Worst Dressed?

Spring is my favorite time of year.  It’s a time for new growth and the awakening of plants.  Time to get out the shorts and sandals, plant the garden, and have a backyard barbeque.

Spring in Colorado
This is what spring in Colorado looked like on May 1st

What’s not to love about this time of year?  How about another spring snowstorm in Colorado? Yep, more snow and freezing temperatures graced us on Wednesday.   I guess we’re on a once a week schedule for snowstorms this spring.  Oh, how I long for the flowers to bloom.  flower bloom

Al and I were planning on cleaning the garage during the week, but it was too cold and gloomy.  Instead I turn my lack of productivity to the computer.  I peruse the internet.

fashionWhat’s this?  Worst dressed…… really???  Colorado Springs ranked 2nd on a list of top 10 worst dressed cities in the country…. click here to read all about it.

Let’s face it, fashion is very subjective.  When putting an outfit together, one needs to consider climate (note top picture), environment, activity, is it appropriate, and of course WHERE one lives.

The article focuses on cost. How many high end clothing stores, shoe stores, and jewelry stores there are in a given city, as well as the proximity to fashion and design schools.

Does cost really determine whether a person is well dressed, or in this case worst dressed?  To compare Miami, Florida, to Wichita, Kansas, is like comparing apples to oranges.  No, it’s probably more like comparing apples to cucumbers.  They couldn’t possibly be more different.

Las Vegas won the distinction of having the largest number of high-end shoe stores per capita.  San Francisco and Miami have the largest amount of high-end clothing stores.  If I’m reading this correctly, then the article is basically saying San Francisco, Las Vegas, and Miami rank in the best dressed category versus Wichita, Colorado Springs, and El Paso rank amongst the worst dressed.

Hmm, the more you spend the better dressed you are?  You might see the above expensive shoes while running around Las Vegas and most folks wouldn’t think much of it in that city.  Wear those same shoes in Colorado,  I guarantee an audience, and not in a good way.  Best dressed in those shoes?  Perhaps for the annual Adult Film Festival/Convention held in Las Vegas each year.

A pair of $800 Jimmy Choo Shoes might look awesome and appropriate while meandering The Forum Shops at Ceasar’s Palace, but I question the realistic functionality of wearing such shoes in Colorado Springs let alone Wichita, Kansas.

Ok, I’ll admit those red ones sure are pretty, and when I was younger and living in Chicago, I would’ve wanted those red ones……..forget comfort.  Hmm, I wonder what the other RVer’s would think if I ran around the campground in one of these numbers?  Probably not appropriate for the environment.

I’m not sure I could ever justify the price of a Jimmy Choo Shoe.  And yes, I’ve been known to walk around a store or two trying on a few of these beauties.  Personally I think they are overrated and certainly overpriced.  I’ll stick with my Keen’s.  Although hubby would prefer to see me in one of those high-heeled Jimmy Choo Shoes, especially if price were no object.

Colorado fashion
The perfect Colorado Springs summer outfit.

Colorado Springs is also no stranger to designer labels.  It’s just our sense of fashion comes with labels such as; Columbia, North Face, or Patagonia instead of Prada, Versace, or Michael Kors.

There’s a saying around Colorado, “If you don’t like the weather, hang around for fifteen minutes”….. meaning our weather is ever changing.  Thus, dressing for the environment is crucial.  This isn’t New York City where you can just catch a cab if it starts snowing.   I wonder how those gorgeous red shoes would hold up in a wet, gravel parking lot……and snow?

And we don’t just have hills around here, we have mountains.

Was it fair to compare the various cities?  Does spending boocoo bucks on a pair of shoes or an outfit make you a well dressed individual?  I know I definitely don’t agree with the article.  Money does not translate into being well dressed.  What do you think?

Colorado Fashion
Colorado and Texas fashion? Guarantee these rags cost plenty!

25 thoughts on “Worst Dressed?

  1. I agree– that is an odd way to gauge how people dress. One thing I love about Co. is that you can be casual almost all the time. It’s just too easy. It’s so real too. I can wear workout clothes all day everyday if I want, and nobody cares. I’ve realized lately though, that I actually have to remind myself to wear cute clothes sometimes on just a regular day… because, why not? Not a bad problem to have. 😉


    1. Agree…I live in yoga pants and Asics. However, when I meet daughter at Flatirons or Park Meadows for a girls day, I try to be a little more fashionable. I’m usually glad I made the effort.

      Any news/update on that travel contest?


  2. Gone are the glam days for me and I don’t miss them one bit! Give me a pair of comfy hiking boots any day and I am in my element. This past month Terry and I feel we have been plopped down into Green Acres so give me a pitchfork! Hope the spring snowstorms are behind you now Ingrid. Great post! 🙂


    1. Nope I don’t miss the pain of wearing high-heels all day. Hmm, I can just envision a picture of you and Terry in bibbed overalls holding pitchforks….lol. I’m busy, busy purging around here. I’m getting super antsy to get out on the road again. Any weekend trips in your future?


  3. Those first 2 shoes are absolutely hideous. Anyone wearing those (I don’t care how much they cost) should be put in a clown show. Fashion is definitely different depending on where you live, and I agree, outfitting yourself for the mountains can be very expensive. I like the outdoor attire much more than the nightclub styles


    1. I couldn’t believe those hideous shoes were actually Jimmy Choo and the price tag was ridiculous. I just had to post those. I’m with you, these days I much prefer the outdoor attire and it is NOT inexpensive, although I manage to find those sales!


  4. Every time I shop for myself, I only prove that I have expensive tastes. And with me not wanting to spend money on anything, there lies the problem. I enjoy reading your blog . The last picture had me laughing out loud it looked like something from a futuristic movie. Somehow traipsing around in the woods with high heeled boots is a dead giveaway that it was not designed for function as the photo portrays. Oregon is absolutely beautiful – warm days, super cool nights…..ahh just like we like it 🙂 Spring is my favorite season, and let me tell you it is well worth the wait. Hoping you will experience it soon!


    1. I too gravitate toward the finer things in life. Thus, it’s best hubby keep me in the boonies….lol. We were hoping to see Oregon this summer, but too much on the plate and too many impending changes. Hopefully you can share some hidden gems with us for when we do visit. Isn’t there a June wedding on the Horizon?


  5. I can imagine how those ladies wearing the Jimmy Choos will be whining some years down the road when they can hardly walk from wearing those great shoes. I just bought me the most wonderful pair of Jeans for $20….. first ones I’ve found that fit me in a very long time (why didn’t I remember these last many years that women’s jeans never did fit this body?)


  6. Funny and very relatable. I don’t own a pair of high heels nor a dress. The photos are terrific. The flower looks like it’s on a trampoline jumping for joy. If the girl in the last photo squeezes that trigger, she’s going to land on her butt! Love your blog!
    Barb Brady from Spokane, WA


    1. Thanks Barb for stopping by and commenting. The northwest is on our travel bucket list. That last photo of Kristen Chenoweth had me laughing.


    1. Duluth? We used to drive through there every summer on our way to Gunflint Lake. With the exception of large cities, I think most of the country is more similar in style. If I’m not in my running shoes, I’m in my Keens!


  7. Loved the “snow grillers”….As for “worst dressed” RV’er, I do believe that trophy is MINE!!!! If you have any doubts, check back on some of my “ensembles” around our campfire…As I say, “If you don’t like it…GET OFF MY CAMPING AREA!” 😉


    1. Oh, I think we all have those times when we just throw on whatever, and around a campfire does anyone really care? It’s all about fun and relaxation. I loved the guy pushing the lawnmower through the snow….too funny 😀 That’s how much snow we got Wednesday…..crazy, all gone now!


  8. Great read but this does show that you are definitely getting too much snow and need to get out of this winter rut! CO designer fashion labels can be almost as pricey as those big city labels. But I’ll take the CO labels and shoes any day over the big city fashion and heels.

    Here’s hoping this your final snow this season!!!!


    1. You’re right about the price tags on the CO labels…..not inexpensive. And I’m with you, those cities can keep their high fashion and high heels. Beautiful day here in southern Colorado….finally. Let’s hope it stays!


  9. Where did you get the first photo…is it an original – the neighbors our back? What a hoot…well, not that funny when you are on that end of the weather. And I’m complaining about RAIN. As for best dressed…well covered! :O) Keens all the way baby…I went from the Limited and the Gap stores to Gander Mtn, Scheels and REI being my favorites now…how life changes! Hope the skies open soon…next year we can just move to higher ground!


    1. A friend posted that top photo on her facebook and I couldn’t stop laughing. You are so right about “how life changes”. Years ago I used to love to shop and now, not so much. I don’t need or want anything. I don’t think the retail industry will miss me. Hope it dries out for both of us….soon 🙂


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