Coffee with a New Friend

ArizonaI have found one of the most enjoyable aspects of blogging is the connection and interaction with fellow bloggers from around the world.

A few months ago I stumbled across a blog – a blog about a Hobby Farm.  Normally the subject of raising chickens would not be of interest to me, but there was something special about this blog, something special about the blogger that piqued my interest.

Turns out Amy of TBN Ranch grew up in the Chicago suburbs, an area very familiar to me.  As our comments went back and forth, we realized Amy’s little farm was located ten minutes from my son’s home in Phoenix, Arizona and not far from our camp spot just north of the valley.

ArizonaSmall world….”We have to meet for coffee”.  And meet we did.  We spent two hours talking non-stop at a local coffee shop.  Amy and I have little in common, yet we have a lot in common.  We talk about family.  We compare stories on old stomping grounds in Illinois.  Yes, we really do have a lot in common.

Amy is as warm and genuine as I envisioned from her blog.  I had a great time and I hope she did also.

We continue to follow each others blogs and occasionally email.  It was through subsequent emails we discovered other similar interests.  How cool!  Interests that require we get together for another two-hour coffee visit to delve into the subject.Arizona

photographyAlthough our lives are pulled in different directions, I look forward to getting together with Amy again and always look forward to one of her posts – will it be a lovely poem, some interesting photos, or a story about one of her animals?  Poor JoJo lost all her feathers just as winter was approaching.  Will we ever know why?

Meeting a fellow blogger was truly a fun experience.  Hey, Amy I’m ready for coffee whenever you are!

Next week, I meet blogger Mona Liza of The Lowe’s RV Adventures.  Party time at the campground….

15 thoughts on “Coffee with a New Friend

  1. Ingrid, you photos are wonderful! Meeting blogging friends is such a treat! I have only done this once, but it was quite memorable.


  2. Amy and I go back to the days of MySpace! I’ve met a number of bloggers now. When I travel I let folks know and ask if they’d like to meet and do coffee somewhere. I’ve never been disappointed. It’s like you knew them for years when you start talking face to face 🙂


  3. Reblogged this on TBN Ranch and commented:
    Meeting a new friend… for the first time, we had fun! This morning I found this lovely post and wanted to share. Ingrid is the third blogger I’ve met from another part of the country in the last 6 years. Anybody else met a fellow blogger for the first time? Please share! 🙂


  4. I met with a fellow blogger recently while I was in Austin. It was a little surreal and definitely wonderful. Like your experience, she was just as she was on her blog. I’m glad you made that connection!!! Good times!
    Thanks for sharing that!


    1. Isn’t it interesting to connect with folks via internet? Next time I visit my dad, you and I will NEED to meet for coffee (margarita preferable). Well wishes to ya!


  5. Ingrid, if there’s one thing I love best about blogging it’s about connecting with people and making new friends. Sounds like a wonderful time with a new friend:^) This blogosphere isn’t so large after all! We met ML & Steve this morning! Excellent bird photos BTW! -Maureen


    1. No fair….I just sent ML your link last week and you guys have already connected….lol. I never thought I’d have an interest in birding, but I’m heading in that direction. Fun times!


  6. Lucky me to have found such a nice friend! Thank you for all your kind words. I sat down this morning with my coffee and went straight to your blog. I hoped there was a new post, but I didn’t expect this. Thank you 🙂 Coffee sounds great, ready when you are.


    1. My pleasure! We’re off to Lost Dutchman and will be back in Cave Creek in early Feb. Let’s do coffee and talk Real Estate when I return 🙂


    1. You captured Javelina’s and I the Burros….our quests shall continue….lol. Gorgeous day today. Tomorrow we move to Lost Dutchman.


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