hey Dragonfly Lady those insects are fascinating and colorful! We have encountered several of them in our hikes but could not get a single shot. Eastcoast dragonflies are rather shy. Great photos!


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